About the Dakillzor affair

Hello everyone,

so, here it is, the awaited (by some) post about the Dakillzor affair. First and foremost, at first, I didn’t want to get involved in this sordid business, because I asked around and pretty much everyone told me the main protagonist, a player named Dakillzor, is an asshat and deserves what he got.

Naturally, seeing such a negative reaction from a lot of people (some of which I actually respect greatly), I was very reluctant to get involved. I still am, but recently appearing screenshots from Stormshadow (yes, he’s also involved in this issue) convinced me that I should at least post the summary of the whole thing and let you decide for yourselves.

So, what happened…

Dakillzor was a player in the PIRATES (furthermore referred to as “PTS”) clan (which is kinda a big thing), as was another player, back then he had the nickname “LUK4S”. This was in August 2013 or so. Now, what happened – Dakillzor was sharing his account (that is a confirmed fact). It is currently unknown, how many people had access to it, but from what I gathered, the purpose of this was something with Clanwars and it seems to be common practice amongst some people. Either way, there was some clan drama, argument and such and as a result, Dakillzor got kicked from PTS by Luk4s.

Now, this sounds like a classic clan drama, nothing interesting. However, it turned for the worse. One day (5./6.8.), Dakillzor logged on his account only to find it empty. All the tanks were sold, all the crews were disbanded, the gold was gone. Naturally, Dakillzor was not happy, and was trying to find out who did it (eventually, he got his stuff back via a support ticket I think).

Here’s a twist to the story though. By the time it happened, LUK4S was already joining Wargaming as an employee on trial in the Customer Service Department for Polish and English community. His Wargaming nickname was Weaponman, but it appears to have been wiped. Currently, he (according to Stormshadow) uses the nickname WilliamDrake (are WG employees allowed to actually play on their alts in regular clans? Conflict of interest and all that?). Here is a screenie of the account, check his clan history:


I also know LUK4S’ real name from Stormshadow, but there is no point in involving that at this moment. So, what happened is that Dakillzor and Stormshadow apparently asked a friend of theirs, working at Wargaming, to access the IP logs and the following came out:


This is a Skype screenshot from Stormshadow. The name that has the back rectangle over it belongs to an alleged Wargaming employee, that accessed the IP logs. I do know the name of the employee and I can confirm that this employee works for Wargaming (unless, of course, Skype conversation is faked as well).

Either way, it says, that Dakillzor’s account was accessed from a Polish IP, similiar to the one of player LUK4S, in the night when the “hack” happened. It was also allegedly accessed by a player called DarkFenix from a British IP.

Whether it is the truth or the WG employee in question was lying for some reason, I cannot say, but if it is the truth, the implications are quite serious: a Wargaming employee (although being not hired at that point) abusing accounts? Anyway, the story gets even weirder. According to Stormshadow, the entire thing was reported and nothing happened, LUK4S “survived” this as a Wargaming employee and it got swept under the rug.

Now, LUK4S is no saint. Here, another conversation with another WG employee, SargeantBaba from October 2013:


In the 14:25 message, SergeantBaba confirms that LUK4S was (as an employee) already under investigation for a “hack case” (apparently some other case, not this one). Furthermore, here, you can apparently see Lukas discussing Wargaming matters (bans) on PTS teamspeak.


Now, how can this be a person like this works for Wargaming EU? Stormshadow and Dakillzor told me one thing and I will leave it up to you to think what you will about it.

Dakillzor and Stormshadow claim that this guy remained on his position by blackmailing his superior, who allegedly was fired from his previous job at Blizzard for either sexual harassment or child pornography. Stormshadow claims this was confirmed by another WG employee to him.

There has been no proof of this however and I intentionally do not write this person’s name not to slander him. This charge is extremely serious and I have serious doubts it is true, regardless of whoever says this.


So, what do you think? Personally, I am still undecided. While that part about vengeful ex-CW players sounds plausible (especially when the “victim” is known to have made enemies), further accusations seem pretty outlandish to me. I do not know where the truth lies, but this almost certainly will be the last post of the affair.

195 thoughts on “About the Dakillzor affair

  1. Hmm, knowing the full history and how it started would probably show how true it is, but still, for WG EU, it wouldn’t be weird since they have different country employees working there. I guess german employeers aren’t the ones who hire polish employeers, and vice versa.

    • Full history with no bias here it comes:

      This is PadyEos, you can find me on the EU server with the same name. I knew on one level or another every guy mentioned here. I was in PTS for 500+ days, and went though literally tens! yes, tens of leadership changes and a few splits, the vast majority mostly amicable, looking at PANDA and KAZNA, and one bad, looking at you OM( I defended you and you backstabbed all of us, I donated for our portal and you shut me and PTS out, and now you have the balls to cover it with esports sponsorship, my money, you …. I digress…). I have no bias on this matter, I left PTS because of real life and on good terms and I was on equally good terms with dakillzor when he left.

      I knew dakillzor(or dk as we called him) and Lukas very well in game and spend hundreds of hours playing and talking to them. I also was one of the people with access to dk’s account, he was VERY liberal with his password. Unfortunately he was also very stubborn and didn’t change his password for ages even though everyone kept telling him to for a reason or other. I trust Lukas, he’s a decent guy and dk is also.
      Bans get discussed between players all the time, all top clans know it, all top clans know AT LEAST 1 guy that works from WG. No real favors get done, case in point, I am permabanned on the WG forum and I knew at one point or another… 4.. or was it 5? guys that worked for WG.

