I still don’t quite get how it is possible to make queues shorter with removing an whole mm level without hurting the mm :/ . I guess i’ll see it tomorrow for myself…
I get the theory, but will it indeed work?
T10 tanks are more distributed to T8/9 battles, so T8 tanks don’t have to wait for them if there are too many of them compared to T10 tanks in queue.
tier X will fight lower tiers more often – so 8 tiers waiting in queue because they must be at bottom of the team will now wait shorter for top tiers.
earlier tier x had to fight 1/3 battles against only other x tiers. now they can fight 1/2 battles with 9s and 1/2 with 9s and 8s all the time (theoretically at least). time to farm…..
Wait, light tanks have gotten a massive nerf via the MM?
tier 8 lights did get a small buff – now they should get 1/3 battles with 9 tier as top, earlier it was 1/4 and rest with X tiers. theoretically now tier 8 shold be more mixed with tier X so there is a chance tier 6 and 7 scouts in tier X battles will fight more 8s and 9s than recently ( i mean less tier x per side in such battle). for other tiers no changes
So a nerf as they can’t get all tier Xs to spot.
this way they will get easier targets to kill, with less hp and armour. and u have big chances to survive longer, because not all guns will hit u for 500+
Still, until LTs are normalized like Arty was, there isn’t much of a reason to drive them.
Agree, u have most difficult task in battle and u are punished by getting harder opponents with 3-5x your hitpoints. and u have to use shitty gun,so u even can’t hurt em reliably
Tier 7 is missing the SU-122-44
It has normal MM, so it doesn’t need to be in special table, that’s OK
Why is chaffee between premium tanks ?
What? That’s just tanks that get special MM.
Lower part of the table contains all tanks with unique MM, not only premium tanks.
MM should be based on a gun that you have mounted on a tank. If you have stock gun, you are MM vs lower tiers, if you have big guns then you are MM vs same or higher tier. Current MM it is just bs.
A tank is not only its gun. Meds and lights have partly shitty guns but awesome mobility. And dont forget the armor sometimes. And if you have to compare every tank individually you will come to the conclusion that a tier MM is the best way.
Or imagine Chaffees fighting only T4-7 tanks (if you go only for the gun)
Or AMX 13 90 against T7 tanks.
Or VK3002DB against T4-7 tanks… well… slightly OP xD
And then more ppl would be driving stock tanks to get better MM?
That is bad for gameplay(more stock top tier tanks), WG’s grind earings(who would grind top moudles if this gave him tougher tanks as opponents?) and probably not good for anthing…
I see the Chaffee still gets screwed over.
Learn 2 play
It was always that way for Chaffee and it seems to be working fine, so why the butthurt?
Don’t expect that the tank will reamin the same, when devs lower the tiers for it.
Imagine what happent to T50-2 or T50.
Nerfs are coming with lowering the MM and only time will tell, if it was worth it….
MM for Chafee is kind of stupid. I know it is a scout but when u are in battle on 14 X (+You) vs 14X + AMX 13 75 u have a big problem to do something…
No. Its rather simple…. Passive Scout. Light up 1/3+ of the enemy… afk for 5 mins…. profit?
Yes I know passive scout but sometimes it is possible when a enemy scout die only ( also depend of map ) . U write AFK 5 min? :) One time on Malinovka i go to bushes on half of map after 8 min of play I have internet connection lost. When my internet is back , I go to game and see that I do scout and patrol medal :D
Not so simple. T-54, T-62A, BatChats are faster and can kill you easily or predict and counter your tactics so getting into best bushes means suicide. Even suicide scouts on low tiers are sometimes deadly. And passive scouting on himmel, abbey, airfield etc? All fights are just about frontal armor and guns and all you can do is distract and annoy enemies. But it’s one of the best tanks in WoT anyway.
Yes, but in that situation, your (chaffee) MM weight is lower than enemy amx 13 75, so on average, the other tanks in your team will be “better”.
Why are there two Valentine IIs in the table?
I think the tier IV battle only one is the Valentine LL (the Soviet one)
Yup, the one with better MM is the Soviet LL premium (with the 45mm gun), while the other is the regular British Valentine.
You guys are right, I thought that the British version is a medium tank. Don’t ask me why.
They could lower the T2 LT MM weight cause facing a T4 tanks is not funny at all. Especially in national battles full of Hetzers.
Hetzer’s gonna hetz
I used to complain about it, but now I enjoyed it. I even platoon with pz ic sometimes and having fun wracking some high tier SPG, flakbus or butt of some tier 4-5 tanks. So tier IV is fine, you have the speed for flanking to unsuspicious tanks and deal some nasty damages.
I have M4A3E2( jumbo) and 90% of the time it puts me in tier 8 ,this tank needs normal MM becouse of the gun its not a heavy
The Jumbo will get into Tier 8 battles about 33% of the time, not 90. It does have normal matchmaking, having the +2 tier spread. If you hate the M1A2 gun, try the stock turret using the 105mm derp gun and staying hull down.
Jumbo has perfectly normal MM of T6-T8.
Either you are spreading BS, playing in silly platoons, or you need to play more games with it.
You can check out in Tank Inspector, that average battle tier for jumbo is just as expected – a little bit higher than 7, which is close enough to average from T6 to T8. So all works fine.
