Hello everyone, these pictures are taken from the Tank Inspector, be sure to check it out.
50 thoughts on “8.11 – Supertester vehicle stats”
Hm so T23 will have same reverse speed as forward?
Because SerB stated that he will kill Veider for it :P
It won’t be like that on live server.
From screen it seems like it does.
I just don’t believe they gave T23 the 76mm gun… I must think they rely on veterans who played this vehicle, and want it back badly, and will buy it at any price. I’m also planning to get one, but that 76mm gun and 13.6 HP/ton ratio is a bad joke. Unless it’s MM is limited to tier 7, well this tank will suck… The only positive in it is the reverse speed! I’m sure that many guys will troll with this feature :D
About T95E6: another joke… Their attitude to american tanks is pathetic. Why all the new american tanks have -9° depression? The good old heavys (T34 and T30) had and still have -10°. Gun depression is supposed to be the american unique feature, isn’t it? Or high DPM? Maybe accuracy on the move? Well, they don’t excel at any of them. Russian tanks are just so much better at everything…
And here comes this ugly shit T95. With a turret of a house (actually it looks maus-sized) and with no armor of course, so hull down ability is gone. Speed? Yes, 56, but wait a second! We have 13-ish HP/ton ratio again. And I guess it will have similar accuracy on the move like the T54E1′s, which is ridiculous to be honest. This tank will be even worse than M48, and this is a big word: being worse than the worst T10 tank in the game!
Guys, WG in my opinion is making fun of american tanks, or I don’t know, but this can’t be taken seriously.
Do you remember the times before 6.5, when Pershing was at tier 9 and it ACTUALLY rocked!
Those were the days…
They gave it a 76mm gun because that actually is what the vehicle was armed with.
Premium tanks always get the weapons that they actually had, or were supposed to get [T-34-3 is the only exception I know of. AFAIK it was supposed to get a normal 100mm gun].
The HP/Ton is also forgivable since it apparently has LOL-amazing track friction, like the T-62A.
That said, the overall package still looks pretty shabby for a tier 7 tank.
Well ignoring fictional tanks like the Vk72 and Pz4S, the Matilda 4, Val 2 and T-25 have unhistorical guns. The Pz V/IV I think was armed with a dummy gun being a command vehicle. I think there’s both precedence and room to at least upgrade it to a M1A2. IMO it would be better as a tier 6 med.
Pz4S and VK 72 have historical weapons
V/IV had a real gun, the turret was thought to be welded in place due to it being a field mod. It could still fire the gun they just aimed it like it was a tank destroyer.
well, M1A2 was just a designation for a 76 mm gun M1A1 (which itself was a shortened version of 76mm gun M1) with a muzzle brake, so it is basically the same gun… the reason why we have separate M1A1 and M1A2 guns ingame is probably the balance, because historically, you could fit M1A2 gun to any Sherman Tank with T23 turret (that was the 76mm-gun-armed Sherman), and with the RoF that WG gave to M1A2, it might have been OP on tier V. Whether the T23 medium tank prototype had a gun with muzzle brake is a mistery to me, but the RoF, aim spread, aim speed and accuracy are all balancing parameters AFAIK
it is just about designation ;)
Valentine II and Matilda IV have historical guns, but Russian ones, changed from original. And about T-25 AFAIK it has historical gun but nerfed a little bit
Regarding the T95.
You do know it got freaking 350 of frontal turret armour?
And you do realise russian tanks doesn’t really have this?
it has very good shape of turret, similiar to stb1, so it will be unpenetrable from front, except roof and miniturret – there is 50mm. hull looks very bouncy too.
Guys, don’t you realize, that it has a strong mantlet and that’s all? Some random bounces may occour but no more. And look at that cupola! Almost as big as the turret itself…
Anyway, do you guys remember what people were saying when the Pershing-Patton change happened? “Patton has really nice slope, it will bounce everything!” I don’t know if you have played the Patton or not, but emmm… it doesn’t really bounce anything, and if it does, it is surely a shot trap.
