T95E6 – more pictures

Source: wot-news.com

Hello everyone,

here are a few more pictures of the T95E6 that got leaked yesterday. According to Storm, however, this tank will NOT be a regular unlockable vehicle, it’s a “special” tank (as in, a reward tank, possibly for CW)




103 thoughts on “T95E6 – more pictures

      • Yeah like you clannies need another tank you will whine about and sell because its not Exactly the way you want it to play. Like the M^0 babies. I feel so bad for them boo hoo. You guys should get special decals and camo and paints per campaign not tanks.

        • You sound mad. Are you mad? Have you tried not being awful? Plenty of people who aren’t super good got the VK72.01 (K); maybe if you spent more time improving and less time bitching, you too could own this new rewards tank.

          • Bullshit all the spots are taken by the damn elitist clans and you and I know regular chum like myself will never be able to get one never.

            • it always amuses me that very good players(that tend to gravitate together naturally) are called “elitists”… so if by “elitist clans” you mean clans that are DAMN GOOD, produce CONSISTENT RESULTS and have a very high ratio of ACTIVE PLAYERS all of which are VERY RELIABLE and that thanks to that they can back ANY boasting and elitism they wish to dish…. then yeahp, i’d rather be the most elititst of the elite anyday than a whiny chum

              • You are elitist. never or should I say rarely do you cowards brave the regular levels of play. You group together and club seals and laugh like you did some awesome challenge but in fact all you really did is kill something helpless to defend itself. As soon as you get killed or your team starts losing you rage about fail teams and the pubs suck and you cant carry the whole fail team yadda yadda yadda. basically you act like spoiled little boys that don’t get your way. Why should we respect that? Grow up show some class and teamwork maybe you would earn my respect until then you are just baby bullies pretending to matter.

                • Today I learned that tiers 8, 9 and 10, where most of the unica hang out, are not “regular levels of play” and are actually full of seals. :themoreyouknow.jpg:

          • Suriusly, all you had to do was basically spam battles for vk, but asking you to read the rules is probably way too much right??

            And tankcodes

  1. Hmm unless they will make another T95 medium tank, this will cause some horrible rage with the players who play USA tanks…

    What about that russian tier 10 medium that was leaked and on the supertest too? The Object something something.

      • SS, is there a chance that WG will introduce some X tier US medium tank with autoloader, or any other nation? I would like to get one in the future and Batchat is to common ;)

        • There is the T77 for the US, which is an M48 hull with a T57HT’s turret and gun. But given that it wouldn’t have its own branch and is too similar to the T54E1 and T57, I doubt they would introduce it. All of their other autoloaders are light tanks I think.

        • It’s unlikely, the French style revolver design wasn’t an overly popular system, it was fairly unreliable, especially with the larger caliber shells so it was featured on very few tanks and was more a strange curiosity in tank design, it was also only experimented on by NATO, the Russian system of automatic loading is vastly different and in practical real world terms better so it’s unlikely any WARSAW style ‘autoloader’ will be what you want.

          I wouldn’t expect to see many more high tier French style autoloaders, there are some projects for mid tiers with the autoloaders, one being a Sherman with an AMX 13 turret that the Israelis used but as for T10 I really can’t think of any more off the top of my head.

          • The T54 should have been a T10 med with the 57 the heavy that split off. 54 was going to try a 105mm smoothebore and that would have had 285+ Pen ingame.

            Also ruski wasnt an autloader really but a power assist loader right?

            • First off, no smoothbores, this has been talked over and confirmed by WarGaming as never happening, otherwise we’d see the T-62, T-64 and T-72 with the 115mm and 125mm smoothbores in game, WarGaming doesn’t want that happening because they’d be pretty OP.

              And no, the carousel is a fully automated loading system; it eliminates the loader’s position entirely. I’m referring to the autoloader that debuted on the T-64A in general service but the soviets did have a lot of assisted loading devices, but then again so did everyone.

              • No this 105mm Smoothebore was made in 54….Sorry but that is way differant than the 125mm or even the 115mm.

