
As you might have noticed, the next EU tier 10 on discount is the Jagdpanzer E-100, not the IS-4 (or E-50M), that was predicted earlier (based on the Russian/SEA pattern). That makes the next tier 10 on discount completely unpredictable from now on :(

- apparently, the RU servers are suffering from the same lag issues as the EU ones (SS: good, that means it’s not EU-specific)
- Panzer IV will be grey even after the HD remodelling
- Storm confirms the leaked Panzer IV model as valid, it’s still in the “old quality” as “the last of the Mohycans” (SS: from 9.0 on models will come in new quality only apparently)
- HD Panzer IV model will not appear in 9.0
- apparently, Wargaming HD models will have more polygons than War Thunder models

As for the lags… I have readers writing me every day to write something about them, but I have absolutely no idea, what to write. I have no idea what might be causing them, everyone keeps saying it’s something “along the way”. In Czech Republic, O2 (probably the biggest internet provider) seems to have issues with it – earlier (months ago), I was playing on the same connection at 20-30 ping. Then it jumped to 70-80 for no reason. Then random packet loss, but it wasn’t gamebreaking. Now, I am playing on both servers on 90-130 ping and tons of packet loss. Not much else I can say about it.

99 thoughts on “14.2.2014

  1. - apparently, Wargaming HD models will have more polygons than War Thunder models

    Good thing, I can swing my gaming hardware dick all around my monitor.

    Bad thing, its WG.


    • hehe yeah, polygons alone mean nothing.

      Remember the concert barrier in crysis 2?

      You know instead of boasting about polygons they actually should get things done like dynamic daytime, dynamic weather, SMOKE (that doesn’t kill performance) etc.

      • all things that are in a backburner or not under consideration. And why would those things be important anyway? They’re all fluff that isn’t needed or harmful anyway.

    • Polygons means nothing with a crappy engine. They just see their hopes dashed. Gameplay wise WarThunder have to prove itself but in my opinion everything else is better there.

        • Wargaming has to do a lot performance improvements. I have played WarThunder Ground Forces Closed Beta since the beginning. The difference is immense. I run a triple monitor setup with 6032×1080@30 fps in World of Tanks and @50fps in WTGFCB. Both games graphics maxed out. Its not even comparable and still Gaijin improves the performance from nearly every week.

          I still play World of Tanks because graphics aren’t everything, I’ve already invested a lot and gameplay wise it is a different game but considering hard facts its losing. When I would have to choose between these two games… War Thunder by far.

          Last but not least. Competition between those two big companies out there is the best thing that could have ever happened for us. Because we are all players. WoT or WT both games will have a big playerbase and they will scratch each others eyes out everyday for nothing.

          GL HF on the battlefield. Which Battlefield is up to you.

    • As long as its a stable 250ms latency, then you can adapt to it. If the latency jumps unexpectedly as with this issue, its pretty fucking hard to work around.

    • The high ping issue made me stop playing this game 3rd day now cause it is not a way to relax anymore . I am from Romania and with same laptop i tried 2 of the biggest ISP ( rds ping 100-130 and lag spikes + packet loss , and Romtelecom with ping 110-170 and again lag spikes and packet loss) I don’t care if russians have Intel Pentium 2 pcs , the EU and NA players pay their bills since we spent the biggest amount of money /player in this game , we deserve a better game .

      Also in this patch i observed that after a few h of WOT , this game started to use more and more RAM and CPU ….

      • Buddy, seems to be an individual problem.My ISP is RDS(yeah, we’re from the same country), but my ping is pretty stable at 50-70 ms(Both EU2 and EU1 since it moved to Amsterdam).Everything is fine except the usual lag spikes which affect me since 8.6 patch.

        • UPC ain’t workin’ any better either. Used to prefer EU1 over 2 as I used to have better ping(50 vs ~100).
          Now since they moved to Hamsterdam…there’s no more advantage in choosing one over the other since both offer the same crappy experience.

    • I know it well. I play on EU from NA with a 220-250ms ping although now that it has been unstable lately I have been playing less.

