Hello everyone,
just like last year, Maiorboltach from Russian LJ community makes yet another transcription of Russian stream with community managers (never heard the nicknames before, so I’ll just take his word on that – their names are Alexei “Inaki” Ilyin, Alexei “Orc” Protnikov and Alexander “Twitch79″ Safronov). Here’s how he summarized it:
- apparently, the Wargaming signed contract with Twitch and it will be possible in the future to stream directly from the game
- in 9.0, there will be 12 HD models and a part of Havok engine
- in 9.0, there will be some unannounced features for garage and crew
- there is a high probability HESH shells mechanism will not be reworked (SS: *sigh*)
- 9.0 will bring ammo rack explosions and turrets flying off, but Maus turret will not fly off, it will just fall on the side of the tank, it’s possible other components (hatches, handles etc.) will fly off too during the explosion
- alternative hulls will be soon, but not in 9.0
- right now, the developers are thinking about PvE elements, but nothing definitive yet
- Chinese arties and TD’s will be implemented as very last, even Japanese artillery has higher priority
- (Russian) “Art of War” (for Japanese tanks) results will come soon, there have been some technical details
- there will be apparently Wargaming themed brand accessories by Razer
- there are many issues with WoT cybersports, many functions and mechanisms are missing and Wargaming is trying to catch on as fast as they can
- apparently, it is actually not profitable for Wargaming to support “small (viewer-wise and participant-wise)” league streams (ESL and WePlay)
- WG developers are somewhat unsatisfied with Karelia, one part of the map (upper base) has some advantage according to HEAT map (SS: HEAT map is a schematic, mapping player activity – basically, it shows the most active parts of the map), but at the same time, the mapmaking department thinks the map is fine
- Wargaming is debating internally, what to do with noobmeter (XVM), some want to ban it outright, but at the same time it does no harm and many people use it
- no huge destructible objects (like WoWp bridges) will appear in WoT, the biggest thing destructible will be a house or so
- WG banned the mod that shows tank reload on minimap
- WG has tools to scan your computer for illegal software and mods, but according to the developers, these are rarely used (only if a player gets reported a lot)
- tablet for commanders (SS: if I understand it correctly – a company/CW/e-sports feature, where the commander of the team will be able to show tactics to the team on a minimap in the garage) is scheduled to appear in one of the upcoming patches, it will be possible to draw on the map like in DOTA2
- it will soon be possible to “ping” minimap for platoon members only
- Christie tanks were again postponed
- 3rd Campaign will come in the beginning of second quarter of 2014
- WoWp and WoT interface won’t be unified
- training battle interface won’t be changed
(at this point, one of the managers – Inaki – was “butthurt”, because Russian players were writing in the chat that WoWp gameplay and interface are crap)
- there will not be a tier 8 British medium premium tank
- FV4202 will be re-worked a lot soon
- there will be a possibility to somehow get the M60
- there will be an ingame notification about forum private messages and about portal news
“- in 9.0, there will be 12 HD models”
so many tenkz
such waiting
Much tanks
very HD
and no new french heavys :(
such disappointment
much sadness
Fucking doge.
not funny anymore.
so hostility
much anger
such stupid
- in 9.0, there will be some unannounced features for garage and crew
You will be able to choose garage look from majority of previous event’s garages.
You will be able to retrain crew members from one role to another (if you will be able to train anyone to commander that will be OP)
“FV4202 will be re-worked a lot soon”
Fix it’s gun model in 2015? D:
Well, I asked around a bit and I would take the “soon” cum grano salis.
Oh my god, so a new gun model in 2016???? So excited. xD
I just don’t believe they will fix that tenk.
I don’t believe it either, I believe it will be replaced.
I pray you are right, SS.
They better know what there doing i just platooned recently with two of my buddies all of us using fv42. we carried every game consistently doing 2 to 4k damage.
