Thanks for Mick42 for the SEA server info :)
Hello everyone,
remember how the tier 10 discounts were the same last year? Unfortunately (fortunately?) they are not anymore. World of Tanks EU doesn’t have any tier 10 discounts, World of Tanks USA now runs a Jagdpanzer E-100 discount, while SEA server has following plan, disclosed by WG staff:
- 7.2. to 21.2. – FV215b (183)
- 21.2. to 7.3. – IS-4
- 7.3. to 21.3. – E-50 Ausf.M
After that, the SEA players are actually voting on what will appear. Pretty nice, SEA :)
Huh what?
I thought WoTEU would also get the TX discounts back after the holidays?
It would suck if we didn;t get anything…
Last info is that we get T10 discount back in February
it does suck, for example i could had bought the JP E-100 this week!
i dont know how you guys feel, but since they made those credits-missions i have enough credits to buy dem X’s
Or you could have bought it last week when it was 15% off. I already had mine from a long time ago. I broke it out the last couple of nights to see if I changed my mind on how bad it was. It definitely benefited from the accuracy buff, but it is still nothing special to write home about.
I don’t know why the EU server isn’t having a Tier 10 discount this month. I’d like to think they will restart in February. It’s only fair to that player base.
Those credit missions are nice. Gives me an excuse to drive my non-premium tanks more. Wondering now if the NA server will get the 183 next. Going to have to grind my Turtle harder to be ready for that.
If that is true, then we have to wait only a week or two….
But I’m not sure about the future tier 10 discounts, it did sound much later than February….again it’s all speculation until we see any official (backedited) info from our beloved WG EU
I guess WG EU just dont give a shit about their customers anymore.
We just pay too much to be appreciated
*not enough per customer
yup, we are paying them too much!
“За Бога, братя, не купувайте!”
Did I mention I would like to see equal specials on all servers? With some exceptions on special holidays, but overall (i.e. within a year) the same?
I asked for this on the SEA/Asia server. Was told no because of “different management styles”. Suggestion thread was then locked.
Equality is just not Wargaming’s thing.
As someone from SEA, it’s nice that we finally have something really nice which is (for now at least) exclusive for our server. Not because we didn’t have good specials before, but because I’m rather pissed to see some people who keep complaining at the forum that ‘SEA was having worse specials compared to other server’, when actually its just scheduled differently.
I hope other servers will also follow, voting for tier X discounts is a pretty good idea :D
Seems that staff meeting on Singapore does pay :D
Apart from the Christmas specials which were scheduled differently, SEA has consistently had worse specials than the other servers for the rest of the year.
This is a nice change, but doesn’t mean that the other servers aren’t also getting tier 10 discounts.
WG EU the best!!! Yahooooo!!!
EU SERVERS , “best way” to play this game =)))
To quote a famous guy that translates the russian Q&A:
“No discounts for you, capitalist pigs.”
Eu server needs its own real office and not this Russian “wanna-be EU” in Paris which is controlled from Minsk
7m creds available, 7 new Tier X’s researched, next one will be finished within a month – just waiting for the discounts.
Not registered in right server…
Time we had a change of staff at EU Admin, they are sadly neglecting its customer base.
If you remember: When WoT went live they said “There will be no hightier discounts or gifts”, when they won the Golden Joystick in fall 2012 they made a unique “Get tier X for the Price of a Tier 9″ event, and finally in 2013 they made the tier X discounts because of the 15th aniversary of Wargaming.
Ok, there were many events each week and a cheaper Tier X every month, but remember it was just because of the jubilee year.
Everyone who knows those backgrounds would not be wondered about no more Tier X discounts untill the next really huge reason to celebrate (maybe SerB’s birthday *g*) , and I personaly would like this because Tier X tanks should still be something special and not “price reduced 2nd-class ware”.
Oh rly?
Except that NA and SEA have/will have such discounts, only EU will not.
Sockpuppet managing expectations
I COMPLETELY AGREE! No more special tier X discounts? How terrible…
From the moment they introduced the first specials I remeber a swarm of tomatoes in IS-7s and E-100.
They said and kind of promised there would NEVER be discounts on tier X since it is supposed to be special. And I agree. You want something special go earn it. But eventually they broke their own word because of greedy managers…
These special only encourage bots and idiots to spam pressing Battle! buttons and they get tier X’s way easier than ever.
I remember once when people whined why the price in XP is not reduced as well! SERIOUSLY!?!?
Stupid spoiled brats, you’re nothing more!
If you play as you should, in any normal battle with tier 9 you will make a bunch of credits. Not to mention lower tiers. IT IS SOLELY YOUR PROBLEM that you’re stupid enough not to succeed in that.