      I also have spent equally as much time playing with DarkFenix, and I don’t trust that guy one bit. He’s quite antisocial and manipulative.

      As far as dk and Lukas, man up you little girls, I hate to see friends fight. As far as DarkFenix, you are and always will be a snake. And as far as the rest of the guys involved in publicizing this, GREAT JOB, TS and Skype chats, how low can you sink, if you left PTS then PTS is better off without you apparently, DarkFenix played you all for fools, again. Do you not learn from the past?!

      • Hey Pady, I think ‘antisocial and manipulative’ is a bit unfair :P

        Well, manipulative might not be, I can see how past PTS events can paint that picture (y’know, the OM split). In this case I’m not manipulating anything beyond the forum drama, you’re giving me a bit too much credit here ;)

        • Hey, I wasn’t even talking about the OM drama in relation to you, that’s a whole different thing.

          But the PTS, OMNI, HAMI etc… thing, now that was… interesting to watch. And yes, I was the only one in PTS who figured out what you did there and cared about it. Different ‘leaders’ involved told me how it happened from their point of view. Since putting 2+2 together I don’t trust you anymore, I would trust ANYONE that I played with in this game more than you. You’re in the league of MajorGoldfield and RainbowDash in my book. You just hide your actions much better. No hard feelings, it is what it is.

          As far as the Lukas and dakillzor incident, looking at my experience with them and seeing your name mixed in, well.. I can’t help but have the impression I’ve seen this before…
          On the other hand I think half the clan and quite a few people outside of the clan had dk’s login details and he did piss off AN AWFUL LOT of people so I can’t say for sure. It’s a risk he was willing to take apparently.

          Hope PTS only gets stronger from this and that the people leaking TS and Skype chats are gone. I know I wouldn’t want to be in a clan with them.

  2. nothing new I saw it a lot of times in f2p games and I am playing them for more that 10 years.

  3. I dont think Dakilzor got his account reinstated. He bought a new account after this and that one got banned shortly after it got purchased by “anonymous” complaints from certain “old friends”. After that he joined EFE, got a lot of gold there to get the tanks back, grind new crews and then he left.

  4. My 2 cents:
    First of losing stuff because you shared your account, your own risk. Simple. Don’t share your account.
    Second, hacking an account from within WG seems very unlikely. Why? You would need to have the log in details. I have worked for different companies that maintain log in details, never would I have been able to get someones password without it being very obvious to the user.
    Third, a lot of ex-blizzard employees are working at WG, I know this to be true as I used to work for Blizzard. Most of them left on good terms and have friends at Blizzard. In my opinion it would be very difficult to hide reasons for being fired as listed here from WG. So that last part seems extremely unlikely to me.

    • This. Also, companies often require a letter from the former employer with his opinion about the person and the reason for him being fired.

      • European laws are much different than the US. Here, the only thing an employer is permitted to say is, “we would (or) NOT rehire him/her”…this is because of overly litigious people who have sued former employers for libel, etc…

        Mobsterz, Soldier, NA server

  5. I wouldn’t have thought that you’d be posting about this because it’s quite frankly the most retarded drama I have witnessed since I started playing video games…

    I have no clue who did what here but with the additional claims to this on wotlabs some people are bound to look like massive retards soon. Just gonna be interesting to see who :)

  6. And I remember how Tanitha reacted when someone from the WG Contributors team TeamKilled an asshole during a “Kill the Courrier” event, that wanted to TK the contributor…
    When no one complained and both teams of players were glad…

    Meh, threaten, ban from contributors and stop event… damn WG :P

  7. Silentstalker, I don’t know why you’ve even published this. Its literally children having a drama.

    In respect to sharing accounts, some Clan leaders/FCs do have ‘spare’ accounts with some of the usual CW tanks on them. These are for FCs who’ve got locked tanks on their own accounts but obviously need to play to command. However sharing of your main account? That isn’t common, its just stupid.

      • SS, isn’t this blog was supposed to be informative for mature and skilled WoT players who would want to learn more about armored warfare… Right?

        • You are not forced to read everything. He can post whatever he wants. I think it fits just fine considering other posted wg fails and such.

        • So you’re saying if i’m not a “skilled” WoT player with more than 60% winrate I can’t even access the blog?

    • Ever heard of namecalling being forbidden? This site can be shutted down forever because you use it for all the wrong reasons out of frustration..

      • Forbidden by WHO?
        shut down by WHO?
        this is a PRIVATE SITE/BLOG not AFFILIATED TO WG and such he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
        the “no naming and shaming” rules of wg is utter stupidity to protect retard players from being outed

        • Uuuuhm, civil law ? Pretty much every country in the world has laws against defamation. Laws apply on the internet too you know ..

      • You do know that there is a lot of name calling, finger pointing, pointing out of failures and general stupidity here, all the time, right?

        The article is more of an editorial if anything and is nothing to worry about unless you make a big deal about it. It puts available info out to the masses and at the same time releases the problem of people bugging SS about the issue like it is a big deal. Which it might be, but nobody seems to know.

        Just like a newspaper, if it becomes an unholy hell, a retraction is printed… The world does not end and papers keep being printed.

  8. Why is this on For The Record ?
    I like to read think’s about tank’s.But not about things like this.It dont fit in the concept of For The Record.

    We dont intrest in think’s about other player’s just because they are “Good player’s” or “famous”.

      • Well if you spend 8 hours a day and couple hundred Euros on this game, like many of those cool folk do, then you get pissed when it’s taken away from you or even when some “fucking pubbies” dare to “ruin your stats” because you can’t win every game solo :)

          • If you give your house keys to somebody and they use these keys to steal stuff from you, it’s theft, regardless of who’s responsible for letting them in. The insurance company sure wont give you any money, but the police will arrest them if you press charges regardless.