I reckon that its come so far from what it was supposed to be that a speed a buff and turret armor buff would do it. Yes for those who want it replaced okay but what if they give us something which is not as good as the fv42 ? and then we have to wait for another buff? that is what worries me.
In my opinion the vickers mbt with .3 accuracy crazy reload time even better than the leopard 1 near the same armor as the current fv with a 48 or 5o kph speed would be ok. The chieftain would be even better.
In my opinion the vickers mbt with .3 accuracy crazy reload time even better than the leopard 1 near the same armor as the current fv with a 48 or 5o kph speed would be ok. The chieftain would be even better.
Keep in mind that the Vickers MBT was a full production vehicle and as such they can’t mess with the armour scheme. IRL it’s thickest armour was the frontal turret at 80mm so its nowhere near the current ingame FV4202.
The engine was the Leyland L60 and initially provided 550 bhp giving the MBT a top speed of 48 kmph and the later models had the engine tuned to provide 600 bhp. The prototype supposedly could do 55 kmph so maybe that could be its top speed if the engine was given 600 bhp ingame.
Combine all that with 7 degrees of gun depression and you can see why the Vickers MBT can’t compare to the Leo 1 unless the gun stats are crazy.
Besides the devs confirmed that it would get its own branch, and I hope we get the Mk.3 version since that turret provides 10 degrees of gun depression and a better shape.
You can read more about the Vickers MBT here:
Move FV4202 to tier 8 with 20-pdr, followed by two Chieftain HTs. :-)
Yeah… That makes a lot of sense. Especially that it was already stated that Chief is considered heavy. Also I find weird their statement about British Med tier 8. Even Storm/Serb stated after re-examination that historical config of FV4202 would fit tier 8. So give us Action X, and make FV a Premium. Easy.
All of the whining aside, I think that quality of WoT will drastically increase during 2014. They finally stopped adding new tanks and started improving what they already have. Me like.
I hope you are right!
Whats the problem with the HESH? I like how it works.
I there is a way to make HESH work like it would have historically. And it was not too complicated to understand.
hitted by HESH= massive damage to most of moduls
hesh(183) piercing hits already kills half the crew and knocks out 2-3 modules.
also not many tanks can take +1800 damage and survive.
Just gravy without the potato and steak!.
-(at this point, one of the managers – Inaki – was “butthurt”, because Russian players were writing in the chat that WoWp gameplay and interface are crap)
Is it really that crap?
It’s unintuitive. I had problems finding stuff.
It’s more than that. The main problem with the WoWp interface is that it goes exactly opposite what even the most basic flight simulation control scheme uses. Even games from the DOS days have better control schemes than what WoWp currently has. For example, unless you go into the menu and physically set certain keys, it’s flat impossible to do even the simplest aileron roll (barrel roll) with the plane. Rudder controls are flat out ignored, and the default mouse control is twitchy at best. What’s more, this shoddy control scheme translates into equally shoddy gameplay, and is something that could come back to haunt WG unless they do something about it.
Now I know, some reading this will say “but it’s not a simulator…” this is true, but even non simulation “arcade” type flight games still stick to pretty much a standard set of controls that were first laid out by the early flight sim games. In the end, I think WG tried to emulate the control they have in World of Tanks, without really understanding or realizing that it would hamper the players more than help them.
At this point, probably the best thing they could do is simply say to the players “Yes, we messed up with the control scheme. We’ll have to put some things like the British planes, and updates on the back burner while we go back and correct our mistake.” They won’t do that though.
It’s confusing when you are used to WoT’s interface.
They should stop whining, WoT is only worse.
well i dont think you LOAD everytime you move from tech tree to the hangar. it’s like loading screens EVERYWHERE. also, it’s annoying to upgrade modules since it LOADS too, again. the module sect is basically a mini tech tree. also it’s not even clear on how changing modules will affect the plane.
in short, LOTS of things missing that could be fixed.
No, I find it ok, don’t have any problems.
