Just in case you didn’t notice, the EU mission for 2x crew XP works normally now, took only half a day to fix :)
RIP Michail Kalashnikov
- Q: “Why is the way radio works in game unrealistic?” A: “Because burning gasoline is not gushing from your screen either”
- the way radios work won’t be changed
- RhB WT rear turret armor is zero – a player was complaining about some low damage hit, SerB: “How terrible”
- the fact Intuition perk can be triggered by switching shell types before the battle begins is fine: “It doesn’t hurt anyone”
- Q: “Why can’t I get more ignore list slots for 100 idiots?” A (SerB): “Tell me, who are those 99 idiots (apart from you of course) you are talking about?”
- the reason Wargaming is using paper sources in some cases instead of simply measuring the tanks in museums is the fact that even the museum vehicles are different from each other, for example two King Tigers measured both had different lower front plate (100mm and 120mm), while nominally, 100mm is correct
- the StuG III in game weight is “correct” (despite being 3 tons lighter than historical StuG III Ausf.G), because the weight is “averaged” from different models
- Ferdinand fuel tanks are not located on the correct spot? “How terrible
- SerB doesn’t know whether the Tiger P model size will change to match the Ferdinand
- Ferdinand side superstructure thickness in game (80mm) is apparently correct, even though some Russian sources (Svirin) state the thickness was 85mm, as the thickness was allegedly different from piece to piece
- equipment (camo net, binoculars etc.) is not graphically modelled in game, because it is difficult to implement and not very important
- Q: “Why isn’t the situation, where non-penetrating shells get stuck in armor modelled in the game?” A: “And you have infinitely powerful PC? I envy you and so do 99,99999999999 percent of players”
- the King Tiger commander’s copula armor is apparently not historical (historically cca 120mm, ingame 150mm), more like a game compromise
- Hetzer engines unhistorical? “How terrible” (SS: in fact, they are quite historical, at least as far as the projects based on 38t go – in order to bring Hetzer to its historical value however, the top 220 (I think?) hp engine would have to be switched for Maybach HL50Z 200hp engine (that was experimented with on Hetzer, according to Czech sources))
- apparently in real life, the US 155mm T7 gun (T30 TD) had only HE shells available
- the fact that some guns do not correspond in penetration to the book values can often be explained by using different types of shells (SS: this actually IS a valid argument, but even so, some guns are artificially buffed (T30′s T7) or nerfed (T-25 A18 – in real life the A18 had 130-140mm penetration))
- according to SerB the 113 tank is fine
- Q: “Why aren’t there some “epic achievements” named after German tankers in the game?” A: “What for, for fucking up WW1 or for fucking up WW2?”
- Chi-To radio weighs 560kg, because it’s “Japanese garbage”
- apparently the camo factor for guns (the amount by which the camo is reduced when the gun fires) is set manually, muzzle brake is taken into account (SS: if a gun has a muzzle brake, it generally demasks more, this is historical due to the distinctive side blast that gave away the gun’s position)
- +/-1 MM spread will not come, SerB states that it would be total garbage, because T-34 couldn’t for example meet the Tiger, Sherman couldn’t meet a Panther etc.
- apparently, 8.10 client can open 8.8 and 8.9 replays, this is connected with the fact that most maps were not changed
- viewrange is a sphere, not a cylinder
- currently there are no tanks in game with 0 thickness spaced armor, all spaced armor has some minimal thickness
- in WoWp, having an open cockpit doesn’t directly influence anything, the reduced speed but better viewrange is already implemented in the plane’s characteristics
- it’s possible that we will see more KV-4 models in game: some will be premium and event tanks and some will appear as optional hulls for KV-4
More KV-4 variants couldn’t hurt, wouldn’t mind some other KV-5 either…
Seriously, a “super-heavy” tank class wouldn’t hurt.
totally agree with you on that, it also means the matchmaker is more simplified as currently E100, Maus are classed as Superheavy tier 11 tanks :L
well seeing as there was only one design proposed for the KV-5……
Apparently, there were no other KV-5′s than the one in the game as opposed to KV-4
“fucking up WW2″
I think it wasn’t their fault.
