Overlord’s blog is three years old – nice :) If you feel like it, you can say “happy birthday” in this thread :)
- Storm: there will be a perk/skill rebalance, but not soon
- the 8.11 patchnotes info about “modifiers to appear in tanker’s personal info” means the bonuses for for example ventilation or BIA
- Storm confirms that there still will be the planned crewmember retraining from one role to another (SS: for example, radioman to driver), WG has not abandoned this idea – Storm later adds that when this happens, perks/skills will be also “resetted” and you will be able to pick new ones, it will however also cost credits or gold (free version being the worst) just like re-training
- developers are happy with the team battle implementation results, there are more players playing TB than there are players playing companies, a lot of players play them
- apparently the national battles will be available on all maps, it won’t have “any additional mechanisms” to “improve game balance”, they will be avaliable for all tiers too
- no American tier 8 tank destroyer is planned at this moment (SS: the player asked specifically about tier 8 premium TD, the answer does not exclude that there might be a premium American TD of another tier)
- team battles apparently strongly reduced the popularity of “Champion” companies, there are no measures planned in order to increase the popularity back
- the national battles will play like standard battles (no assault or encounter)
- there was a proposal by a player to split the option to disable chat into “disable for dead players”, “disable for enemies” and “disable for all”, Storm wrote this won’t be implemented
- the rule “if a tank has no turret, it can rotate around its pivot” applies for TD’s only, not for the ELC for example
- Wargaming is still writing down the list of alternative hulls for vehicles, for now, 2 hulls are planned for each tank with alternative hulls apparently
- M6A2E1 tank will also be reworked into HD (“along with all the other tier 8′s”)
- IS-6 creditmaking ability is fine
- the “shell weight” parameter will not be added (SS: as in, heavy shell pushing a tank), Storm states that even heavy shells don’t push LT’s around, they simply penetrate them
- apparently, there is an internal discussion in WG about large caliber shells leaving craters in the ground
- it’s theoretically possible some alternative hulls will mean de-facto vehicle nerfs, developers will deal with this as they work on it
- tank speed has no influence on vehicle penetration
- Storm states that there will be balance problems in national battles, but not fatal ones
- BigWorld in default does not apparently allow you to bind two keys for one function, WG simply hasn’t touched the default setting
- Storm states that increased number of spot checkpoints (SS: the points that the system checks whether your tank is visible or not) would strongly increase the server calculation load
- there will be “no serious changes” in the tank insignia
- the mastery badge change in 8.11 (SS: you will be able to see you met the badge requirements even if you have one already) reason is “so the players feel good about themselves”
- moving Sniper medal to the special achievements will apparently not influence the Kay medal requirements
- there will be “many changes” in 8.11: “Wait for test”
- there will be no camo system changes in 8.11
the rule “if a tank has no turret, it can rotate around its pivot” applies for TD’s only, not for the ELC for example??
I know that some German TDs can do this as their gearbox and drive system allows neutral steering, Not so sure about other countries vehicles. I bet the SU series could not pivot.
Depends on gearbox probably.
This sounds definitely like a gameplay decision. Imagine playing a TD with poor gun traverse (say, ARL V39) and at the same time not being able to pivot on the spot. This would be definitely a case of too much realism sucking all the playability and fun out of the game.
This was covered many years ago. TDs and arty got pivot turn because they are unplayable otherwise (moving around the battlefield just by turning left/right).
ARLV39 was indeed never capable of neutral steering. As Woras said, it depends on the gearbox and pre-war frenchies had… pre-war gear boxes :3
Panther had gear box that allowed neutral steering but French tests on those which were acquired after German surrender did show that it was unreliable. Unfortunately the design was later used in AMX 30… I say unfortunately because even after using better materials to assemble the gear box it was still maintenance heavy…
Wonder why even TDs with turret can pivot. Wolverine and Jackson can do this, even if they are based on Sherman hull and Sherman suspension can’t do this.
Because they are TDs :) And their turret is kind of slow, so the pivot is pretty handy
Some German TD could but most couldn’t. IIRC, the PzIII and IV couldn’t so their respective TD probably couldn’t too (StuGIII, StuGIV, Jagdpanzer IV, hetzer too i guess given it’s old chassis). The T-34 couldn’t either nor could the M4 (so in theory no neutral steer for the SU85 and SU100 or the Wolverine or Slugger). Apparently the KV series couldn’t neutral steer.
