8.11 Feedback

Hello everyone,

so, it’s been a few days since the 8.11 update, so let’s have a look at what it brought – I will be specifically referring to the EU servers, but from what I could gather, US servers seem to be plagued by the same issues as well. First, the positives:

- new maps: both Windstorm and Ruinberg on fire are visually beautiful. Windstorm gameplay… well, I actually didn’t get that map a single time on random, so I can’t judge, but from the test server it was nice. I like it.
- FPS increase: overall, my FPS increased – not by much, but every bit helps
- TD nerf… I guess… I mean, I never complained about TD’s being OP before (apart from the WT E-100, which is still pretty ridiculous) in the first place, can’t judge
- new UI features, which are nice, but old habits die hard, so I just retrained all the crews I needed manually, before I realized I can do it with one click only now – useful, but… yea, okay, I am conservative

And, negatives

- HORRIBLE LAGS, I mean… really, really bad. 30 percent fucking packet loss? What the actual FUCK, is Wargaming routing the game to Amsterdam via China or something? The game has been extremely laggy ever since the patch was introduced. Is there a connection, or are those two separate matters? Hard to say. Needless to say my ping went up, this time from 60-70 (used to be 20-30 on the same connection!) to 80-100 (or 120-130 during CW’s).
- microfreezes – while subtle, this is annoying as HELL – and it is also new. What this means is that the game stops for a split second, before it continues to work. Also new in 8.11. In case you are wondering how this looks:



- the garage “reconnection”: when you are in the garage, the screen “blinks” very often into black, this is caused by some resynchronisation attempt, also very annoying
- why the hell is the server choice automatically reset to “AUTO” everytime I log off? I want to play on EU2 (clanwars and such), not end up on EU1, which allegedly has better ping. The thing is, when selecting what sever you will be assigned to, the game selects it based on ping, but not on jitter, so you might end up on a server bit better ping, but terrible packet loss (for me, this is the case for EU1)
- national battles – I am not sure what the developers were smoking, when they came up with this, whether it’s some sort of social or game experiment, trolling or simply an extremely bad game design, but either way, it’s fucking HORRIBLE. 13 ISU-152 vs 13 Jagdpanther II? No problem! This mode is broken on so many levels that it would warrant a separate post (maybe I will write it), but seriously…
- FOV: why screw with something that works fine? I mean… it didn’t affect me and I think the entire whine about it was a bit overblown, there was however no real reason to touch this mechanism, at least from what I can tell
- T-54: congratulations, now it looks like a log with a turd on top. Horrible, ugly model. Historical accuracy? T28 Prototype says hi!
- for me, battles take TWICE as long to load than in 8.10 and I have no idea why (and yes, I defragmented my drive): are they pre-loading some of the models somewhere? Either way, it’s annoying to start 5 seconds into the battle: might not sound much, but on some maps, it can be very nasty (Malinovka for example, for obvious reasons)
- new ricochets look really weird (they fly in very odd angles, I am not sure how historically correct it is, but it definitely looks unnatural)
- somehow, in sniper mode on some tanks (Centurion I in my case), the shells no longer fly from the center of the aim reticle, but from a place slightly off, also very annoying)
- British voiceover sounds… weird. I was probably hoping for something more… I dunno. British. John Cleese British. Not a random British janitor “actor” from Paris WG (yea, he was picked by WG EU according to Storm).


This patch came out broken and I have no idea why. It has many technical issues and if I was to say whether I like it, the answer would be “definitely not”. As biggest issues I percieve the lag (obviously), microfreezes, battle loading time – the rest I can cope with somehow, but the game itself must be fluent. Truth to be told, these issues kinda took most of the fun out of the game for me. I mean… there were lags before, I did put up with it (my connection is quite okay and I have no issues anywhere else whatsoever), but current state is just not so good. I’d like to believe that it will get fixed, but somehow… I kinda lose hope.

99 thoughts on “8.11 Feedback

  1. “- British voiceover sounds… weird. I was probably hoping for something more… I dunno. British. John Cleese British. Not a random British janitor “actor” from Paris WG (yea, he was picked by WG EU according to Storm). ”

    Actually Ectar did the voiceovers.

