Hey guys, check out Listy’s article about one special German pilot!
You can also check The_Chieftain’s “Hatch” on Firefly real life tests…
- for now it is not planned to change vehicle characteristics between random battles and upcoming historical battles (SS: as in, if you have a Panzer IV in certain setup, its characteristics will be the same in both modes, if you use the same modules)
- the recent interface upgrades were not done earlier, because “other interface works had to be completed before”
- the probability of causing minimum and maximum damage is not linear – there is a lower chance to cause extreme end damage and higher chance to cause average damage.
- regarding one nation being better than other in “national battles”: “A nation as a whole isn’t worse, actual tanks are. These tanks will be fixed, if necessery”
- (SS: in 8.11, the teamkill and teamdamage bans will be much harsher) – regarding the fear of unjust bans for random hits, SerB states: “We will not ban for random hits on allies”
- Storm states regarding the differences between gaps between roadwheels on T-54, Type 59 and WZ-120 in 8.11 that they are different hulls, these gaps don’t have to be the same
- Storm states there will be no compensations for Type 59 changes
- Type 59 was changed “so that the tanks based on T-54 were done correctly”
- the T-54 in the game from 8.11 will be “early hull variant”
- IS-3 mantlet was not changed (SS: some player was complaining it is now too easy to penetrate)
Funnily enough, a player submitted his “M6A2E1 sucks” whine in verses. SerB’s only answer was “Not a Pushkin”
Does anyone know why the Panzerjäger I model got fucked up two patches ago? Also, shouldnt the Type 59 hull stay as it is now, because it only has 100mm of amor?
Fucked up ? How so ?
It was made unhistorically narrower and higher, while the Panzer I wasnt changed.
Actually, the Panzerjager 1 was just changed exactly to resemble the Panzer 1….
Nope. Check Tank Viewer.
Edit: Holy Shit, you are actually right. My bad……..
I was gonna answer how i never check Tank Viewer and stuff like that, but I am happy to know I was right xD even thou i was guessing on Storm or SerB’s answer from one of the QA before :P :P
You see, the tracks on both vehicles are mounted on a different “row” of the roadwheels, thats why i thought the whole hull was misplaced. Taking a closer look at the hulls i realised they are identical :P So it was my mistake, a pretty stupid one. But thanks for making me check again haha
In 0.8.9 Panzer I and Panzerjäger I had the same proportions, in 0.8.10 they fixed Panzerjäger I (made it narrower and higher) but forgot about Panzer I, with 0.8.11 they seem to have fixed Panzer I so both have the same dimensions again.
But apparently someone positioned the track as if the tank had double roadwheels, the teeth of the running wheel are not in the center of the tracks but the inner side of the tracks.
Anyone who feels that their Mutant 6 sucks, can submit a ticket to WGNA and request they transfer it to my garage… let me take that misery off your hands for ya :p
Believe me, you don’t want it.
Why not? Awesome looking tank and a semi-good money maker. I don’t think it’s that bad. Tough turret and the same gun as on T32.
same gun as the T32, with a slower rate of fire then the T29, and less accuracy then the T32.
Fail… How can you say that? Awesome tank I love mine.
I seem to have missed the whole Type 59 changes thing, can someone point me in the right direction?
So nothing to inherently change the characteristics. Just a slightly lower profile.
But longer
Big deal
Nope. But a lower profile is buff and they wanted compensation for that length “nerf” which is almost nothing
I have noticed, that every time there is a model change, if it is on a soviet or chinese tsnk, people see only the buff in its change and never the nerf. If itd a german or a british tank, they ignore the posdible buffs and focus on the nerf…
Welcome to WoT.
Because Type 59 gets longer and gets a lower profile. Thats not a nerf, but a change.
German tanks were changed with following formula: “increase all dimensions by xx%”
Thats a nerf – no matter how u want it to sell to the audience.
Not in every case, with IS-7 on level ground with the T110E3, it’s impossible to pen on the top bar (you know the horizontal bar at the height of the commander hatch). Whereas with a tank that has it’s gun higher up such as E-100, it’s so much easier to penetrate that top bar on the E3.
There’s also some houses the IS-7 for instance cannot shoot through whereas the E-100 can easily do this (when you’re the one standing behind the house obviously, not the enemy).
Well the british hasn’t seen a rebalance or any model changes
If they want less TK, then fix the Fail Platoons.
