Not much today
- quality of armor is not taken into account in World of Tanks
- recently, one of the “lesser” developers posted on RU forums that “higher caliber guns have bigger chance of damaging modules” – Yurko2F explains how this really works: it has nothing to do with the chance to avoid module saving throw, but ever shell has a separate stat for module damage, that depends on the caliber of the gun and thus bigger guns have bigger chance of causing enough damage for a module to become yellow (or red)
- Storm confirms that the 8.11 version of T-54 is final, after that it will be the HD version
- Storm states that it’s not true that the later a tank came out (SS: in WoT), the later it will be remodelled to HD
Both the first and the second thing are old news. Guess they don’t have anything interesting to say anymore, or people just keep asking stupid questions. :)
Mosty people asking stupid questions, devs don’t tell much on their own
Like the +1/-1mm question.
way back when MM was from 3 to 10, devs told us that it has to be that way, else queues would be way too long and game would be too boring. Smaller brackets will never happen
people continued whining
Then they made it 4/-4.
People asked for 3/-3 and devs told them hat it has to be that way, else queues would be way too long and game would be too boring. Smaller brackets will never happen
people continued whining
Then they made it 3/-3
People then asked for 2/-2 and devs told them hat it has to be that way, else queues would be way too long and game would be too boring. Smaller brackets will never happen
people continued whining.
Then they made it 2/-2
People then asked for 1/-1 and devs told them hat it has to be that way, else queues would be way too long and game would be too boring. Smaller brackets will never happen
people continued whining.
That’s where we are now. Durr, I wonder what will happen next.
They have a convenient ‘argument’ for the current spread: ‘T-34-76 met Tiger IRL, therefore spread is appropriate for all tanks’ (IIRC).
Yeah got to wonder SS if you start to hate translating the same questions and answers over and over again just like the dev team? Are there just some things you find, say “How terrible…” out loud then refuse to bother adding?
My M18 gets one-shot by KV-2 but I can’t one shot it back.
Gtfo. Want realism? Wait for war thunder ground forces obt in april
How do you know its coming in April? Source?
They don’t balance proper they just shift the problem from A to B and then to C and back again.
That serb is bullet dodging Benny Hill.
And this broken formula creates tons of profit for them, and tons of frustration among veteran players.
@Vector, every waves comes out every two months
It’s really simple. A lot of questions have been asked already at least once. But people forget – it’s good to remind them of some of the answers, so they don’t ask again the next day
that’s usually what a FAQ is for.
Do they have a FAQ on that forum?
I had one. Noone read that.
Here’s a better question: did you honestly EXPECT them to read your FAQ?
” recently, one of the “lesser” developers posted on RU forums that “higher caliber guns have bigger chance of damaging modules””
I think this is very obvious.
Lets take the D10T and the D25 guns. Both have the same 175 penetration but one does 250 dmg and the other 390.
Lets say you take a shot at the enemy and you hit a module with 300 hp.
With the D10T you’ll damage the module (yellow) but you will not dmg the tank as the module “ate” your shell.
If you hit it with the d25t, the module will get destroyed, and the shell will do the regular +-25% dmg to the tank.
One very obvious test is shooting the kv-1 with the 6lb-er from the side. The tracks of the KV-1 will “eat” your 75 avg damage shells without you shedding any damage.
This is not how it works… Tracks do “eat” shells, but internal modules don’t. Or at least it never happens to me.
So a radio man, an observation device etc has never eaten your shells? You must be very lucky. If I was you I’d play the lottery.
Guess we all can play on the lottery then. And sometimes an observation deck is not in the armor model, so on certain places you wil NEVER do damage.
“- quality of armor is not taken into account in World of Tanks”
This is a lie.
Look back to the patch notes after the US tree was released, when T29, T32, T34 and T30 were all nerfed because their “armor is 30% more effective than it should be”.
Armor strength (not thickness, homogenization) is a factor the engine supports and it is a factor they used to tweak all the time. And I still hold it to this day that’s why relatively thin plates on the KV-series are ridiculously trollish.
Also, as was brought up in the Epic Thread, “armor quality” was taken into account with the Super Pershing’s boiler plate faces, being half as effective as normal armor plate.
How about T29, T30 and T34 in-game model having a +79mm extra turret mantlet that isn’t in the real vehicle? Is that russian bias too?
Who said anything about Russian bias?
Also, don’t pretend the T29, T34 and T30 are the only ones that benefit from a-historical stats. How about the IS-7′s a-historical armor, or the KV-1S getting 300% more gun depression than it had in real life?
The T29′s primary advantage comes from it being placed a tier lower than it should be, as it was designed to counter the Tiger II, which is a tier 8 heavy (and unlike its predecessor, the Tiger, is actually appropriately balanced at tier 8, whereas the Tiger is effectively a tier 6 heavy in every way except for the top gun, which is good at tier 7 and adequate on the Tiger II at tier 8).
The T32′s effectively the same tank but with a smaller turret and the same guns, but wouldn’t be good enough for tier 9, so tier 8′s a good place for it.
Frankly, something I could see happening once multi-hull options are added could be the T29 being moved up to tier 8, with the T29 and T32′s equipment available for it as options (and possibly allowing one to research the T30 from it as well). The only problem: there isn’t anything suitable to take its place at tier 7, so it probably won’t happen…
- quality of armor is not taken into account in World of Tanks
The reason:
WT GF has armour quality and… late war soviet tanks suffer from the cast armour, it’s 5% weaker than RHA (place holder number until they get more data).
- quality of armor is not taken into account in World of Tanks
Then how do you explain nerfing the effective thickness of the Super Pershing’s frontal spaced armor, which was explained at the time that it was because it was boiler plate rather than armor-quality steel (the angle was off too, but they reduced the effective thickness of it because of the material it was made of)?
I suppose the more accurate answer would be “quality of armor is not taken into account in World of Tanks…unless you’re talking about tanks that aren’t Russian.”
Seriously, they’re full of shit sometimes.