Hello everyone,
at this point, we can safely assume that the tier 10 tank discounts will no longer unified, because there are some notable differences. From 1.2.2014 to 15.2.2014, Russian server will have the FV215b (183) on discount. SEA server on the other hand will have it from 7.2. to 21.2. (same vehicle, after which comes IS-4 and after IS-4 comes E-50 Ausf.M). US Server has tier 10 discount on Jagdpanzer E-100 until 3.2.
There are currently no news about the tier 10 EU server discount, but it’s still possible we might get one…
Edit: according to the EU February 2014 calendar, tier 10 discounts are returning
Let’s hope we won’t have a tier 10 TD discount … it’s a TD infestation either way at this point! I hope 0.8.11 nerfs will make Tier X battles a bit more bearable .. now 7 to 10 TD’s on each side … there’s no fun (most of the times)
Not all Tier 10 TDs are to blame.
Like no discount will stop me from buying FV 183 -.- …. only 45 000 exp to grind.
hope it’s T62A due to latest vid on portal,
if not gonna sue WG.
I believe T-62A was on discount in July.
allready was on TOP OF THE TREE
E50M is my next one, already have enough siver but a discount is always nice.
allready passed TOP OF THE TREE
Not sure this is the case. The E-50M has not been featured on the NA server, and they were all the same up until the end of November, so highly unlikely is was already featured in a Top of the Tree.
Can’t wait to get my hands on Jagdpanzer E-100! Just hope it would be the next one.
Who needs discounts with all the massive credits missions.
Which do end.. like.. today!? :D
And the next lot will start on Saturday.
There is a “Top of the tree” event starting tomorrow in the EU February calendar, they just published it.
EU just announced their Top of the Tree. It is the FV215b (183).
the possible candidates can be jgpze100 -e3-e4 as tds
Just posted on the EU portal, it will be the 183.
EDIT: Ninja’d
Actually there is currently showing 183 on discount in game missions