  2. Nice summary SS. I agree with you. Especially this national battles are utter shit! Why wasting developertime on such a retarded thing when there are so many thing still to fix…
    Dunno where the lags come from maybe its a part of the big DDos attack which is rolling over EU since the start of the week, maybe its just WG
    But on the positiv side i really like the mapchanges on redshire, erlenberg and highway, finally those maps are playable

    • There were news about DDoS attacks all over Europe. And the EU1 moving to Amsterdam didn’t help either…

    • National battles are supposed to be an “experiment”, they might as well remove them in the next patch.

      • I dont mind national battles as i have already turned them off. Of course i always turn them on when i am taking my KV-2/OP-1s for a ride

        • Aknowledging the fact that a lot of Confrontations ends up dominated by one type of the tank (and hoping it will be resolved) I shall disagree. For me a great mode. Different aproach, different tactics. And for the rule of cool, a team of (majorly) Tigers in camo on any winter map makes me giggle like a little girl. :)

    • National battles are so so. I was in for them yesterday. 2 were blowout wins. 1 was a clase win. The last was a blowout loss. The matchmaking was really poor. They had 4 more tier 8s then we did and they were all kv-4s. Ultimately, they had 3 is-3s, an is-6, and 4 kv-4s against 2 Tiger 2s and my Lowe. We steamrolled in the city and they moved right into the field.

  3. - new ricochets look really weird

    I shot a tank into track – it pened and damaged tank – ricochet effect still appeared.

    • ricochets are ALWAYS flying up. Checked it with my friend.
      Shooting from side at 80 degrees at UFP for example? Magic forcefield is bouncing shells into space. WG can into space.

  4. EU1 has been laggy (stutters and freezes) for me and my friends since 8.6 or 8.7. I have not tried it since they moved it from whereever it was located. EU2 is still pretty much lag free, except for the occasional lagspike. I think server load is partly to blame. EU1 is usually much more crowded.
    I have not experienced slow load myself, but some of my friends are experiencing this problem. Unfortunately, all I can suggest is to move the game to an SSD disk to help with the loading times.
    Consider when “HD mode” will be introduced and what THAT will do with loading issues!

  5. 1 – Microfreezes are nothing new to 8.11 – I have it since…. don’t know… 8.5?
    2 – national battles – don’t know why, but Germans always wins :) German bias? ;) Anyway, MM is radicoulus – 15 tigers II vs 15 AMX 50 100… well… what about other tiers VIII from both nations?

    • 1. I have never had this Mircofreeze problems before this patch, and the lag with the reticle movement is also really annoying
      2. I heard they were really bad before I got into one, so I turned it off. It is just like Assault and Encounter mode now

  6. i kind of like the new ricochet effects … but not the angles
    also dont wana spend my time tiping about battle loading, game opening after pressing the play button in client and thouse anoying ping, packets thing

  7. @ SS
    “I never complained about TD’s being OP before (apart from the WT E-100, which is still pretty ridiculous) in the first place, can’t judge”

    Seriously? Do you actually play Tier X much? Its ruined by ridiculous TDs at the moment. The nerf in this patch is – I hope – only the start. I dream of the day when I start such a battle and the only heavy tanks aren’t 2 guys in 46% E100s.

  8. Well I´m from Brazil and I can say, I “play” with ~170 ping, nothing I can do, just live too far from the server, but I’m having this microfreezes and it is really not helping, well but working as intended.

    Also I notice that in national battle ppl tend to work in a team, at least when I´m in the german side, what might explain why “german always wins”.
    on the other hand when I were on russian side, ppl just did what they usually did, and die, 2 times russian (have few russian tanks) 2 times ppl rush malinovka…

    • I had microfreeze which lasted few seconds – enough to get back to action for the last shot, which killed me ;) Or it was a connection loss, but I had no communication about that.

      Yep, in national battles people tend to work as a team – maybe because they play same types of tanks mainly (hell, there are battles 15 Hellcats vs 15 OP-1S’) and know them, so they “feel” what the others do.

      I had a battle – 14 IS tanks and one T-43 vs 14 Tigers H & P and 1 Sturer Emil – it was on Lakeville. We defeated Germans 15:1. 4 ISes were covering the valley, the rest went to town – German tanks had no chance to win there, and I noticed the “teamwork” – the other IS guys knew my withdrawal is for reload, so they took my place and shot. Then we exchanged the positions. It really worked well :)

      Ahh, and Brit voiceover – isn’t half bad, IMO :)

    • “Also I notice that in national battle ppl tend to work in a team, at least when I´m in the german side, what might explain why “german always wins”.”