                I know they said no SB`s but they also said tank cutoff was 58 way back when.

                Without a M60, the US line is fighting tanks from 62 in tanks made in 48 with only a gun change.

                At least T95 with SB would be very similiar to a T10 gun now, and even though made in the 50`s would keep up with 60`s rus tanks.

                Also with the T64 only putting out 6.5 RPM when it first came out and only 8 RPM now it doesnt come close to what we see in cassette type autoloaders in game TBH. Hell the new M1`s autoloader design is 12 RPM which is usually faster than guys can aquire target.

    • Some long time ago, there was, in famous icon leak, a T95E2 that had M48Patton turret. My money goes on this one to be true tier X Med.

      • I’d say that’s pretty likely, and would likely play better, the 105 L7/M68 gun is pretty good anyway and I doubt the likely loss of accuracy, pen and likely RoF for the 120mm is really worth it for a medium. As nice as it would be to have more than like, what 4 gun options the T10 mediums have, I doubt the T110E5′s 120mm would be the best fit.

        But the L7 is getting kind of boring.

            • Nope wrong, that was originally planned. When they redesignated 3 years later numbers changed…Hell they didnt evewn have a E7 or E8 in the first chart you are thinking of. Also 90mm M41 was decided never to be used with anything bigger than Scouts, they were looking to upgrade firepower not downgrade or stay the same, T95 was going to beat the T54 and so when they saw the same gun as the M48 they wanted it changed. Eitherway 105mm was not the L7

  2. Why release it as *fucking* reward tank?
    I love this game but I can not play 7/24 to be part of a
    *good* clan. In fact I prefeer to play alone. So no T95 for me.
    All (most) of WG screwups are ok with me but this one is just
    How Terrible.

    • It’s actually a good feature IRL, it allows the commander access to his machinegun and the reloading thereof without having to worry about a rifleman blowing his head off.

  3. Sooo, lemme get this straight….

    The Ivans get 3 separate copy paste tier 10 medium tanks.
    But the Yanks dont even get a second one, because its going to be ‘special’ ?

    • Yeah, because this is the last version of the game, its not like they wont introduce another 100 tanks, lets start whining in advance…

    • Yep both our M60 and T95 are “Special”

      So the USSR gets a tank made in 62×3 and we get a tank made in 48.

      In reality we should get our M60a1 and a T95e5 with Glass Armor since both were made to counter T54`s

      • Technically the M48 in game is not the M48A1 but the M48A5 as the M48A5 was the first M48 to mount the M68 gun, which first entered service in the 1970′s.

        • Chassis and armor and equiptment is still from 1948. Just because a turret change doesnt make it a new tank, they only did this to save money. The M60a1 was out by then and a much differant tank, so you cant say a Bteam tank from 1970 that was upgunned is a 70`s tank..Thats retarded.

          Thats like saying the Chaffee was a Vietnam tank because it got a 76mm….Sorry that was 40`s tech with a bigger gun.

    • If you are one of the elite clan members, I will have you know I would kill for the reward tanks. You get all you want, shittonnes of gold per month, you win clan campaigns and all that, therefore you are the only one getting the reward tanks. When WG announced “all clans can participate” it seemed interesting, but of course no lower or medium tier clans could get even close to winning anything. They should remake those competitions to give everyone equal chances of wining.
      I propose they rank the clans by the ammount of provinces they have and make competitions in those pools. So the smaller one-province clans can compete with eachother and the big boys can go slaughter eachother. Whoever wins in a certain category gets reward tanks.

    • American tanks are very large, it’s one of the their problems in reality, they lack stealth compared to contemporaries due to their overly large size.

      • Wrong this tank was small. Same size as T54, also M48 bodied tanks were big because they were actually heavies in ww2 based off Pershings. Look at how light the Sherman was, it was a medium and T29`s were super heavies.

        T110e5 was only 48 Ton`s as a heavy, T95E5 was only 40 Tons.