By the way. What about the new Chaffee branch? Seemed like you know more about it but didn’t want to tell, because of that reddit ask me anything. New stronk ChaFfeE in 9.0? (:
“- apparently, the Wargaming contract with Twitch is over, it will be possible in the future to stream directly from the game”
“- there are many issues with WoT cybersports, many functions and mechanisms are missing and Wargaming is trying to catch on as fast as they can”
“- tablet for commanders is scheduled to appear in one of the upcoming patches, it will be possible to draw on the map like in DOTA2″
These might be actually really good news for the e-sports scene of WoT. If they manage to do these things properly WoT might still have some future against the other titles. At least this proves WG is still trying, which is definitely a good thing.
WG and properly LOL
- there will be a possibility to somehow get the M60
Wow, I wonder how it will be obtainable. Hopefully some very difficult mission for random which I would be very happy for. I got very mad when they announced M60 would be clan war material, which is bollocks and stupid to put mass produced tank as a Clan War reward.
I hope they will make it available for some other CW campaign.
Random bobs shouldn’t have everything just because they are able to mindlessly grind like zombies.
Are they planning to improve match making any time in 2014?
No. What’s to “improve”?
They will actually introduce a special MM system – it will scan the forums and the more it will detect complains, the more it will put the complaining players on the bottom of the team. If you cross a complaint threshold, all your damage will also be automatically minimal and all the damage you recieve will always be maximum.
How terrible
Wow, that was funny… NOT. Is it really that hard for them to make MM based on user stats (Efficiency/WN7/WN8)? What is the point of introducing “Personal Rating’ in “Sercice Record” if they don’t use it?
Maybe most of you guys play in 2-3 player platoons where 2-3 players working together can win the battle, but if you play alone, most of the time, and have tomatoes as a team members it is really difficult to do so…
Such an old topic, with every possible answer already written and explained numerous times. Why repeat?
So you want to see, how bad you really are if you get matched against other bad players? I like the way it is right now. Sometimes the odds are on your side, sometimes not. Since it is pure random for everyone the only constant is you. You have to adapt to the situation.
And with skillbased MM there wont be any noobs around in high tier battles you can just roflstomp xD
Play Team Battles. Stop complaining.
Play better and you will stop complaining.
I play SPGs, I really don’t care how I play so long as I do damage.
Its not hard they just dont want to.
I thought the MM already worked in a similar way to that already: You buy gold = you win a little more for a given period. You buy premium tank = you get great credit income for given period with that tank. My tinfoil hat is not in use but perhaps should be as I do think these points have some element of truth…
seems legit ( I just got more warning points :D)
- WG has tools to scan your computer for illegal software and mods, but according to the developers, these are rarely used (only if a player gets reported a lot)
Yeah it detects if you have illegal Windows beware! Bollocks to scare dummies. How do you write a script which can tell diffrence between legal hitbox skin mod and illegal glass boxes skin mod? How do you write mod which can tell diffrence between legal Winter mod and illegal foliage remover? Both are just moded graphics, from technical point extacly the same thing. If WG could write A.I. scripts they would rule entire world not a little game lawl. WG dummies can’t even get the actually detectable stuff like dll injections with scripts for autorepair/autoextenguisher.
What they can do is what many games do they can create a checksum value for each of their files then compare your files against the checksum if they don’t match then they know you have a modded file. Then they can ban you or force the game to update your files back to the original game files. This is not hard it’s been around from the start of gaming in the 80′s. That’s why many hacks for games have to use a external program to add things like crosshairs ect.
Yeah cool, then what? In case you don’t know mods are generally legal in WoT. Read again what I wrote.
I was replying because your post makes it sound like they can’t check up on what files you have. But they can, and yes I know mods are ok to use at this time. But things change on world of tanks all the time and soon someone at world of tanks will be banning people who use mods it’s just a matter of time.
