- Churchill Gun Carrier from tier 6 to tier 5 and reviewing stock Bishop? “When it’s done it’s done, if it happens at all” (SerB states that he can post his personal opinion, but other people deal with rebalance than him)
- there are no plans for now for variable geometry wing fighter jets in the game (such as the Messerschmitt MEP.1109), but in the future their implementation is not excluded
- the option to view replays from old game versions is not going to be implemented (SerB: “Convert the replay to video”)
- SerB states that regarding the way crew XP counter is implemented in WoWp (SS: it allegedly shows crew XP to 100 percent and not to next percent or something like that), there is a really low priority for implementing that to WoT, because both ways are roughly equally comfortable for the player
- SerB states that there is no “gold shell issue” (SS: as in, an issue of players shooting only gold in randoms), because everyone can do that
- SerB states that the impression tier 9 vehicles get (after the removal of battletier 12) thrown more often to the bottom of the team is false and not consistent with Wargaming’s statistics
- SerB states, that HE shells, that penetrate the armor completely (by their kinetic energy) don’t lose penetration ability over distance or get normalized, because “there is a quite complicated process of penetration, connected with the deformation of a thin-walled shell. Roughly said, limited sturdiness of the shell doesn’t allow for much more penetration even at short distances. Well, and as for normalization, these shells don’t ‘twist’” (SS: by “twist” I mean the process where the shell changes its vector upon impact, based on the construction of the point of the shell)
- FPS dropping on new winter maps? SerB: “How terrible. I checked, both the new maps and the old maps have roughly the same FPS for me. Write to support.”
”- SerB states that there is no “gold shell issue” (SS: as in, an issue of players shooting only gold in randoms), because everyone can do that”
People preaching about how gold shells ruin World of Tanks, please place your sermon beow the line:
Ruin the game? NO. Ruin some tanks? Yes. Armor is the least valuable tank stat in the game currently, because people can just spam gold. I have no idea why WG is dragging their feet over the issue. The obvious solution is to just limit the amount of gold ammo you can carry to something closer to the historical amount (Historical is too few, 10-20% is better). Then players have to decide to fire the ammo instead of just derping around firing gold at everything.
That being said it is really funny bouncing gold rounds fired at you, especially when they were completely unnecessary. I had a match last night in my Leopard scout where i managed to bounce gold from 3 different T9 TDs. :)
I bounced off a t110e4 3 times in my patton
No, no, they shot me and bounced. They can 1 shot me with regular ammo, a T5 TD doesn’t even need gold to pen the T5 Leopard. That’s the funny part. They waste thousands of credits doing 0 damage and not even tracking me. Then I run past and kill their arty while they die to my allies.
Try shooting gold at e75 UFP. Oh yeah you’ll bounce. Gold ammo is for more reliable penetration. It doesn’t negate armor. In strong tank points you’ll still bounce. Except the poor t95.
You’re not SUPPOSED to shoot at an E-75′s upper glacis, and if you ARE shooting at it, then you truly are something “special” that clearly NEEDS gold ammo to perform with any degree of competence because you have no idea how to aim at weakspots.
No, I’m not talking about really tiny or not-so-weak spots on some tanks (i.e. the heavily-rounded cupola on a T95, which is hard to pen with regular AP on many tier 8 vehicles even if you score a direct hit, but of course, by the time you’ve put a shot through the cupola for 300 damage, he’s derped you for 800 damage, and after you get the second shot in, he’ll probably just put you out of your misery right then and there), I’m talking about things like the LOWER Front Plate of most German tanks (which is where you’re SUPPOSED to shoot them, because frontal transmission = easily set on fire from front), which makes up a THIRD of the front of the vehicle – you can’t miss that at most combat ranges with a decently-accurate gun and competent crew!
Armor was always the least reliable stat in game due to magic rules that control it.
gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8
Why does everyone think the E-75 is the best tank ever? It’s not really that great.
Also, gold rounds do negate a lot of armor, maybe not the thickest or best part of a tank, but if you’re shooting that, you’re probably a black/red/orange potato to begin with. Gold rounds completely obsolete certain tanks strengths, and make other tanks completely overpowered (see T-54).
putting the sing best you will meet saying the oposite or agreeing and stuff
E75 is one of the strongest tier 9′s and actually a capapble machine to stand up and give no fucks about tier 10 tanks cause of the armor
but yeah gold ammo make certain tanks just OP as hell
I don’t care .. I’m medium tank driver so even 3 tier lower tank can penetrate me..