      Also spotted that, seems like more experienced players play with german tanks and most new players start from Brit and French tree. At least it feels like that, because our Churchills only tactic was to drive from middle and get shot, same thing repeated almost in every UKvsX national battle and french rolls stay stationary and die before they can finish their first clip.

  9. Seems I miss some of the negative aspects.
    Never got huge packet loses since the patch, only microfreezes, but those affect me since 8.6.
    The FoV change wasn’t noticed by me…I mean, I really see no difference(I have the zoom out mod though).
    The National battles mode…can’t complain.Won all battles except one(battle tier 10…9-10 tiger 2s in my team, same amount of IS-3s on the enemy team.The players from both teams were equally stupid, but it shows that the IS-3 is more noob friendly than the Tiger 2)…and I havent played any russian tanks at all(only german, ‘murican and french).
    New richochets…didn’t even payed attention to them…
    English voices…hell if I care…the other national voices are almost the same(wrong-wise).

    Only issue I really have are the loading times…I never ever joined a battle after it started till now.

  10. - British voiceover sounds… weird. I was probably hoping for something more… I dunno. British. John Cleese British. Not a random British janitor “actor” from Paris WG (yea, he was picked by WG EU according to Storm).

    SS, you are very, very wrong about this – WG actually got this right.

    The sort of voice you have in mind (John Cleese – posh etc) is a false stereotype, which to natives just sounds comical. The majority of tank commanders are NCO’s, therefore a posh voice would be wrong. Listen to the Challengers voice on his videos.

  11. The English voice is ok and neutral – not to upper class 40′s which would have been very annoying and almost impossible to understand for everyone. I am getting the tracer coming in from the top right corner in my KV-1 in sniper mode.

  12. You did not mention the map changes which was rather suprising. the FOV is pretty weird but I dont mind it. I got packet loss and micro-freezes at the first – second day of the server, yesterday and today it was pretty good, and also my ping has gone down from 100 to 80, so yeah :D
    I love the british voice! It is great!

  13. I completely agree, there is too much wrong with the patch compared to the good it brings…
    Though one thing I would also state under “positive” is the winter himmelsdorf, it’s pretty neat :D
    FPS increase is also there for me, about 2-3 fps more in general, always good.
    I’ve always had microfreezes, so I kind of learned to live with it, but the lags are absolutely horrendous.
    The ricochet effect is pretty cool but it sometimes appears when it really shouldn’t and the angles it flies off in are also completely random it appears.

  14. Waiting for battle on the VIII t is a test of patience … The STA-1 goes back to the garage 2 times in row before allow me to play. And this f*** reset server on start…

  15. National battles are quite weird, i had a max tier7 one – Brit vs Soviets. Half of our team was tier 6, which was fine until i looked at the enemy tanks – all tier 7, including 5 SU-152 at the bottom.
    Guess who won.

  16. - new maps

    Windstorm and Himmelsdorf (Snow) are great, Ruinberg needs more rain in my opinion to make it more melancholic.

    - FPS increase

    Same here, back to avg. 50 fps in firefights on max graphics instead of 30-40.

    - TD nerf

    Also the same, I can’t comment on the changes directly since I’m busy grinding my Turtle
    for the discounted FV215b 183.

    - new UI features

    The crew thingamagig the mods have still works better, more intuitive and faster.


    SEA suffers from it, too, my usual 220ms ping feels like 300-400 …
    No idea where it comes from, but I hope that there will be a fix soon(tm)

    - microfreezes
    Haven’t even heard of this yet, guess I should feel lucky…

    - national battles

    I actually like them, but only if neither team is flooded with tds.
    They’re a ton of fun when both teams mostly consist of heavies and meds,
    more so with good players in each team.
    It’s great to see how each side tries to outplay the enemy using pros&cons…
    That is if you have good players in both teams, because I also had the pleasure to stop a T32 in my T-34/85 while simultanously killing a Hellcat and a T29…

    - FOV

    I think due to the zoomout mod I don’t really realise the FOV change, but it should be selectable.
    As TotalBiscuit likes to say: FOV sliders are essential

    - for me, battles take TWICE as long to load

    I get that every few battles, but not every battle.
    I also always get into the battle in time, but mostly with only 15-10 seconds remaining before it starts.

