
Not much today

- 150-155mm TD guns alpha was nerfed in 8.11 – but what about HE alpha? SerB: “If it needs nerf – I will nerf it, if it doesn’t I won’t”
- developers know about the Sturmgeschütz Maus, it won’t come anytime soon (SS: if I understood it correctly, it might come as a “form” of (an alternative hull (?) Jagdpanzer E-100 – in real life the vehicles were pretty identical, so why not)
- lowering the price of tier 10 TD shells along with their nerf? “If needed”
- according to Storm, the new 8.11 team damage punishment system is “nice” and “works correctly”
- Storm states that while he doesn’t have Confrontation (national battles) stats yet (obviously), he personally thinks it’s really funny

45 thoughts on “11.2.2014

  1. Confrontation today: tier 7 battle, us germans versus russians… My sturer emil got 5 kills, ammo ran out, we won :P Not bad at all xD

    but the damn lag on the game and forums is horrible -.- COuldnt even play more than 3 battles

    • I just had FV304 .. + 8 churchils + 1 BB+2x Centurion + AT8 … VS 8 hellcats + 4x T25/2 + T29 + M41 .. total lost because all churchil players had +- 1000 battles and all of them rest camp on base!

      -> Confrontation turned off ..

  2. I cant get XVM to work (5.0.2). The game doesn’t start at all.
    Anyone got a link to where I can download some developer version that works (doesnt need to be super stable)? Like 5.1.0-test1 or something.

  3. Confrontation is fun. First ever-tier 4-5 , was in Valentine, battle in that new winter city map(gent like) vs Russkies. Won Magnificently. FOR THE KING!

  4. i am SUPER dissapointed that we dont seee japanese heavies in 2014 (very likely, i still hope for little possibility though)
    i cant wait anymoreeeeeeeeee
    I WANT MY TYPE 2604/2605 AND O-I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111oneoneone

  5. “- Storm states that while he doesn’t have Confrontation (national battles) stats yet (obviously), he personally thinks it’s really funny”

    Did he meant to say fun?
    Cause funny doesn’t sound to encouraging?

    • I dont think it was Serbs idea, it was Storms. Therefore serb thinks its funny, aka stupid pretty much. Which it is. Its not the real hisotrical battles we asked for. Its just nation vs nation battle, until like 9.2 or something when we are suppose to be getting Historical Battles properly (on historic maps, historic tanks for that battle etc etc).

      What this is, is well, just a half ass job to probably see if they could do it and tinker around. This is the beta, and the real game mode comes later.

  6. well in tier 6, i got 2 matches soviet vs germans, 1:1 (I was SU-85 in both)
    in tier 8, 1 match germans vs soviet, 1:0 (I was Tiger I)
    in tier 8, 1 match germans vs USA, 1:0 (I was Tiger II)

    it seems german tanks won’t be UP like a lot of people would think!

      • Tier 7 too (because of the fact that, with exception of the French and British, most of the heavies at that tier are simply better than the Tiger and Tiger P in most respects, the T29 in particular).

        • Amx m4 is “ok” spewing 105 apcr but with the dca 45 its lacking in terms of fire power compared to the tiger1 and not to mention the back to normal french armor.and a t29 might as well be considered a god in tier if played correctly

  7. EU1 laggy
    EU2 unplayable

    funny thing is WoT allways displays a ping of ~30 but in real its 200 …

    work done WG

  8. The release notes on the NA server have the phrase “Increased the price of Object 140″. The price (both xp and credits) had not changed on the test server as of yesterday.

    Is this referring to the increased costs of repairs or did they really changed the price of the Object 140?

  9. - Storm states that while he doesn’t have Confrontation (national battles) stats yet (obviously), he personally thinks it’s really funny

    I can’t agree more with him. I love these 2nd tier national battles where we have about 10 T18s and enemies has Pz. Jagers :)