            • But if you didn’t gave the keys to somebody, would that somebody be able to steal from your house?…that’s what I’m trying to say and that’s why I claim that it’s only his fault.

          • Of course it is stupid, and what is even more relevant, is against the EULA and is rewarded with a ban.

    • you couldn’t be morw wrong if you tried.
      It stops being a game when there are esports and THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in the line, even more when people can live by playing the game alone(as some pro players do).

      so stop with that stupid “it’s a game, tehehe” rhetoric, it gets old and idiotic really fast, not to mention insulting and denigrating.

        • and again you go with another ridiculous concept/comparison.
          so please, go tell a professional [insert sport here] player “relax dude, it’s just a game, y’know, kids play it in their yards” and then tell me with how many teeth you plan on coming back…

          so stop with that patronizing stupidity you call “it’s just a game”, because anything can be patronized and minimized with that stupid logic, what you’re doing is a “fallacy of irrelevance”

          • We are talking about a couple of people who shared accounts (not allowed), double crossed each other or whatever. Not exactly your Micheal Jordan.

            The difference between professional sportsmen is that they don’t play against kids in their yards and they actually work hard because they can’t send a friend to play instead of them.

            If pro video game players can make money of off it, good for them, I still wouldn’t pay a cent to watch it nor I consider it a sport. On the other hand, I’d pay to see Michael Jordan play basketball.

            • that’s YOU concept of a sport, this is an e-sport
              as thus “it’s not JUST a game” regardless how some people see it.

              you can of course also play it on a totally ludic pure-game-i-play-because-its-fun like any other game, but don’t toss your “don’t get worked up it’s a game” stuff then

  9. Seriously, who *the fuck* cares. The so called “unicums” are among the worst players in the whole game because most of them SUCK without 2 of their friends in a platoon. And even when they are 3 together… I had a battle like this yesterday, a platoon of 3 tier 10 meds (obj, t62 and the jap) on Live Oaks, all 3 of them purple, one PTS guy, the others I don’t remember. I thought nice, this should be a swift victory.

    And all 3 of them just went to the train tracks and drowned themselves.

    All they are good for is clan drama, behaving like ass and pissing on other people in the game.

    • Oh sorry, it wasn’t PTS, it was one KAZNA with two RNG dudes. They were dead 2 minutes into the round.

      • You are a prime example of such a player, a gold re-roll who goes around the main game chat bitching about how everybody with half a brain should have 60% WR solo.
        And I didn’t miss the point, the point was the drama because someone lost an account with gold inflated stats, crews and tanks :)

    • I don’t give a shit for people who bring up my stats and XVM, because people usually forget the fact that medicore players like me usually shoot 2-to-5k DMG per match and lose because of bad teamplay.

        • So by your definition, how would you rate Mr (or Mrs) [KAZNA] pilauda who did a whooping 951 dmg on tier 10 before sleeping with the fishes? 3 players in my team did more dmg EACH than those 3 “unicums” combined.

          • It’s not about a single game but the average over a large sample.
            Even the best players sometime die without doing any damage at all.
            And btw: Most unicums can do 60% solo or at least come very close to it.

          • Happens, you can’t judge a player by one game.
            On the other hand – it’s hard to fake results in 10K+ battles. All that whining is for what exactly? You saw they are purple in XVM and decided that they will win this and you will just sit and watch?

            • No, I said that we won and I did my part in the battle. What it looked like was more like they thought everyone will die from pure awe upon seeing them and they failed horribly as in didn’t influence the outcome at all.

              • Like others said, it’s one battle, everything happens. Nobody is insured from failing.
                If you look at Straik_Navi, he has like 75% winratio, which is considered to be above awesomeness. But it also means he loses every 4th game.

          • U must be either very stupid or mentally retarded if u think that ONE Game is enough to base a statistic and a conclusion on it.
            I can easily find replay where u did 0 Dmg, so does this mean u r doing 0 dmg on average?

            Moreover basic math tells u that a mediocre player CANT deal 2-5k dmg per match. To do 2-5k dmg per match as mediocre means that 15ppl on each team do on avg. 2-5k dmg or 30-75k dmg as a whole team. U know, on avg there arent even that much Hp in the game. So how should the avg player do that much dmg on avg?

            PS: http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/500x/24842972.jpg

            • Yes, they are. Because they act like the bosses of battlefield, and decide whatever is going to be done all by themselves. If they think the match is lost, they don’t help and die like pathetic bitches.

              This is why I have a “no respect” rule for clans like EFE, or EXNOM.

              • You’re largely correct tbh. Most of the ‘unicums’ played specifically *for* their stats, so any game in which they aren’t going to give them WN7 profit (or whichever rating system) they just give up and go play another match instead.

                It’s not a good idea to generalise about ‘top’ clans though, not all high stats players are like that. I for one will always fight to the bitter end, losing game or not.

                • I agree with you, there are those who have incredible stats… just because they have incredible performance, whether it’s boosted by platoons, companies or CW is another matter.
                  There are also those who have incredible stats *only* because of that boost, which often shows in random battles. In my comments above I targeted the latter group.
                  I usually disregard “purple” players in random battles if they are solo, because it’s next to impossible to achieve such a performance on your own and most of the times a solo smurf (blue player) will wipe the floor with entire team, including such an “unicum” individual, who’s tactics depend on team support and you don’t get that in randoms.
                  inb4 I’m just a green 55% player.