    - new ricochets

    I like them, especially the one when the shell splits in half looks awesome.
    Then again it’s probably personal preference, WG could just add a option to tick/untick for ricochets.


    Just my opinion~

  17. -fps increase
    I started a battle and I just felt like ‘Wow, it’s much smoother’.
    So I opened a 8.10 replay and noticed an increase of about 20% or even more.
    My FPS are much more stable at 60 now and there are no more drops to 40fps, in worst case i have about 50fps now. :)
    I play at Maximum settings with Windows 7 x64, 8GB Ram, Core i5-3570k and Radeon HD 7950.

  18. I do not understand why, but more than 20 games with 8.11, not a single one of them is National mode. How long u guys take to get first battle with this new mode ??

    • 60 battles in haven’t seen it once, from tier 2 to 10. Though 10 or so were in Chinese tanks. So 50 and no luck.

    • Make sure to turn off assault and encounter (increases chance to get confrontation to ~26.7% IIRC, if the 60/40 standard/other mode break down is still used), and don’t drive Chinese or Japanese. :-)

  19. WoT has lost its charm, that’s for sure.

    Playerbase: FAILURE
    Game: FAILURE (It was good until recently…)
    Support: FAILURE
    Development Roadmap: FAILURE
    For me, I think it’s time to move on and leave my WoT adventure as it is.

  20. I have only had problems with WOT since 8.11(it has been unplayable), all other games I play are fine
    They really need to get there act sorted this benny hill 2 bit joke shop of company seem to be breaking the game.
    Also they try to blame ISP’s ect instead of accepting they are causing the problems.
    When some players are paying premium its not good enough.
    Its like they are in there own little world. FOV is a fine example who’s daft idea was it to spend time and money messing with something which was ok.

  21. Agree about the T-54, hate how it looks now, not driving it again. Half of the reason I drive a specific tank is I like the looks of it, other is the performance, for now, it is on the “to sell” list.

    • Well, I don’t like the new looks either but selling such a good machine for this only makes no sense for me.

      • I don’t get any complaint about the T54, it now looks like it does IRL. To me it always looked odd that the Type was so natural looking and the T54 was some squished space-age tank that only hobbits could man.

        • ‘squished space-age tank that only hobbits could man’

          Let me introduce you to the Object 430 (or Object 416 for that matter). :-)


    MY A> Welcome to World of Lags -__-

    -This patch came out broken and I have no idea why. It has many technical issues and if I was to say whether I like it, the answer would be “definitely not”. As biggest issues I percieve the lag (obviously), microfreezes, battle loading time – the rest I can cope with somehow, but the game itself must be fluent. Truth to be told, these issues kinda took most of the fun out of the game for me. I mean… there were lags before, I did put up with it (my connection is quite okay and I have no issues anywhere else whatsoever), but current state is just not so good. I’d like to believe that it will get fixed, but somehow… I kinda lose hope.

    MY A> Is 8.11 gona be the worst patch??? pls am I wrong

  23. “What the actual FUCK, is Wargaming routing the game to Amsterdam via China or something?”

    Surprisingly both EU WoT servers have a very, very good connection right now. But Wargaming isn’t routing anything, it’s above and beyond them. Also there probably isn’t much your ISP can do, so the only thing to be done is to change your ISP, but that’s a hit or miss kind of thing because you don’t know who has what connection.
    It’s been like that before (with previous patches), the situation should be more stable in a matter of days. In the meantime, like before, I’m routing WoT traffic for a couple of my friends – which might seem ridiculous, because the route is longer, but the latency is 6 times better with 0 jitter.

    Check out this map (disregard yellow lines):
    It clearly shows that Amsterdam is a perfect location for Europe-wide servers and WoT servers are right on Level3. The problem is that your ISP might not have access to Level3. Mine does, so it’s all good and dandy. If you were to be located in Prague with a Level3-connected ISP, you’d be in Amsterdam in about 4 hops – awesome!
    Previous EU1 location in Munich was off Level3 – it meant that (for me) I could hop from Poznan to Berlin, Han(g)over, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt am Main and then I was out of luck, because the rest of the route was through local Telia (which we know how it worked). Now I’m going from Dusseldorf right to Amsterdam, hurray.

