Thank to D.B. for submitting this one.
There is a Reddit thread where a list of 8.11 working mods is kept. This thread is updated. You can find it here:
Please note that XVM is not yet 8.11 ready right now
But QB’s got an 8.11 XVM mod. Is he lying? I haven’t installed it to try it out.
I have installed it, and it works perfectly. Btw, i recomend you to take a break until wot servers are back to normal again – the lag is just terible (2-3 seconds for me, with spikes all the time)
Yes, same here. I’m just collecting updates to the mods I’m using and I would like to try them out with my friend in a training battle to see if they are working.
You can test mods by launching replay:) Just one battle in new version and u can start with testing;)
He is probably using one of the nightly builds that isnt guaranteed to be stable.
Currently im using build 3205 without any problems so far.
it is working just fine ;)
Nope. Some XVM Configs just don’t work on the new Version. Some ppl in our clan also have probs, and some don’t.
8.11 compatible XVM, V 5.0.3 Test 1
That page is not official and the XVM branch for 8.11 is 5.1.0 and not 5.0.3, so i would not trust that. is the official site. There’s a subdomain that hosts the nightly builds which will usually work. Some parts may not work, refer to the changelog on svn (subversion) or better if you have the technical knowledge: grab the subversion sourcecode, compile it yourself and contribute. Personally I’m not familiar enough with the toolchains or the languages involved atm. But the link below is legit, grab the xvm config from whatever dude you want check through the files if you don’t trust them. Then put said config in a compiled nightly build from down below and you should be good to go.
I had it up and running just fine with revision 3203 build on common test last night. Not tested on live yet, but I reckon it’ll work. It’s test though so at times you may notice certain features not working properly or config tags having been renamed. Again refer to either the sourcecode or changelog description. But mostly it’ll work out of the box when you grab that and dump in your existing config.
Well it works just fine.
The question isn’t about it working or not.
The guy responding to you does have a valid concern, you’re talking about compiled python from a third party. Not the original source, just think about it xvm already is capable of getting intel from the stats servers.
What this means is that you have an internet accessing program running, someone could drop in some additional code to let your machine act as part of a botnet to perform ddos attacks while you’re playing games and xvm is running to report in to the cnc server (command and control). That’s just one example, I don’t know how much access they can get to your harddrive through xvm. But depending on what account runs the game on your pc it could potentially have pretty low access restrictions putting bad programs in places.
I’m not saying that your source is a known bad place, but basically I’m going by common sense here. Get the base installation from the source or something directly affiliated with it. Then use whatever configuration you prefer and you’re probably alright.
It’s another reason why I probably will not ever use modpacks for this game, I trust most of the creators with their original mods in many retards. And most people that build a mod pack are probably not going to be willingly putting in bad stuff, but mistakes and accidents could happen. It also means that when they stop supporting their mod pack you can still update all of the mods you like to run yourself.
I’m happily ripping whatever config I like from some people if I see things I like. But I rarely use an entire pack except on my network isolated installs running on the virtual machine to test some shit along with a replay that I throw on it.
Hopefully LowResAllInOne will be released for patch 8.11 soon. I need that sh*t to make life easier :(
Free camera mod needed :D With stick-to-tank function.
Latest nighty works just fine [ ]
The nightly build has a 8.11 version (r3211)
Even the wot forum doesn’t seem to be 8.11 ready
Apparently the model formats weren’t changed in the end, so remodel mods are also working.
glad to hear that :)
Seems WG have got the Unplayable Lag For All mod working just fine…
EU2 – big lags, on the edge of being unplayable (but I got Top Gun despite of it )
EU1 – better, but still noticable lags
i cant play EU1… 3-4 secs pause imposible to aim or drive
EU2 is decent sometimes with lag spikes, hard to aim
Went to test stuff with fiend in Platoon, got Crucial Contribution… with 400ms ping :D
That was just epic. But don’t try that at home!
BTW, looks like page doesn’t understand replays from 8.11 :(
It usually takes a while for the wotreplays site to recognize newer replays.
…anyone have new wot tweaker?
try this
i have not tested it yet
Try this
but i have not tested it
MeltyMaps Math Mod causes my game to crash…has anyone else the same Problem?
Any idea if voice mods for 8.10 still works fine?
8.11 XVM build released on
Jimbo’s XVM updated to support 8.11 now
If someone here is searching for Deegies Sights (also known as Animated 5) Crosshair. it is already updated and can be found here:
i think we’ll need a 8.10 FOV mod too, if possible. Current ingame/garage fov sucks donkey balls
XVM IS ready and fully functional on 8.11. With split config is all working well. There are some problems with other mods like zoomx, inc damage announcer and sound mods because WG has rewrited some code in client… Modders are working on those issues.