                • u cant boost stats by playing cw or company (except for winrate, but thats easy to detect if its pushed *looks at HAMI*)

                • of course there are exeptions in this but
                  from my personall expierince seeing these clans and how they play they dont really convince of me of being the kind of unicom player
                  they do mistakes that these are done by “noobs” and have won games
                  with them failing at doing there job or just inulting the entire team cause these where purple and the others are not so that’s how the bad reputation has come up within the game
                  many times while i see EFE or EXNOM i suspect raging chat or blaming all 12 other players cause they usally come in platoons

                • well the interesting part about all this is the fact, that for purple stats u need to do much dmg and kills and win most of the games.
                  2)As u cant do the dmg/kills thing in company/Cw u need to do them in random games.
                  3) Therefore those purple players must deal more dmg and do more kills than the avg player.
                  4) Therefore ur conclusion CANT be right as I dont know how a player can suck and fail all the time and still deal most dmg/most kills AND win (Without the winning part u could farm dmg/kills by camping till the and with a wt and finishing off the half dead enemys)

                  (U can now say, that they could do the above mentioned farming of dmg and kills and do the wins in company, but for every company battle they do they need to do more random games and deal more dmg/do more kills in them to compensate for the lack of dmg/kills it in company. But this would lead in needing to play more companys for keeping up the winratio etc.)

                  The other way to go around this would be playing op tanks, but thx to wn8, thats gone (Its funny to have wn7+wn8 in ur xvm to identify players that just played for stats. For example I just got a very stronk statspusher with 2400 wn7 but at the same time his wn8 (which should be way above 3k) was also at only 2400).

              • Real unicums look for a way to win the battle, which is the mission of the game. Everything else is a sideshow.

        • “I don’t give a shit for people who bring up my stats and XVM”

          Looks like you didn’t realize the meaning of this.

        • Well if you really did more than 2k average (every battle) then your win ratio should be higher than 55%, if it’s not – you’re whoring damage, as in you’re dealing damage just for the sake of dealing it, but you’re dealing it to the wrong enemies (not the ones that matter) if you still lose.

          • That is the hardest part of this game once you learn that you will do better and also
            the correct critisim about a certain battle situation and where to put your next shot
            also many arty players tend to kill Low HP tonks which may be justified by the fact that they remove a gun from the game but what happens with artys that have huge reloads and you see them wasting shots for 100 HP more or less but dealing the dmg on tanks that are having higher HP and discourage them to fall back cause they got shoted

      • People “forget” it as it is a complete pile of shit, said only by apologists of their own poor stats. Let me guess – you also think win rate is purely luck, right?

  10. Well, Dakillzor worked in our clan for a while. He is a brilliant field commander in clanwars, but the “asshat”, troublemaker, etc description applied by others is fitting too. Getting someone so butthurt to wipe your account speaks a lot. It was the result of some quality trolling in PTS for sure. :-)))

    The account wasn’t fully restored, he lost all the crews, credits, gold, etc and most tanks (t10s certainly) for good, he had to start from scratch.

    Account sharing is a common practice in many clans (as it has advantages), but on a personal level, it’s retarded, an accident waiting to happen.

    Never share your account with anyone.
    If you do, everything is your fault.

  11. Oh my, oh my, this is starting to look like a telenovela. Next thing we will find out that LUK4AS is Dakillzor`s long lost evil blind twin brother, who miraculously got his vision back and now is looking for revenge!

    I will make some popcorn…

  12. So it all started with CW drama…and it escalated to the point of Corporate Blackmail.

    I can’t bring myself to be angry about this, the only thing I can feel being profound sadness that somebody would allow themselves to get dragged down so low by something like this. Now you know why I have next to no faith in humanity.

  13. Faggoty stuff really. Internet nerds drama really. Fuck all these clans and their butthurt members. If people brawl in real life over a such bullshuit thing, it is clear they are hypernerds.

  14. Moral of the story: don’t ever ever share your account with anyone. And if you do and things go south, change your password ASAP!! :)

    • They weren’t fake, explanation is right there – reports are being processed in batches, not in real time. Today you have 0, tomorrow you have 40 ban points because that’s how much you got for the last two weeks…

  15. Well I’m actually impressed at how reasonable SS is being about all this. I was half expecting another Sharpneli-esque psycho-post in which selling someone’s tanks is likened to burning their house down or murder.

    A clarification or two:
    1) Dakillzor didn’t get anything back from support. A screenshot of WG support telling him this was posted a few days after the initial event. Basically if you share your account the consequences are on you.

    2) Lukas makes enemies like a master. Seriously, it’s unreal how he does it. He gets a *lot* of claims made about him apparently hacking things or abusing power. The reason he still works at WG is that none of them are true. The most recent example is where FAME clan accused Lukas and Eruol (who doesn’t even work at WG and hasn’t for over 18 months) of things including extending the lockout time on their clan wars tokens. Their paranoia knew no limits.

    But yeah, I can’t really understand why some people take a game so seriously. From reading the comments above it seems most people are thinking the same.

    • I know it’s been a long time dude, but I do agree with you here. Seems pretty blown out of proportion and this game is just for fun.

      Let people talk, there’s no need to bother too much about it.

  16. One plays with fire, one gets burned. Don’t share your account and dont download child pornography. Saves you a lot of drama and blackmail.

    Also never join PTS. What a terrible clan. Only egos, drama and terrible, TERRIBLE random game performance. They couldn’t play solo to save their lives.