    • Actually Frank, if you’d like to do a comparison test (you know, to see if I’m talking bollocks or not), let me know – I can route you through Level3 and you’ll see if and what difference that makes. It’s just a couple of clicks on your part, but results might be interesting.
      I’ve done this with friends in Krakow, which is way off the Level3 and not that far off from Prague and they have problems similar to yours – crappy routing and bad jitter (in short: unplayable).

        • Well in simple terms, you’d see if the one to blame is WG (where they servers are, or that they are overloaded) or if it’s a problem somewhere in the middle – so in short if it’s WG’s fault.
          And by comparison test I mean that you know what pings and jitter you get (in battle, not in garage), and you would be able to see if they are significantly better with this modified route – the route itself would be longer, but a good half of it would be through Level3 fiber network.
          Afterwards you’ll have solid grounds to say “fuck you WG for your crappy servers location” or “fuck you Europe for your crappy network”…

          inb4 I won’t steal your account and I’m not a sock puppet ;)

  24. Does anyone know what Sixth Sense mods makes that alert sound with the countdown afterwards?

  25. If one thing, National Battles are crazy… Outcome is most times totally ridiculous:

    Not to whine about Russian being op on some tier… but everyone can guess what happened:
    German Team: 3 VK 3601, 2 Pz4 S., 4 VK3010, 3 Nashorn, 2 Toaster, 1 Grille
    Russian Team: 5 KV1S, 4 T34-85, 3 Su100, 2 Su100Y, 1 Su-122A

    Result: 3-15

  26. Weird thing is that since 8.11 my fps rate got up. I have very old PC (1,7 GHz dual CPU, 256 MB graphics) and have to use every FPS-helping mod known. On 8.10 those didn’t help, couldn’t get more than 20 fps no matter what. On 8.11 however – stable 20-25 fps, sometimes even up to 30-35; I haven’t got those values since like 8.7. And TBH – ping is pretty bad (used to have 40-50 ms sometimes, now it’s 70-80 ms usually), but it doesn’t seem to affect my gameplay. This morning got massive game on Chi-Nu (7 kills and Ace Tanker), a tank I usually sucked in (or at least wasn’t that good as in my m4 e.g.) :/ Can’t understand this. Should be worse – for me 8.11 it’s better

  27. “The thing is, when selecting what sever you will be assigned to, the game selects it based on ping, but not on jitter, so you might end up on a server bit better ping, but terrible packet loss (for me, this is the case for EU1)”

    I know exactly what you mean. US East is technically “better” for me, since it has lower ping, but it’s a *very* inconsistent latency, swinging between 60-120ms and dropping packets everywhere. It’s worst during evening.

    On the other hand, US West ranges from 70-90ms depending on the time of day, but whereever it is, it tends to stay put. Still have some packet loss (due to my godawful DSL provider refusing to update their 20 year old equipment in the area, despite frequent outages), but it’s a LOT less than when on East.

    Automatic selection based on a couple pings alone is stupid. There are simply too many factors in addition that go into making a good connection.

    As far as the British voiceover goes…eh. It’s better than straight American voices (which themselves aren’t very good imo), but I’m not really feeling them. I wonder if WG is done screwing with the file layout, maybe I’ll fix the old CoH voicepack again…even as patched-together as it sounds, it’s still leagues above what they came up with.

    Can’t really comment on the rest, haven’t played enough. I will say that the game feels a touch more sluggish now here on the US server, as if it’s lagging more than the latency meter is saying. Might just be me, though. The game itself, though, is definitely running a bit smoother to the tune of 5-10fps depending on the map and what’s going on, so wooo optimizations.

  28. Redshire was DESTROYED, actually its unplayable if u play anything but a heavy… same FAIL remake as dragon ridge

    himmelsdorf on winter: the visuals are ok…. but this game dont need more pure city maps, at least no when they are so small.

    the auto selection of server SUCKS hard

    batles takes FOREVER to load now…. im lucky if i connect before the countdown.

    • Agree on Redshire….before it was campy as shit, now it’s not campy, but the gameplay is horseshit. Map feels 10 times smaller and the gameplay in general sucks dicks. Those cocksuckers in map department should get their asses fired.

  29. - new maps: Liked them Played Windstorm once and the top is absolutely lovely for flanking game. Liked the fact that the new effects were easy on FPS too – had no trouble with rain/snow/fires

    - FPS increase: Agreed

    - TD nerf: Still find them as deadly as before. Getting down a Foch 155 still required half of the team when he could play well.

