
Just a little today

- you end up on one map too often? “Conspiracy!” (SS: Conspiracy my ass, ever since Christmas half of my battles are fucking Erlenberg, I hate that map already)
- it’s possible non-European (Brazilian, Argentinian) tanks that don’t fit any branch will appear in the game (Q: “How will you implement them?” A: “Electronically” (SS: as in, “bits and bytes”))
- it’s possible more autoloader branches will come (Q: “Which nations will they be for?” A: “For those that need it”)
- vehicle tier does not influence choice of the maps you are getting (SS: apart from the cases where maps are limited to low tiers only)

84 thoughts on “8.1.2014

  1. (SS: Conspiracy my ass, ever since Christmas half of my battles are fucking Erlenberg, I hate that map already)
    Haven’t played a lot on Erlenberg but I’m sick of Malinovka, especially on lower tiers.

    • My words! I so f*cking hate Erlenberg. And Karelia. Every 2nd or 3rd battle is Erlenberg.

      I have played Northwest 7 times. Literally. Since 8.9 I have seen that map SEVEN times.

      First time I’ve seen the new hidden village map was when I’ve already had tier 6 Japan tank!!!

      Disabling “assault” or “defense” game mode slightly helps… as 90% of the time I used to get Erlenberg it was assault…

          • They changed their mind and removed Port instead (if only because with the changing in “soft cover” mechanics that allows one to shoot through certain objects to hit enemy tanks would make it COMPLETELY one-sided in favor of the south side).

          • yeah…. komarin dat map
            i wonder why the fck on earth put it back
            on Saturday i play 15 games which 8 of them where on komarin
            i just rage quit from wot

        • Hmm…that reminds me, I should disable Encounter modes, since Redshire also has an Encounter mode, and I get that map disturbingly often, and when I DO get it, the majority of the time it’s Encounter. As if the standard battles on that map weren’t campy enough.

      • Yeah, the assults are bugged. I played a little with disabled encounter and ca. 30% of my games were in assault mode, and there are only 4 maps for it. Erlenberg is the most time consuming one, as it takes longer to traverse all the hills.

        • Yeah, I mean, don’t get me wrong, Erlenberg is fine map (there is a bit of everything – open fields, houses, hills, …), we are just fed up I think. It would certainly help to have the option to remove some of the maps….meaning you can select 2-3 maps that wont roll on random battles.

            • thats the problem, I cant tell they are better, as I have payed hidden village so few times, I didnt even see the whole map.

            • Komarin’s garbage. Erlenberg…well…it could be worse. Hidden Village, as Bugii’s stated, is problematic to rate because it shows up in the MM so rarely (and yet WG claimed that new maps are given slightly increased odds of turning up when first released in a patch a little while ago – I have to call bullshit on that).

              Northwest has been the same problem for me: I can honestly count how many battles I’ve had on that map on one hand, and I think only one of them was a victory, and guess what, it was the only time that I was part of the team that spawned on the west side of the map? Does that mean it’s biased in their favor? I can’t tell, because I’ve played the map only about 5 times.

      • So, it’s not just me! I have played every 2nd or 3rd battle on Erlenberg since Christmas, 23th, to be exact! I really thought it’s just me, but I was wrong. Warlaming’s random just fails so f*cking hard! I can’t believe how incompetent they are, really!

    • I personally don’t mind Malinovka at low tiers, but then again that’s because most of the time when I get it I’m sealclubbing in my Loltraktor; 100% crew with full camo skills + camo net plus binocs on a Loltraktor = maximum trolling…until you get into a tier 2 battle and get roflstomped by T18s.

  2. - you end up on one map too often? “Conspiracy!” (SS: Conspiracy my ass, ever since Christmas half of my battles are fucking Erlenberg, I hate that map already)

    Conspiracy my ass indeed! You know what’s the chance of getting the same map in a row with the same tank on the same side?

    • I though it only happened to me…
      Battle – Karelia – IS – tier 9 – Get killed – Garage
      Battle – Himmelsdorf – Wolverine – tier 7 – Get killed – Garage
      Battle – Karelia – IS – tier 9 – Get killed – Garage
      Battle – Himmelsdorf….
      Oh FFS!!!!

  3. - it’s possible non-European (Brazilian, Argentinian) tanks that don’t fit any branch will appear in the game (Q: “How will you implement them?” A: “Electronically” (SS: as in, “bits and bytes”))

    My best guess, regarding how?

    China-like style ( only tank of their nation), or as part of another nations ( namely the U.S.). No need to say that they would be premiums.