As for people running illegal copies of Windows that would be most of the Russian players.
Why not? World of Warcraft has bot-detecting software.
Bots are neither mods nor hacks, it’s a whole diffrent story.
“- WG banned the mod that shows tank reload on minimap”
My biggest problem with banned MODs is that this is how we learn of them and sometimes the ONLY way we learn of them.
Why can’t they have a PINNED post on each server’s Forum???
Why care? They can’t detect it, they don’t even make those decisions global (like there are/were some mods legal on one server and illegal on another). Make a little experiment, write a ticket to EU WG support and ask them what mods are illegal and then laugh from their vague, clueless respond.
SS, why don’t you keep an updated list about those “banned” mods?
Yes. with download links
Hehe, for “testing” :3
- there will not be a tier 8 British medium premium tank
Why, do they not want my money?
premium tanks are meaningless profit for WG at this point
There’s no such thing as meaningless profit. Profit is profit.
Still think they need to make the T42 a prem tank. All the parts are already in the game, it’d cost them literally nothing and people would flock to have a true premium medium tank again.
They’d make tons of money. Or is that “meaningless profit” too?
Yes it is, Those are extacly Serb’s words, premium tanks are meaningless profit, just get back a few Q&A back and check. Money comes from premium accounts and e-sport
Russian server player here. I’m familiar with Alexei “Inaki” Ilyin but haven’t heard of the others. If I recall correctly, Ilyin was involved with the RU server version of “Hunt the Pros” events where players can earn gold and also the team company challenges.
They used to refer to their community team reps by name and some kind of Wargaming clan tag, recently they’ve just been giving them event-themed names with event-themed clan tags.
“- there will be a possibility to somehow get the M60″
Migrate to China?
-Learn Chinese
-Install WoT China
-Ignore M60 and get Type 59 Gold Edition
- there will be a possibility to somehow get the M60
Yea, that was predictable.
- Chinese arties and TD’s will be implemented as very last, even Japanese artillery has higher priority
Good, at least I can train my crew from T-34-2 on my Type 59 and then transfer it to TDs. I guess my WZ-120 will like my actual (488%) Types crew more :)
hmm… just comes to mind, why do tank crew forget all the prior training and remembers only current tanks? is that part of historical reality? did tank crew had limited memory back then, i wonder….
Well, what do you think? :P It is simply a necessary *game* solution for WG to make sure that people do not use a single crew for every tank they own.
long time ago there was announcement (probably spelled it wrong :P) that instead of giving tank for CW Campaign you will get “token for campaign x” and you will be able to exchange it for tank from campaign x or any older CW reward
Brace yourself
Dick drawins on minimap are coming.
(according to my DOTA 2 experience)
Many issues with cyber sports my ass. The main issue is cheating and corruption and favouritism with organisers as we recently found out. It’s a joke. If this was any kind of official real world competition they would have zero legitimacy.
its an advertisement for wot.. to get more sheeps :)
- Christie tanks were again postponed
more specific?
It cant get more specific then that.
you’ll need to refer to the 1st edition tech tree draft of the USA tree. there’s supposed to be FIVE Christie tanks in the tree, fully independent since the yanks dont appreciate Christie’s suspension design (they just made the Christie tanks to shut him up)
-there is a high probability HESH shells mechanism will not be reworked (SS: *sigh*)
My A> I know how you feel SilentStalker
-there will not be a tier 8 British medium premium tank
My A>How Terrible -___-
- FV4202 will be re-worked a lot soon
My A> Yay
“- 9.0 will bring ammo rack explosions and turrets flying off, but Maus turret will not fly off, it will just fall on the side of the tank, it’s possible other components (hatches, handles etc.) will fly off too during the explosion”
Noooooooooo, i want to see Maus turret flying and crushing other HTs to death!
and what about E-100 turret? it have same weight :D
Their turret’s weights same as the whole IS-4 :D
“- apparently, the Wargaming contract with Twitch is over, it will be possible in the future to stream directly from the game (SS: no idea how that will work)”
I don’t care how that will work but I love the idea.