      So long as it is a stable connection you can do well. =)

  2. - apparently, Wargaming HD models will have more polygons than War Thunder models

    wait for WT fanboy

    • Why wait?
      This blog is not a Warthunder Blog, the WT fan boys should just go find/start their own blog, and leave this one alone. Not interested in what they are offering.

      • That doesn’t stop WT fanboys from invading here. They seem to make it their mission in life to kill WoT by “stealing away” all the playerbase and bashing Wot in the meantime to stroke their e-peens.

        • Well then they are in for a big fail. I myself have too much time and money invested in WOT to switch to another game, regardless of what it is or how good or bad it is. I am Deputy Commander, of a clan, that is very much a Family to me. These are my people, my friends are here to, many in other clans, many are solo. WOT has a long way to go, it keeps improving, this is a good ride, yeah there are bumps along the way, but it would be strange if there was not. I came into WOT a pretty serious historian, I did not want to play even prototype tanks, much less paper ones, but in time I have learned a whole new level of what might have been in History, that I most likely would not have known without WOT, and I value that greatly now. Yes Wargamming had had to fill in some holes in trees with Tanks that might not have even been on paper, they do it well though They have done it for balance, they don’t abuse it, and I find no fault in it.
          Funny thing is WT fan boys, I have talked to hundreds who feel the same way. I am not worried about your effect, you will fail. I just tired of hearing it, if I want to know about WT I will find out for myself. Don’t let the door hit you in the butt, on your way out to WT.
          Semper Fi

        • Seriously, you can’t even bring up WoWP anywhere with a bunch of warthunder fucks going “HURR DURR WARTHUNDER BETTER ONLY MORONS PLAY WoWP”

            • Possibly. My interest in WT is around zero though so I only read WoT-related stuff and hence witness the WTard emnations; feel free to share analogous experiences from the other side.

              Kinda betting WT fora don’t have Bad & Bitters declaring how once the Messiah Game arrives everyone will abandon this “terbly p2W wot” and their personal greatness will no longer be held down by ebul bias gaem and you’ll ALL BE SORRY (for calling them idiot n00bs), though.
              Prophecies of WoT fans being thrown into fiery lakes optional.

    • nothing to worry about, current WT Ground Forces sucks so big, the current graphic advantage does not count for any of the testers.

  3. I was playing in the morning and there was no packet losses, it starts lagging sometime in the afternoon when more siemkas, i mean people, come online…

  4. “HD Panzer IV model will not appear in 9.0″ Why should it, I mean, it ONLY was the workhorse of the wehrmacht.

    • But Amsterdam is nearer to me as Munich!
      And i have no Ping problems, only micro/-minilags

    • Yes, because backbone routes go in straight lines between nodes. /s

      It depends on where your ISP is plugged into. For me, the change greatly reduced the latency, because I have a direct Level3 connection from my ISP (less than 10 hops and in 20-25ms I’m in Amsterdam). For others it’s not that great, because they have crappier routing – but it’s still miles better than tinet was (Telia’s subsidiary) in Munich – latency might be worse for some but it’s stable, while tinet was known for eating your packets.

  5. Not really unpredictable..

    Both FV 183 and JgE100 were not passed last year.. same as IS4 and E50M

    So it’s for sure at least it will be on of the these tanks

    T110E3 [ I think this one was not on the special ]
    Object 263
    Object 430/140 [ These two will probably go together ]
    STB-1 [ This one will probably be in a month or so.. due to the longer time for more players to get close to it ]
    WT E-100
    121 [ Was this one passed? ]

    And after they spend the time on those tanks.. I can bet they will give a full month of discount on all the SPGs :)

    • I think 121 is already through, I remember there was a “flood” of these while before the promo I always felt special because I hardly ever met another 121 in combat.

  6. - apparently, Wargaming HD models will have more polygons than War Thunder models

    Enjoy having better HD models and playing with 5 FPS, WoT optymalization is nowhere close to WT. Not to mention multicore support is gonna be implemented in WoT by grand grand children of Serb.

