131 thoughts on “SerB in one picture…

  1. So basically SerB loves the fact people use him as a meme? And he has “My little pony” figures next to a Stalin Photo….

    Should I fear him, respect him, or hate him? I mean, you gotta give him credit, the guy sure knows how to make good fun :P

    BTW: +1 for the Girls und Panzer cup! I WANT ONE!!!!

        • He’s (presumably) rich, succesful and millions enjoy a game he centrally contributed to.
          You will never be more than an ugly and bitter nobody.

          Isn’t it sad?

          • If he’s rich and successful, why is he so unhappy and bitter? It’s really sad that you believe the only way to become “somebody” is by amassing wealth. Your life must be very shallow and dull.

            • You’re unhappy and bitter, and I’m willing to bet NOT rich and succesful.
              So your point was…?

              SerB at least seems to be having quite a bit of fun trolling the stupids.

              • You got me on “not rich”, so that’s 1 out of 4, you’re pretty bad at this. Are YOU rich and successful? Nope. So that’s how much this argument is worth.
                My point was, there are other aspects of human life you could use to measure “success”. Scientists and philosophers are rarely rich, but only a shallow idiot would claim that entertainer like SerB is more “successful” person than they are. Wasting your life on creating brainless entertainment could be considered a failure. Are these things really so hard to comprehend? Were you living in a cave?

                I sincerely doubt that truly happy and fulfilled people spend time insulting others on the internet. It might be fun in small doses, but when you do that every single day, it’s pretty obvious you’re frustrated.

                • …like you, for example? Considering I can’t recall witnessing you post anything that *wasn’t* 100% unadultered bile here…

                  And stop trying to sound deep and profound, you’ll dislocate something like that.

                • So you’re saying I sound frustrated when I’m writing just like you do? Gee…
                  I see you have no substantial arguments, just ad hominems. It’s sad you can’t admit you were wrong even when proven so.

                • Which one of us at least *tries* to post something besides undiluted spite? Hint: ain’t you.

                  You’re not exactly in a position to accuse others of “no substantial arguments, just ad hominems” either…

                  More topically, the POINT which you managed to completely miss was that Tea-ass’s invective against SerB was based on as approximately petty and shallow angles of attack as is humanly possible. I duly calibrated the snark to his wavelenght, and even that seems to be beyond his abilities to riposte.
                  I’d be getting positively bored here without you so graciously whiteknighting for him! :D

                • Ad hominem followed by tu quoque, how cute. The way I act doesn’t affect the validity of my point in the slightest. Basic stuff, really. You’re doing great as long as you’re insulting idiots, but the moment you enter serious discussion you commit dozen logical fallacies, because you care more about “winning” than about what’s actually true.

                  I wasn’t referring to TT3Az at all, his comment was indeed petty and shallow – and I never claimed otherwise. I merely noticed that your comment was simplistic and wrong, but since now you say you weren’t actually serious (sarcasm doesn’t translate very well over the internet, my bad), there’s nothing more to add. Cheers.

            • Where did he say that SerB was unhappy and bitter? He was referring to t3azz when he said “You will never be more than an ugly and bitter nobody.” You need reading glasses.

              • Where did I imply that he wrote any of those things about SerB? It’s pretty obvious you guys never read any sophisticated books, you fail at grasping the simplest concepts.

  2. Had that something to do with 4chan? The sup /wot/ and timestamp look like it could have been intended for /b/.

  3. The community should leave him alone…
    I mean he gets targeted with ALOT of hate and people do make fun of him because of how he looks, what
    car he is driving and many more stupid stuff …

    Considering that quite a few people enjoy WoT i would argue that the majority of his actions were good.
    Because if not the game would be crap as SerB has alot of power in WG ranks

    • He earns tons of cash. I think he can afford himself whatever fucking car he want. Yet it’s his choice to drive old commie car and gives zero fucks what other people thinks of it. I never support insults based on someones look eventhough i myself am not immune to such insults when i’m mad. And eventhough i’m not his biggest fan i must admit SerB is a funny guy and sure great troll.

    • I don’t think he gives a flying fook what people think…

      He’s rich, he likes trolling everyone, he’s rich, he runs a VERY successful games company, he’s rich..

      Did I mention he’s a teensy bit richer than you?