  17. This sounds like a shit show right now. Also its a freaking video game. People think Americans have problems with this but apparently not. They both should never had let it escalate to this. Also this is why sharing an account is no allowed anyways because crap like this happens.

    • im sorry, i dont follow your “americans” remark, however ill just say that all this… shitposting took place in EU servers, where the WGEU office is well known to be… incompetent at best, hahaha

  18. @DarkFenix

    We are talking about the fact that a person associated with those kind of events should never ever be allowed to work at WG. I mean I was happy but thats an understatement when I heared you didn’t get into WG even when you tried? Correct me if wrong ;)

    I love how you are not even trying to denie it anymore. You we’re shouting innocence here and there on the official WOT forum a few months ago but now it seems you don’t want to anymore? Maybe because you know it doesn’t have any sense anymore.

    Talking about taking game(s) to serious comming from a person that is online almost EVERY single day and plays video games all day. Who exactly is taking gaming to serious then?

  19. SilentStalker using FTR.wot-news to insult people, not even having a clue that this website can be shut down because of namecalling out of frustration.. Auch. Report time dramaqueen.

  20. SS please do a post count on these kinds of threads vs. “proper” informative tank threads and show these shining holy paladins what players really want to discuss in FTR :)

  21. So basically you are telling me that WG employees are the exactly these people I thought they are, right ? I suppose not all of them had such a rich history as this Blizzard renegade but when even someone like this is hired for WG … anyone could be there. I hope your IP log on FTR is not public cause I guess one day a black car full of Russians could stop infront of my house …

  22. my 2 cents:

    1) glad i dont play in EU server, NA ftw (seriously SS, you should play a bit on the NA server, the_chieftain appreciates you a lot!

    2)This is more like a shitpost (no offense to you) but it doesnt quite fill the quality of FTR posts with unconfirmed affairs that could be big… unless you post something Aout SerB eating flowers in the bathroom, i dont think many care

  23. afaik sharing accounts is against the terms of agreement (most games don’t care about that, though),
    so yeah he could eventually get banned for it anyways.
    even if he doesn’t get banned, its his own fault he shared his account and should know the risk of getting your stuff deleted. they can see the logs, they can see that these IPs logged into the account all the time, so they don’t refund your stuff, because it was obviously not a hacker.

    and i don’t care about the other drama.

  24. I have always liked FTR.

    I also like this Post as it makes me giggle a lot.
    But a few things i would like you to consider dear Silentstalker
    1) you are revealing that several GERMAN Wargaming Customer Support Agents reveal Information about their co-workers + business internals. which is violating the WG NDA they had to sign upon taking that Job.
    Result – Thanks for this investigation and the Screenshot Proof – i have forwarded it to the Paris WG HR for grief misconduct of their Contract.
    While you are trying to get Lukasz fired all you can achieve with this post, your friends being fired.

    p.s.: I did not forward it as i am not a Dickhead, but anyone with a brain and enough hatred for WG CS would do it.

    2) You like strong stories – this story is not strong and does not include any WG involvement. Thus it looks to me, that a lot of your Friends complained about it, as it happens the timing of this post is also very dubious as it is linked to a mass exodus of germans from PTS.. coincidence?

    Now back to the “Strong” Story -
    While all this happened to Dakillzor
    Neither Lukas nor DarkFenix were employees of Wargaming. Thus all the information they had, were the same information any other Wg Customer could have had.
    Even if a future employee of WG had taken part in these actions, the worst he could fear, would be a ban of his Ingame Account for social engineering .

    3)Claims of Blackmailing and revealing informations about internal Investigations.. To me it sounds like your Friend Albert Yamaris is a big story teller. And he likes to think that his Position in Wargaming T1 Customer Support is something very special ?.. Oh yeah and his “Team Lead” Cousin.. highly impressive :O)

    You do know that by revealing these Skype conversations here, is getting your friends into serious trouble, if anyone cares to report it?.

    So to sumarize – while i give a flying fuck about what happened to Dakillzor, i dont even know him, all i have to say to that is – Idiot dont share your account Data. – I really like this Drama,
    i like the way people Judge others about it.
    While they have so much dirt on their own records that most Criminals would choke.

    Now even if Lukas was involved in the “Hack” he was a normal WG Customer.. so you can question him as a person for being naughty.. but he never abused any powers given by WG.
    UNLIKE your german customer support friends who love to abuse their powers and love to reveal internal company information and violating their contract that way..

    This was the most amusing FTR Ever. While i like your investigations i really do not think that you have a clue about the Legal issues you are putting your sources into.

    I have so far refrained from warning you of this, but these Screenshots are to obvious and if anyone reported an employee doing that, in my company, (Very similar company..) i would have to sack that Employee.

    • Weeeeell… “investigations” sounds too big for me, it’s more like that “are you cheating on me” women logic meme thing.

    • He did not say with one word, that any of the above mentioned WG-Emloyees are friends of him.

      But you are right, the investigating (obviously german *sigh*) Employees are doing everything wrong they could. Giving confidential data or Information to third parties is just a no go…The right way would have been to say “Write a ticket, we will investigate” and then doing it without giving Intel to common users.

      What makes me sad is, that especially as Germans with this NSA-Affair going and the monthly recurring discussions about “Datenschutz” (privacy protection), they should have known better than this :(

      Greetings from Germany,

      • I was kinda curious about this. Many people seem to think Lukas is up to no good all the time and there’s a lot of hearsay about it, in the end usually boiling down to “well he *must* have done it, what other explanation can there be?”