“- Chinese arties and TD’s will be implemented as very last, even Japanese artillery has higher priority”
:( To be honest, I’d like to see these two tech trees completed with skeleton branches of TDs and arties so that they can participate in Confrontations. On the other hand I just want the french medium and heavy line asap.
“- Wargaming is debating internally, what to do with noobmeter (XVM), some want to ban it outright, but at the same time it does no harm and many people use it”
Ban it! Players don’t have to know all the details about their team or the enemy.
“- there will be a possibility to somehow get the M60″
Oh yeah! Hope it’s after February so I have time to grind whatever tasks WG pulls off this time.
WG should ban Noobmeter and XVM.
Noobmeter are killing the game. On higher tiers you get people more worried about their stats than actually winning. It is more important for them to get their 2+ kills and lots of damage, than to increase their win rate.
I have seen people suicide in the beginning of the game cause their team was not strong (green/blue/purple) enough.
Noobmeter (XVM) brought more harm to this game than any other 3rd party software, including bots.
” – Wargaming is debating internally, what to do with noobmeter (XVM), some want to ban it outright, but at the same time it does no harm and many people use it”
(Since you’re already talking about that I’ll add my thought.)
Didn’t they tell that you could don’t show your own stats? I think it’d be better!
If people wants to show their stats it’s good. The ‘bad’ things about noobmeter (and others stats things) is like Brainiac tell, that people actually can be really ‘stupid’ about it.
OFC not all people, but some are like that.
Yeah and then let’s get rid off clans, CW, team battles, tournaments, e-sport and company battles. And then ban all people who have more than 1000 effy those bastards must be cheating! Just L2P kidos…
Sarcasm does not suite your nic.
I am in a clan with mostly purple players, that is why I know first hand what the effects of noobmeter is.
I think that XVM should be allowed I use it and when I see a 40% game or whatever I don’t automatically go this is a lost game. I fight and play as i would if it was a 70% its only a small majority that make XVM look bad. Dont blame the tools blame the people who don’t know how to use them correctly
Couldn’t agree more. XVM is really hurting the game, on multiple levels.
As well as some players gaming for personal stats instead of playing for a team win (because they’re seriously not quite the same thing) others playing to sabotage their stats so they don’t get shot first (which is also too meta-game in itself) and a general fixation on stats that detracts from genuine enjoyment of the game (with the words, ‘average damage’ coming to mean something like ‘production quota’) it’s doing a lot to poison the playerbase and community spirit.
All the time you see it:
“Blah blah! Tomato team! *ragequit*”
– XVM tells someone they have bad odds to win, so they give up there and then, even if they don’t ragequit, they play like crap, don’t support pushes and often drag down the whole team’s spirit with insults and whining for the whole match. The only upside is when you win despite them.
“someone’sgrandfather58 has 455 efficiency, omg uninstall game!”
– This one really annoys me. All players have equal rights to enjoy a F2P game as long as they’re not genuinely ruining other’s game experiences. A bad player, who is generally buying gold and supporting the game like almost everyone else is far less disruptive then bullies and stat farmers. At least somene’sgrandad58 is playing to win and is generally being a sport. I’d rather have more of that dude on my team and lose with a smile then win with some dudebro troll statistic farmer spewing venom on my screen.
“Oh yeah? With that efficiency rating?”
– Lower XVM ratings are being used as the equivalent of a ‘low blow’ in many in-game debates which is ridiculous. Gaming an imperfect system which encourages a strict playing regimen (high tier, damage focus) which doesn’t directly serve the good of the team nor the enjoyment of the game does not make anyone’s opinion more valid. Selfish playing habits (a lot of pushers and campers are stat-farmers) do not grant the title of ‘All-Knowing.’ Especially when the debate is something like, “Is TOG fun?”
