WG Stream QA

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/2905500.html

Hello everyone,

Russians had today a stream with some community members and leadership, including Evilly and some developers. Here is the info, as summed up by Maiorboltach (RU server).

- exclusive tanks will go primarily to clans. Random battle players will get exclusive tanks via missions similiar to the current IS-6 one (eg. heavy grind)
- IS-6 won’t get a penetration buff
- unification of two accounts won’t be implemented
- next patch will not be 9.0, but 8.11 – it will contain UI features, such as disabling the chat
- historical battles: the battle of Prokhorovka and the battles around Lake Balaton are planned (in the first wave). There will be the respawn mechanism and there will be non-equal balance (for example one team has 7 tanks and the other has 30). At first, there will be the same maps as there are currently in game, but eventually there will be maps made exclusively for historical battles
- when logging on the test server, you won’t have all premium tanks at your disposal in your garage, you’ll have to buy them like it was until now
- garage battles will be in WoWp
- it’s possible garage battles as a separate game mode will appear in WoT
- T-44-85 will come in 8.11
- newbies have a special MM now: for 20 first battles, newbies play only with other newbies (SS: eg. not sealclubbers)
- there will most likely be new premium tier 8 tanks
- small machineguns will not shoot in the game
- T95 will not recieve a speed buff
- Chaffee branch prolongement won’t be in the next patch
- Italian branch will not be a separate tree, it will be a part of the EU tree
- there will be a new game mode for clans in 2014
- there will be a possibility to choose map in “clan battles” (??? probably meant Team battles) soon
- there will not be a separate server for noobs
- very soon there will be a WoT Blitz stream
- Mac OS WoT client is being worked on, it will be available soon, currently it’s being tested internally
- T95E6 will be a reward for Clans with 90 percent probability
- WG is experimenting with night battles, currently, there is a new system of spotting and visibility being tested internally
- WoT XboX will be released in the beginning of 2014

89 thoughts on “WG Stream QA

          • Sounds just like artillery, and we’re doing just fine with that in WoT eh?
            Also, the tanks are hard as fuck to see when you’re flying a plane, so it’s even less worse than arty I’d say.

          • You have to “manually” spot the tanks flying a plane, no big red “TENK BOMB HERE” signs over them, and there will be tank only game modes IIRC.

            But srsly, they’ve been talking about havoc for over a year now, quite pathetic idd.

            Only way to get me to play WOT is by specials like 5x, I also play a bit of WT but its just for fun and I dont need any cheesy discounts and bonuses to get me to play. Kinda says allot about both games imo, WT (planes) doesnt cost me any nerves to play thats more or less why.

  1. “- next patch will not be 9.0, but 8.11 – it will contain UI features, such as disabling the chat”

    And when will this come out? Will the 0.9.0 with HD models come out in mid/late January as it was promised?

  2. How about they release the UI stuff in 0.9.0 and I wait for longer. I hate to mess around with mods every time a new patch comes. -.-

  3. - T95E6 will be a reward for Clans with 90 percent probability

    Damn, and I thought it was gonna be at the end of Chaffee’s extended branch…

  4. Are they ever going to add modifiers to crew? You know when you click on a crew and it has a “-not available with major qualification”

  5. “- next patch will not be 9.0, but 8.11 – it will contain UI features, such as disabling the chat”

    Disabling the chat, amazing. It’s a fuckin team-based game, at least it is supposed to be. The cooperation between team members is already at the lowest. Solution? Killing the chat. Amazing.

    They guys are fuckin retards at WG.

    • Yes i agree about that, That’s the most retarded thing WG has done after implementing arties. You won’t even be able to say thank you or sorry to players that have disabled their chat.

      • If I recall right, one of the previous Q/As had something along the lines of “disabling chat will only disable PLAYER chat; menu chat commands, map pings and clan chat will still go through”.

        It’s a feature to disable the whining of morons who die in the first 30 seconds because they’ve done , along with adding new commands to the menu (which WG expressed interest in doing quite a time back) there should be little impact on team performance. It might even help, what with less distraction.

        • waaaait isnt that already in the game/??
          you put a certain player who is breaking your nerves with spamming and random shit just by adding him into the ignore list
          WG Logic……

          • You can only do it every five seconds, which you might not have when you’re under fire and there are a bunch of mouth-breathers hanging around. Also, the list of ignore is limited, and some people, like yours truly, have filled it already.

      • Because people use the chat, ever. Riiiight.

        The Hall of Shame posts should show that 99% of the player base has nothing good to say.

    • Actually I use a mod for chat disabling for some time and I can say that my communication with the team got much better.

  6. people whine about patches being only about new tanks, now we will have a patch with no new tanks, no HD, no multicore support, no optimization, no tanks balances (probably)… man the forums are going to rage :D

  7. “- next patch will not be 9.0, but 8.11 – it will contain UI features, such as disabling the chat”

    Well that sure sounds like a boring patch. Can we just skip the testing and go ahead and implement this one so that we can get on to 9.0, please?

