Wargaming Universe Month? More like a month of FAIL…

Hello everyone,

what, you thought Wargaming EU would get better with the amount of fails in 2014? Oh come on, you, you should know better :) Our batch of fail for today comes from the German community.

The Teleportation contest (which is common for all the language sections as far as I remember) had incorrect rules in German: instead of making pictures with one tank OR an airplane, the German contest said “AND”, so basically until today morning, all the German submissions were invalid. No rewards for you, Germans!

Here’s their staffmember saying “It was a translation mistake, I am sorry” (I am sure he is. right until tomorrow when they do it again).


Another German competition was a huge fail too. The players were asked to submit their replays or something – only, the submitting did not work and the competition got cancelled as a result yesterday. Apparently the competition prize pool was “saved”, so players will have a chance to win a double prize next time.

How terrible…

10 thoughts on “Wargaming Universe Month? More like a month of FAIL…

  1. It didn’t help that they put on WOWs beta in the advertisment when you can’t still apply for it…

  2. To be precise he wrote “It was a translation mistake, _we are_ sorry” which in contrast to SS’s translation does not imply it’s his personal fault.

  3. If my memory is correct, then this isn’t actually a translation fail. The original English rules were to have a plane AND a tank. Guess they alterred them later without the translations (or at least the german translation).

  4. w4g4m3r is one of these new guys, apparently the German team was too good so they had to bring in a bunch of idiots to drag it down to the average.