Nothing drives home the non-master-race status of XVM ‘elites’ then watching a blue IS-? camp for an entire match, doing tons of damage and then losing because the frontal push was MISSING AN IS.
Much as it’s unpopular to quote SerB:
“If you did lots of damage and still lost, you did it in the wrong place.”
…and he’s right about that.
So you’ve got skilled players playing badly, unskilled players being insulted and a general load of negativity centred around the fact that an imperfect statistical analysis mod is promoting elitism, the notion that the game is made for the top 10% of stat-farmers, that playing in the treehouse should be a right reserved for the ‘cool kid’ trollers, alienating new players and generally souring the experience for all concerned with their bad habits and histrionic whining and swearing.
Is it ANY WONDER that people have been screaming for the option to turn off chat? Any at all?
It’s not the only source of this problem and not it’s only factor, but it’s been a major catalyst promoting and developing the disgusting leet gamer troll culture that now centers around it.
We’re all allowed in the treehouse, whether or not we want to camp in our high tier tanks all day or whether we play all tiers for fun and victory, whether we’re young, fast and twitchy or older, wiser and slower. This game was designed to have a broad appeal. It brought me back in touch with my Father before his death last year, giving us an activity in common, something to chat about and do together. Even know it keeps me in touch with my Brother, keeping the family from drifting apart. WoT has been a positive force in my life.
Removing XVM wont destroy this unfortunate culture, because it’s now so deeply rooted… but… it would be a start and it would be confiscaton of troll ammo that would fix a few of the problems I’ve listed.
Banning XVM would be moving forward, promoting a better culture. One based on sportsmanship and fun, instead of elitism and drudgery.
excellent post
I could not agree more +1, XVM needs to go, it adds a unpleasant ugliness to the game.
I’m so sick of the we got a 38% chance to win, we loose comments, or hey 65% chance to win, and then we loose cause people sandbag thinking its a easy win.
I real life a tank crew, can not look at a enemy tank and know how good they are, or which to kill first, we should not be able to either, it would make a much better gaming experience
Semper Fi.
RL crew didn’t fired all the HEAT ammo at enemy tonks either, but that doesn’t stop pubbies to do it. Stop with the nonsense.
amazing how people can really whine a lot more than pigs in a slaughterhouse.
If you dont like XVm then dont use it. if you see some idiots doing the Quitter just because of too much tomatoes then ignore that tomato/statpadder. i use XVM but it’s been proven many times (hard ways) that:
-Tomatoes can kill unicums
-Good players in wrong tanks still lose.
whine/bitch less, shoot more. The mighty prevails
You don’t get it do you?
From your wise words I interpret that you are not a team player.
I don’t use XVM. I dont need to know the quality’s of any opponent.
The problem is guys like you that want to show your e-peen, and therefore firstly play for stats and secondly to win.
Agreed. Excellent post.
@Brainiac: That would be stupid. If they are worried about their stats, winning is also included. The bigger problem is stupid players more worried about being the top dog in a match than actually winning. That is what you should be worried about.
Noobmeter is fine. Morons are not.
Actually my biggest problem with XVM are the Jerks who think it gives them open license to bad mouth other players, there is nothing good for this game in that.
Semper Fi
No one needs XVM for that. When the only E-75 in the team hangs far back in the map, despite the team begging him to lead the push, no one needs XVM to know that the guys sucks bad, and people will bash him, regardless of stats.
Play well and no one will bad mouth others for that. Suck and deal with the consequences.
The problem with players like that starts from Tier 1/ Tier 2 battles – They don’t have the chance to learn how to play this game because they die to early killed by players in T18 or Pz I C (quite often in platoons), some of them have a sick number of games, like 3-6k in that tank, they have maxed up tanks with 100% crew and perks…
On the other hand we have new players to the game that die to early to learn anything, most of the time they don’t even know what killed them and how? After dying X-times they are discouraged and give up, they choose the easier way to reach top tier tank in this line either by playing as AFK, or playing not caring about the end result just to get experience, or exchanging experience from eg. T8 premium tank (at which they suck), they reach T10 and do the same with another tank line… like with Pokemons – Catch them all…
- WG заключил контракт с Twitch.TV.