In 1941 they chose to pick a fight with Europe’s 800 pound gorilla. How the hell isn’t that their own fault?
That was leadership’s fault, not the fault of the tankers – the people being asked about.
The original answer was simply trolling.
Some famous tankers from Germany are real Nazis.
Actually, the more I read about pertinent matter the more am I sure the Russian would have attacked them anyway if Germans pushed peace with Russia. IIRC Stalin even had speach at some Academy, speaking about war with Germans even when (un)officialy they were acting as allies of each another (I think it was mentioned in book “Den M” (“Day M”?) by Viktor Suvorov). It was more of an question who will attack first. Anyway, Germany was destined to be defeated, it was simple math, just look at raw data and numbers, for example mentioned in “Prečo nemci prehrávali vojny” (“Why Gemans lost wars”?) by Kenneth Macksey. Germans were capable to achieve tactical superiority by having bigger numbers on important battlefields while being outnumbered at front overall.
Concerning Germans war with Russians – they had only shot at winning agains them if they attack first, the sooner the better for them. Perhaps if not for delay in Greece or other problems which also delayed invasion, they would have reached Moscow before winter, it was just question of few weeks. Germans knew they had no chance in long term conflict with Russia, whey did calculations of their industrial potential and of Russian, their estimates are given at above mentioned books. Even their most optimistic ones were completely against them. They had one chance, they tried it, it failed. If they waited even more, look at the rate Russian were reinforcing their positions at west and just try to imagine the numbers in another half year of in two years. They would “kill them with hats” as it is said in our language and also take into account that if Russians attacked first, they would have the element of surprise which would multiply their strength (element of surprise does not neccessary mean you have to be surprised that someone attacked you, it just means you were attacked without being ready to retaliate immediately nor that you had full level of awareness). Before Germans would be able to gather all information of the scale of Russian attack, Russians would be already on the “borders” of Germany
It is also possible if russia would have attacked first then most of europe would have fallen under soviet rule including france.
Well, not every german in the military during the second world war was a nazi and gassed jewish people, the same as not every japanese citizen who died during the atomic bombings was a bad person.
Wow, that man (SerB) is a dickface.
How terrible…
Easy now, Schmerz. Don’t be ripping off my name.
I really start to belive that SerB has some kind of hatred towards german soldiers,
They’ve killed his whole family.
Ah, the old “muh ancestors” argument. How can bolsheviks be so butthurt about stuff that happened 70 years ago? And yet SerB claims that Poles are whiny… :)
Well, as you know, history is written by the victors, and along those 70+ years, the public was brainwashed in almost (if not all movies and documentaries) that they were the most evil thing in human history.
But the human kind always forgets about the past empires that were evil too; Nazi Germany was probably one of the most famous,but not the evilest.
Because they’re Bolsheviks and, by definition, retarded idiots.
Is this really the truth?
Not just against German soldiers, but against everything.
SerB had his day obviously :P
“Chi-To radio weighs 560kg, because it’s “Japanese garbage”” – lal
lol the part about the radio’s weight made me giggle.
Nice to see SerB back on form. I was starting to worry about him.
“- Chi-To radio weighs 560kg, because it’s “Japanese garbage”” – also, top JP engines weigh two and a half tonnes, which makes it quite hilarious when e.g. E100′s 1200hp engine weighs 750kg.
Well E-100s engine is anyway unhistorical but these model weights arent accurate anyway.
Yeh, I guess the only reason for the module weights is just for experience grinding, so people need to mount the suspension first. They never give a vaild argument to module weight anyways.
Efficient use of materials I guess.
It’s a tank. We’d make it heavier otherwise it would be a Toyota.
Ok, the german named achievements comment was totally unnecessary. It would be easier if he just said that most of german officers were nazis or something like that. But come on, fucking up WW2? Rommel was a respected officer on the axies and allied sides. And there were others.. same as with the plane ace Eric Hartmann and his BF-109.