  7. - apparently, Wargaming HD models will have more polygons than War Thunder models
    Made me giggle xDDD

        • ^^ wlw_wl got it :D haven’t really thought about soviet way of thinking, more about the WG-Gaijin rivalry and how WG is constantly trying to convince us they don’t care about WT, but every now and then something like this comes up :D

  8. from my experience and ppl say, I got lags on NA and EU servers, and ppl on KR (not SEA) server has same issue even with the world high class internet fiber network. I don’t really know if they are a majority but they blame WGK as usual.( but some claim that there is no lag so)

    • Even super duper fiber shmaiber doesn’t go straight from your home to WoT server. Depending on the location, your ultra cool fiber-y signal might or might not go through some shitty routes and voila, suddenly your Gbps’es of up- and downstream mean nothing because of the latency caused by 3rd party WWII routers somewhere there *points finger in random direction*.

      • well. KR server located in Seoul and super hyper duper ultra mega giga fuckin-awesome godlike fiber internet is relied on it. logically Korean ppl has best connection afaik with minor ~20ms ping ( and they claim). most of them play on KR server.

        and I, I play on NA and EU not KR.
        btw saying internet connection, I want that awesome Google internet with giga latency

        • so my conclusion is, is the ISP is real reason behind these lag? I’m not sure.

          And I’d like that you say more straight with clear phrase.

          add one more thing. I don’t live in Korea

        • It”s not the ISP per se, but where that ISP is connected to. Live example – the distance between me and Amsterdam is about 900 kilometers. My latency to WoT EU1 and EU2 servers is about 20 to 30ms and the route has only 10 hops (intermediate routing nodes). A friend of mine that lives say 5 kilometers from me (in the same city), but has a different ISP, has 3-4 times the latency and nearly 30 hops to reach WoT server (and a lot more lags – desynchronization between client and server due to lost packets and too high latency). My ISP has better connection – not in terms of Gbps, but in terms of where they are plugged into, and they are plugged right into the Level3, which is like a cool internet east-west highway. My friend’s packets need to go much much longer (in terms of latency) way to reach the destination, because his ISP never uses this super cool internet highway.

          • Now that’s better. I have to read twice every time to not misunderstood. thanks.
            I have claims the constant lags who lives in Seoul which is 605.52㎢ ( so if you live in Seoul, you have less than 900 km to server). And routing node? they play on its place. will there be a routing node which pass through China or Japan from same city? I don’t think that’s a good business for ISP.
            And South Korea is small enough to make efficient internal node everywhere and I saw that news that they finished very long time ago. and yet, they didn’t have any of lags before. ( not like EU1 changed its location)
            I understand your argument but still this case is strange enough and made me conclude not the ISP’s problem about this packet loss. ( and I know what is packet loss. I played wot in the worst condition before)

  9. it’s not the ping that makes the game unplayable,
    it’s the lag, it takes 1-2s for your WASD command to pass through .

    1) bigworld engine 2.x version sucks, netcode sucks
    2) WG newest game mode: Move my regional server
    3) some mysterious DDOS attack…

    lets guess what Minsk will choose.

  10. I heard rumors that they moved EU1 from Munich to Amsterdam (so niw they are both there), i think thats true, because before lag came, i had 70 on 1 and 80on 2, now its the same-80.

    • It’s not a rumor, it’s an easily confirmed fact:
      Hint: look at hops 9 and 10

      C:\>tracert login.p1.worldoftanks.eu

      Tracing route to login.p1.worldoftanks.eu []
      with max hop count 30:

      1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms deathstar []
      2 6 ms 5 ms 6 ms
      3 8 ms 5 ms 6 ms closet.in.mums.basement.pl
      4 27 ms 11 ms 11 ms xe-11-2-0-101.edge3.Berlin1.Level3.net []
      5 26 ms 24 ms 27 ms ae-34-52.ebr2.Berlin1.Level3.net []
      6 37 ms 26 ms 25 ms ae-26-26.ebr2.Dusseldorf1.Level3.net []
      7 25 ms 25 ms 23 ms ae-48-48.ebr1.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
      8 23 ms 25 ms 25 ms ae-56-111.csw1.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
      9 26 ms 45 ms 32 ms ae-116-3502.edge5.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
      10 24 ms 27 ms 25 ms WARGAMING-I.edge5.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
      11 26 ms 27 ms 27 ms eu4-slave-23.worldoftanks.eu []


    • Not a rumor, but an easily verified fact.
      Hint: look at hops 9 and 10.