”- Churchill Gun Carrier from tier 6 to tier 5 and reviewing stock Bishop? “When it’s done it’s done, if it happens at all” (SerB states that he can post his personal opinion, but other people deal with rebalance than him)”¨
Churchill GC could be interesting, but its kinda UP.
It should get either dropped to tier 5 (only HP nerf actually needed, maybe little somethin else), or buffed.
If it could get buff on tier 6, likely aiming time and rof.
I’d imagine it’d lose it’s 32lb gun also. Which IMHO at tier 5, is not any loss. At tier 6, if there was an optional gun with ~170 pen, it’d be more useful than the 32lb gun
Why lose the gun? Just change the HP to T5 levels and its done. Compare it to the Toaster and it loses out in every category other than armor and with such giant weakspots that’s a non-issue.
Churchill GC is easily the worst performing T6 TD, and that’s at a tier with a number of bad TDs.
- FPS dropping on new winter maps? SerB: “How terrible. I checked, both the new maps and the old maps have roughly the same FPS for me. Write to support.”
Sounds like storm pretending to be SerB…
Storm: Uh, are you going to do your daily Q&A?
SerB: No, I am too hung over/tired/busy. You do it.
Storm: Okay.
SerB: I’m too busy uploading troll photos of myself.
Glad to see you’re posting some stuff from WoWP as well. Too bad it doesn’t have a proper Q&A like this.
It does. There is a QA thread on the froums just like for WoT.
But on RU, right?
The Q\A thread there is pretty dull, since the developer team isn’t the same. The guys who tend to be game designers there are very conservative when it comes to some real answers, unlike storm answering SOME stuff in LJ.
- Churchill Gun Carrier from tier 6 to tier 5 and reviewing stock Bishop? “When it’s done it’s done, if it happens at all” (SerB states that he can post his personal opinion, but other people deal with rebalance than him)
Tier 5 TD with 214mm pen and 240hp/shot , another PzsflIVc ?
it could be fine.
Compare it to pz sfl iv c, it haves less accuracy, less rof, less dpm, 3x less speed and maneuverability, less gun elevation, less camo, less viewrange and its tier higher
so why not?
With the second gun they are vitually the same. And the GC has at least some armor…
Yeah armored as hell..
Cant remember that anything would ever dinged me, its a box with paper armor.
mr_clark meant that churchil GC doesn’t get twoshot by SU-85Bs shooting HE. Or oneshot by Hetzers. The Sfl does.
Thanks for making that clear, Jukelo.
It would probably lose it’s top gun. Personally I rather see it buffed and the Archer added as a Tier 5 branching from the Valentine and leading to it. Find a suitable Tier 7 (say the FV303, think of it as a FV304 but with 20-pdr gun) and you could have the FV4401 Contentious at Tier 8 (or maybe even Tier 9). And have the Project Prodigal 120mm RR Autoloader.
the branch is not gonna be like that, i bet
also fv303 is like e-25 which is smaller, haves more pen, its faster, more dmg
more like tier 8 premium¨
and so far, i heard that the branch will feature mostly turretted TDs, archer maybe in that line as tier 5
WoWp used to have a plane with variable geometry , the p.1102. The wing sweep wasn’t implemented, if I remember correctly, which is why the plane was removed to be worked on.
- Churchill Gun Carrier from tier 6 to tier 5 and reviewing stock Bishop? “When it’s done it’s done, if it happens at all” (SerB states that he can post his personal opinion, but other people deal with rebalance than him)
When CGC is in question , SerB is acting all modest (“he can post his personal opinion, but other people deal with rebalance than him”) , when its KVAS in question , Zlobny gets a boot.
Yep,seems legit.
kv-1s is one of the most played tanks (top is kv1s or kv depending on server) so any changes to that will result in a super whinge and many unhappy people. The gun carrier? few people care.
GC? I literally haven’t managed to kill it at least a single time, despite having most “experts” of the other nations (japs excluded, since i haven’t played since they were implemented).
It’s way too rare (and i can’t really say that i see no apparent reason for that) in the RU sector.
