Storm asks about 8.11 microfreezes


Hello everyone,

Storm heard the reports that there are allegedly a lot microfreezes What he understands by that are short sharp drops in FPS and short lags in tank movement, shooting etc. in 8.11.
From the discussion:

- Veider personally states that he didn’t observe any such a thing
- Storm admits that updating the game to a new patch (client-side) can cause lags, because the amount of data transferred “clogs” the provider internet paths (SS: sorry, if there is any correct terminology, I don’t know it)

And what about you, seen microlags in 8.11? At least they are aware of the issue.

85 thoughts on “Storm asks about 8.11 microfreezes

  1. I noticed many microfreezes, and sometimes not so “micro”, the lag indicator blinks very frequently…..

    • “Microfreezes” are very different from normal internet lag. They manifest as a horrid, repetitive jerkiness in fps, which is of a very short duration. It’s 100% different to rubber banding lag which some of you are describing and which is related to your connection. Microfreezes are related to your render though and are independent of connection lag.

      I have personally had this happen on two previous occasions after patching. Both times the client updater had hopelessly fragmented some of the new packages it had downloaded. The extra read time to load these resources from disk was constantly causing little hitches in the rendering of the game. I have advised many people who get this problem *right after patching* to do a full reinstall and it works about 80-90% of the time for them.

  2. I got microlagged for an hour after angrily shooting our afk/bot top tier in a lost cause battle :D

    But seriously – yep, seen some freezes, but not as bad as in some earlier patches (entering/leaving sniper mode, new sound being played).

  3. huge fps drop when going into sniper mode. 60-100 fps in arcade, as soon as I press shift – boom 30fps + terrible lag. I had a workaround for this in 8.10 but now it stopped working. GG

    already using minimal details + wot tweaker

  4. i also have problems when enter to sniper mode, first 2-3 seconds so many microfreezes, and after that its normal.

    • I have exactly the same problem, I never had this before in other patches. When going in sniper mode,I have 3 seconds lags, not just in bush but everywhere even at desert and city maps, and then after these 3 seconds everything in sniper is normal and smooth, please tell if you know the way how to fix this issue, cause this really makes the game hard to play. THx

  5. Yep,same problem her. In arcade 50-70 (Severogorsk is same as in 8.10 still 30FPS and i am “happy”) when going into sniper mode 25FPS and less + delay,so yes,its good..

  6. It lags like hell since late 8.10 I use DLAN and I only get this probs with Wot The indicator blinks everytime but the shame are the micro lags while aiming and moving .

    Please solve this problem many of my Friends have the same problem and this is not the fault of my Provider!

    King Regards to SS :D

  7. I do wish that WG would pay attention to connection quality.There are services out there (e.g. Akamai) that will make the new version download problem. So much of what people call “lag” is packets being dropped by WG’s ISP. Spend a little on infrastructure!!

    • this a hundret times, I get no packadrops till it goes to WGs host where it connects to the big backbone providers… they simply can’t handle the traffic the game causes.

      But hey its easier to blame the user instead of actually investing into your infrastructure.

  8. My FPS went up actually, in that regard I quite like this patch. But I do get battles now in which my tank is driving around in “hops” (if that makes any sense), not smoothly as you would expect. Sometimes that means you stop in front of a bush instead of behind it. Or you take a snap shot and it ends up anywhere but where you aim. Very annoying, but what can you do. Grit teeth and go to the next battle. Or grump and grumble and call my clanmates noobs when they tell me to learn to aim. lol

    • I got exactly same problem as tiger. Have someone really fix this problem by defragging or is it just another gimmick to blur real reason?

  9. - Veider personally states that he didn’t observe any such a thing.
    Bullshit, eu servers has been unplayable for 2 days since 8.11.

  10. I tried playing yesterday on EU 1. No frame rate drops but the lag was just massive. It would repeatedly freeze and make it really hard to play. I just closed the game and started playing WarThunder :)

  11. I have seen this microlags in 8.10, too – mostly during the evening and weekend prime-time…

  12. - Veider personally states that he didn’t observe any such a thing
    We all know he is fuckwit, thus his opinion means shit.

  13. I had those microfreezes from the day of the patch and still going on…. they were not so micro on the patchday where i even noticed it on the enemy tanks who didnt manage to hit MANY times

  14. Yes.

    Patch day was a nightmare as WG admitted.

    Since then, most games are fine, but probably every 7th or 8th game I get stutter and red/green/red/green on the lagometer..

    This can also occur a few games in a row, then disappear for 20 games.

    PingPlotter shows no problems on the route, but 3 or 4% packet loss at WG server end. (final hop)

  15. I had a lot of MFs yesterday – jerky tank movements – But have not seen any today. Nothing like the usual stuff and packet drops.