No Platoon should be allowed to press the “Battle” button if their respective Minimum Battle Tier Spread (MBTS) is more than 1.
except arty
for example the russian T7 artys (203mm cannons) can still be useful in battletier 12 battles
They can always code for that, but as a general rule having a MBTS greater than 1 is a bad thing.
Funny thing is that the higher the tier of the battle, the more people cheer when I execute the Fail Platoon member who brought the low tier tank. I guess the more people play the more they realize home much their team is hurt by these FPMs (Fail Platoon Member) who just want some XP that they don’t plan on earning.
I never condone it. Regardless a tk is a tk. let the T1 or such kill himself on the enemy lines. It’s one less shot fired at you.
Besides, I had a loltraktor fail platooner save the game for us by sneaking by the enemy and capping.
Noooooo, I want to scare high tiers with my KV/152 and S-51!
Have you tried the post-nerf S-51 MM? HORRIBLE!!
“A nation as a whole isn’t worse, actual tanks are. These tanks will be fixed, if necessery”
I believe they will, but how many patch’s will it take?
1… 2…. 3…. The World may never know!
Well, at least SerB admits that in national battles, weak tanks in a nation are shown. Especially in the British tech tree… actual tanks being the FV medium and heavy fail tank. Is there any info if there are plans to change the heavy yet SS?
I am interested overall what will happen for FV215b. Will it:
-rebalanced (both buffs and nerfs)?
-will it get its old stats?
-will it removed and replaced by chieftain ?
-will it bumped down to tier 8 prem with super nerfs?
-will it moved to TD line (not logical, its doesnt matter that does it sit anywhere, its fake anyway)
Its still unsure though that what will happen to it, WG said many times that it wont removed/replaced, then they have been said that they will look at it, they said that they will rebalance it, they said that they want to add Chieftain pretty hradly to this game.
So many possiblities.
Well putting it on tier 8 would be completely stupid since it is just the Conqueror with a rear turret.. They should get a historical heavy tank on tier 10 because, as much as FV215b looks nice, it just doesn’t suit tier 10.. I mean, the tier 9 front turret Conqueror is really fine, but tier 10… nooo :P
think its ony of the ugliest tanks in game. but thats only my mind.
Stop whining :D
The FV 215b 120 is like the T110E5, exept it is a little less mobile and it has less armor. The turret is still enough for tier X heavies and meds and the turret weakspot is so much smaller than the one on the T110E5.
Nobody is whining and dont be a moron. The tank is a fake, as fake as the Waffentrager e-100. But unlike the WF, the FV215 CAN be replaced with a more realistic tier 10 heavy.
Yes, but it’s balanced so I think WG should put their effort into replacing other tanks :D
Actually, no, it isn’t balanced. The armor is too weak to sustain any amount of damage. The AMX50B has weaker armor, ye, but it is fast and it has burst damage. The FV IS just a Conqueror with a bigger health pool, and a turret on the back which makes all it’s previous tactics worse because of the no depression thing. Not to mention they have better candidates for its place.
You do know that the FV215b have the same 7 degrees gun depression as the Conqueror, despite the rear turret.
Actually the Waffentraeger E-100 could theoretically be replaced by a Waffentraeger based on the Panther chassis (there are quite a few to choose from), the only downside to the alternatives being that they don’t have the autoloaders that make the Waffentraeger E-100 worth playing.
Except they do, a 3 round 128mm loader was tested on a Panther chassis.
I wrote about a tier X waffentrager Panther long ago.
- (SS: in 8.11, the teamkill and
teamdamage bans will be much harsher)
Time to roll my KV-5 out and push people out of cap :D
Im curious how they will handle accidental TK´s, if u shoot at at an enemy tank that is brawling with a friendly and you accidently hit the friendly and kills him. Would I get a ban for that? Im curious on how they will act in such case at WG. Im fine with banning idiots who TK´s right at the start of battle. Accidental TK´s can easily happen when you play arty.
