
- Q: “I come home from a night shift, where I lead a team of 20-30 people and I get killed too quickly in my E-75 by a T-54 spamming gold shells, wtf?” A: “Sorry, we never guaranteed, are not guaranteeing and never will guarantee the immunity from T-54 with D-10TS even to big daddies, leading 20-30 people in real life. Even more so because of the fact that in real life, there were such shells (with even higher penetration) while the armor of the E-75, that was implemented because of the whining of some people, never existed. :)”
- regarding the question above, the gold shell SerB had in mind was the 3UBK4 HEAT shell, that in the game has 330mm penetration, while in real life it had over 400mm, this type of shell could have been used in regular D-10T/D-10S guns, but it won’t be implemented to lower tiers (SS: for obvious – balance – reasons)
- current situation in Kiev influences negatively the development of WoWp and WoT Generals
- Q: “Why in the national battles the first 5 slots are not balanced evenly (as shown in the MM video) and why is there a MM weight difference between teams of 20 percent?” A: “Because deviations are allowed.” and “Under certain circumstances, these MM rules can be disregarded. That’s correct MM mechanism function.”
- LT class changes? “I will tell in patchnotes”
- developers are working hard on 9.0, it will come soon…

95 thoughts on “21.2.2014

    • HD client, a few tank models reworked in to HD, realistic track effects, destructible buildings, Havok physics but only client-side. Turrets falling off from ammo rack explosion and staying as game object.

      StuG and Pz IV spread to several tanks ( made in classic model IIRC)

      Hmmm… was there more ?

      • AFAIK, it was never confirmed that destructible buildings would be implemented in 9.0. The video that showed the destructible buildings wasn’t just for 9.0, but also for patches after 9.0.

    • why the hell you still want more HD crap … you really want to have this game like any other EA crappy game with “awesome” graphics and totally shitty gameplay?

      • to me, the game looks quite okay-ish…. why I want HD client, is the multicore support… sometimes in the future….
        Because, yes, it looks okay, but I can run similar-okay-looking games on a 8 years old PC.
        Don§t see why it struggles at 30-40fps on max, when I can play Crysis 3 on extreme @ 60fps….

        optimalization is the most desired feature for me…

      • Most the time he is right. Games that were built on older engines that upgrade graphics are usually bad. As we see now the Engine and HD stuff puts soooo much strain on the servers, now imagine all the terrain is destructible imagine how many more calculations that will be.

        Also guys what year was that 400mm heat shell made, I think that was the reason it was 330mm because the T54 was supposed to be using its 1954-55 equipment.

        • 100mm ZUBK-4 was introduced in 1961.
          Year of equipment used is bollocks, and on some tanks it outreach limit WG claim to use.
          For example 105mm M68 gun on M48 Patton was fitted in 1970s, while some tanks carry guns, they never had, while some lacks historical guns (FV4202 never had 105mm, while for example, on T-34/85, you can’t find D-5T, gun mounted on early T-34/85 versions, but there are S-54 and U-11, what were not even ment to be fitted on it, and so on…).

          • For the record, the M48 we have is a M48A1E1, an early trialed M48A1 with the 105mm. The D-5T and the S-53 also had the exact same performance anyways.

            • It is not exactly an E1, check the wheels, they made cock up with model.
              D-5T and S-53, in game, are not identical guns, and their performance is different.
              And after 76mm S-54 buff, D-5T become worst than both 85mm S-53 and 76mm S-54.

    • E75 was a simplification of Tiger II for production purposes, while one of the real upgrades was bigger angle on UFP. Side armor was 80 mm, I am not so sure but I suppose UFP could also be 150mm (instead of 160) according to historical proposal. All in all, it was said few times ago that E75 is currently over buffed to fill tier 9 slot with the intentions of bringing it more to its “real life” stats in some future. I fear the day it comes. Also, did not the “top gun” for E75 was 10.5? IIRC the bigger turret on E75 was made to fit in 10.5, not 12.8mm.

      • True, it’s good there are people who know and share the truth that E-75 was most likely to have same armor as Tiger II and that in game its overbuffed to fill tier IX.