        Yet in trying to be incriminating towards Lukas, at least one person is *explicitly* showing that they have been breaking WG’s NDA and sharing customer information with third parties.

        I’m not familiar with French law on such matters (and frankly can’t be bothered to look it up), but in the UK the Data Protection act is taken *very* seriously.

      • Even if they did, it is not for other WG-Employees to discuss such matters or even give Information about it to common users. Or would you like the guy on the bank Counter talk to me about your accounts’ current? :)

      • You *may* have to excuse people for not necessarily just taking your word for it at a face value.

        Something to do with what in agrarian societies is known as “partiality”.

    • agree Daki WG Employee “investigator” friend should be fired immediately.
      and i think it’s going to happen very soon…

      ha… it’s WG EU Office?
      well.. he will be promoted soon…

  25. To much rumour and hearsay (some really rather serious) for a sensible blogger to get involved with IMO. Better not to have published.

  26. Can someone explain to me how he lost ALL his tanks? Last I checked there was a 5-a-day limit on how many you can sell, same goes with crew, you can only dismiss a set amount per day (or maybe you can only hire an amount per day, there’s a limit somewhere)

    Unless the implication was that a WG employee wiped his account?

    Not sure why account sharing had to be brought up then.

    • The limit resets early in the morning along with the doubles. So an annoyed guy awake at that sort of time could sell ten tanks.

      • We also haven’t been told if there’d been a pause of day or more since the previous login. Surely even “pro” players don’t check in literally *every* day…? o.O

        • To be fair I’m thinking more from my own point of view where I have 40+ tanks and do log in at least 4-5 times a week, it’d take some dedication to remove all of them AND spend all the cash AND remove all crewmen. But if this guy only had 10-15 tanks, it could be done without his knowledge, especially if they changed his password first to buy more time.

          Still that’s all conjecture.

          • The first login was at night when I was in bed.

            The second one after the server reset

            So 5 + 5 = 10 tanks

            And all the credits modules gold crews etc

  27. Big fan of the site and a contributor of cash.

    This kind of post is just rubbish. Stick to news about the game and interesting tanks and history. This kind of gossip-y crap just demeans the whole place.

    Keep up the good work and stick to your strengths!

  28. well… one does not have to be Sherlock Holmes to see this is a total BS affair….

    btw you have at least 1 EU employee abusing WG Systems and it’s not Luki…
    it’s Daki friend who happily access customers log on a whim to investigate his friends request for abuse and he should be fired first, how can i trust this guy not to search for customer financial details/address or what not, this guy is toast.

    • I believe it’s in fact Stormshadow’s friend, I’m told WG know who their leak is but I don’t know for certain whether that’s true or who it supposedly is. I sure hope they deal with whoever it is though, it’s not much of a leap from what he’s doing here to accessing people’s home address and more. All this because some teenager lost his imaginary toys.

      What I do know is that Stormshadow has been sourcing and leaking internal WG information for a long time, to those of you who have wondered about PTS having a source inside WG? Well, it was him.

  29. haha…some funny shit :) hey SS, you should start using categories/tags on posts so that the sensible girls can avoid fainting at the sight of gossip. I enjoyed reading it, and think that all involved should shake hands and have a good circle jerk to get over it.

    On another note…can you do an article about the envisaged advantages that rear mounted turrets were supposed to provide? I know that in game it make for a good side scraping now and then, but why irl?

    Thanks again,

    Your biggest fan (giggidy!)

    • Better weight distribution, fewer nuisances with barrel overhang. Having the engine block in the front also serves as incidental extra protection for the fighting compartement – where the crew and ammo are – and opens up the possibility of rear entry hatches, which are specifically why the Israelis went with that layout in the Merkavas.

  30. as i can remember while he was in EFE during second campaing, there was screenshots on forum of Dakillzor in diplomacy with Suicide Division guys, and called some hard things, some really nasty nazzi shit about people from Poland, so to be honest I really doubt that he is so inocent as he is want to present this mather to public, you can check this easy with S-D guys, they have those ss i belive, and as WG staff we all know how it works (or bether said not works), for them i think any comment would be to much…..they are most hated people in gaming world i belive…..

    • So being a bad person is enough to let whatever happen to him? Almost makes sense, puts rights and laws to a whole new level …

      • Well it gives a little perspective. If a thief is stolen from, I think a great many people would laugh and say “serves them right”, the second thief would still be locked up because he committed a crime, but on a moral scale you’d be quite justified in agreeing with the deservedness of it all. In this case it’s obviously several orders of magnitude beneath that, but it’s something not nice happening to someone who isn’t nice.

        • So ur saying I deserved that? don’t make me laugh. Comming from the one giving people more verbal abuse each day then I did in a month.

          • When you’ve grown up enough to gain a bit of self-awareness, you too might gain a little perspective on why people think of you the way they do, and indeed act the way they do towards you.

            In spite of all this drama the great majority of people I deal with one way or another respect me and aren’t under the silly illusion that I’m some incarnation of Satan-spawned evil. Even a lot of the very white knights who rushed to your defence months ago (that drama being their first impression of me) respect or have even taken a liking to me after actually speaking with me at length.

            It’s why months after the events in question, multiple people have come to me and said things to the tune of “back then I thought what you did to Dakillzor was really bad, but now I understand what he’s like”. It’s why the sources for this blog said, and I quote, “[Dakillzor] is an asshat and deserves what he got”.

