WG EU: more backedits

Hello everyone,

by now you probably know about the weekend event fail, when it comes to XP. But wait, it gets even better. WG EU backedited the IS-6 article too.





This means that the weekend event is not simply a classic WG EU weekend fail. It means no missions whatsoever will count towards the IS-6 goal. You know, you could have said that in the first place…

Edit: after checking RU server (which apparently never had the IS-6 mission with mission bonuses in first place), I came to the conclusion that WG EU screwed things up by writing the mission bonuses will count for IS-6 mission purposes and got bitchslapped by WG RU for that, so they had to silently backedit it. Brilliant.

28 thoughts on “WG EU: more backedits

  1. Epic FAIL. I’m normally not into all the WG EU bashing bussiness, but this one deservs it.
    BTW SS/guys – is the IS-6 mission just as bugged on RU server (so no more bonuses from other missions will be counted)?

    • Yes. I also checked and it seems that this is what was actually indended: Russian apparently never had “mission bonuses” included in the IS-6 missions, the screwup of EU was that they DID include the mission bonuses earlier (at least on paper) and realized they shouldn’t have done that, so they backedited everything silently.

      WG EU at their finest.

  2. Ok.Really how is it possible for this people still to have a job at WG? Sorry but how can anyone put up with such mistakes on regular basis and still not fire those incompetent EU team? They are crelatives? Close family friends with boardmembers at WG? I see no logic in keeping them since they make so many mistakes every time …

    • +1.

      SerB, y u no hire SS? And some of the better players from each region? They could do a better job than those bums. Or at least wouldn’t fail as often. SerB, u hear!?


      BTW – (random thought) I wonder if someone from Minsk staff reads ftr (especially comments) just for teh lulz…

      • Actually it would be a lot better to hire keen fan (like SS =) ) They will get paid to do what they like (well most of the time anyway) and wouldn’t be so careless.Should hire people with passion for the game.If not – at least competent ones.Time and time again proves that @ WG EU they are not passionate nor competent…..

    • Sorry friend. No such thing as free lunch. WG really wants you to work for it.

      Sucks I know.

  3. read somewhere on the EU forum a quote of a post by SEA mod tanitha (or sth like that) in which it is explained, that missions can’t influence other missions at game resolution (guess that’s the reason why after the completion of a multiple part mission like 25 kill/7survivals u need to play another random game)

    the ppl who screwed up were:
    -the international marketing guys (always blame marketing ^^) who didn’t know about this constraint and just backedited news
    -the guys responsible for forwarding technical information to them (seems to be that this was knwon to russian marketing guys)

    • And we know siemka language so your picture makes SO much sense!!!! Are you being serious right now?

  4. There are toooooooo many retard noobs on this game and WG gives a shit about them as them gives a shit about rules of WG missions …. so … we … if we are 10 % of good players … are got in the midle of the rest of 90% of players and the WG … STUPIDITY. I am sick of this game. And I am SICK of me because i spend time and money with this game. Soon i will need some PSIHIATRIC lessons to forget this game because if they will continue with this stupidity i will lose my interest on this game.

    • I was also thinking to free exp chinese and start grinding over the weekend.
      Yes chinese.. i didnt even start that boring mix of us/fr/ru tanks…
      fortunately I found out here that it doesnt work… which saved me a lot of rage :D

  5. What’s next? That nothing will end up contributing? WarGaming trying to sneakily make the IS-6 mission harder than it seems

  6. So the double exp for weekend special doesn’t count? lol

    Good thing I didn’t even bother with this. Is this rule EU only or global?