  8. ” – IS-6 won’t get a penetration buff”

    The stock Object 416 gets the iD10T, a 175 pen/250dmg gun. The description I would give the 416 is “mid-range sniper”; it’s at ranges where it won’t always have that 175 pen. It does alright with a sprinkling of gold ammo here and there and some luck with the RNG.

    The IS-6 is a closeish-range heavy. It’ll almost always have that 175 pen, and at those ranges can somewhat consistently nail weak spots. Oh, and it also has gold ammo that it can use if needed.

    IS-6 drivers need to quit their whining and learn to play the game.

    “- newbies have a special MM now: for 20 first battles, newbies play only with other newbies (SS: eg. not sealclubbers)”

    “And as for the rest of you who still want your random-match teams to be at least somewhat fair and balanced as far as skill is concerned: as always, go fuck yourselves.”

    Still, I suppose putting a tiny dent in the amount of seal-clubbing going on is a step in the right direction.

      • I’m one and totally agree with you. We are fine with 167 pen, why they whine about their 175 pen gun?

        • Oh right, it uses what’s basically the T-150′s gun, eh. Poor, poor KV-5.

          On top of that the IS-6 is faster, is covered in sloped armor that doesn’t have massive obvious weak spots, and is much more low-profile.

          Dunno why people think they should be able to have everything, when they already have plenty. For a premium tank, it’s already very strong, giving it a better gun would raise it to the level of an elited credit tank.

          • both tanks are balanced nicely, but imo the IS-6 needs a buff to be considered as good as KV-5 (which is quite good for a tier 8 premium anyway while IS-6 is just fine for a tier 8 premium).

            KV-5′s pros over IS-6:
            230 more health points
            5km/h more top speed (better downhill speed)
            0.06/0.1/0.56 better terrain resistance
            nearly double total weight (much stronger ramming)
            much thicker armor all around (can bounce even the BL-10 without angling?)
            2mm more gold ammo pen
            250 more damage points per minute (gets even higher with reload time reducing equipment, etc)
            0.02m less min aim circle (accuracy)
            0.54sec faster aim time
            good gun stabilization (can fire on the move with precision)
            double ammo capacity
            very cheap standard ammo
            2 more crew members (faster crew training)

            IS-6′s pros over KV-5:
            1.61 more power/weight (better uphill speed)
            3km/h more reverse speed
            2.75 d/s more turret traverse speed
            better camo
            8mm more standard ammo pen
            90 more damage points per shot
            stronger HE

            so -
            KV-5′s better terrain resistance lets it move nearly as fast as IS-6, and possibly faster when on soft terrain.
            IS-6′s lack of weak-spot gives it an edge, but only against low pen guns (200+ pen guns can easily go through unless hit at an angle).
            IS-6′s all-out worse gun handling + less damage/minute makes it very hard to do damage even with the damage per shot.
            KV-5′s box shape lets it angle to increase armor effectiveness while angling with IS-6 doesn’t help much.
            KV-5′s very good rear armor allows it to hide its biggest weakspot.

    • If they want a pen buff so bad, I say give it to them. And then take away preferential matchmaking. They can suffer like the T34/Lowe drivers do.

  9. I’m pretty sure previous Q&As have named the T95E6 as the tier 10 for the next american medium branch. So confused that it’s now a reward tank

  10. I don’t want chat to be disabled, I want an option to disable the chat for players who have already been killed as I find them the most troublesome. Idiots forever shouting noob and idiot, and pinging the map every 2 seconds!!

    • There’s the occasional gem with helpful advise, though.
      [OK I got it twice or trice in 2.5k battles but heck ;)] Also I kinda feel the whining has calmed a little in the past weeks, though it might related to me being online virtually exclusively past 2300H nowadays ;)

  11. T95E6 will be a reward for Clans with 90 percent probability Yeah fuck you WG lets give a Med with 120 the ONLY to the good players only I hate that shit and I hope all who made this a reward tank die

  12. “Italian branch will not be a separate tree, it will be a part of the EU tree”

    Well. That’s more like it. I was right not to believe it when your sources said it will be a separate branch :P

  13. - newbies have a special MM now: for 20 first battles, newbies play only with other newbies (SS: eg. not sealclubbers)

    actually its rather easy to trick then – make new account and since you get 100% crews you wont have hard problem to pawn newbies.

  14. actually the ability to fire machine guns would be really useful, since with the awful optimization in WoT machine guns can cause huge frame drops, just imagine having a platoon of 3 firing their machine guns simultaneously to destroy the framerates of anyone with a weak computer

    • You can’t carry around a foot thick slab of armor (1/2′ on the sides), two pairs of tracks, and a massive cannon with a bore size that’s roughly the width of your head, and expect to gofast. Not on the godawful piss-poor engine that was planned for it, anyway.