            • Surprise me with the names :)

              Ill admit I was at an verry annoying level when I was in pirates. Its less now but still working on it but do tell the names i’m curious

              • Still waiting for those names I would love to see those don’t need all ofcourse just a few. As I have almost no clue who you are talking about.

                • Either thats or ur people don’t exist and they are tin air?

                  PS: Atleast I back up my arguments with some valid proof seems u can’t even remember names anymore :(.

                  Also nice that u don’t try and denie anyrthing anymore :)

                • Nice try, but I’m not about to paint a target on anyone for you to go and harass. They think you’re annoying enough as it is.

                • oh but don’t worry I thinkthe chanche of me still speaking to those people at this moment in time is about 0 % . correct me if i’m wrong but I doubt if those people came to you if thats even true in the first place still talk to me? so surprise me tell me if i’m wrong?

    • No you are mising the point, many good people lost their acc by hack and ilegall means, however i never saw their names on ftr or anywhere else, and to be honest i will never back up a guy that spoke of concetracion camps, gas and other nazzi shit no mater how angry or mad he was in that moment its simple as that, its a bad thing that happend to him, but he did some nasty shit as well, things that marked him in a bad way, its a principle nothing else, if u treat people like shit dont expect from them more than that in return

  31. Disbanding whole WG EU office in Paris would solve so much problems and horseshit like this. Bunch of faggots.

    • wow, I’m not the only one that thinks this?!

      I like playing WoT heaps, but I HATE knowing that I indirectly contribute to the employment of absolute fucking cockheads like iScending.

  32. The blackmailing part is a bit over the top – even though i heard rumors about that as well … it still were rumors.

    The IP check, however, is not that hard to achieve. I have personally successfully requested a few. Given they were requested directly at CSRs, backed up by other WG employees, and with a decent reason (suspicious behaviour at tournaments and WGL matches – with screens and other indicators). Usually my answers were only “yes” or “no” regarding a broken rule … yet i was able to identify the ingame names as i requested the IP checks the right way with the right wording.

    Dakillzor might not be the nicest person to some and might be problematic. same applies to DarkFenix and Luk4as too, though.
    And gold=money … so it is beyond “just a game”. Do i feel much pity with Dakillzor? No, as he shared the account (like many, many others in the more successful clans). This doesn´t make the lowbob action any better – especially NOT regarding an involved WG employee. Whether he was partly, fully or not at all employed at that point is just a matter of quality, not the fact itself. No thief will get into a police force, no matter if he stopped or not before applying.

    And to my knowledge, the accusations (and screenshots) are viable … there was enough talking and bragging going on afterwards and i knew/know enough PTS guys and heard enough. They are definately not pulled out of pure air and the screens do the rest.

  33. i just hope that fenix and lukas will get the fair sanctions, i rly wish for them to get banned for all time from any WG game, because even if i dont like the person, it is not a reason yet for a long time to do such a immoral step. it´s just shown me how the person is also in RL and i am feeling sorry for him (u know which 2 i mean). but everyone will get what he deserves…

    • I think you need to take a step outside your front door and take note of the difference between reality and a game.

      Oh and fair sanctions *were* issued, that is to say none at all. No rules were broken.

      • how u are behaving here in some game also shows what is ur character. and dont talk that kinda crap no rules were broken cause i was one of the first guys (even before the whole drama went into new dimensions) which hear and saw that, who did this! with every denial u are making urself ridicolous! but i dont wanna discuss with u cause i dont like u and ur behaviour! had to deal with it in pts and this was enough for me…

  34. This is becoming silly. First of all, u guys are confusing moral with legal. There is a huge difference between them. Is retarded to say something like “he deserves what happened”. No matter what kind of personality these guys have, if dakillzor can prove his accusations and his story checks out, the guys that screwed him should take responsability and deal with the consequences. I don’t care about all the other speculations, if u can’t prove them they are just flying words with no value.

    PS. One more thing. For all the people talking about the abuse these guys gave them at one point, stop complaining. This is a game. Purpose of it is to have fun. If u feel abused, deal with it or leave.

  35. So someone shares his password with everyone, then pisses them off and is surprised afterwards. Am I the only one who finds that funny? People who equalize this to real life need to get a grip. Well deserved I’d say.
    All meant with love ofc.

    • Haha. Are you serious? Let’s imagine the following scenario: you lend me your car for a couple of days. I go and have fun with it, destroy the engine, trash the interior, and all this because u once did something wrong or pissed me off with something. Or even a better scenario: I’m sleeping with your wife because I believe that u are a shitty human being and she deserves better. Just be real man. Yes, it is stupid to share your account with somebody, but usually u do that for a good cause.

      • You made me laugh. +1

        Or you already slept with the guy’s wife you pissed him off several times and then you tell him to wash your car. Guy gets mad and beats you up and wrecks the car.

        Anyway there is not proper analogy for this. No one can steal/take/burn/ your account. I see my account as a impenetrable fortress and I am the only one who can enter. Unless ofc you decide to give it away. Better safe than sorry :3

        • Yes, u are right. Never share your account. If u do, u must take some risks. But this is about something else. U know that this is about PTS and their way of doing things. A lot of people told me that this thing is common in the very good clans, to share accounts. But anyway, this is getting 2 long already

      • Well, if it’s an imaginary car, or an imaginary wife, then yeah no harm no foul. You can sleep with my imaginary wife if you like, I’m giving you my imaginary keys to my imaginary house. You can burn it down too if you like with imaginary fire.

        • As many people contacted you fenix about saying how a bad person I am.