No apparent reason other than its entirely optional and bad. Why bother going thru the GC when the Alecto-AT2-AT8 are all good/great TDs?
Because some people just want to drive it for one reason or another. It’s the same reason why a lot of people drive TOG IIs, myself included: they do it for the lols, particularly when in platoons of them.
- the option to view replays from old game versions is not going to be implemented (SerB: “Convert the replay to video”)
Why ppl still ask such stupid questions? To make old replays viewable u would need to store all versions of a map that got reworked plus all stats the tanks ever had and all models they ever had and therefore the client would become way bigger (and with way bigger a mean way bigger ;) )
Just install older client version and play the replay there?
The problem I’m running into is that I can either make a really choppy high quality video of the replay, or I can have a decent quality low resolution video. I’ve got a decent video card (560TI) but it’s still bogged down trying to make a video out of a replay.
What? SerB actually explain stuff instead of trolling? Maybe Storm stole SerB’s account.
any news about scout rebalancing, making them more competitive in higher tiers after the severe arty nerfs?
- SerB states that there is no “gold shell issue” (SS: as in, an issue of players shooting only gold in randoms), because everyone can do that
Just because everyone can do it doesn’t mean it’s a good thing you stupid fuck. I don’t have problem with prem ammo per se, i have problem with fucktards spamming it all the fucking time eventhough they don’t need it and seriously fucking up game balance specially for tanks that rely on armor. Keep on ignoring the issue. Soon it will be late.
So you either HAVE a problem or you DON’T…you’re pretty much contradicting yourself in 1 post. If they don’t need to spam it (as in – you drive a paper shit on some tracks like a BC25 or leo1) then you shouldn’t be giving a damn, and if you’re giving a damn – that means they can fuck you up, and you are playing tanks that have some sort of armoring against standard shells (mostly german T10s).
What he’s probably saying is that he doesn’t mind gold ammo being in the game, but hates that it’s so overused.
“Soon it will be late.”
…you’ll ragequit?
Eventhough you would like that so much i won’t ragequit just in spite you. Now go back to sucking dicks.
Rats. But I refuse to give up the hope.
I have too much noobs like yourself to pwn yet. How’s sucking going?
- SerB states that there is no “gold shell issue” (SS: as in, an issue of players shooting only gold in randoms), because everyone* can do that
*as long as they keep buying premium account, but good thing it’s not pay to win… It’s not like you have to spend money to be able to spam non stop gold shells. Oh, wait…
You can play most tiers goldspamming and still get some profit, each game. You’ve got to be really ass-handed to goldspam and still not make any profit, unless you are 42%- and can’t manage 300 avg damage in a kvas…
So you spam all premium, do 10 kills, but your team loses. Now you’re in the sink. If you had premium, you’d manage it, but on standard account, losing a match in which you spammed premium ammo will make you lose, no matter the tier.
I don’t believe you can sustain the premium ammo spam with standard account. You may manage a few games, but the rest will cause you to lose money all the time.
Even more, you can’t gain that 50% extra credits per win every time because you can’t win every time.
Actually you’d get the same xp and credit award as you would for winning with that kind of game, since 10 kills is a Pool’s Medal, which counts for “Courageous Resistance”.
Therefore, your argument is invalid. :P
And this game economy is base on damage dealt and repair cost. If you can manage a game with 10 kill, about 50~70% hp left and still lose (base cap), all your shell doesn’t bounce much, and it deal a lot of damage(only affect E-100 and all TDs), you still have some money after that game. Without Premium. If you win and have 100% hp, you’ll have profit unless 50% shell you shot didn’t deal any damage
TBH, some tank really need gold shell to make it actually work
Don’t know about YOU, but I can readily afford all the premshells I need without prem acc. (Calling them “gold” shells is plain dumb or at least severely outdated.)
Doubt you manage to farm out on a T10 filled with premshells ;)
But then again, T10s don’t really need premshells, apart from autoloading guns.
T10s are pretty much supposed to lose money *anyway*, so no big difference. Hence why mid-tier cashcows are kept.