In theory British tanks after the crusader (not included) could neutral steer), Panther and Tiger tanks (dubious with the Panther due to mechanical problems). The B1bis (and maybe the S35 but it isnt in the game) could neutral steer with a very advanced hydrostatic system that would not be used again until the Pz61 IIRC. Apparently the IS series could neutral steer.
“- Storm confirms that there still will be the planned crewmember retraining from one role to another (SS: for example, radioman to driver), WG has not abandoned this idea – Storm later adds that when this happens, perks/skills will be also “resetted” and you will be able to pick new ones, it will however also cost credits or gold (free version being the worst) just like re-training”
So they reset my crew skills and perks and they charge it too? Soviet Russia…
No free lunch~
That is one thing I like about the WarThunder system, you keep your crew skills when going from vehicle to vehicle, and its only a very modest cost to retrain without losing any skill points. WarGaming’s greed will strangle them eventually.
Yup, but other than this, it seems that you need premium a lot more than you need in wot to level up, and have enough credits (Or I just suck terribly at flying… :D)
Or it’s just another translation fail from SS. I’d look at the original post.
To tell you truth it seems logical, first of all, you don’t always swap crews, and the times when you would swap their role aren’t that often… I could live with it…
I found the original text:
> После смены специализации, что будет с перками после смены?
Сброс опыта танкиста в “свободный” с возможностью переназначить.
Ну и смена то не бесплатная будет. Примерно как переобучение.
So SS’s “when this happens” means not “when WG implements changing roles” (as one could think) but “when player requests the change”, and yes, this action will not be free, which is ok.
Actually, I think they can change their vision of how this should work a hundred times before this feature appears in the game, if at all.
Have they commented on commitments to big changes for gold shells? I’m getting sick of hearing incomplete answers on that front.
> – there will be no camo system changes in 8.11
I’m assuming this means the TD camo nerf? So it’s just going to be the damage debuff and the foch rebalance, right?
No, it means changes to the general cammo mechanics. A single tank/TD cammo coeficient is a balance parameter and a subject to change.
fair enough.
- Storm: there will be a perk/skill rebalance, but not soon
Let’s see what is hit with the nerf bat
most likely six sense
Yes, I would like to see that skill out of game. It’s so stupid and makes no sense. It’s like a godamn traffic light. If you are camping good its green light, when it becomes red go back to cover and try again ….
I gave up on SPG’s cuz of that skill that everyone has now. Because, i guess TD location on map aim and w8 for spot to confirm position before shot. TD gets spotted i shoot but since shell flight is too long thanks to nerf, TD gets sixsense notification, moves, and i missed even tho i fired imediately after spot …
Once this skill gets removed SPG will be much more playable. Thats for sure.
It takes a few seconds to kick in so you should aim near by then adjust, fire and then aim nearby again.
Sixth Sense I’m willing to bet since WG has mentioned it in the past. Though the only thing I can think to do with it is to increase the time it takes a player to be notified he’s been spotted, which is already 3 seconds. Much more than that and Sixth Sense would be nearly useless.
well they could make it like that it works only when enemy spotter has spotted by your team.
Or they could delete it.
So if the guy who spotted you hasn’t been spotted himself, you will never be notified that you were spotted?
Like PlayerA gets spotted by PlayerB. Since PlayerB remains unlit PlayerA gets no sixth sense notification. Then PlayerB gets lit by PlayerC, now PlayerA gets Sixth Sense notification.
Pretty much like you said with a first sentence. However I have no idea what WG idea is knowing them it will be like 5 sec delay and something more.
And what tenks will benefit out of 6th sense, well those morons sniping/camping or fast small tanks like medium ones, I dont see how removal or nerf will benefit any slow heavy or TD which are moving on the battlefield.
It’s a good sign you’re probably going to receive artillery or are in a bad spot. If a heavy tank overexposes itself, doesn’t see anything, but gets sixth sense, it can pull back with much less harm from that Foch and scout pair.
You also immediately know when somebody is in combat range of you, so you can adjust from going as fast as you can perpendicular to the enemy advance into a covered reverse slope defense with your glacis forward. Conserving health is an extremely important skill.
Which means you’ll be shot first and then told you’ve been spotted after. Not much usefulness there.
Having to see the spotter would make sixth sense useless for scouts and medium tanks trying to not get ganked by a destroyer.
Or add a probability factor to it, like “if the vehicle is spotted, there is a 50% chance that the commander will realize they have been spotted. If so, the sixth sense indicator will light 3 secs after being spotted”.