That’s how it goes with the american mediums. But here is another example: M48 180mm (or 170?) turret front vs E50M 185mm turret front. What I don’t understand is that E50M bounces a lot of stuff with that 185mm (I’m talking about the flat part, not mantlet, of course), while M48′s 170 or 180 turret is penetrated by almost every shot! But if you think about it that 10-15mm doesn’t make that much difference, at least in my opinion.
177mm on Fatton IIRC. Anyway, when abusing hills which gives few additional degrees of angle, it does bounce. I had to take it to CW on El Halluf (we were out of better meds) and we all were surprised how much punishment it could handle. It was quite funny that I actually found use for that cupola, sticking out only that and spotting that way, they could not hit it. If they did manage to hit me, it was mostly because I showed too much of turret and even then it bounced. I think against me were E5, Foch and E4, only Foch penned me once in turret and once E5 hit cupola. Our arties subsequently took all out.
Regarding E50M, it has only small space on turret front, most of it covered by mantlet and gun. Also there is some small angle on it, around 15 degrees I think. But as far as I remember, if I hit that front with stronger gun or under better angle (negating front turret armor angle), it pens.
The size does matter. I was quite surprised when I mounted top turret on M46. It really reduced the occurance of being hit in it as well it produced some funny bounces when they hit bad angles. And that feeling when you bounce in that thing… it is like you were born second time :) so far M46 was my favorite medium, even when in T54 it is much easier to win since it can even brawl. Heck, I took head on M103 E75 and T29 in T54 at the same time and won. Few more degrees of angle can always make a miracle, especially it you already have some, like E50M turret or Fatton.
dat slope!!
T95E6 has -9* of depression because that was it’s historical projection
So….get over it? You’ll probably never end up driving one anyways
Hah, that’s the part where you are wrong! I most probably end up having one. And of course I’m complaining about my future tank. I wouldn’t give a sh*t if I didn’t expect myself to have one.
Not sure if bait? Still 9 degrees depression is not bad and the turret is really good and the gun does alot of damage.
umm. ain’t americans supposed to be the jack-of-all-trades? and please don’t whine about having -9 depression, if you want depression play chinese 121. and would you tell me what is the worst T10 in the game? since i think they’re quite balanced except for TD’s. oh and if you think T23E3 is rubbish, it’s stats is quite comparable to PantherM10
-9 is crap when its on a M48 which is spotted like a heavy, has armor like a paper tank, has slowest accel and ontop of it massive tumor on turret.
Sry that isnt balanced. Also who cares if the T96 is great, only 3k will be on server.
M48 is sooo UP anyway you slice it, it is bottom 2 in most categories, that isnt jack of all trades it is only master of none.
DPM its mid-low
ROF mid-low
HullDown mid [but huge weakspot and weak turret]
Speed lowest
Camo lowest
So if you want depression there is literally no reason to not go Japanese over it…
Its much faster, has -1 better depression, has .3 aimtime worse [Lol] Much sleeker body and turret, better DPM and same alpha and 1/3rd better camo and 10m less view…Lol
They do have US meds much weaker than RL. Esp a Iconic gamechanger like the T96
I mean it was first ever laminate armor, first Smoothbore`d tank that was a stable firing platform, first of its kind in rangefinding and firecontrol….All in all totally revolutionary .
Even though it wasnt produced it had nothing to do with it not being amazing. It all came down to it being to advanced and unable to build mass numbers, and since we relied on huge numbers in WW2 and won using this method obviously this was the waY TO GO RIGHT? Lol yes fight the USSR with numbers and we would have surely won [Not]
Anyways the ingame T96 cant ever match RL`s version or else it would be massively OP and basically make Heavies useless and Meds would get bullied. Only thing that would keep up/beat it would be T64 and MBT70
Also they are only giving -8 degrees to M103/E5 and probably E6.
About Rus meds being OP, they are…They have amazing bounce armor, amazing DPM and OTM accuracy and a shot every 5.5 secs [Like slow autoloader than never ends] and all of it with WAY MORE depression than normal. IN RL -5 is generous for the Rus MBT`s and things like 907+430 were -3.
So Ruski meds get everything.
