Hello everyone,
now, I normally don’t repost Jingles’ videos (he’s popular as it is :P) – but this is really interesting. Jingles, along with well-known article author David “Listy” Lister and his friend Eddie, made a trip to Bovington Tank Museum to have a look at the museum’s reserve – tanks, that aren’t normally accessible.
There, they ran into another well known player Xlucine from US server, who was actually…
…measuring the Chieftain P6 prototype armor thickness :) Take what you will from it ;)
Otherwise, very, very interesting video, some very interesting prototype shots. And the ending is just brilliant :D
TOG love.
illegal in 42 states
But not in the Royal Navy.
It turns out I can spot a Vickers-Armstrong D3E1 Wheels-Cum-Track Machine but can’t tell the difference between a 17 pounder and a 76mm M1A1 gun. I suck :p
Well lets be honest I screwed up the Sherman as well. I said it looked Canadian.
that so called sherman firefly, isnt that a post-war IDF M4 sherman with a 90mm gun?
Jingles, I see that your cred. card is quite big :) Would you mind sending a couple of those nice model tanks to Slovenia by any chance? :D :D hahaha
PS: I got a neighbour who has a Willies WW2 jeep. He drives it around in the summer with a giant teddy bear in the front seat :)
I guess he is a little bit weird? :)
Not nitpicking, but the Willys is in fact an French Hotchkiss :) Great vid tho, as always. TOG Love :P
That Barry White ending :D :D HAha, Tog brilliant :D
“Yuri Pasholok’s Research Material”
Haha. That was indeed epic.
I want an hetzers gonna hetz shirt !!!
Here you go, straight from the source: http://www.jinx.com/p/world_of_tanks_hetzers_gonna_hetz_premium_tee.html?catid=&preview=1&s=tshirt,basic,worldoftanks
Lol, Jingles is older then me :)
Damn German Sexy tanks and your mancave collections
OMG, ty Jingles for telling about AMX 30B and its ammo! More people will understand why French tanks are cool :D
We have TOG love, now we need moar FRENCH LOVE! =)
When they introduce the AMX30 (no matter the model), if they introduce the obus G, they will have to nerf the hell out of the rest of the tank to compensate :/
Random fun fact of the day: In Grabowiec (small village near ToruĊ) there’s Obi-wan Kenobi street.
Poland go home, you’re drunk.
Will watch the video tomorrow, but there’s one thing I wanted to say: his voice is eargasmic. Is it bad to be gay for Jingles?… -_-’
Dat Juri Pasholok joke.
HEHE Yuri Pasholok wont be pleased to hear this.
After that SS uniform incedent from last year, this will be proof for him that he is right. OO and silent stalker should thank me because since I told Jingles on QB stream that SS dont like JIngles he started to kiss his ass…so cute :D QB just dont give a damn for your opinion SS :)
Hmm, I sense a great lack of IQ in your typing.
Cry me a river stupid boy :D maybe if you sound more like a real man you would have 200 subscribers after 2 years :)
But you sound like a 8 year old.
I think they are just another window licking muppet that trolls the internet.
Lolz, love that place, but then, unlike Jingles, I wouldn’t walk around in an SS uniform.
Wasn’t an SS uniform.
Actually no, I didn’t remove the German Eagle badges that had the small swastikas on them, they were sewn on.
Posted 05 July 2013 – 05:15 PM (Jingles)
It still was not an SS uniform. The badges are still correct for an Army uniform.
It was a standard German Tank crew uniform. Tankers (Panzers, Tiger, Panther etc) wore black uniform and SPG units (i.e. Stugs, Jagpanzers etc) wore grey.
I cant hear clearly the reason for him measuring the armor on the chieftain can anyone clarify?
Well…any quesses? Maybe hes hobby is measuring tanks, huh?
He was measuring the armour thickness because Wargaming had asked for that information.
I last read on the challengers forums that he sent them all the specs and that measuring turrets with electronic devices does not work very well because of the paint , well that is what happened with the fv42. I wonder when they will the add the vickers mbt and chieftain. For me adding them would be a massive leap forward for the game. Just because i am British. Homo petteri thanks for being a smart ass. My audio drowned out when he talked about it.
315 quid on pre-assembled model tanks? ugh…
Iam pretty sure those are metal models and thus expensive. Also there is like only one producer that makes them in that scale.