          • Lol you are using WOT as a reference….OMG I dont know what to say.

            It did mention weight actually, In Chrystlers logs it mentioned the extra wheel and armor would weight in at another 8 tons.

        • Never mentioned weight, just general size (which American tanks tend to be overly large, especially in height), and with this T95 there’s nothing really to scale it against but if it has gun depression it has to be taller than the T-54 to allow the gun’s breech the space needed to elevate and depress within the turret.

          • Nope wrong it doesnt have to be taller. You are assuming the guns are mounted at exact same heights. Also you are assuming the mounting is both using same type bushings. And you are assuming the breech blocks where the same throw and assuming the T95`s wasnt shaved at an angle like the Leo `s was. There is way more than raw height to decide depression.

            The US tanks used a rolling back telescoping style in the T95 which means it rocked more to the rear than tanks before it. The Ruski later tanks used same thing but better and while very short still had better depression. The T95`s gun was better angled and had a shaved block like the Leo did although never proven in combat.

            Also the T54 is very short, but look how short the Leopard 1 is, and it has 9 degrees. How do you explain that? Thats right different mounting and gun, both were 2.4 meters to the inside of roof.

  4. Goddamn, can’t those incompetent russians forget about that huge commander cupola?
    Just look at the second picture! It’s almost as big as the turret itself!

  5. Stupid WG….finally when I get excited about a tank that doesn’t have a 105 clone gun WG makes it a goddamn CW reward -_-

  6. I don’t usually cry over this kind of stuff, but if this means there isn’t going to be a second American medium branch then that is pretty lame. I don’t mind reward tanks for clan wars and such, but at least with the previous iteration the reward tanks weren’t all that different from there non-reward counterparts. If the medium tree is still coming then it should be released before this tank is rewarded.

    • but if this means there isn’t going to be a second American medium branch

      There were like 7 or 8 T95 versions, at least 4 suitable for tier 10.

      • The problem is most of them are out of the scope of this game and the t95 e2 will probably be the tier 9.

        • E2 at tier 9? I don’t think so as this one only has a 90mm gun:
          There’s also the T54E2 around, the ingame model was leaked some time ago:
          So WG can easily model the T95E3 which has the T54E2 turret and a 105mm gun (I suppose as the gun is unnamed it is something similar to the current T54E1 and M46 Patton guns).

          For tier 10 the T95E5 and E7 are the best candidates as they carry the powerful 105mm L7 gun. But as the E5 has a Patton turret the E7 would be the better variant.
          The L7 would even be better for a medium as it has better accuracy and higher rate of fire than the 120mm gun.

              • The E5 was planned before the L7…..Please explain how they could have a gun made after the tank was made?

                T254 was a project that lead to the M68 not the m68. The case was different and 2 guns were part of this project and the one in the test phase would have been the Smoothbore. Only until later did it become what it was.

                We were trying to redesign our 105mm`s and we stole brit tech but in the end we used 50% of the L7 so it was easier to just buy it and get a proven weapon. Jr Sleepers book explains it .

  7. Yeah another clan wars tank that I will never get my hands on them too bad I don’t have skill either way at least their are some better tanks that I can research

  8. Till now VK is the best tier X unique tank – cool armor, nice canon, heavy (i love to ram) and quite fast.
    M60 is also good for me, but armor sometimes is paper like, sometimes is quite effective. And that huge weakspot on the top of turret.
    That T95E6 looks similar. So i suppose there will be well armored hull and turret, but there will be huge weakspot on the top and on the right side (that ‘ear’ looking like thing).

  9. The T95E6 looks beautiful, of course it will be a lame reward tank.

    The one with the Fatton turret…ickh.

  10. Why? Can’t they make that Pile of Crap the FV215b a reward tank and give us the Chieftain. That way those Elite players really get a Tank fit for purpose!

  11. I can’t believe people actually complain about CW reward tanks. If you want one, GET GOOD, JOIN A GOOD CLAN, AND PLAY CW BATTLES. You aren’t going to win one for nothing, idiots.