I am sure you won’t be banned when you hit an ally just once – (even if you kill him, there is even a medal about TK – lucky)
Killing ally near enemy tank isnt team killing its just accidental shot. Killing ally when there is no enemy near is team kill.
ok thanks for clearing things up:)
Tell that to my crazy KV-2 sniper … :D
It happened to me numerous times… shooting at enemy 300-400m away hoping for lucky shot when suddenly Le Wild teammate appears in my zoomed reticle… trying to overrun me just in second the shell leaves the barrel …
Don’t worry about it, or don’t bother wasting your time reporting or worrying about TK’ing WG does not do anything. The typical response is that there is a system in place for team damage, when the amount of Team damage is reached the player will be banned for a given amount of time. So the accidental TK or team damage is not going to amount to anything, because I am sure that it resets daily.
Funnily enough, a player submitted his “M6A2E1 sucks” whine in verses. SerB’s only answer was “Not a Pushkin”
I totally agree, shittiest premium tank i own. I have no idea why wont they buff it finally.
True, it was an ok tank back in 7.x now its just terrible. Only reason I keep it is because I enjoy keeping tanks and you cant get it anymore as far as im aware of.
Agreed. This tank at its current state deserves to have preferential matchmaking. If not, they need to buff its ROF and accuracy and fix its soft as hell turret from the front.
- the probability of causing minimum and maximum damage is not linear – there is a lower chance to cause extreme end damage and higher chance to cause average damage.
Except KV-1S. It does 400+ in like 90% of shots. Lots of times for 420-430. Obviously 390 average is too UP.
I remember having shots with 350dmg with 122mm guns or maybe even less. I agree 122 mm long barrel gun has no place in tier 6 but we should not say it is stronger than it is
That article about Von Werra is awesome. I love such stories. Crappy ending for the guy though…
I enjoyed the Von Werra story. As far as arty shooting at the enemy with friends face hugging them, they are just as likely to hit friendly as enemy. So if someone makes a habit of it, thy will get banned as they should. In case you are wondering, I have T10 Arty and never shoot into a brawl.
same here, I very rarely play arty though. Used to play it alot when su-26 was a great arty. I prefer turreted artys when U do play arty. I only have upto tier 5 arty though.
Only arty I feel confident about shooting into a brawl with is my FV304, because it’s incredible. Can still get me in trouble though. Had a match the other day when there were two 13/90s facehugging, lined up a shot on the rear of the enemy tank and just as I fired, he backed off, and our 13/90 went forward directly into the shot. I picked off the enemy tank as soon as I reloaded, but I still felt bad.
I once tried to help ally in brawl while in my FV304, thinking I will surely hit that red guy and give bigger chance of survival to ally. Red pressed against wall, green holding him and I shooting from side. No way it could hit ally. RNG said nope, not this time, round went few meters away and hit ally for full dmg or racked him, IDK. This happened with arty that does 50-100 dmg on average with exceptional 300 on good hit. Never again I try such a thing with that little beast.
Only time I shoot into a brawl is if it is a platoon mate or clan war, and they asked me to do it :)
Have you noticed that the British tanks now have a different voice than the Americans for national crew voice overs? The voice is even more deadpan than the American one, but the accent definitely seems British.
And it SHOULD sound more deadpan! They’re British!
Seriously, the British are MASTERS of both deadpan snarking and of profound understatements (if various books I’ve read regarding many of the conflicts they were involved in for the last 100 years, from WWII to the Liberation of Iraq, have any degree of truth to them). For instance, if you hear a British soldier report in over the radio that “the enemy’s getting a little close for comfort – we’d appreciate some help at your convenience”, what they REALLY mean is “our position is about to be completely overrun, and if you don’t get here in the next five minutes, we’ll be slaughtered!”
That will be Gloster hill. I don’t think it was quiet those words but the sentiment is correct.
It’s just bad acting, not a stiff upper lip lol. WG is so fucking cheap some times.
The saddest part about that stubborn pilot is that if he stayed in the POW camp, he would most probably lived to see the end of the war and beyond. And he basically escaped to his death.
the probability of causing minimum and maximum damage is not linear – there is a lower chance to cause extreme end damage and higher chance to cause average damage.
yes I have T28 prototype… 400 dmg aplha .. enemy tank have 301 HP (its WT tier9) and I hit him for 300 ..
selling all my tanks above tier7
That is because there is a saving roll that is thrown, and it was buffed because no one was using the reload skill when your tank is below 10% health, because it never happened. So to correct this they upped the chance at the saving throw. That is why you see the guy hit the red tank for 99% of what they have remaining and then the red tank takes a shot back at you and kills you with a high damage roll…… FACEPALM!
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