  16. Yup, having huge lag spikes/micro (more like macro) freezees after installing new patch, and the only time when I can play normally is after 00:30 AM, when player number drops :/
    Everything before that, with full servers, is just unplayable, confirmed by my clan mates spectating me (teleporting around, rubber-banding and stuff).

    It is not my ISP, which PingPlotter confirmed with huge packet loss and ping spikes on 7th, 8th and 9th “hop” (Telia as usual – are they really the only one providing that service, or is WG so cheap to use the crappiest provider in Europe?), while Customer Support replied with an automated message basically saying “fuck you, we dont care about your premium account going to waste cause we fucked up, but we wish you good fun playing our game (?!?!?!) and hope you will give us more moneyz in the future”.

    Like hell I will.

    Almost entire EU office, starting from CS, run by automated bots, to Community Managers being mocking us and ignoring the real issues, is just one big failure.

    • actually its not telia who hosts WGs server but some other company, need to look up again.

      Telia only provides the backbone, and most of the time the issue is at the node between the telia backbone and the company who hosts WGs server. So not a problem of Telia, but a problem for WG sicne it does nothing to sort out its problem with the hosting company.

      • Interesting.

        So its WG´s fault after all.
        And we know how much they care about their customers….

        I am not mad or anything, but losing premium time because of them failing is getting borring really fast.

  17. Microfreezes pretty common here, sir. Both EU1 & EU2.

    Actually they caused funny situation for my teammate. Me (in FV183) and T110E4 were about to finish enemy E-100. He had some 60 HP left, I was faster than T110E4, both racing to ram him. Three, five metres before the E-100 I had to avoid a house corner, just few degrees turn. Microfreeze caused I missed E-100 by such a margin that T110E4 had to lough loud into the chat. Ofc he killed him, me still going forward away with no key pressed…

  18. I have points where i can move the gun and turret, but not the tank… Then again it could be xvm

  19. I had huge issues with micro-freeze causing disturbed sound and effects when firing machinecannons from small tier tanks…

  20. These problems occured even on the test server. Microlags now and then and on some maps huge lags with fps drops. Also going into sniper mode or turning the turret cause small freeze for a second or so. This is fuking annoying because in 8.10 I play smooth as hell and could aim and fire shots fast as hell (which I deserve for having a PC that exeeds the minimum requirements by far and also a 6 skill crew).

    Theres graphical glitches causing the freeze or lags, and there are also lag in terms of high ping. Neither of these existed in 8.10 so it must be patch 8.11 that is the fuking issue.

  21. My microlags cause my tank teletransport a few meters and make fast aiming a complete joke. Since patch not playable for me.
    But Hey,we got One Day prem for patching, awesome

    • The days of fast zooming in and aiming is gone. In a battle, atcually 1 second lag going into sniper mode can be the differance to get the first shot or not. Whats the point for me playing on custom low/medium settings to get 100+ fps with my 120hz screen if the most critical moment (aiming) cause fps drops. 1 day premium wont make it, I think they should refund 1 wekk or untill they fix this joke problem.

  22. Sometimes it is difficult to drive, i’ve even seen shell tracer going straight into my tank from fearsome TD that just appeared, i thought … what, i’m alive at full health? … and second later sf damage log showed i was hit by arty, TD and i was dead. Sometimes I can hear I’ve been hit once and I realize that I lost 1000hp from several hits when peaking above hill. Most of time lags are just noticeable (100ms), but not deadly. But lags over 500ms can kill you.

  23. Hey feedback from France, patch day was really lagy for me, but since is fine. I play with maximum settings and no fps drop. Win link 15-20 fps since 8.11.

  24. I like how Storm asks about “microfreezes”, as if we’re dealing with a minor issue here.

    I’d say the current freezes with ping shooting up to 300-400 without warning and the lag-indicator blinking like a disco light make WoT unplayable or very hard to play on EU, as it massively screws with the hit detection and command input by the player.

    And lets say, the moderators in general chat haven’t really done anything to calm the masses, except for a “It’s no use for us to be here because we got all shit from you players” from Dagge.

    That’s what I call some brilliant crisis management from WG.

  25. Since 8.9 I have microlags. Not always but the red light is flashing often. Its wasn’t a big deal until the T15 weekend. Before 8.9 it was without any problem.

  26. On bothmal server EU1 or EU2. I have lags during the snipermode. That is a big problem during a fight.

  27. I’ve been getting these. The packet loss indicator stays green and it does not feel like a packet loss but more like a much higher ping than is being reported.

  28. Didn’t notice any actual lags, but for about an hour or two on the new patch the latency went from usual 30-40ms to 60-80ms. It felt like driving drunk.