    My best guesses, regarding the tanks they *might* implement?

    Argentina: Nahuel ( You must be pretty much sick of hearing about that tank by now).

    Brazil: Their variants of the M3/M5 Stuart tanks ( Namely X1A).

        • Yeah.

          Argentina bought many Shermans ( as scrap, because otherwise they wouldnt have been able to get them), both normal and Fireflies ones.

          Some hundred of them were up-gunned, with the intention of being a stop-gap measure until the TAM was put into production.

      • I decided to talk about tanks which were made and used by those two countries.

        I promptly ignored any other country ( The Super Sherman you mentioned being used by both Israel and Chile).

  4. also Karelia is common, but Northwest or Mountain pass are very very rare(well in my case I dont know for you)

    • I have assault and encounter disabled and played Karelia 13 times in whole 8.9, whereas other maps 25-40 times. Pearl river (which I hate) and Tundra seems to be the most common for me now. Northwest, Steppes, Mountain pass and Arctic region too. Malinovka, Erlenberg, Halluf, Sand river, Japan and city maps seems to be quite rare.
      PS: no problems with Erlenberg, Malinovka and Redshire – they have no corridors and visual control is important at least. Komarin is ok – lemmings dying trying to attack from island or being spotted from island and destroyed in crossfire are problem

      • Redshire has no “hard” corridors, but it does have “soft” ones created artificially by the very nature of the game’s mechanics regarding camouflage, especially in the case of TDs, which the map is practically perfect for with the heavily-wooded ridgeline north of the river and the hills to the south of it.

        It’s the worst on the NA server, where the overall playstyle of the community is very passive and campy by default (as you can expect, this is the primary reasons that SPGs are so hated on the NA server, especially among the upper echelons of the rating scale*), as opposed to the more mixed meta of the EU server, the balls-out bumrushing of the RU server or the utterly confused mess that is the SEA server. No comment on the Chinese server.

        *: this is the primary reason that SPGs are hated on the NA server to a far greater degree than any other server**: it disrupts the generally passive playstyle that has become the standard meta on the NA server by forcing people to either move or find some hard cover which while protecting them limits their tactical flexibility. Ideally, arty would be the perfect counter to TDs, which the NA server’s meta is particularly favorable towards, but the other aspect of the NA server’s meta (though this is also true of other servers, or at least the EU server from my understanding) is that most players are opportunists, and will go after the targets that are the easiest for them to kill, or in the case of arty, to hit. This leads to artillery shooting at big and slow heavy tanks rather than doing what they’re supposed to do by countering TDs much of the time, and earns them even more hate for doing it.

        **: the EU server’s population seems to be mixed though it appears that the West Europeans dislike it to varying degrees while the East Europeans are either neutral or in favor of it; the RU server LOVES Arty, both playing as and killing them; SEA is too much of a confused mess for me to be able to tell how they fell on the subject; again, no comment on the Chinese server.

  5. - it’s possible more autoloader branches will come (Q: “Which nations will they be for?” A: “For those that need it”)

    Does that mean Russians ?

      • Actually they did, but they’re not the autoloaders that are in the game. As opposed to the revolver type magazine, which is designed to get several shots off in rapid succession, the Soviet autoloader projects were simply a method of replacing the human loader with a mechanical one, starting on the T-64; this actually resulted in Soviet tanks being lighter than they would have been with human loaders due to not requiring the space to accommodate one.

  6. I don’t mind assault, but I seem to be getting nothing but Karelia defense since Christmas and it’s getting a bit boring.

  7. it’s possible more autoloader branches will come
    Yeah Sweden and their biggest autoloader system

  8. I had the issue of getting the same maps too often until i switched off all other game modes than standard.

  9. Do you have to swear?!?

    Just an off topic question: does south america share the NA server? If so, shouldn’t it be called the american server?
    If not, do they not have WoT or what?

    • South Americans play on NA server. We don’t have our own server (and IMO we don’t need one). It’s called NA Server because of its location.

      • I heard somewhere that it USED to be in South America at some point in the very early days of the NA server (it was somewhere in Brazil iirc).

  10. Even with turned off Assault and Encounter modes map rotation is horrible….2-3 maps rotating over and over….i see a lot of people is complaining about Karelia. I think they all have turned on Assault and that’s why they are stuck with it. I however iirc still haven’t played Karelia since 8.10 update and changes they made to it. But oh boy have i played some maps over and over.

    • Map rotation is general is quite poor but if you have the alternate modes (Encounter, Assault) enabled you will get *absolutely terrible* map rotation. People just need to disable these modes entirely until they fix it to be honest. Or suffer through it, but to my mind suffering the same map over and over just you you can play Assfail and/or Failcounter modes is daft.