        • yet the armor is usually useless, when you have lower front plate of a size of texas… throw a rock on it and the tank is on fire.
          Sometimes it catches on fire in the garage or during the countdown…

        • Nope, there were ideas for making the armor even thicker. The hull weight was the same as an entire Tiger II if you bother to look at the weight calculation drawings.

  1. t 54 second gun for accuracy and high rate of fire, used only with gold shells, frankly if you wanna win you use gold, that’s the point in wot unfortunately! i know cause i had many battles t 54 vs t 54 and i hate it when i get shot by “gold members”, i use standard usually!

    players also use gold on t 71/ t 69 and t 54 e1!

        • That feel when another guy complains about gold ammo but in reality he just finds excuses for him being really bad player…

        • nope i must agree with OP that are the thanks most players (and the funny thing is most of them are unicums) that play those tanks are spamming gold at you. and every normal persone nows that apcr for the most meds are normal shells.
          and there are some more tanks for sure.
          but the funny thing is when i drive my borsig or wte 100 (tanks with totaly no armor) and they spam gold on you and you now why? cuz thats the only thing they have loaded.
          yeah i use gold myself as long as it is in the game espacialy against people that are shooting gold at me. but for me personaly i hope they put it out of the game

          • Not me. I think I carry only 5-7 HEAT shells in my T-54, and I keep them for REALLY desperate situations, where actually bouncing or being unable to penetrate costs me the game, like one time when I really HAD TO put a shot and terminate an E-50 who was showing only his turret.

            Otherwise, I only load them when I need to take on a Maus/E-100. Because 200mm just isn’t enough even for the rear of those things sometimes.

            And yes, tomatoes who think they’re good because they literally spam cHEAT shells in their T-54s are annoying as hell.
            IMO relying mostly on AP made me a better Medium Tank player, since it forces me to actually play it like a Medium and not a make-shift TD or something.

  2. The prob with HEAT shells is that they were not terribly common in the loadout. Tankers in ww2 were not HEAT spamming, they had a limited amount available.

    • In WW2 they were mostly used by large-bore assault guns (ie. 105mm’s) for antitank duties – howitzers aren’t too good for tossing kinetic penetrators, but HEAT performance scales pretty linearly with projectile diameter AFAIK. (Nonwithstanding all kinds of minor refinements in warhead design that weren’t known at the time.) Your average tank gun wasn’t large-caliber enough for there to be much point in hollow-charges, and when they were experimented with – I know there was one for the Kingtiger’s gun – were distinctly unsatisficatory for their intented purpose.
      Anyways, being basically modified HE munitions they oughta been a fair bit cheaper and easier to make than APCR and the like which tend to require tungsten and similar scarce materials…

      The T-54 isn’t exactly a WW2 tank though, so the point is moot.

    • The Germans had loads of HEAT shells by 1942 but they were not released to troops partly to prevent the chance that the shells could be captured and reversed engineered against the Germans. Not to mention the limited numbers of shells available.

  3. I suggest removing the engine from E 75 completely, they are halfway done with that. That way the enemy will always know when to load their prem shells. Such convenience and so working_men_playing_3_battles_after_coming_homefriendly!

    • I bet they won’t give you any freebes some time ago devs said they’d be avoiding free stuff give away. I think lower stug will be just additional tank along Hetzer while pz IV’s might replaced well served czechoslovak tanks, but that’s just my thought.

  4. I can understand the whine about T54 heat cause all tanks have strengths and weaknesses. And the only major flaw with T54 is it’s pen and gun depression. But with premium, it completely negates that. Also the pen value with prem on the T54 is a bit too high in my opinion. 200m with ap and 330 with prem

      • With 330mm pen its more than enough to rip thru all heavy tanks frontally in their lower glacis. Ops, sorry, even 219mm pen is enough to do that, which the t54 has with the other gun. Also since when should a medium tenk in the game be able to penentrate heavys frontaly :S. Totally washed out roles.

  5. - current situation in Kiev influences negatively the development of WoWp and WoT Generals

    I hope the WG families are safe during the demonstrations.