That’s a 50% nerf to the skill but still leaves it useful. Would need to understand and factor in mutiple units spotting you as to how that would work in the logic and equations.
6th sense nerf is bullshit if it would happen and the reason for that is there are no problem with it now day. If you play a little bit more active you can still shoot enemies despite their 6th sense goes off because often, people dont really think about having hard cover between them so they can back off proper.
How ever 6th sense is very usefull for people beeing active and are forced to move alone, 6th sense can tell you if you are spotted and you can take cover behind rock etc and restealth, and then keep on going. Thats how I use 6th sense, in close quarter battles it hardly matters since you are so close, and by the time 6th sense wrans you its too late alreaddy.
Instead of making 6th sens nerfed, make it not work beeing stationary, and by doing that we prevent camping. Eg. stat camping heavy or td standing still wont get notified, and they dont deserve to get notified if soptted because they are camping pussies. Like 50% abilty to get spotted by standing still and 100% by moving. Now there wont be any more static heavys/TDs pulling back once spotted because its less chance they will get spotted if standing still. Not that tanks pulling back behind cover is a threat anyways since if you corner them or make a push with mates, they are doomed anyways.
I can imagine idiot players that are slow or annoyed by people standing in the open and then pull back because they miss a shot, but if you pre aim you dan damage then the tank goes out of cover which he will eventually. I guess those making 5000-7000 damage are not shooting tanks as all due to 6th sense right?
People only want nerfs or buffs because they believe they will play better, but since most of the playerbase are retards and have 45% WR i doubt any buff/nerf to perk and or tank will make them play better in relation to other players that are simply fucking “better”.
How can a low tard kv1s player with 0 crew skills and 42% camping at A1 WR expect to pwn anyways or even complain about tanks pulling back once he is trying to snipe? Fuck it, pls all campers/ snipers in wota unisntall. I think there should be a penalty to lose HP and XP as well as credits for standing still more than 10 seconds, unless you are tracked.
“- Wargaming is still writing down the list of alternative hulls for vehicles, for now, 2 hulls are planned for each tank with alternative hulls apparently”
So there will be a “stock” hull and a researchable hull?
More like: more armor or more speed. MORE!!!
The hulls will apparently be tied to suspension research, last time I heard.
So if I research the improved suspension and I mount it, my hull will swap automatically too?
This doesn’t sound right in my mind. For example what if I would not like to have schürzen on my Pz IV, but I need the upgraded suspension to mount the top turret, gun and equipment?
How terrible.
humer pls
What if you want to keep the tank in its current form, are you forced to research suspension and hull, so either you get speed or more armor? Also will the HP be lower if you take a hull with less armor? For example like the tiger II, worse armor on the hull is idiotic and while you gain more speed, whats that good for? As well as more armor but even less speed, will make it slow as fuck.
A question about national battles: will the current tier spread (+2) be kept for them?
Yes, definitely
“- Storm: there will be a perk/skill rebalance, but not soon”
good to hear, maybe the loader gets some useful skills/perks other than safe stowage
U don’t use intuition? Well I do on some tanks…
Can’t you see that this researchable hull bullshit is only meant to prolongue tank grinds and make players pay more money for free XP conversion?
Actually no it isnt since its supposed to be tied to track/suspension research we already have
- Storm states that there will be balance problems in national battles, but not fatal ones
So they did finally admit it…
- Storm states that there will be balance problems in national battles, but not fatal ones
translation: russian tanks don’t suffer, so no need to do anything about it
this again…
Problem :
- no American tier 8 tank destroyer is planned at this moment (SS: the player asked specifically about tier 8 premium TD, the answer does not exclude that there might be a premium American TD of another tier)
Nation battles will be the most imbalanced shit ever.
- the rule “if a tank has no turret, it can rotate around its pivot” applies for TD’s only, not for the ELC for example
Not really — the ELC is the exception. All other vehicles with limited traverse guns/turrets have neutral steering, notably the M3 Lee, Obj. 416 and Obj. 430 II (I imagine the latter two are historical).
Additionally, some vehicles are missing historical neutral steering capability, IS-4 for instance. I don’t see why they haven’t implemented this for all vehicles that historically had it (whether it worked successfully or not), I doubt it would influence win rate at all.
Japanese tier 4 light tank, Ke-Ho, has pivot steering. Not much good out if it, though. :)
I am glad that the WOT dev team loves the team battle mode seeing as most players I know tried it a few times and then won’t play team mode anymore. The clan I am in messed around with for a week and gave up on it as it was not much fun to play.