  11. Stop spamming BS, that link is only a simple invite link…
    Which gives the owner 100 gold if the registered player reaches rank 3…

  12. I usualy get to play 1-3 maps (always in same mode and always on the same cap) in a daily loop over and over, boring (and painfull since most of maps are far from balanced) as hell and since I don’t have time to play daily recently, I haven’t seen some maps in a month…

    • this, as I said, first time I’ve seen hidden village was when I already had tier 6 japan tank.
      That’s like 1 in 200 battles.

  13. Today 50% of my games were on A1-K0 map, aka Komarin. I was so tired of it I apologized to my team (I was tier 6 in tier 8 game) and yolod. Then I pressed alt+f4. Yesterday it was fu*king Redshire. Day before it was Arctic Region. And I tried to get few minutes rest and even went afk for few minutes, but every second game was that stupid map all over again. I haven’t played Prokhorovka literally in days. I haven’t seen Himmelsdorf, Abbey or – damn it – even Ensk. Looking at my replay folder now, I have played 6 maps today. In like six hours. WTF?

  14. - you end up on one map too often? “Conspiracy!” (SS: Conspiracy my ass, ever since Christmas half of my battles are fucking Erlenberg, I hate that map already)
    I hate Erlenberg too.

  15. - you end up on one map too often? “Conspiracy!” (SS: Conspiracy my ass, ever since Christmas half of my battles are fucking Erlenberg, I hate that map already)

    That ain’t no joke, SS.

  16. Gonna toss out a conspiracy theory, make of it what you will. This is something I think I have noticed, but it is completely subjective data.

    A very simple way to “balance” WR% would be to keep an incredibly small file on each players tanks vs. maps and start points.

    Lets say your slow TD does very bad on a city map when it starts on the south side, or a slow scout like an AMX40 starts on a certain map where lights are placed at the bottom of a bowl. When your win rate starts to rise above “acceptable” levels, your tanks start getting placed in on these maps on certain sides where you are statistically proven to be ineffective for your team.

    For true unicoms, this won’t make any difference, these players are good in ALL situations, regardless of tank, map, or starting location. But for other players, especially those that use only certain tanks, it could make a huge difference.

    Discuss if ya want.

    • Poonish Duh gud playarz, It wil fiks evrie think (Maybeez, wull I thunk it so).

      NO, horrible idea. The problem with skill based mm is that people DON’T WANT a balanced out WR. It will only reward noobs for being noobs.

      • It’s not an idea I am proposing, it is something I think might be in already. Just a hunch, no valid data to back it up.
        I got swamp 12 times today, all on the north every time. I generally lose if I am on north, and win if south. Subjective, yet suspicious.

    • I don’t know how many times I’ve seen so-called “Unicums” raging after getting killed over being in the wrong tank on the wrong map. I don’t have too many battles under my belt, so the fact that I’ve seen it as often as I have says a lot.

      Then again, I’m from the NA server, so things might be different on yours assuming you play on another server.

  17. Three thoughts:

    1. good rate of map rotation:
    pro: players won’t get bored
    con: unexperienced players get on different map each game and are confused where to go and how to act there

    2. poor rate of map rotation:
    pro: unexperienced players may know some day(?) what to do on that map
    con: it’s boring

    3. leave it as it is:
    pro: when will we have the possibility to exclude up to 3 maps (per player or even per tank)?
    con: look one line above

    p.s. I like the edit option

  18. Of course new autoloader lines are going to be implemented. How else will they make everyone buy and waste gold on free experience just to stay competitive in clan wars or continue having a high winrate?

  19. - you end up on one map too often? “Conspiracy!” (SS: Conspiracy my ass, ever since Christmas half of my battles are fucking Erlenberg, I hate that map already)

    Same here, except in my case it’s Redshire rather than Erlenberg, though I did get that one often, along with Karelia, Sand River and El Halluf (all of which I view with varying attitudes ranging from annoyance to screaming fits of rage).

    Oh, and of course when playing at low tiers 1-3, I swear at LEAST 2/3rds of all battles are on Province. What’s wrong with that map? Well, it’s not like any other map in the game, and gives people the wrong idea of how to play the game on all of the other maps when they get to a high-enough tier (tier 4) that they no longer see it. Then again, Province DOES look suspiciously like a smaller, non-arid, rotated-90-degrees version of El Halluf, a map of which my hatred would take up an entire page if I were to sum it up in detail…