    - new UI features: Very nice, especially if you used the mod before.

    - HORRIBLE LAGS and microfreezes: Had them on day 1, then mostly disappeared. Something seems to be done with those, so I’ll just wait for it to be fixed.

    - the garage “reconnection”: Didn’t notice that.

    - why the hell is the server choice automatically reset to “AUTO” everytime I log off? Didn’t notice that either, maybe because I use auto?

    - national battles: Very happy with them, had quite a few of them and seems like I can still win/lose in 50% of cases. In many cases it’s decided by who can put their national advantage better – nothing better then seeing Germans thinking they can take French autoloaders from close range and then getting ripped to pieces =w=

    - FOV: Didn’t notice~ Sometimes it’s good to change something that hasn’t been changed before anyway, though – it might bring better results (or personalised settings, like in this patch)

    - T-54: Logs be rolling =w=

    - for me, battles take TWICE as long to load than in 8.10 and I have no idea why (and yes, I defragmented my drive): Didn’t have an issue with this at all.

    - new ricochets look really weird (they fly in very odd angles, I am not sure how historically correct it is, but it definitely looks unnatural): Probably just looks weird, ricochets tend to fly away in VERY weird angles and after getting used to “normalized” ricochets it’s weird to switch.

    - somehow, in sniper mode on some tanks (Centurion I in my case), the shells no longer fly from the center of the aim reticle, but from a place slightly off, also very annoying): They admitted the issue, still wrong~

    - British voiceover sounds: I was very happy about those, quite exact from what I can say from my experience of talking to British people overall.

    All in all, I am way less skeptic – the patch seems to be nice and most of it works.

  30. SilentStalker, you forgot to mention the best feature, that WG finally implemented ….. disable chat. Thank you, WG. Now, hurry with roaming and i’ll be happy player.

  31. *Bracing for the hate*

    OK, lets start: Confrontation aka Nation Battles, so far my battles looked like this:
    Germans vs Russians 15:4 –> Germans won
    Germans vs French 5:15 –> French won
    Brits vs Russians 15:2 –> Brits won
    Germans vs USA 6:15 –> USA won

    These where MY experiences, my friends had similar one when fighting against or as russians, they have the impression its the russians long reload, that keeps them(the russians) losing against ROF nations. You ppl might have had different battles, keep that in mind.

    Micro freezes: didn’t had any, package loss: except for patchday, I didn’t had any, screen flashing aka resync in the garage: I have it every 10-20 seconds and it is annoying.

    Shell ricochets, they look strange, because most ppl are not used to them, for me they look completely normal, but I play a lot of simulation games, it would be funny if we’d also get ricochet effects if we would shoot the ground at extreme angles, but that will probably never happen for WoT.

    New maps: Windstorm: only played it once, looks OK so far, need to play it more, Redshire: I love it now, especially on encounter already got 2 ace tankers thanks to the hills at the cap point XD, Ruinberg on Fire and Winter Himmelsdorf: they’re cool, I really like the new weather effects, but the rain on Ruinberg could be a tiny bit more intense.

    New interface additions, they’re good, but they could be improved further but storm already confirmed they will be expanded.

    So, these are my experiences with 8.11, and before you guys disagree, read again: THESE ARE MY EXPERIENCES with the patch, yours may be completely different.

  32. 5 secs late into the game? I wish my com would do that. I mostly start 20-30 secs late. Sometimes the game ends while I’m still on the loading screen, waiting for the orange bar to even appear…

    But my loading and fps seems to have improved with 8.11…

  33. The patch is a joke allright. First we have generall lags second microfreezes and also the fucking messed up fov (which can be changed by the fix). Also I dont like some f the reworks of the maps, totally too open with too little slopes etc. Also the confrontation mode is a joke, how the fuck will german tenks stand a chance against fuking autloaders like french ones or russian tenks with trollish armor and higher alpha? The mode is simply bad implemented.