      Comments on t’internet from random bobs mean fookall..

    • Judging by some comments quite a few people choose their friends based on their wealth…
      it really saddens me because there are far more important things in life than just the trivial things you can brag about …

  4. All that money spent on booze & hookers yet no investment in a new suit… or a new blouse, for that matter…

    • Either there’s a russian chan with /wot/ board, or it’s a failed attempt at modern humor made by a clueless old fart with no grasp of internet culture. He probably saw a pic with “sup /b/”, didn’t understand what “/b/” stands for, tried to copy it anyway. Reminds me of situations when politicians want to seem “cool” and try to emulate slang of teenagers, always failing miserably.

    • Oh yeah… because having a picture of Hitler, Himmler, Pol-Pot or other mass murder on your desk is so much fun…. Even if it’s trolling, it’s a really bad and cloddish one.

      • Edgy humor is great if you stopped developing intellectually in early highschool.

  5. -Sup/WoT/?

    Well… your game is unplayable and still has tons of bugs in it…
    Aaah, and btw, why you tried to fix something, that isn’t broken?
    Otherwise fine so far, thank you :)

    • OUR little proletariat.
      I think you need some “re-education” time, maybe Workuta…

    • Imo it’s too messy….posts and comments under the posts are not separated so it’s all cluttered and hard to keep a track of

  6. hmmm…
    if you click on “read more” at the end of an article(or the article name itself), the first part of the article that was already displayed on the mainpage disappears

  7. Serb in 15.8.2013 FAQ:

    Q: “Will the national voiceovers be different from voiceovers in mods?” A: “Yes, a lot, considering the fact the only mod voiceover I’ve heard is the one with my little pony voices”


  8. Every published photo of Serb makes me 100% sure that WG has no PR guys. Seriously, just look at his face. It screams “hide your children!”.

    • Trololol, that is exacetely why he is doing it. :-) First picture for obvious trolling purposes and second one is just him setting himself up for internet jokes. SO OBVIOUS. :-) I like SerB more with every comment i see from him.

  9. OT, but I kinda hate this new site layout. Not in the least because for some reason it blocks the “preview” part of the original post from being readable in the Read More/Comments view.

    Also seems to hate line breaks.

  10. Minasan~! Everypony is going to build KV-122 in forced labour factory~!

    I’m surprised a Putin portrait wasn’t standing next to Stalin.

  11. I like him. Regardless of what many people think of him (and he must know, at least from Q&A), he publishes pictures that could be easily abused against him (Stalin, plain paper…) and he definitely knows it. And still let them go, basically stripping them of all their ‘troll’ and ‘presumably-funny-memes’ potential.

    Good job, Segei and keep trolling idiots in the playerbase.

  12. MLP, GuP, Stalin and SerB?

    It’s… Wha… No, it’s too mindblowing for me… O_O

    Errr…. How terrible?… O_o

  13. I actually like how Serb reacts to the attacks on him. He takes them non-seriously and does excellent counter-trolling. He gave pictures with very high “meme potential” without any concern, I find that admirable!

  14. Belorussian sci-fi writer that designed a game maketed as “carefully detailed with historical accuracy” + Joseph Stalin picture + ponies + anime = total mindfuck.

  15. Guys, guys, guys just a question if I may ask it.
    Whom picture You usually put on Your desk?
    Yes good answered; this one took from Your girlfrind/wife/lover.
    So that must be the woman in SerB’s life …

      • What could I other ways been write about him?
        Nowadays somebody from free will looks to the Big Leader every fucking day?
        Who will be the next? Kim from North Korea?

      • And you’re trying way too hard to white-knight for SerB. Too bad Russians are so homophobic, your love will never be :(

        • Oh, he’s married so I kinda gave up on him long ago. Plus he lives too far away to date anyway. (Who’s sounding homophobic here btw…?)

          But I would prefer people put some actual :effort: into their character assassination; done right it’s a thing of beauty to see regardless of how you think of the target. But this? Bah.
          Weak, stale and without a shred of wit. Even that earlier quip about “family photo” was a better show.

  16. Why does SerB look like he just passed a “Bong” pipe? I mean the photos, especially the bottom photo looks like some drug induce joke humor he is trying to explain that is not making any sense to a sober person. If it is not drugs then the dude needs sleep badly. I worry about him.