  6. “Even more so because of the fact that in real life, there were such shells”

    Real life arguments supporting the T-54′s ridiculously OP HEAT round. That’s seriously the most ironic thing I’ve read here in a very long time. And it doesn’t surprise me in the least. We’re talking about the most cherry-picked tank in the game, here.

    I want M431 HEAT-T for US 90mm guns. It existed too.

      • That’s convenient, seeing as how Russia’s the only one that gets 330 pen HEAT on 100+mm guns on a medium tank at that tier.

        Compare that to the M46′s 265 pen APCR round, T54E1′s 255 pen APDS round, the Lorraine 40t’s 263 pen HEAT round (100+mm with sub-300 pen HEAT..), Cent 7/1′s completely worthless HESH round and..

        The only other vehicles that even approach this are the WZ-120, the Type-61 and the Leopard I Proto.

        The T-54 out-DPMs all of them and has better protection than all of them.

        • APCR isn’t *nearly* as angle-sensitive as HEAT due to getting a degree of normalisation, if you’ve conveniently forgotten. And the Nip, Limey and Kraut meds get their freaking T10 APCR-as-default guns already at T9.
          Also with 330 HEATs save for the Brits with their weird HESH shenanigans.

          • APCR gets what, 2* normalization? It’s not much better than HEAT..

            And HEAT has no penetration bleed-off at all..

            And again, T-54 is a better all-around platform than any of the tier 9 mediums that have anywhere near the penetration. It has better overall protection, better overall rate-of-fire and DPM and comparable, if not superior mobility..

            • Dunno ’bout the high tiers, but I know from personal experience mid-tier HEAT tends to fail spectacularly on angled armour kinetic rounds of rather lower nominal penetration have little trouble with. More specifically, I’ve seen a 105mm HEAT hit an SU-85 square in the 45mm glacis and do exactly fuck-all.
              So, yeah.
              Pretty sure HEAT also gets exactly no benefit from the overmatch rules, and as far as I know it’s essentially worthless against spaced armour.

              As far as T-54 versus other T9 meds goes, yeah well. It has just about the worst gundep of the lot and ammoracks everywhere the last I heard, and if the others don’t feel like dealing with the somewhat punitive RoF of the T10 guns they can always elect to use their T9s instead – which easily at least rival the 54′s 100mm’s in RoF, DPM and baseline penetration. The prem shells tend not be exactly weak either.

          • Why should you use gold ammo on the t54 when it has 219mm pen with the second gun? More than enough to pen all heavy tanks frontally if hittling lower glacis or weakspots. And mediums shouldnt even pen heavys fropntally in wot, due to game balance….

            • Haha 219 pen gun is crap. In all stats except pen it is considerably worse…
              I laugh everytime when i see a 54 using this gun :D

              And even 201 pen is enough if u know how to play…but reds can only cry^^

            • My TT3Az to English dictionary says “due to game balance” translates as “because they keep killing my Kingtiger and it makes me sad”.

              Stop whining about T8s getting penetrated by stuff. They’re not even supposed to be that amazing anyway.

      • T69 gets a 250 pen HEAT round and T54E1 gets a 255 pen APDS round.

        Totally comparable to a 330 pen HEAT round. Totally.

        • T69 is also a tier below the T-54 which makes the comparision pretty fucking pointless, while the T54E1′s *effective* pen benefits from the usual APCR normalisation facotr – as opposed to the El Zippo Nada HEAT gets.

          While I’ve yet to try ones with average pen that high I’ve personally developed a deep distrust of HEAT shells due to their reliably awful showing against sloped and/or angled targets – you know, the exact ones you mainly need a prem-shell pene boost *for*.
          To speak nothing of spaced armour.

          • Only reason I brought T69 into the discussion is because the person I replied to did. Simple as that. I’m aware that it’s a tier lower.

            T54E1 gets the APCR normalization, but it’s not much higher than HEAT’s 0 normalization. APCR gets what, 2* normalization? Maybe a bit more? It’s still far below AP. And HEAT does not suffer from penetration bleedoff at all. It will penetrate just as much at 750 meters as it will at 0…

            • HEAT is also pretty much completely useless against any kind of spaced armour, the last I checked.