So instead of doing things like making US heavies great and all there meds suck, and all Rus meds gr8 and Heavies suck why not mix both?
M48 needs its old DPM of 3k+, remember when it was released it was even with the 62a…Then they nerfed it. M48 has no armor, now has no Depression advantage ontop of having a super weak turret, on top of being slowest [fattest] hull down tank, ontop of having worse camo…It needs something.
T23E3 is nowhere near good enough for a tier 7 premium
Unless they give it mega-ultra MM where it only gets tier 7 battles all the time.
Then it would be cool
But there’s no way in Hell this thing could work in a tier 8 battle. You’d be better off in an M4A3E8.
I assume it’s gonna have the same VIP MM as E-25 has. Which could be actually pretty good.
E-25 can still get into T8 games. I would suggest the T23E3 getting same superspecial MM with the Pz. B2 and Valentine II so it can only get into games of its own tier.
What they could do is the same as the T-44-85.
Give it some miracle AP ammo as standard. :P
Gro*character*traktor Krupp will be a gift tank right?
no, its prem, it says in the actual preview a few posts ago
That B is just 2 s’es.
Just say Grosstraktor pls
What is the strong point of Grosstraktor? Different look?
No strong point, only stronk point
Maybe the 75 mm derp gun and large HP pool with good gun depression? Play like an obese M2 medium?
The gun, which is the 75 mm L/24, essentially equivalent to the T18′s howitzer (I believe it has a better muzzle velocity though). Not bad for a tier 3 medium. Of course, it doesn’t have the armor of the T18 a tier lower than it, but it makes up for it for having a turret. True, this won’t help you bounce shots at range, but it’ll make flanking it harder.
That matchmaking really sucks for the Grosstraktor.
Hope it will be amphibious if swimming tanks are introduced.
Well it wasn’t in real life…
The first German Kleintraktor of 1928-30 time frame could propel it self through water once fitted with bolt on side floats. It could also pull 2 other Kleintraktor’s(fitted with floats) across the river.
The Grosstraktor.is a brick and does not float.
I believe that this program gets matchmaking spread for tanks from third party sources (because that information is not included in the client). Because the tank has not been released yet, only WG and ST know what the MM spread for it is. +/- 2 is just what the program shows be default.
I was planning on getting the gross, stats are meh. How many crew does it hold?
Good to know that the T95E6 is a development of the T29 series…
That T95E6 looks really good!
I dont like that T23 could meet tier IX with that 76mm
Everyone here is aware that these aren’t the base stats for the vehicles, right?
By default, Tank inspector will apply the commander bonus of 10% to the other 100% crewmen.
This means that each crew member other than the commander is at 110% effective, making reload, accuracy, radio range, etc 5% higher than the base values.
Base stat values listed in-game, wikis, and similar places are done with all crew members at 100% effective.
If you want to see the base stats for each tank using Tank Inspector, you’ll need to manually set all the crewmen but the commander down to a 90% training level.
They still didn’t learned anything from a T44-85 issue? How can a tank work on a T7 with that shitty pen? Srsly do they ever think with their head before doing some nonsense.
I can’t believe Grosstraktor has 43 penetration and it will play in tier 5 battles.
They must (!!!!!!!) limit its MM to tier 4 or even 3..
It is called SUPER TEST for a reason.
Last time it was shown it was in a T2 placeholder icon.
Relax a little.
Also the GT’s engine is underweight by about 50 kgs.
So…tank on T29 chassis, with MUCH larger turret…is a medium? How…exactly…does that make ANY sense?
Plus I looked at the armor hitbox image posted above. WG has no right to say that tank has over 170mm armor ANYWHERE, except what’s spaced armor. That piddly little pinprick of red on the turret isn’t even worth mention!
if u take into account angle of 170 turret plates, it will work as 300+mm or even autobounce, so dont cry. better worry about 50mm on roof and miniturret :P
The description of the T95E6 is wrong. The T29 series had little if anything to do with the T95/T96. The T95/96 was influenced by the weaknesses of the M48.
well, the turret cheeks of the T95E6 would be much better than the M48
but the commander cupola….
you’ll get sth like zis http://youtu.be/qOWg9sEJirE
Hm so T23 will have same reverse speed as forward?