That means, they SIGNED contract.
Now its logically
Hmmm I could swear it was “otkluchil”
“- apparently, the Wargaming contract with Twitch is over, it will be possible in the future to stream directly from the game (SS: no idea how that will work)”
it’s easy to integrate, they have Twitch SDK/API and you just have compile it with game, and build some screen UI for user to enter his twitch credentials and bind the start/stop record buttons for in game activation (and indication).
it’s been implemented in WT couple of months ago btw….
if they used this word, it would make no sense.
*shrugs* If it something doesn’t make sense, I assume it’s a phrase and guess its meaning. Shit happens. Fixed it by the way, thank you.
- WG has tools to scan your computer for illegal software and mods, but according to the developers, these are rarely used (only if a player gets reported a lot)
Hmmm, interesting! This seems like invasion of privacy, accessing someone’s computer without someone’s approval to do that!
Lo,, why ban xvm? I mean I hate xvm but really you can just search they player on noobmeter to see hos fucked up he is. Often I write “low eff tier 9 and 10 noobs” if im bottom tier, and often im right. There are too many 43-45% tier 9 and 10 players. You dont really need xvm anymore, just a random guess will do it.
You want to do that fine, but not during game play.
Semper Fi
I prefer it IN the game. handy for identifying things that normally you cant notice without it. stuff like “stock turret”, “unicums” and “this guy just started”. also gives you confidence in how well you’re doing, but i admit it’s a double-edged sword better to be pointed at you.
There is another problem – noobs, players that don’t even have 1k games – buy tanks like T34 or Lowe – and they have no idea how to drive them because they took a shortcut, they think they are invincible standing in the middle of the map and die first while being to tier tank on you team…
The question was to ban Noobmeter (XVM) not XVM only. They will both be banned and then you will have to look up their progress on the Worldoftanks website.
basically, it shows the most active parts of the map), but at the same time, the mapmaking department thinks the map is fine
They thought that Dragon Ridge is fine map, they thought that slight changes to Komarin will make it less shitty. Well i think i don’t need to mention anything else to prove how clueless “mapmaking department” is.
- WG developers are somewhat unsatisfied with Karelia, one part of the map (upper base) has some advantage according to HEAT map (SS: HEAT map is a schematic, mapping player activity – basically, it shows the most active parts of the map), but at the same time, the mapmaking department thinks the map is fine
Huummm…Who is right? The players who actually plays the maps and build strategies for each of them or the mapmaking department, which has failed big time since the beginning, and has never delivered a balanced map so far?
We are more right i believe, although Himmelsdorf, Ruinberg and Dragon Ridge best map ever
Dragon Ridge? That goddamn awful map where the fight is concentrated on tiny part of the map while majority of the map is either inaccessible or simply ignored by players because of the way the map is made. Awfully. Or you think of that map that was reworked twice so far and still removed from the randoms due to shittiness. Yea, i really can’t see how could you put Himmel and Ruinberg with Dragon Ridge in the same sentence about good maps.
Even Ruinberg is a bit unbalanced. North has the advantage of supporting F1-F5, covered by bushes, without having to take the small east town. SPGs also have an easier time lobbing shells on town from north. It is a good map though.
Himmels is okay.
Dragon ridge just sucks, and I am glad it won’t even come back.
Can’t remember of any other maps that I are really good. Even the recent attempt to balance Steppes ended up screwing it even more IMHO. The new cover that is supposed to protect south tanks provide good cover for the other team, allowing a spotter to keep enemies lit.
“There will be apparently Wargaming themed brand accessories by Razer”