              True enough regarding pen drop with distance, but who the fuck uses a T-54 for long-range sniping anyway?

  7. Spaced armor makes everything act excessively stupid.


    T-54′s gun depression is -5*, which is bad but it’s far, far from unworkable. Especially given all of the other advantages the vehicle has. WZ-120 has the same gun depression with lower DPM and less armor.

    You ask who snipes with a T-54. The answer? Anyone who wants to. .35 accuracy, 2.3 second aim time. That makes it a better sniper than, say, the M46, or the T54E1, better sniper than the Leopard Proto, better sniper than the Type-61..Better sniper than the Lorr. 40T..

    • I agree, if people wouldnt bush wank and snipe, they wouldnt use gold ammo because 219mm pen is more then enough to damage all tanks in the game on the sides and rear, and even in som cases pen lower glacis on heavy tenks. Since when should mediums pen heavys frontalty?

      • Since when HTs should be immune to that? HTs are extinct in RL too – T-54 shows why.

        • Please don’t use real-life reasoning to justify anything on the ingame T-54. It just doesn’t make sense. By that same reasoning it shouldn’t have a 120mm glacis with the mobility it has or any other post-1948 modules..

          And yet it does.

          Also, the heavy tank is extinct, yes, but by that same note you could say the medium tank and light tank are too. Those entire concepts in whole are extinct and everything’s been rolled into the universal tank/MBT concepts. One tank serving as all three previous roles.

          • Who the fuck would try to use an MBT for reconnaissance (the old light-tank bailiwick) for any other reason than nothing else being available? The recces just tend to be near-universally wheeled these days, some tracked APC/IFV variants aside.

            MBTs are more or less what medium tanks evolved into, arguably converging with the old heavy class to a degree in the process. Damn things tend to weigh about as much as the latter these days at least.

              • Which is neither cost-effective nor particularly a part of its actual job description. Certainly *doable* though (it moves and you can see out of it) and possibly even a good idea if you suspect a much lighter bona fide recon vehicle, even if available in the first place, might not come back in one piece.

                …is your ability to miss the point a talent or did you have to train hard for it?

                • It doesn’t really matter. You asked who would use an MBT for recon.

                  I answered.

                  The single biggest user of MBTs IN THE ENTIRE WORLD uses MBTs for recon.

                • Does “rhetorical question” ring a bell?

                  Considering they also have dedicated recon assets I’d also hazard a guess that’s not quite SOP for the big expensive buggers.

    • People who don’t get spaced armour are excessively stupid. Maybe take a look at what kinds of flimsy stuff *today* becomes fairly well protected against *modern* HEAT munitions (RPGs mostly) with the judicious application of some standoff protection?
      Also learn to answer previous post chains properly instead of pointlessly starting new ones dumbass.

      Anyways, I’m well familiar with what you can do with 5-degree depression. I’m also well aquainted with what you can do with around *double* that, which is what T9 meds that *aren’t* Soviets or knock-offs tend to boast.
      So, yeah.

      As for sniping, autoloaders kinda don’t count for comparision since their acc stats are shit by default to make up for the burst potential. And the Patton has uniquely shitty dispersion on its top gun – don’t ask me why; you may well be better off mounting the trusty old 90mm instead and loading APCR for essentially same pen.
      WAY better at making use of terrain though.
      As for the reast, yeah well. The D-10T2C is slightly more accurate than many of the other guns of the tier, but that’s beside the point – the T-54 is more or less an assault vehicle. In most cases using it as a sniper is kind of wasting potential.
      Oh and did you forget that gun is the *less* penetrating of the two available, whereas the competition tends to be at the level of the rather less accurate D-54 or *better*?

      • “As for the reast, yeah well. The D-10T2C is slightly more accurate than many of the other guns of the tier, but that’s beside the point ”

        That’s the entire point. Sniping needs accuracy, and the T-54 has the second most accurate gun at it’s tier. The only tier 9 medium that’s better at sniping is the E-50, and the E-50 isn’t near as good in the assault or flanking roles. T-54 also gets a much better rate of fire than most of it’s tier mates along with that accuracy and penetration.