Because SerB stated that he will kill Veider for it :P
It won’t be like that on live server.
From screen it seems like it does.
I just don’t believe they gave T23 the 76mm gun… I must think they rely on veterans who played this vehicle, and want it back badly, and will buy it at any price. I’m also planning to get one, but that 76mm gun and 13.6 HP/ton ratio is a bad joke. Unless it’s MM is limited to tier 7, well this tank will suck… The only positive in it is the reverse speed! I’m sure that many guys will troll with this feature :D
About T95E6: another joke… Their attitude to american tanks is pathetic. Why all the new american tanks have -9° depression? The good old heavys (T34 and T30) had and still have -10°. Gun depression is supposed to be the american unique feature, isn’t it? Or high DPM? Maybe accuracy on the move? Well, they don’t excel at any of them. Russian tanks are just so much better at everything…
And here comes this ugly shit T95. With a turret of a house (actually it looks maus-sized) and with no armor of course, so hull down ability is gone. Speed? Yes, 56, but wait a second! We have 13-ish HP/ton ratio again. And I guess it will have similar accuracy on the move like the T54E1′s, which is ridiculous to be honest. This tank will be even worse than M48, and this is a big word: being worse than the worst T10 tank in the game!
Guys, WG in my opinion is making fun of american tanks, or I don’t know, but this can’t be taken seriously.
Do you remember the times before 6.5, when Pershing was at tier 9 and it ACTUALLY rocked!
Those were the days…
They gave it a 76mm gun because that actually is what the vehicle was armed with.
Premium tanks always get the weapons that they actually had, or were supposed to get [T-34-3 is the only exception I know of. AFAIK it was supposed to get a normal 100mm gun].
The HP/Ton is also forgivable since it apparently has LOL-amazing track friction, like the T-62A.
That said, the overall package still looks pretty shabby for a tier 7 tank.
Well ignoring fictional tanks like the Vk72 and Pz4S, the Matilda 4, Val 2 and T-25 have unhistorical guns. The Pz V/IV I think was armed with a dummy gun being a command vehicle. I think there’s both precedence and room to at least upgrade it to a M1A2. IMO it would be better as a tier 6 med.
Pz4S and VK 72 have historical weapons
V/IV had a real gun, the turret was thought to be welded in place due to it being a field mod. It could still fire the gun they just aimed it like it was a tank destroyer.
well, M1A2 was just a designation for a 76 mm gun M1A1 (which itself was a shortened version of 76mm gun M1) with a muzzle brake, so it is basically the same gun… the reason why we have separate M1A1 and M1A2 guns ingame is probably the balance, because historically, you could fit M1A2 gun to any Sherman Tank with T23 turret (that was the 76mm-gun-armed Sherman), and with the RoF that WG gave to M1A2, it might have been OP on tier V. Whether the T23 medium tank prototype had a gun with muzzle brake is a mistery to me, but the RoF, aim spread, aim speed and accuracy are all balancing parameters AFAIK
it is just about designation ;)
(source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/76_mm_gun_M1)
Valentine II and Matilda IV have historical guns, but Russian ones, changed from original. And about T-25 AFAIK it has historical gun but nerfed a little bit
Regarding the T95.
You do know it got freaking 350 of frontal turret armour?
And you do realise russian tanks doesn’t really have this?
Stop crying.
are you really that blind? the 342 mm part is only a very small area, most of it is 170ish
it has very good shape of turret, similiar to stb1, so it will be unpenetrable from front, except roof and miniturret – there is 50mm. hull looks very bouncy too.
Guys, don’t you realize, that it has a strong mantlet and that’s all? Some random bounces may occour but no more. And look at that cupola! Almost as big as the turret itself…
Anyway, do you guys remember what people were saying when the Pershing-Patton change happened? “Patton has really nice slope, it will bounce everything!” I don’t know if you have played the Patton or not, but emmm… it doesn’t really bounce anything, and if it does, it is surely a shot trap.