So you’re keeping all your tanks and not selling any or you’re just a stupid red tomato so you can’t make credits (bad games, being absolutely useless to your team, low damage per battle, poor damage upon spotting…), or both.
Shut up, crime.
Your whining and spoiled behaviour is a crime.
Daaamn now i have to grind 150 k exp on tortoise o.O
fuck it im just gona say it… SEA the best server!!
I think a big misstake was to make tier 10 too profitable which increase the amount of people playing tier 10, which in return making tier 8 tenks end up in tier 10 games with majority iof tier 10 players beein noobs. There are too many noob tards playing higher tiers which is sad. I which the “final resolution”* would have sorted out these low tards, but currently not.
*warning, im not nazi =).
Tier 10 is profitable only if you are at least decent player AND have a premium account. That was the idea of WG – players battle with their tier 10 without losing credits, but they have to buy premium.
You will be in positive WITH premium account even WITHOUT those specials if you are a good player…
I am not talking about specials, I meant playing tier 10 tanks in random in general – before they did cost a lot to maintain, now WITH premium they are manageable credit wise. Read more carefully.
Sorry, I wasn’t sure if you were referring with or without specials… :)
Because of insanely increased number of morons, idiots, retards, bots and what-not in game lately (specifically tier 8, 9 and mostly 10), more than half of my clan just resigned playing this game and switched to another one. We won’t play anymore until next campaign comes out.
I am close to resigning myself, and I am joining them as well, as soon as I finish researching 2 tier X (about 2 weeks away from that goal atm).
And WG doesn’t care about quality, as long there is constant cash-flow; otherwise they would make a huge revision of their customer support and would actually do something about customer satisfaction (like an option to turn on or off skilled MM).
I agree, tier 10 and 9 is still too profiltable for morons, something has to be done. While you can lose money even in tier 8 playing good (without premium) these low tards have something that is called credit card, which means they can play tier 8 premium tenks and not only ruin tier 8 games, but also games where they face tier 9 and 10 tanks, as well as tier 7 and 6 tanks. Also, any idiot can but premium account with gold, so that isnt a problem.
This is also the reason people a huge amount of high tier noob players play like cowards, because they dont want to spend cash on repair bills and ammo. On the flip side, the less active you are the less XP and credits you earn.
I must say the last 6 months, I have never seen any worse playerbase. The amount of noobs in high tiers is shocking, along with gold ammo spamming, which means that even if you are decent and angle your fuking tenk, som 43% WR just laugh at you penning your upper angled from plate.
Very few times do enemies push, and when they do, all go same side. Heavy camp, medium camp, tds camp as well as scouts. My fucking wr on my tiger II has decreased from 61% to 56% and in abou 100-120 games. Thats shocking, and I highly doubt im becoming worse, since my average damage has increased from 1500 to 1700+, while wr lower.
WG dont care about EU for a very long time. We could see that every day fail on EU server (translation, false advertisement, bad bonuses etc)
So nothing new
SerB with you
good, less tier X noobs.
Tier 10 discounts were bad idea from the very beginning to start with…
Even if I like the discounts I kind of like that there might be no more t10 discounts on EU.
The later mass discounts encouraged every monkey but their dogs to get a t10 instead of staying some more on mid tiers, learning what’s needed to learn.
Also, every good player can make or already has enough money to buy a t10 both with or without discounts, especially with the credits missions.
Obviously, NA kommandants give us bonuses to grind up to the Jagdtiger, because everyone knows the Jagdpanzer E-100 is a shitty TD compared to it’s counterparts.
Even SEA is better than EU now…They can even vote for what they want next…
What does Ru-server get? Nothing obviously…
Voting??? In WoT???
SerB will surely crush this democratic outburst.
Don’t worry. If there will be no more ToT discounts, I am 100% certain that there will be one of those cheap bundles with a lots of credits in the prem shop so that you can easily effort those T10s. :D
Theres no fucking skill in no tiers any more. Old school gameplay was much more consistent despite RNG and artys. Because back then you could reply on angling your tank. You could count on heavys helping you on the flank and push, as well as mediums helping you while getting flanked. Now days everybody camp, and just snapshoot you with gold ammo, penning you. Whats the fucking skill in that?
There are too many factors messing with the gameplay now days, huge amount if noobs and gold ammo, you never know what will happen. Simply theres no need to play well eny more. Just park behind a bush and let team mates die while scouting and then load guld ammo and shoot. This is how pretty much all games goes these days, and in some rare occasions people do push but they fail badly because they have forgotten how to brawl proper or take a bullet for their team mate.
The worst violators are the fucking IS7 camping behind tds in tier 10 games. Or by the way all russian tanks that camps, its so fucking wrong. Also those fucking tds just using heavys as scouts, rarely do they engage in battle like the old school TD players like me did.