More copyrighted stuff from Wargaming used by 3rd party

Hello everyone,

after Wargaming discovering a Japanese hobby kit company uses the Failowe model for their kits, they weren’t happy. However, this is not the only case. Check this out (this was submitted by Vladimir_Lemon). Mobile game Tank War 2013 for Android uses the following picture as its logo:


Looks familiar? Let me give you a hint:


It is clear that World of Tanks is a very popular concept and various copycats are trying to use this to their advantage. I am sure black helicopters were already dispatched Wargaming lawyers will not be happy. Or maybe they will – depends on whether they get paid by the case or by the hour.

46 thoughts on “More copyrighted stuff from Wargaming used by 3rd party

  1. Hm, Copyrighted Tanks are bullshit.
    Just remove unhistorycal bullshit from game and be happy

  2. I am sure if people dig far enough they will figure where WG stole the scenic background from. They steal from random sources themself and put in a tank hehe

  3. Well, WG… how does it feel when somebody steals your images?
    Not so good now, does it?

  4. you all know what i think? that WG copyrighted that wallpaper from however is that phone game called

    • And on what do you base those genius thoughts of yours?

      They copied that one wallpaper some months ago, and the WoWP one. But that doesn’t mean they copied this one. FFS THE MOBILE ONE IS OBVIOUSLY CROPPED TO HIDE THE WOT LOGO. Are you blind?

      • Not to mention the BC25t dimensions are wrong in the mobile one….and it’s smaller resolution.

        You think WG stretched it, enhanced the resolution CSI style and draw more scenery around it? Are you really that blind? Did you even look at the pics in the post?

  5. Well they stole other people’s images themselves so why are they QQing now that someone else stole theirs? Hypocritico mucho hombre?

    • Hipócritas, that’s the spanish adjective you’re looking for, still the phrase doesn’t make sense, but don’t worry, people will understand.

  6. We all know there is only one appropriate comment for this:

    How terrible. :-)

    WG have themselves plagiarised before.

    PS: Props to Vladimir_Lemon for an awesome name.

  7. So After all the times WG ripped off other peoples art work they are now on the other side?

    How Terrible…

    • They even put wallpapers from other games too.I think the game is about watching wallpapers while they are sliding :P

      By the way you are right,tracking guys like these won’t be hard,they just simply put those wallpapers.

  8. I would like to remind you that WG using background pictures somewhere else time to time.For example,when Leopard MT introduced they just simply put the tank (and changed it size of course)on a picture.I do even remember very very small sheeps at that picture (ant-like sheeps).

    So basically i do not think Wg would not even care about it so much or do they ???!