          I think the same amount of people contacted me last days how they say they are sorry they didn’t believe me and its a shame that they believed you maybe look at yourselve before juding others? :)

        • It’s weird, because I wasn’t reffering to somebody in particular. I don’t know why u made this about u. But I understand. Some people (not u in particular) seems to develop a second personality in this game and run away from their patethic lifes. But like I said, I’m not talking about somebody in particular because I’m not involved in the story and personaly don’t give a f***. U are innocent until proven otherwise

          • Btw, I was just reading another forum about this subject and u pretty much admitted that u did actually screwed dakillzor. Honestly, u should stop taking the moral highground and be a man. This is not about people getting what they deserve. If that was the case, the way u acted about this story, u deserve a kick in the gonads.

            • Isn’t it about people getting what they deserve? Because if we’re judging this whole thing based on the rules, then nothing is wrong at all. If we’re judging based on morality, then deservedness is *very* relevant.

              But all that is in fact a worthless debate. Why? Because I’m not trying to claim any moral high ground. What I did wasn’t nice, of that there can be no doubt. Me trying to claim righteousness in this affair would be absurd. My point is generally that the opposite stance is equally absurd. But I’ll concede it’s a futile point to try and make, people like drama, they like a sob story and a sympathy case. If they didn’t the tabloids would all be out of business.

              So rage away everyone! I basically don’t play WoT anymore so this drama will likely be the last vestige of entertainment it will provide me. I promise I’ll try to be as hurt as possible about how anonymous Internet people think of me.

              • U wrote in almost every reply on the WotLabs about the comments that people made here and the ones that made u look good. So don’t start talking that u don’t give a f*** about what people think. And since u again brought it up, the moral debate, what do u deserve after the shit u pulled? I mean all the lies, the fact that u denied the whole thing and of course, the thing u did with the account. What do u deserve?

                • Hmm. Yeah objectively speaking I probably shouldn’t have done the whole runaround on the forums. But with how much fun I’ve had with all this, I’d say it’s been worth my while, and forum drama is harmless enough. That’s what forum-fu is; harmless fun. In situations like this it’s always nice to kick the e-hornet’s nest and see what comes out.

                  Or you can believe I truly care what people like you think. I mean, you take matters of Internet games as seriously as matters of life and death, that alone gives such integrity that I surely *must* care what you think.

                • Haha. U make this 2 easy. U had to make this personal, you little leach. I enjoy replying to failed experiments like u. U are an experiment, only God knows how u can type and play this game without a spine. Talking about real life, u will never have the intelligence or the knowledge to understand the complexity of life. From what I heard, u are the guy in your parents basement (talking about stereotypes). A living sociopat, that enjoys his near life experience in this game, where u get to boss people around and fulfill your pathetic need for attention. Wich, I must admit, I kind of feed with all this replies. So go crawl back under the rock u came from and leave us alone.

                  PS. I do apologyze to Silentstalker for my language, it’s not appropriate on a public forum, but I like responding to little goblins like him

                • Wow this is impressive, it took literally five posts for you to descend from something resembling reason to posting at Dakillzor’s level of maturity and trash talk. It’s almost depressing to see someone descend so far in such a short span. But thank you for showing us the level you really think on; that of playground insults, this has been enlightening.

  36. You are a sociopat, It took me 5 posts to realize that u are the scum of the earth. Also, reading all the comments u made on WoTLabs made me realize that something is terribly wrong with u. And first of all, u made it personal. But since u just keep on making this pathetic attempts to stick your head out, let’s remeber what this is all about:

    1. U got into a fight with dakillzor
    2. To show him that u are the bigger man and taking the moral highground, u deleted all his tanks, crews, gold, basically u wiped his account (together with all the time,energy and money he put into it)
    3. When u are faced with the consequences of your actions, u started lying and denying everything (once again, u with your moral compass)
    4. Not only u lie to the guy, u are also feeding crap to your clan mates and let them hanging defending u
    5. U started getting trashed on forums, but there is a glitch here: u use FTR as an example on WoTLabs in a futile attempt to defend yourself and steer the point of the problem in a diferent direction, that of “he deserved what happened”
    6. Finally, u realize that all this went a bit 2 far and u caved, admitting to the accusation

    Please, do correct me if I’m wrong. So, do not even try to be moral with me u freak. Maybe if it wasn’t for u being so smug about it, people would trash u but at least respect your honesty. U dare to talk about who deserves what, but u are just another example of a genuine coward, letting other people fight your battles. U can try to turn this around, but wake up: nobody cares about u and about your lies.

    And yes, I do feel bad about all my posts, except the last one, because I believed that u might understand reason, but I was proven wrong.

    • @Darkfenix.

      You refer to me transhtalking and being low in maturity. But please point me anywhere here on FTR where I actually insulted you or lukas even? Good luck finding the example of this as there is none. I havn’t trashtalked here nor have I insulted ANYBODY. I have also refrained from posting any insult altough I was quite close a few times. All the things I posted her and posted to SilentStalker seem to be true hell you even admitted it.

      So next time u try and use me in youre post try and make sure there is proper cause for this and not just because you feel like making me look bad. Because as of know my story checks out you have been proven to be a liar and tried to make people insult me for things that I said that were true and you took enjoyment of it. Now if we look at trash talking and immaturity i’m not sure anymore but i’m going to say that all the fingers would be pointed at you for lying to an entire community now that is immature :)

      The managment thanks you

      • You are acting as a little poor victim lately. But somehow I think you weren’t like that in your PTS times? I wasn’t there so I wouldn’t know. But by pure logic. Why would they say all these things about you? Seems legit.