That’s how it goes with the american mediums. But here is another example: M48 180mm (or 170?) turret front vs E50M 185mm turret front. What I don’t understand is that E50M bounces a lot of stuff with that 185mm (I’m talking about the flat part, not mantlet, of course), while M48′s 170 or 180 turret is penetrated by almost every shot! But if you think about it that 10-15mm doesn’t make that much difference, at least in my opinion.
177mm on Fatton IIRC. Anyway, when abusing hills which gives few additional degrees of angle, it does bounce. I had to take it to CW on El Halluf (we were out of better meds) and we all were surprised how much punishment it could handle. It was quite funny that I actually found use for that cupola, sticking out only that and spotting that way, they could not hit it. If they did manage to hit me, it was mostly because I showed too much of turret and even then it bounced. I think against me were E5, Foch and E4, only Foch penned me once in turret and once E5 hit cupola. Our arties subsequently took all out.
Regarding E50M, it has only small space on turret front, most of it covered by mantlet and gun. Also there is some small angle on it, around 15 degrees I think. But as far as I remember, if I hit that front with stronger gun or under better angle (negating front turret armor angle), it pens.
The size does matter. I was quite surprised when I mounted top turret on M46. It really reduced the occurance of being hit in it as well it produced some funny bounces when they hit bad angles. And that feeling when you bounce in that thing… it is like you were born second time :) so far M46 was my favorite medium, even when in T54 it is much easier to win since it can even brawl. Heck, I took head on M103 E75 and T29 in T54 at the same time and won. Few more degrees of angle can always make a miracle, especially it you already have some, like E50M turret or Fatton.
dat slope!!
T95E6 has -9* of depression because that was it’s historical projection
So….get over it? You’ll probably never end up driving one anyways
Hah, that’s the part where you are wrong! I most probably end up having one. And of course I’m complaining about my future tank. I wouldn’t give a sh*t if I didn’t expect myself to have one.
Not sure if bait? Still 9 degrees depression is not bad and the turret is really good and the gun does alot of damage.
umm. ain’t americans supposed to be the jack-of-all-trades? and please don’t whine about having -9 depression, if you want depression play chinese 121. and would you tell me what is the worst T10 in the game? since i think they’re quite balanced except for TD’s. oh and if you think T23E3 is rubbish, it’s stats is quite comparable to PantherM10
-9 is crap when its on a M48 which is spotted like a heavy, has armor like a paper tank, has slowest accel and ontop of it massive tumor on turret.
Sry that isnt balanced. Also who cares if the T96 is great, only 3k will be on server.
M48 is sooo UP anyway you slice it, it is bottom 2 in most categories, that isnt jack of all trades it is only master of none.
DPM its mid-low
ROF mid-low
HullDown mid [but huge weakspot and weak turret]
Speed lowest
Camo lowest
So if you want depression there is literally no reason to not go Japanese over it…
Its much faster, has -1 better depression, has .3 aimtime worse [Lol] Much sleeker body and turret, better DPM and same alpha and 1/3rd better camo and 10m less view…Lol
They do have US meds much weaker than RL. Esp a Iconic gamechanger like the T96
I mean it was first ever laminate armor, first Smoothbore`d tank that was a stable firing platform, first of its kind in rangefinding and firecontrol….All in all totally revolutionary .
Even though it wasnt produced it had nothing to do with it not being amazing. It all came down to it being to advanced and unable to build mass numbers, and since we relied on huge numbers in WW2 and won using this method obviously this was the waY TO GO RIGHT? Lol yes fight the USSR with numbers and we would have surely won [Not]
Anyways the ingame T96 cant ever match RL`s version or else it would be massively OP and basically make Heavies useless and Meds would get bullied. Only thing that would keep up/beat it would be T64 and MBT70
Also they are only giving -8 degrees to M103/E5 and probably E6.
About Rus meds being OP, they are…They have amazing bounce armor, amazing DPM and OTM accuracy and a shot every 5.5 secs [Like slow autoloader than never ends] and all of it with WAY MORE depression than normal. IN RL -5 is generous for the Rus MBT`s and things like 907+430 were -3.
So Ruski meds get everything.
