A Christmas Gift for Silentstalker

Hello everyone,

just to let you know, I got banned for 30 days on forums on my Erenjager account, so I will continue to discuss stuff on forums using some other alt, or simply won’t. What is weird is the reason I recieved it for:


Basically, I said (regarding the WGNY2014): “Hmm, do you have warplanes? If yes and it gives something for WoWp, lots of players will be pissed off :)” – apparenty, “pissed off” is a terrible vulgar word worthy of 30 days of chatban.

And yes, I am sure there is one rule or another for this to be “legal”, I just think it is weird. It’s not a language thing either (the banning mod, Idahou, is Czech). However, it is not surprising that Idahou is the last of the “friends of Wargaming” from over a year ago…

How terrible :)

42 thoughts on “A Christmas Gift for Silentstalker

    • Nope, even Mr.Kubrick doesn’t have slightest problem with Idahou. I know cause I tried. I got warned, my post were deleted and I couldn’t get on the forum as well, because Idahou is a piece of flawless egoistical idiot who needs to masturbate his ego this way and he always has suppost of his czech colleagues.

  1. Mods pull this shit out of their asses, and you can’t rly argue or report their incompetence (unless you want longer ban). Almost like a mob, or catholic church…

  2. You could actually try and send appeal msg to Mr_Kubrick. From personal experience, he’s pretty just(and he’s not really a member of WG EU)

    • Bullshit. I sent an appeal to him once, I was waiting for his reply for 2 weeks, then I sent a message to iScending and only then I got an answer from Kubrick, who basically just gave a generic “this is how we work” reply.

      • Mr Kubrick?

        Its really like talking to a brick – same result. I can confirm EmperorSafirius experience. The same more or less happend to me. That guy is just office deko in Paris.

        • Agreed. I waited TWO months for hit to reply. Then I asked someone else and then I asked Ectar who is sitting right next to him in the office and then I finally got things moving. I don’t thing Mr_Kubrick even exists anymore :P

  3. so they banned you for 30 day’s just cuz you said pissed off or cuz you mentioned WoWP in the same sentince :P

    i wish you all a merry christmas

    • Link probably doesn’t work, but search in all the forum for keywords: pissed off. See how many results you get. Yeah, exactly, shitload.

  4. wg mods are really dumb to ban someone whos doing alot more for players than all forum staff combined to gether

  5. You know, I don’t know Czech but in Polish “nasranych” sounds kinda vulgar :). I am not sure if “pissed off” is equally vulgar in English.

    But oh well, I got warned once for using a word “faggot” (and I didn’t direct it to anyone, I was speaking in general).

  6. BULLSHIT! 1 point is never worth 30 days ban… 2 points is worth 30 day ban and that is given for only serious rule violation.

    I said “shit” several times and it got only edited… NO point given btw.

    • Double standards at it’s finest….if they don’t like you you will get a warning even for somethins as harmless as pissed off and if you aren’t their priority your “bad” word will just be edited w/o warning.

  7. Pff…I’m swearing a shitload of times on the forum and everything I got were 3 warning points…all 3 for supporting illegal deeds in game(such as team-killing/pushing stuff)…none for vulgar talking.
    Seems they just got something against you, especially your own country moderators…

      • Well done!

        How about you organize a mod (team)killing contest here on FTR, to start the new year in proper fashion with some gold rewards?!

    • peed off is probably better translation, but honestly “nasraný” doesn’t seem to be a bother to me :) because our czech forum rules are… well, bad – “vulgární” means “sprostý” as well as “obyčejný, všední”, so in my opinion
      a) Silent was banned unjustly,
      b) Silent was banned because Idahou got bad or no gifts this year. No wonder, no one likes Idahou in real life, he’s a total idiot without friends, so… this is a job for him “jako dělaná” :)

  8. Once again, WG EU staff shows their intelligence level… This looks more like a personal grudge than a punishment for “breaking” forum rules.

  9. fuck them, fuck them fuck them.

    you should really think about starting to look at alternative, there are other games in town, for example WarThunder released 2 interesting articles about Tanks Damage model, i would like you to comment on that and much more as each day they release more info bout tanks.

  10. I got warning points for a picture of a grumpy cat. Apparently i was “trolling” in a topic for newbies. Not a single bad word in my post just a pic of that crazy cat and BAM, warning. I am banned permanently for a long time now and never bothered to make an alt account just so i can use forum and never appealed to Mr_Cubrick about possible unban because i don’t give a flying fuck about their forum and corrupted dictatorship mods. I just know that i helped more people on forum with their problems and questions than any of those cocksucking moderators. Well how can you expect help from those retards when 99% of them suck at the game and only thing they are good at is issuing out warnings and bans.

  11. Guys calm the fuck down…..

    idahou IS a hair-trigger banmod. I once got chatbanned for a day for saying “bloody” when he’s around. So yeah i think we should make SS mod to replace him xp

  12. Well, since the warning points got implemented it’s just a matter of time before one gets permabanned. That and rampant mods… Yeah. I wonder if there are any “mod guidelines”, but I bet there aren’t any. And wg eu office doesn’t give a shit about moderating quality.

    SerB, why y u no drop tzar bomb on the Paris office??

    Too bad my russian is piss poor, if it was better I really would write to SerB about how the eu office sucks +a long list of fails +some ideas on how to improve (the mentioned above tzar bomb, purge, sending a political officer that would start a terror campaign, sending randomly picked eu office members to Siberia, etc). And a big “THAT’S REALLY TERRIBLE!” at the end of my message.

    • I am sure we got a few Russian speaking readers who would be happy to translate for you.

      Anyways, SS, it never hurts to send an appeal + complaint about this guy. It may not help either, but I am fairly certain that if reports stack up, someday, somebody is going to get his ass booted.

  13. Hmm I dont understand.
    I said “SerB is a horescock and they will loose many players because of the way they treat their customers.
    There’s water boiling for every swine…”
    And I received only 3 days ban.