      C:\>tracert login.p1.worldoftanks.eu

      Tracing login.p1.worldoftanks.eu []
      with 30 hops max:

      1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms deathstar []
      2 6 ms 5 ms 6 ms
      3 8 ms 5 ms 6 ms closet.in.my.mums.basement.pl
      4 27 ms 11 ms 11 ms xe-11-2-0-101.edge3.Berlin1.Level3.net []
      5 26 ms 24 ms 27 ms ae-34-52.ebr2.Berlin1.Level3.net []
      6 37 ms 26 ms 25 ms ae-26-26.ebr2.Dusseldorf1.Level3.net []
      7 25 ms 25 ms 23 ms ae-48-48.ebr1.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
      8 23 ms 25 ms 25 ms ae-56-111.csw1.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
      9 26 ms 45 ms 32 ms ae-116-3502.edge5.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
      10 24 ms 27 ms 25 ms WARGAMING-I.edge5.Amsterdam1.Level3.net []
      11 26 ms 27 ms 27 ms eu4-slave-23.worldoftanks.eu []


      • you need to teach me how to do it so I can do some experiment

        I want to be more certain


        • Just download PingPlotter Freeware and input login.p1.worldoftanks.eu for EU1, login.p2.worldoftanks.eu for EU2, change “Samples to include” to something reasonable like 300 and trace delay to 1 sec. Then click on the table header and check “Show Avg time”, Current time and Max time and you’ll have a latency history of 5 minutes along with any lost packets (count and %). Compare Avg time to Max time and you’ll have an idea if there are lag spikes or general poor latency issues.
          If the choke point (the node with outstanding high latency) is the last node – the server – then it means that the problem is not the network, but that the server can’t cope with the amount of clients (simply put, it doesn’t have enough computational power and is the source of lag).

          • thanks. this will help me a lot to know.

            very thanks I gonna check for KR adress for my friends.
            (so it is login.worldoftanks.kr too simple)

            I don’t want my monthly-35-euro-to-pay becomes worthless

  11. EU is not the only server suffering from lag. At least for me, things are bad on US server.
    My ping is higher than ever and the green (red?) lag indicator thinks it is christmas.

  12. - apparently, Wargaming HD models will
    have more polygons than War Thunder

    Is it me or WG really predicted what will happen and scheduled it very timely?

  13. Hmmm…ASIA server is not experiencing any lags, or at least not for me. I don’t know but my line seems to be fine, somewhat nicer than before. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me.

  14. WG needs to upgrade their serverhardware, the reason for the lags is server overload. Almost any gameserver running on 100% cpu load causes lags like that we experience. Simple as that. I guess the bigworld engine changes in 0.8.11 require more processing power and they didn’t expect that in this scale.

    • EU got it as well. There are also gift shop extras where those tanks come for free with prem account.

  15. - HD Panzer IV model will not appear in 9.0

    Huh, I though they were gonna remodel the most well known tanks and whatnot in 9.0.
    Shouldn’t the Pz 4 fall in that category?
    Also, I’ll laugh if most HD remodels will be Russian, or some Russian tanks that don’t make sense getting the HD treatment do get it, like the T-150 or the KV-4.

    • They already said the tanks that were going to get HD models in 9.0, Panther, Tiger I, Maus, and some Soviet higher tiers

  16. You are getting, at worst, 130 ms average? Poor baby. That is a good day for me on Asia server from NZ. :-)

  17. Why “Top of the tree” bonus for getting to JPE100 is only for JPanther II, and not for Ferdinand?! I have Ferdi and really hoped to further German old TD line at least to JagdTiger but nope, no discount for You, capitalist!