Sometimes people deserve to be trolled by SerB, but sometimes, he should seriously think about what he says…
Indeed, SerB is a dick. German tankers were way better than any soviet tanker, but no, since they fought against Mother Russia, in SerB’s view they’re idiots. And the next comment about Japanese garbage shows just how much respect he has for any other nation than his beloved USSR. Too bad he didn’t stay away from forums more.
Erwin Rommel is my favorite from WW2 ._.
I read a book about him, and his ingenious traps that were used on D-Day. Basically, every single mine and trap that was layed down on those beaches were designed by him personaly.
No wonder the Nazi officers had him killed. Even the allies that fought against him know he was an honorable man. Who cares if he was the enemy. He was still a very inteligent person. If he had not been called back to France before D-Day, he might not have been accused of plotting on the Hitler assasination.
Sometimes you have to think….all soldiers really wanted to conquer all those territories ? or they were just following orders from their superiors.
Well, SerB is nothing but a deluded communist, who still believes in outdated enemy stereotypes.
Sad, that such a radical extremist works for WG.
Ahaha What ? Say the Mccarthy avartar bloke that sperges out about communism and putin everytime the kv 1s nerf is delayed .. Sure he is the one believing in stereotypes …
- RhB WT rear turret armor is zero – a player was complaining about some low damage hit, SerB: “How terrible”
Maybe he hit the “back end” of the gun?
Armor viewer says me, that evwn the gun in the turret has no armor!
It technically counts as an external module, thus causing HE shells to detonate prematurely (after which damage is halved and further reduced by 1.3x armour thickness). Of course, given that the breech is *inside* the damn crew compartment, it should be no different from a penetrating hit.
If they squeezed the tiers together and rebalanced the tanks (ton of work) they could do +1/-1 MM. It may make the game more competitive as well. There’s little reason why their couldn’t be 5-6 tiers instead of 10.
If they would do what you just wrote, they would need to remove like 60% of all tanks in game…. Plus, it would be competitive only for unicums and stat whores. For everyone else, it would be boring as hell….
Why would 60% of tanks have to be removed? Subsequent tiers are just upgrades of prior.
Take for example the A-43 and A-44; just re-balance them such so they are same tier where each have strengths and weaknesses. Picking and choosing elements of historicity is getting out of hand in this game.
Lol, you just picked a horrible example. A-43 is front turreted, A-44 is rear turreted. Different suspension, different weights, different hulls…. You cannot simply squize 10 tiered tanks into 6 tiers….
WT squeezed 20 into 5. and it works well.
Oh, you already played it? Now that is good to know… sarcasm off*
Play WT then.
They said before that would kill the game and they are right. WIth +/- 1 mm there would be no incentive to grind better tanks and with +/- 1 for example very good tier 6 would be far more rewarding than mediocre tier 7 thats next in the line. It already works like that on tier with e75 or ST-I. Lets remember that even tho there are some people that play their tanks and do not grind higher tier ones, still the game is all about masses of people grinding better tanks, needing premium to grind faster etc etc
+1 for this
We need +/-2 MM for that reason. Some tanks are still good when they face +1 tier higher. KV-1 still playable in tier 6 battle. KS-1S work well in tier 7, etc… You need to be in bottom of food chain, to know how useless you are in +2 tier battle .And you will think you need a better tank. So you will grind harder, and throw some money to WG.
Plz stop asking about +/-1 MM. It’ll never happen.
I thought Mikhail Kalashnikov died long ago, like in the 90′s.
No…he was still very much active last year and this year.
two King Tigers measured both had different lower front plate (100mm and 120mm), while nominally, 100mm is correct
Let me guess….they decide what is correct? Am i rite?
- Q: “Why aren’t there some “epic achievements” named after German tankers in the game?” A: “What for, for fucking up WW1 or for fucking up WW2?”
So jelly.