  34. Your Ms is 60-70? hah mine is that ALWAYS it sores to like 130 and up to complete game freeze for 15 seconds..20-30 ms would be fucking amazing but I can’t kill this lag I dunno wtf to do

  35. “- somehow, in sniper mode on some tanks (Centurion I in my case), the shells no longer fly from the center of the aim reticle, but from a place slightly off, also very annoying)”

    Aren’t the T1 Heavy have this same problem since forever?
    The bullet fly off a bit from the right of the center and do an arch to the aiming point
    Kind of annoying but I used to it somewhat

    As for the Confrontation mode
    imo I thinks it need big rebalnacing, not for tank but for the number of type of tank each country allow to have in the filed such as 3HT 5MT 2TD 3LT 2SPG and these formula should different between tier 2-10
    But I guess it could be too much work for the WG so we probably will stuck with this for sometime

    • yeah the t1 heavy has had that problem as well, its confusing at first but by no means unplayable, i think some people are just overblowing the whinefest

  36. I actually like confrontation, because it’s what I assumed I would be doing when I started playing this game. In fact I wish I could just play that all day.

  37. SS:

    i understand your frustration to some degree, however i disagree in your reference of the British voiceovers, id rather have these than the American accent on these tanks, and most of the NA community welcome the new voices

    also, the confrontation mode has mixed reviews in the NA forums, mostly positive at middle tiers, however there is still a general whine about something:

    too many tds!

    However that’s a separate case, but confrontation has a rather well acceptance ratio, and you should invest more time into it, specifically to see how many times out of all the amount of confrontation battles are actually not balanced

  38. This patch is totally useless. Basically they didn’t add anything aside from disabling the chat (which could be done with mods), a broken new battle type, FOV screw up and lags.

  39. i agree that microfreezes are annoying as hell. i also agree that nationl battles are annoying. i mean imagine, me in KV3 vs FOUR E75s? while we only have TWO IS-8? we lost that match preety fast i say

  40. -No T18 nerf or changed to be an SPG (like IRL) and the T57 as a TD
    -Fake mantlet is still present on the T29, T30 and T34.
    -MM still shit at tiers Vlll and lX (6 tier X, 5 tier IX and 4 tier Vlll against 11 tier X and 4 tier lX)
    -WTE 100 still has a fucking overpowered gun.
    -Arty is still annoying to play with and against it.
    -Another stupid map made for MTs.
    -Still tons of vehicles in dire need of rebalance.
    -This patch gave more problems than solutions.

    And I could still write more things but that would make me quit WoT for a long time.

  41. I seem to be getting a lot of crashes since the update here on NA.

    I have to log back into game twice every battle now. Ping was +30 from usual, dropped packet loss is incredible.

    Game also crashes every time I exit naturally from the garage back to desktop. It has ultimately become unplayable for me in the past 48 hours.

    I use Melty’s reticle so the FoV change wasn’t really noticable, but all the other basic issues experienced on EU (garage blink and such) are definitely happening here too. WGNA is mum on the subject – not very encouraging.

    • Crashes are caused by mods. I’m using a lot of mods, but i checked them 1 by 1 and i didn’t had crashes. Not once.

  42. The microfreezes definitely are not new. I’ve been seeing those at least since 8.9 or maybe earlier.
    What may be true is that they are new for some people.

  43. - somehow, in sniper mode on some tanks (Centurion I in my case), the shells no longer fly from the center of the aim reticle, but from a place slightly off, also very annoying)

    T1 Heavy has had the camera a bit off to the left for ages, the WT Pz IV’s is a bit below the gun.

  44. - New map: Campshire…even they remove start position, after 1 minute, everyone still move on same spot like before. This map need a complete remake other than this. Windstorm is good map, better than 2 nearest new map. Other new maps not played yet. No comment
    - FPS increase: My fps from 30~40 up to 40~50. Not much but always welcome
    - TD neft: mostly on tier 10 and i don’t play tier 10 much (still grinding T28 and Chi ri), but it seem damage neft bring some courage for Heavy, so now they play more….uh… heavy
    -New UI: again, don’t used yet. No comment
    - Horrible lag: don’t happen to me. I’m playing on SEA
    - microfreezes: if your “micro” mean 3 sec freezes then back to normal (no packet loss): yes, happen twice and very annoying
    - Nation battle: Don’t played yet, but it seem German is good over all (German bias?)
    - FoV: I’m using a 4:3 monitor,and don’t see any change
    - T-54: don’t have, no comment
    - New ricochet: look weird , but funny when you see a shell fly over your head

  45. As someone who haven’t touched this game since 8.1, this blog pleases me.
    Why the hell WG haven’t drive you guys out of playing this game is really puzzling me, then again, many people forget they always have the freedom of choice.