Not that I actually *had* Tens mind you, but I DO have two Nines – AMX-50 120 and IS-8 – that share guns with the tier so same diff.
wait Whaaat???
autoloading guns need prem rounds???
like T57 heavy with 259 pen is not enough need moar
or what about the WT E100 i am sure it needs prem rounds cause 276 pen not enough
exept maybe stuff like T69 or the E1
I think he’s talking about guns like the WT E-100′s 150 mm gun, which iirc tends to see more use in CWs than pubs due to the greater ease of funding a massive stockpile of 150 mm HEAT ammunition.
Of course I’d still use the 128 mm gun given the choice, due to the more reliable penetration, APCR ammo, and 0.29 accuracy.
Goddamn death ray, that thing. Fukken Nazi superscience. >:c
(The above is *totally* not related to Yours Truly having had his T32 curbstomped by a Waffletraffler twenty minutes ago.)
Oh, i see someone raising hand. That is E-100′s commander, and IS-7′s “worst tier 10 gun ever” too. Maus’s commander seem want to raise his hand too.
No you can’t afford all the prem shells you need. You couldn’t even on a premium account: you’d need to buy extra gold and convert to credits.
You obviously mean all that you think that you need, but that’s not what’s most effective. We ARE discussing whether the prem shells are pay to win here, and yes, games will be decided on those low-roll bounces that wouldn’t happen if you had fired gold. Add a lot less weakspot sniping and missing, reloading depending on what you meet and so on to that and it has a bigger impact than one would first think.
Now if we add premium consumables to the soup, well those are gonna be some expensive games.
I probably do as you, run with a smaller set of gold ammo and make an overall profit. But just because I’ve gotten used to that and can get by on it doesn’t mean I can’t recognize it’s not optimal.
‘- SerB states that there is no “gold shell issue” (SS: as in, an issue of players shooting only gold in randoms), because everyone can do that’
Yes, everyone can buy premium account, premium tanks, gold etc. Everybody can buy bot subscription. It is no issue, as it is good for WG’s bussiness.
‘- FPS dropping on new winter maps? SerB: “How terrible. I checked, both the new maps and the old maps have roughly the same FPS for me.’
Does it mean, that the game is especially optimized for SerB’s computer?
Stop being bad.
- SerB states that the impression tier 9 vehicles get (after the removal of battletier 12) thrown more often to the bottom of the team is false and not consistent with Wargaming’s statistics
And what in history of WoT was consistent with Wargaming’s statistics ? Everytime they change anything they made it all up. Nerf of X tier TDs was nice, but they nerfed the wrong tanks. E3, E4, Obj. 268 did not need it. Foch 155 did not need gun nerf but armor nerf. WT E-100 is still OP because it has the same gun reloading 2,13s between each shell.
E3: Not needed
E4: Not needed
Obj.268: needed, seriously!!!!
Foch: armor and Gun nerf okay, but why the engine?
WG’s stats mean jackshit. They balance based off of their own insane idea of balance, which is primarily based on making money over anything else. I have no problem with a company making money, but I do have a problem when said company ruins the game because of it.
They nerfed the tanks which did not need it. The most OP TD WT E-100 was not nerfed at all because its gun was not touched. I did not mind TDs high damage as long as they are slow or they have long reload. WT has long reload of the whole drum but after all it is OP as shit because it has 6(4) shells with 560(750) average damage and 2s reload between each shell. Since almost everybody plays with the low damage gun, I take WT as that that is OP as shit. But WG won’t nerf it because a lot of idiots gonna convert Free XPs for gold so they are going to have a huge income. When people will stop doing so they will nerf it because it won’t be so profitable.
“- FPS dropping on new winter maps? SerB: “How terrible. I checked, both the new maps and the old maps have roughly the same FPS for me. Write to support.””
Funny, I haven’t had this issue myself, and I’m playing on a two-year-old laptop (not that old, but not exactly cutting-edge either). Then again I guess it’s because I don’t insist on running everything on max settings.
I do!
I actually dropped the settings down to medium to test fps difference recently. It did improve it (slightly) but looked absolutely terrible.
Oddly enough, after putting settings back on maximum, my fps went up higher than on med settings.
(This may have had something to do with a gfx driver update though)
- SerB states that there is no “gold shell issue” (SS: as in, an issue of players shooting only gold in randoms), because everyone can do that
Is it some sort of autosuggestion? Maybe he wants to post this bullshit enought times to start believing it himself? But they made the game succesful, they can’t be wrong! Now to the future update, more tanks with no armor and 300 penetration with prem shells and let’s make old tanks even more useless!