I still don’t quite get how it is possible to make queues shorter with removing an whole mm level without hurting the mm :/ . I guess i’ll see it tomorrow for myself…
I get the theory, but will it indeed work?
T10 tanks are more distributed to T8/9 battles, so T8 tanks don’t have to wait for them if there are too many of them compared to T10 tanks in queue.
tier X will fight lower tiers more often – so 8 tiers waiting in queue because they must be at bottom of the team will now wait shorter for top tiers.
earlier tier x had to fight 1/3 battles against only other x tiers. now they can fight 1/2 battles with 9s and 1/2 with 9s and 8s all the time (theoretically at least). time to farm…..
working as intended http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/9426/p2kq.jpg
Wait, light tanks have gotten a massive nerf via the MM?
tier 8 lights did get a small buff – now they should get 1/3 battles with 9 tier as top, earlier it was 1/4 and rest with X tiers. theoretically now tier 8 shold be more mixed with tier X so there is a chance tier 6 and 7 scouts in tier X battles will fight more 8s and 9s than recently ( i mean less tier x per side in such battle). for other tiers no changes
So a nerf as they can’t get all tier Xs to spot.
this way they will get easier targets to kill, with less hp and armour. and u have big chances to survive longer, because not all guns will hit u for 500+
Still, until LTs are normalized like Arty was, there isn’t much of a reason to drive them.
Agree, u have most difficult task in battle and u are punished by getting harder opponents with 3-5x your hitpoints. and u have to use shitty gun,so u even can’t hurt em reliably
Tier 7 is missing the SU-122-44
It has normal MM, so it doesn’t need to be in special table, that’s OK
Why is chaffee between premium tanks ?
What? That’s just tanks that get special MM.
Lower part of the table contains all tanks with unique MM, not only premium tanks.
MM should be based on a gun that you have mounted on a tank. If you have stock gun, you are MM vs lower tiers, if you have big guns then you are MM vs same or higher tier. Current MM it is just bs.
A tank is not only its gun. Meds and lights have partly shitty guns but awesome mobility. And dont forget the armor sometimes. And if you have to compare every tank individually you will come to the conclusion that a tier MM is the best way.
Or imagine Chaffees fighting only T4-7 tanks (if you go only for the gun)
Or AMX 13 90 against T7 tanks.
Or VK3002DB against T4-7 tanks… well… slightly OP xD
And then more ppl would be driving stock tanks to get better MM?
That is bad for gameplay(more stock top tier tanks), WG’s grind earings(who would grind top moudles if this gave him tougher tanks as opponents?) and probably not good for anthing…
I see the Chaffee still gets screwed over.
Learn 2 play
It was always that way for Chaffee and it seems to be working fine, so why the butthurt?
Don’t expect that the tank will reamin the same, when devs lower the tiers for it.
Imagine what happent to T50-2 or T50.
Nerfs are coming with lowering the MM and only time will tell, if it was worth it….
MM for Chafee is kind of stupid. I know it is a scout but when u are in battle on 14 X (+You) vs 14X + AMX 13 75 u have a big problem to do something…
No. Its rather simple…. Passive Scout. Light up 1/3+ of the enemy… afk for 5 mins…. profit?
Yes I know passive scout but sometimes it is possible when a enemy scout die only ( also depend of map ) . U write AFK 5 min? :) One time on Malinovka i go to bushes on half of map after 8 min of play I have internet connection lost. When my internet is back , I go to game and see that I do scout and patrol medal :D
Not so simple. T-54, T-62A, BatChats are faster and can kill you easily or predict and counter your tactics so getting into best bushes means suicide. Even suicide scouts on low tiers are sometimes deadly. And passive scouting on himmel, abbey, airfield etc? All fights are just about frontal armor and guns and all you can do is distract and annoy enemies. But it’s one of the best tanks in WoT anyway.
Yes, but in that situation, your (chaffee) MM weight is lower than enemy amx 13 75, so on average, the other tanks in your team will be “better”.
Why are there two Valentine IIs in the table?
I think the tier IV battle only one is the Valentine LL (the Soviet one)
Yup, the one with better MM is the Soviet LL premium (with the 45mm gun), while the other is the regular British Valentine.
You guys are right, I thought that the British version is a medium tank. Don’t ask me why.
They could lower the T2 LT MM weight cause facing a T4 tanks is not funny at all. Especially in national battles full of Hetzers.
Hetzer’s gonna hetz
I used to complain about it, but now I enjoyed it. I even platoon with pz ic sometimes and having fun wracking some high tier SPG, flakbus or butt of some tier 4-5 tanks. So tier IV is fine, you have the speed for flanking to unsuspicious tanks and deal some nasty damages.
I have M4A3E2( jumbo) and 90% of the time it puts me in tier 8 ,this tank needs normal MM becouse of the gun its not a heavy
The Jumbo will get into Tier 8 battles about 33% of the time, not 90. It does have normal matchmaking, having the +2 tier spread. If you hate the M1A2 gun, try the stock turret using the 105mm derp gun and staying hull down.
Jumbo has perfectly normal MM of T6-T8.
Either you are spreading BS, playing in silly platoons, or you need to play more games with it.
You can check out in Tank Inspector, that average battle tier for jumbo is just as expected – a little bit higher than 7, which is close enough to average from T6 to T8. So all works fine.
Stop whining.