Also thx for yet another fail WG. http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/324881-problem-with-updating-tankers/page__st__20#topmost
I have the same problem. They had like 3-4 weekes of testing 8.10 and they still managed to fuck it up. Now i can’t login into the game because my screen is stuck at this: http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/9674/w6ic.jpg
And no, mods are not the cause for this because people with no mods have the same issue….supreme soviet coding skillz
What, WG having bad coding skills? Never. Most glorious coders in all of the land. Get paid in potatoes.
I had the same problem with empty tanks, and it turned out that the problem was in Locastans’s script that dynamically calculates viewrange on the minimap. Removed the 8.10 version of the mod, installed 8.9, and everything is back to normal.
It’s “correct” because that’s what the thickness was supposed to be by techical specs, sometimes plates ended up with differing thicknesses by mistake. That’s apparently why the Panther has an 85mm upper plate ingame- some had that thickness, and the devs decided to use that either because it’s more balanced or because they were mistaken.
Not as informative as the other Q&A’s…
Also, I salute for Mr. Kalashnikhov. Poor guy has a reputation that can put the Satan into an endless shame.
Rest in Peace comrade Kalashnikov *salute*
RIP, but don’t forget that the man designed the most widely used and effective murder weapon.. One thing is sure, he didn’t die a poor man..
That’s not true, Kalashnikov did not receive a penny for his invention.
Do we condemn the baker because he causes obesity? No, it’s the fault of those who use and abuse the creation not the creator.
he did.
I know he is also a Tank Sergeant and the Tank of choice is the T-34/76(Tier 5 Soviet)
- apparently the camo factor for guns (the amount by which the camo is reduced when the gun fires) is set manually, muzzle brake is taken into account (SS: if a gun has a muzzle brake, it generally demasks more, this is historical due to the distinctive side blast that gave away the gun’s position)
What about T29 top gun.
With stock turret it does have muzzle brake, when used on top turret it doesnt. Same gun, looks different depending on the turret used…
Camo loss is a gun parameter. Likely both have the same camo loss value.
The issue with + – 1 MM is quite simple really , like most things in life it is an issue of money . If the tanks in the game are well balanced then only those with skills will constantly win , meritocracy , those with real merit rise to top and those with poor skill will more often then not lose . The game is marketed to a large an audience as possible for the obvious monetary gain . The poor players have to win sometimes in order to remain in the game ( and hopefully buy gold ) so by letting them have a + – 2 tier system WG ensures that even someone with poor skills will get some kills ones in a while ( by virtue of a tank 2 tier higher ) and hopefully continue to play . The + – 2 system also has the advantage ( for WG ) of tricking / luring people into the trap of wanting to get a better / higher tier tank in order to win , hence more grind . Thirdly by having a + – 2 system WG hopes to make people buy gold tanks to compensate for lack of skill or annoying MM . We all know gold tanks get preferential MM “ You don’t want to be killed in one shot by a tank 2 tiers higher ? buy gold tank . “
The official argument with the T 34 / Tiger and M4 / Panther is of course total nonsense . T 34 / 85 can very well get into a fight with a Tiger in a + – 1 system and so can M4 Easy 8 and the Panther . Besides the historical argument is complete nonsense , the game is an arcade not a simulator . They can have tanks that never were and then raise the issue of historical accuracy ?
Some including WG have raised the issue that a + – 1 system would be boring . Well I for one would rather be bored then killed in one shot by a tank 2 tiers higher . Besides we have the option to chose to fight several types of battles already and to disable those we do not like ( ex : Assault ) so why not chose if we want to make our battles more or less exciting ? By all means those of us whom want to fight against higher tiers should have the ability to do so and those of us whom want it “ boring “ should also have the option . As we chose battle types we should get to chose MM type .
It’s all about the money . It’s unfortunate because the game is fun .
I was going to rage about SerBs idiotic response, but you have firmly hit the nail on the head here.