      It’s also a balance thing. The T95 has the thickest hull armor in the game, and one of the biggest guns. You can’t have it all, there has to be a downside; in this case, speed and maneuverability.

      • aaaand this is bullshit:
        T30 has the same gun, yet can run around the T95.
        tortoise has the same or more armor(and taller even), yet it goes like a demon.
        JPE reaches high 20′s and it’s tall as a building(and long as one to boot) and has a comparable gun.
        F155: better gun, insane unpenetrable frontal armor all over the place, turns like a ballet dancer and flies like the roadrunner(where are the cons there i do wonder… like the rest of the WOT community as well).

        thickest hull armor goes for E100 and E3, not T95, T95 can be penned in the front armor from a T10 TD, with gold shells you can even pen the mantlet with ease (E100 cannot be pen in the UFP with gold, E3 it’s a bitch to pen)

        • The T30 has comparatively shoddy hull armor and a slower reload, worse aim time, less accuracy.
          The Tortoise’s armor is easily defeated by anyone who knows where to shoot it (hint: the massive SHOOTME cupola on top is a good place to start, and the entire right side of the casemate is weaker), and is thinner all around to being with. It is comparatively faster though, I’ll give you that. Accelerates quite well for its size if I recall right. Key difference for mobility between it and the T95 is that it doesn’t have a garbage engine and is slightly lighter (smaller gun, thinner armor).
          The JPzE100 is tier 10 :v (and has a big ol’ lower plate)
          The F155 is also tier 10, and is overpowered (combination of ridiculous armor, tiny bouncy weak spots, good maneuverability, medium-tank acceleration and high speed, massive high-penetration burst damage). Not exactly something to compare to when trying to determine what’s balanced.

          The E100′s upper plate is thicker only because of its slope, the E3′s is as thick only in a very small strip on the “beak”, but granted it is as thick. Both have big ol’ easy-to-shoot lower plates though, while the T95 doesn’t, so…?

          If you bring HEAT into the scene, the E3 can also be penned straight through its mantle, and the E100 through its turret face, so who really cares about their upper plates when there’re far more accessible parts to shoot? The T95 gets into tier 9 games where’s it’s less likely to deal with scrubs throwing loads of pure HEAT around; its armor is stronger by virtue of dealing with less powerful guns half the time.

          Above all, every other tank destroyer you brought up can be penned fairly easily by the T95 (provided it doesn’t shoot their rather obvious strongest armor sections), while – as long as they miss its cupolas and aren’t below to shoot its tiny lower plate – it can pretty much ignore them and most other things firing AP and tier X medium APCR. The FV215b 183 is about the only thing that really threatens it with credit ammo, and even then it has to hit the small area around the mantle with its derpy 0.4 accuracy.

          THAT is why it’s so slow and unmaneuverable. A fast T95 would be overpowered, especially at tier 9.

    • Even wikipedia says It’s top speed is 13km/h. So it is already historical. Deal with it. (:

      • The T95 was found to go 20kph during tests while the Maus was designed for 20 but only managed 13.

        • Do you have a source for this that you could share? I’m having trouble believing that ~86 tons driven by the equivalent of a large pickup truck engine could reach 20kph unassisted. Just by themselves, the transmission ratios needed to get and keep it moving would be quite limiting to its top speed…

  15. Give me night maps *demand* :D
    No seriously, giiiiiiiiiveeeee *insane*

    And i’m glad to hear there are spotting tests in the work :3

  16. SS: What is the latest info regarding the T-44-85 now that we will finally see it in the real deal. Is the last update-post you put here still valid or has they changed anything during the way as far as you know??

  17. Of course I have to join some clan that can only hold me back in order to get an exclusive tanks.

    Ive been in some very highly regarded clans and all they did was fuck up the entire time. Do I really have to join a bunch of sealclubbers and statpadders who are crap in any *real* fight again?

  18. I’d sacrifice my brother to be able to disable Erlenberg and Karelia…

    8.10 is up, I’ve grinded till tier 6 japanese, completed 2 nations in IS6 mission and I have NOT seen the new map yet.
    Yet, getting Erlenberg 3 times in a row is pretty usual.

  19. Well it may be deserved for the clan wars playing guys to get rewards but I think its kinda odd that old or better long playing tankers are not rewarded. Sure they need to need to make it attractive to play CWs and other stuff that is related to, but I still would like to see rewards for players that playing for a long time scale.

    Beside that I am really waiting for the historical battles!!!

  20. SS, any chance you could find out more about the Mac OS client wether there will be some public testing or where you can apply for it ? I’d love to contribute on that field

  21. - there will be a new game mode for clans in 2014
    - there will be a possibility to choose map in “clan battles” (??? probably meant Team battles) soon

    Are they talking about the new game mode for clans? possibly to be called clan battles?