  29. i am suffering microlags, and have the feeling it got worse over the late afternoon, its mostly during snipermode. Especially it seems like it occurs mostly right before the shot, after mouseclick, leaves the barrel. Maybe some shell travel calculation routine running not smooth.

    Don’t know if Storm needs those data: CPU Intel Xeon E-1230 V3, 24 Gig RAM, Intel H87 Chipset, AMD HD 7970 GHz Edition, Win 7, 200 MBit I-Net accessline.

    • I agree the game is a joke even on computers exeding the requirement. For example i5 4.8ghz, 16gb ram, 7970, ssd, all watercooled. Wot runs less smooth than other multiplayer games on medium/high at 60-90 fps. Theres no reason we should get freeze going into snipermode, something is wrong. I think wot has massive problems with AMD videocards to beginn with.

  30. I actually noticed these microfreezes quite often on the 8.10 NA server while the other servers were 8.11. Interesting.

  31. Currently (read: exaclty right now), it is worse on EU2 than EU1. Game NOT playable and that was the feedback from all 15:15 people from the last 5 matches.

  32. For all people having issues with lag/freeze when going into sniper mode i would suggest this mod to try

    I have been using this for a long time now. It’s made by some polish dude so the topic is not in english. Just download the file from the first post and put it in your res mods folder and your lag/freeze/fps drop when going into sniper mode should be gone.

      • Ye, i’m aware some people got these lags/freezes only after 8.11 including some of my clanmates, but still it’s WG. You never know when they will fuck it up. Since my PC isn’t really state of the art of modern technology i’ve been using standard graphics on lowest settings and this mod and i never really had issues with FPS.Fps was pretty much constant in any patch including 8.11. However lots of people started having issues since last patch and they didn’t had them before which implies WG fucked up something bad. I’m glad i helped with this mod. If i haven’t found that mod i wouldn’t be playing this game since 8.0 when those fps drops in sniper mode started happening.

        • No worry dude, I play on custom medium settings with some effect on low and even turned off and I get wierd fps drops and freezes in 8.11. As I mentioned above and many others, even modern gaming built computers wont help. The game is so badly optimised that the benefit you get from having a “high” end computer is very slight. You can get a pc for 2000 euros it still wont help you, which is totally bullshit for those people who are investing in hardware. There must be some graphical glitch in 8.11 causing all people to get fps dropls like crazy. And they want to bring HP models into the game? Good luck, with fps and freeze as bad as it is now, it will get even worse. Instead of optimizing the game they changed the fov = higher fps to compensate for future HO models. But that is totally bullshit.

  33. the lag-problem that appeared now was already the same at 0.8.11 common test. in my opinion they should check new BigWorld Engine that is now also live

    • True, all lag issues and fps drops/freezes were alreaddy vivible in the test server. That stopped me from playing there as well, totally bullshit stutter.

  34. Microlags still ongoing at NA. Seems to be affecting just about everyone I’ve spoken to.

    Basically, every time you try to turn your turret the game lags behind by about 1 second. This only seems to affect turret rotation, not firing or anything else. It affects turret rotation regardless
    of whether you are in sniper mode or not.

    This makes if functionally impossible to aim without using auto-aim (Which, by the way, does not seem to be affected by this issue).

    Uninstalling the game until this shit gets sorted.

    On a side note, I don’t think this is a BigWorld problem because WoWP is still fine.

  35. Yup, microfreezes here too. Same for a lot of Clanmates.

    Also, for the first time since 8.9 I get stuck in the battle start up screen once in a while. Timer counting down, everyone is ready….everyone but me. And I see a lot of other players getting late starts as well. Pity, I thought that one was solved……

  36. those microfreezes are caused by millions of players turning off that confrontation mode simultaneously. should be over in a few days.

      • @”Confrontation or microfreezes?”

        imagine 1.000.000 people unchecking the Confrontation mode in the settings at the same time. THAT might be what caused the servers to overload ;) (would be funny, if it was true).

        btw I think the only people playing the “””special””” modes are either not knowing about the adjustable ingame settings or are enjoying the game even without any sign of commonsense or tactical awareness in any of their teammembers. (the latter I admire).

    • That sniper mode freeze was there in test server, doubt it has to do with confrontation. Its a graphical glitch, something is fucking wrong.

  37. Microfreezes happened only after the 8.11 it seems a bit better now but it is still sporadic and is worse on greener maps I found.

    I also note now that when in sniper mode or moving the cross haits it is no longer smooth at it scrolls left and right but very jerky!

  38. It lags like hell since 8.11 I use LTE and I only get this probs with Wot The indicator blinks everytime but the shame are the micro lags while aiming and moving . Please solve this problem many of my Friends have the same problem and this is not the fault of my Provider! King Regards to SS