I HATE the matchmaking in this game, and yes I am one of the tinfoil hatters that KNOWS the matchmaking is rigged. Currently loving the nerf cycle I’m stuck in, which means nearly every game I get put in I’m bottom tier with tomatoes. Last night, I think I had 2 games in 14 with a better than 50% chance to win. most 30-40%…. Yep really fun game.
At least with +/- 1 tier MM, I would stand a chance of influencing the game, but playing something like a Type 58 in a tier 8 game… “that one bounced…” is like a freakin stuck record…
Hmm, I think your tin foiled hat made your brain a bit on the liquiedy state….
Why make an argument when you can just make a personal attack ? Right . Everything he said is verifiable and true .
conspiracy theorists are ALWAYS in a “nerf cycle”.
Yep, doesn’t exist.
My win rate was a bit above the normal (58-60% W/R last 1000 or so battles) this week, and last night even though I had 2700 eff, 1900+ WN8, 1250 average damage in mostly tier 6 tanks I had a 30% W/R.
Nope, no such thing, Just need to carry harder eh? ;-)
tier 58 can’t hit a tier 8?how terrible… go t-34-1 and problem solve! “but grind to hard”? buy a Premium vehicle, grind exp and use money to convert to free exp. Or purchase 1 or 2 months premium. LoL you look like some one play a F2P game , don’t put money to it but always want to equal to people who put real money to the game. Welcome to real life bro. This is the way the earth rounding
So lets see of i got this right . He was pointing out that the game is unfair and designed to sucker you into buying crap , and you point out that he is not paying enough money to deserve to win ? So you believe that those whom deserve to win are those whom pay WG the most ? Sir by all means pay them all you like .
Getting a higher tier tank solves nothing like i pointed out in my initial post , it just moves the problem another tier , you still get + 2 .
As for the ” welcome to the real life bro ” don’t worry we are already there . Why pay WG money for a make belief model tank when one can use the same money to pay for his internet subscription and just go to Pirate Bay and download 20 wonderful games and have fun ? Real life bro , real life .
WoT = Free to Lose , Pay to Win . You’re own words sir , you said .
And I guess you need to learn to play .
Sure , i hope i will improve . None the less skill or lack of skill has nothing to do with the things i pointed out .
Why come up with an argument when you can just call : ” noob ” . ? :)
Like i said before , its all about the money .
You know you can use that type 58 to scout, right? Also, I tend to punch throguh to the sides and the rears of most T8 tanks without too much trouble. I got a lot of practice, because the MM is determined to throw me into T8 games most of the time. (I actually prefer that over the occasional T6 MM with total and utter idiots.)
I completely agree with that.
Of all people Serb should know that during the course of thousand battles you will meet more than 100 or 99 spammers. Tiresome indifference.
Someone please tell SerB that after he goes to the beach, he has to remove the sand from his vagina.
I guess SerB found out he’s getting a lump of coal for Christmas.
Rest in Peace Comrade Kalashnikov.
I know you will, because in hundreds of years later, your rifles will still be WORKING AS INTENDED™.
For causing AR-15 fanboys decades of butthurt, I salute you.
I’d like to give a jam out to every AR15 owner… huehuehue
Also Comrade Kalashnikov lived much longer than Eugene Stoner.
I think the equipment would look awesome, especially camo nets, and they are just too fucking lazy.
Object 140′s height was increased, and camo was nerfed.
- +/-1 MM spread will not come, SerB states that it would be total garbage, because T-34 couldn’t for example meet the Tiger, Sherman couldn’t meet a Panther etc.
They will in Historical mode, In arcade the most important thing is the fun factor.
Fuck you SerB!
- the reason Wargaming is using paper sources in some cases instead of simply measuring the tanks in museums is the fact that even the museum vehicles are different from each other, for example two King Tigers measured both had different lower front plate (100mm and 120mm), while nominally, 100mm is correct
Actually they could make is as optional hull for Tiger 2. You get more armored hull but lose some max speed including acceleration due your tank being bit heavier.
- it’s possible that we will see more KV-4 models in game: some will be premium and event tanks and some will appear as optional hulls for KV-4
Mikhailov’s proposal please.
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