- FPS dropping on new winter maps? SerB: “How terrible. I checked, both the new maps and the old maps have roughly the same FPS for me. Write to support.”
Yeah, really terrible that the newer the map, the worse are FPS on it. Remember what they said about Hidden Village during public tests? Remember patchnotes from 8.11?
Sometimes I think that those Q&As are just for propaganda reasons. Post some bullshit answers there and there, sometimes completely wrong or contradicting themselves and be happy with the money flow. Sadly for them, they won’t get any of my money.
“- SerB states that there is no “gold shell issue” (SS: as in, an issue of players shooting only gold in randoms), because everyone can do that”
Tell you what. Give all guns, all tiers, the ability to fire 150mm HEAT for 1c a shot.
It’ll be perfectly ok, because everyone can do it.
“X is ok because everyone can do X” is such a pathetically weak argument. I really wish people would try a little harder rather than repeatedly fall back on it.
“- FPS dropping on new winter maps? SerB: “How terrible. I checked, both the new maps and the old maps have roughly the same FPS for me. Write to support.””
Actually, I remember drawing Windstorm last night in a random battle, and having around 10fps lower framerate idling at the spawn than I’d had on other maps. The reason I remember it being that it was 29fps all through the countdown rather than the usual 40-50fps.
But, I’m sure I was imagining it, stronk Russian-imbued game engine is perfect.
Used to, I would have said that the Church GC’s gun was a bit much for tier 5, but…then we got the Flakbus/Toaster and its absurd gun. So hey, drop it a tier, shave 50hp off its health pool or something in the usual “balancing” fashion, it’ll fit right in.
What’s wrong with the stock Bishop? I don’t remember having any real issues with mine, godawful shit gun aside, and it’s only 4k exp to get past that.
stock Bishop? Maybe the elevation angle issue: you need to place yourself on a sloped surface like the historical Bishop, or suffer from very short shooting range with low arc.
The gun itself is in fact not problematic: just a stock gun being stock. And player should be used to it, as the gun have been used for a long time since the Sexton.
Ah, is that it. Guess I just didn’t play with it enough to notice…probably free-exp’d the majority of the way through it, having been sick of that same crappy gun for so long (particularly on the Birch Gun, jesus that was awful). I honestly don’t recall.
It’s worth it in the end for the pretty awesome 4.5in, though, and there are far worse stock grinds in the game…I don’t really see why anyone would single this one out for “reviewing”.
In fact the 25pdr is not so crappy, it is accurate and having a good RoF. The problem of low damage can be somehow compensated by wisely switching AP shells, which is having 71mm pen.
It’s not so crappy…in a TD. The Alecto handles it well, or so I’ve heard; personally I used the 3.7in. for its lobbing ability.
On an SPG, I found it sorely lacking. Not enough arc for shots to go where they really needed to, and when it did hit something…280 average damage, with a fairly low chance of hitting somewhere thin enough to fully penetrate? Meh, just meh.
Granted, the 4.5in. doesn’t have massive amounts of penetration either, but it can also pretty consistently nail roofs and engine decks flat-on due to its silly-high arc, and the ability to scare people into screwing up when they *think* they’re in adequate cover is invaluable. If the 25pdr had been more like this, it’d have been awesome at tier 3 and acceptable at tier 4…
It might have just been me – in fact, it probably was a lot me – but the gun just felt exceptionally mediocre, especially on the Birch Gun.
“everyone can do that” … right…
I get it, you are low tier and don’t stand a chance vs. a higher tank or something similar and by loading some gold rounds you can do some damage. What I don’t get it are FV TD’s killing in one shot Obj. 268 by doing a full 1800 damage, pricks shooting ONLY gold rounds.
If the introduction of auto-loader tanks didn’t screwed the game then the gold ammo for everyone did it for sure. Where’s the fun or skill when one can just get an auto-loader and shoot gold round all the way?
Btw, did anyone else notice a nerf on Type 59? I play it everyday and noticed a decrease in armor and mobility.
Just wondering, but have you actually *tried* getting an autoloader and shooting prem rounds all the time, every time?
…and just to nitpick, the HEAT shells for that 76mm US auto are the direst shit there ever was.