        It all comes down to one simple fact. The T-54′s good at everything. Where other tanks have glaring weaknesses and strengths, like the M46′s complete lack of armor and terrible accuracy made up for in DPM and mobility, the T-54 still has nearly as much DPM, superior mobility, since the M46′s nerf the T-54′s OTM accuracy is nearly as good, if not just as good, the T-54 is much better protected and it has a much better overall weapon.

        So what is the T-54 bad at?

        Short of firing over a hill, I can’t think of much…

        “Oh and did you forget that gun is the *less* penetrating of the two available, whereas the competition tends to be at the level of the rather less accurate D-54 or *better*?”

        It doesn’t really matter when it has a prem round that’s that good. And with prem rounds available to everyone for ingame currency, lack of AP penetration simply doesn’t matter when you have a prem round that’s 65% better…

        • And I maintain that most people who would use a T-54 as a sniper are Doing It Wrong. Depending on the exact tactical situation mind.

          Also please stop underestimating the utility of hull-down ability.

          As for the rest, perhaps. Yet I’m fairly certain T-54s *somehow* fail to dominate high-tier battles.

          • How are they “Doing It Wrong” when the T-54′s the second best sniper at it’s tier? If your tank is good at something, do it when the opportunity arises.

            Hulling-down is only really a worth-while ability if you have a turret that can bounce something. The only tier 9 mediums with good turrets are the T-54/clones.

            T-54s pretty much do dominate high-tier battles. That’s why it’s the tier 9 statpadder of choice..You don’t statpad with shitty tanks..

            • Good luck hull-downing with 5-degree gundep. The buggers are certainly extremely annoying – as in, US heavy level annoying – when they *can* find a spot allowing that, but those don’t exactly grow in trees.

              And I thought high-tier battles were supposed to be dominated by TDs with their ERMAHGERD OHRP monster guns and autoloaders with their MOAR OP magazines (making Foch 155 and WTFE-100 the OPius Maximus), make up your minds already people.

              • You also have T-54 clones with good turrets and decent gun depression, like the Type-59, but I won’t even go there. That’s an entirely different can of worms..Fact is, with the exception of bad (but workable) gun depression, the T-54 really has no weaknesses. It’s good at everything. And that’s why stat padders adore it.

                I still don’t see TDs as owning anything. Well-played mediums are still the most versatile class in the game. A good medium group will win a game regardless of how many TDs there are. There are of course massively OP TDs like the WTF E-100 that people complain about, but overall TDs are fine as far as I’m concerned.

  8. Demolition, how can t54 see Maus? I thought they were not from same decade. And this is game, it shouldn’t have with connection with RL, if it brakes balance. You might as well then throw in for a good measure before mentioned HEAT that had 375(?) penetration.

      • Meh. We already have guns ingame that should be exceeding that if they had their historical specs. Like the 120mm M58, or any of the US 90mm guns firing M431 fin-stabilized HEAT-T, which was available from the mid-50s onward..

          • My point is maybe they should be. Then you wouldn’t have to be putting fake guns on tanks. With M431 HEAT-T, tanks like the M46, any potential M47 and M48 would all be viable with their 90mm armaments.

  9. Well technically, they are the same decade. Maus from the mid-1940s, T-54 from the mid-late 1940s. The base T-54 ingame is from ~1948. Problem is it keeps the single advantage of the 1948 design–the 120mm glacis–without any of the drawbacks that caused the reduction to 99mm/100mm, while getting much later modules and UFO-like mobility with the best all around protection and firepower of it’s class and tier.

    It’s almost silly.

  10. Here he goes again, using ftr.wot-news for the wrong reasons, first nameshaming and insulting, now to rant, getting tired of this tbh, too much frustration & crap of 1 dramaqueen person we need to read, where is the old FTR?

    Second of all, do you really expected national battles to be balanced? We should send you back to the 30s, even there people didn’t whine about the unbalanced fights and that was in real life where their real life was in danger, not where you reveive 1000000000 of life’s lol. The new generation… incomprehensible

    *Hey Hitler, we should send 25 tanks back to their base, it’s not fair for the enemy*