So instead of doing things like making US heavies great and all there meds suck, and all Rus meds gr8 and Heavies suck why not mix both?
M48 needs its old DPM of 3k+, remember when it was released it was even with the 62a…Then they nerfed it. M48 has no armor, now has no Depression advantage ontop of having a super weak turret, on top of being slowest [fattest] hull down tank, ontop of having worse camo…It needs something.
T23E3 is nowhere near good enough for a tier 7 premium
Unless they give it mega-ultra MM where it only gets tier 7 battles all the time.
Then it would be cool
But there’s no way in Hell this thing could work in a tier 8 battle. You’d be better off in an M4A3E8.
I assume it’s gonna have the same VIP MM as E-25 has. Which could be actually pretty good.
E-25 can still get into T8 games. I would suggest the T23E3 getting same superspecial MM with the Pz. B2 and Valentine II so it can only get into games of its own tier.
What they could do is the same as the T-44-85.
Give it some miracle AP ammo as standard. :P
Gro*character*traktor Krupp will be a gift tank right?
no, its prem, it says in the actual preview a few posts ago
That B is just 2 s’es.
Just say Grosstraktor pls
What is the strong point of Grosstraktor? Different look?
No strong point, only stronk point
Maybe the 75 mm derp gun and large HP pool with good gun depression? Play like an obese M2 medium?
The gun, which is the 75 mm L/24, essentially equivalent to the T18′s howitzer (I believe it has a better muzzle velocity though). Not bad for a tier 3 medium. Of course, it doesn’t have the armor of the T18 a tier lower than it, but it makes up for it for having a turret. True, this won’t help you bounce shots at range, but it’ll make flanking it harder.
That matchmaking really sucks for the Grosstraktor.
Hope it will be amphibious if swimming tanks are introduced.
Well it wasn’t in real life…
The first German Kleintraktor of 1928-30 time frame could propel it self through water once fitted with bolt on side floats. It could also pull 2 other Kleintraktor’s(fitted with floats) across the river.
The Grosstraktor.is a brick and does not float.
I believe that this program gets matchmaking spread for tanks from third party sources (because that information is not included in the client). Because the tank has not been released yet, only WG and ST know what the MM spread for it is. +/- 2 is just what the program shows be default.
I was planning on getting the gross, stats are meh. How many crew does it hold?
Good to know that the T95E6 is a development of the T29 series…
That T95E6 looks really good!
I dont like that T23 could meet tier IX with that 76mm
Everyone here is aware that these aren’t the base stats for the vehicles, right?
By default, Tank inspector will apply the commander bonus of 10% to the other 100% crewmen.
This means that each crew member other than the commander is at 110% effective, making reload, accuracy, radio range, etc 5% higher than the base values.
Base stat values listed in-game, wikis, and similar places are done with all crew members at 100% effective.
If you want to see the base stats for each tank using Tank Inspector, you’ll need to manually set all the crewmen but the commander down to a 90% training level.
They still didn’t learned anything from a T44-85 issue? How can a tank work on a T7 with that shitty pen? Srsly do they ever think with their head before doing some nonsense.
I can’t believe Grosstraktor has 43 penetration and it will play in tier 5 battles.
They must (!!!!!!!) limit its MM to tier 4 or even 3..
It is called SUPER TEST for a reason.
Last time it was shown it was in a T2 placeholder icon.
Relax a little.
Also the GT’s engine is underweight by about 50 kgs.
So…tank on T29 chassis, with MUCH larger turret…is a medium? How…exactly…does that make ANY sense?
Plus I looked at the armor hitbox image posted above. WG has no right to say that tank has over 170mm armor ANYWHERE, except what’s spaced armor. That piddly little pinprick of red on the turret isn’t even worth mention!
if u take into account angle of 170 turret plates, it will work as 300+mm or even autobounce, so dont cry. better worry about 50mm on roof and miniturret :P
The description of the T95E6 is wrong. The T29 series had little if anything to do with the T95/T96. The T95/96 was influenced by the weaknesses of the M48.
well, the turret cheeks of the T95E6 would be much better than the M48
but the commander cupola….
you’ll get sth like zis