  46. I think Silent Stalker tends to right things off and doesn’t give things a fair shot. WT for one, and National Battles now. I found national battles quite interesting and I don’t know what his problem with them is especially as you can easily turn them off.

    I’ve had a fair few good national battles and had no more or less muppets than normal, I think a limit on the number of same tanks would solve a lot of peoples problems with it although it’ll loss a added bonus that you get with such battle.

    Due to the huge amount of cretins in WOT some really Op tanks can hide in the stats, It’s tough for even a really good player in a opp tank to drag a team to victory so the stats get massaged especially when the noob horde get the next big thing (WT100 anyone?).

    However when you get masses of a really great tank vs a really poor tank, even with great muppety the odds are stacked the game more likely to be won the stats more accurate. I had a game of 10 at15′s (top of the tree) vs 10 ISU152′s, the AT15′s hadn’t a hope in hell of winning, but now there’s 10 152′s with a + stat and 10 at15′s with a – and it’ll effect the stats a whole lot more than with a few at15′s and 152′s thrown in together. Seriously if both teams in a normal random battle had 3 at15′s and 3 152′s you can tell anything from the stats, the new national battles will make balancing a lot better.

  47. Sorry to bother, and I know you won’t see this message, but you missed one good point of the patch that adds a lot of use and makes WG lose some money actually: the stackable camo feature in which if you buy camo for a tank and then sell it, you will still have the camo when you will rebuy it.

    I personally found myself in situations in which I had to rebuy a specific camo for a tank I liked buy had to sell. I bet WG loses some bucks with this new feature that helps us all. Not much, but it’s a truly unnatural and welcomed change!

  48. >> – HORRIBLE LAGS (…)

    As far as I’m concerned, this episode of really bad packet drops (tanks not reacting to commands immediately, interface stutter, etc.), which would seem consistent with the stories of DDoS that have been flaunted around (if it didn’t persist so long), started last weekend; that is, the weekend before 8.11 went live. FFIW.

  49. My experience with confrontations battles so far. Note, I’ve only gotten two, and…well…

    First one: British vs Americans on Province, Tier 2 (before you accuse me of seal-clubbing, I’ve made it my mission in life to kill seal-clubbing T18s with my Cruiser Mk.III, which while good requires some skill to use effectively, unlike the T18). Three guesses which side won. Hint, it’s the one with the team of which 1/3rd was T18s, and it’s not the side my Cruiser III was on.

    Second one: Germans vs Soviets on Pearl River, Tier 9. It actually looked more or less balanced…at first, but then disaster struck when a quarter of the team went full retard and yolo’d across the bridge, getting torn apart by E-75s. I was on the other flank going around with my IS-6 (which as you can imagine was at a severe disadvantage in this game), and I immediately knew something was up when our force went opposed only by a single E-75…and then we stumbled right into an ambush by every single tank destroyer on the enemy team. Didn’t help that the RNG hated my guts in that game, with shots bouncing when they should have penetrated (an unangled Lowe’s lower glacis at under 100 m? Should be easy, but only if the RNG’s in your favor; hell, one shot bounced off the gun shield of a Waffentraeger Ausf. Pz IV!) or just outright missing and landing in the dirt right in front of the target. This was an even MORE horrible loss than the tier 2 game, and wasn’t one-sided because of the tanks involved, but because of the sheer incompetence of the Soviet team.

  50. “- new ricochets look really weird (they fly in very odd angles, I am not sure how historically correct it is, but it definitely looks unnatural)”

    From what I can remember I don’t think they got it wrong. It’s just confusing watching it happen to you from outside and above your own tank. Granted it has some cartoonish effects to make it more visible. But in general I think they got the ricochet behavior right.

  51. Launcher and md5 check us bugged. Had to manually install from another computer. It didn’t help that the files were originally corrupt. This cost me 3 days if my life to work out and fix :( I am now too tired to play. :/

  52. Microfreezes have been happening to me since at least 8.10, but I rolled back my Nvidia drivers and it seemed to alleviate 95% of the problem. I still get them occasionally, but only after I’ve been playing for hours. Once they start, I reboot the computer and everything works fine again. Not sure if that will work for everyone, and its not ideal for some to play with older drivers, but I primarily just play WoT right now so it works for me.