If I count all expenses that are needed to build one decent plastic model, then that price would look almost identical. Not to mention the hours spend building them. My friend was building a Sherman mine clearing conversion from Accurate armor and only the conversion resin package from Accurate Armor did cost 150 Euro. All together it was like 250 Euro for 1/35 plastic/resin model. The collectors heart knows no money limits :P
The guy didn’t look like he could carry five heavy metal models like that.
Something tells me they’re not selling the highest quality stuff at a museum merchandise booth…
it isn’t pure metal. It is diecast.
Some of the stuff they are selling there is pretty high quality. Its slightly overpriced but if you are there you may as well just get it.
Goes to show most of u like jingles never studied mechanised warfare b4 WOT so kindly rewrote military fiction.
I love that Yuri Pasholok’s research material joke. I wonder why Jingles said that? either Jingles hates Yuri also or Yuri is really an ass that even Jingles pissed with him too..
Or, you know, it could be a light hearted joke with no deep meaning whatsoever
what you say!! This is SRS BSNS, no *way* anyone just… *makes jokes* for idle entertainement!
Ah yes, I just saw that video an hour or so ago in fact. I noticed the FV4004 Conway in the video, and immediately thought “there’s a potential tier 8 premium heavy”.
Yeah the 120 mm gun is technically the same gun that the Conquerer gets as a top gun, but knowing WG’s methods it would be very easy for them to either stick an unhistorical gun on it (case and point: the KV-220, which actually had an 85 mm gun and turret from a KV-85 rather than the 76 mm gun it has in the game) or simply to nerf the gun in one way or another, most likely through rate of fire, aim time, and/or possibly accuracy or gun depression.
The result is a tank that plays somewhat like the T34, but rather than a well-armored turret it would most likely retain the excellent cross-country mobility of the Centurion chassis it was based on (in terms of ground resistance and acceleration, particularly going uphill).
Any thoughts?
One point that disturbed me: “the KV-220, which actually had an 85 mm gun and turret from a KV-85[...]”
KV-220 and KV-85 didn’t share neither the gun or the turret. KV-85 had 85 mm D-5T cannon in IS-1 turret(early models had original turret) while KV-220 had 85 mm F-30 cannon in a diamond shaped turret (currently the top turret of T-150 in game). Also, KV-220 was built in 1941 and KV-85s were in production 1943-1944.
Well the point still stands that the KV-220 doesn’t have a historical gun for balancing purposes.
“His friend Eddie”
You mean his camera minion Eddie, right? :D
The downside of getting specialized in ancient Rome as a historian is that you do not get to do research in places like this. (Of course, I do get carried away when I get in places like Vindolanda.)
I really need to convince the wife to go with me to Bovington. :-)
I can’t believe some people are still bitching about the uniform incident. I hate the ignorance and hypocrisy when it comes to aspects of history. I’m sure if he would have gone there in a Soviet NKVD uniform all would have been just fine. No one cares about the atrocities the Soviets or other factions have done except the Nazis.
Having taboos around symbols and things is not good, you need to see them and talk about them if you want to prevent history repeating. I think this is a universal failing of the way people are educated about history, everything has a nationalistic bias regarding their own country and persisting in creating hatred among us.
That`s true. Sadly, history is used and interpreted by the politicians (and other #####) and it has always been so. At least now we have better opportunity to filter information that we receive.
@Jingles If you are ever close to the Maginot line in France you should visit the little town called Veckring. You will find a pretty Sherman Firefly there when you enter the town. ;-)
Would you consider to visit the Tank museum in Munster Germany? Highly recommended. In case you need a guide I would be at your service.
I’m actually planning to visit Europe for the D-Day memorials this year and a trip to Munster is something I’d very much like to do.
The Chieftain probably won’t be representative of the real vehicle. If it was the gun and frontal armour would be unimaginably OP.
I sorta don’t want it in tanks because it’s entirely unsuited to the way the game plays and WG is almost certainly going to unrealistically nerf it so it’ll be a joke of a tank then pass it off as historically accurate getting utterly slaughtered by tanks designed much earlier.
Admittedly the Chieftain had issues- it had serious engine trouble for the first few versions but it did have a lot going for it.
I also think I saw the QinetiQ vehicle at Tankfst last year- it was an attempt at a polymer based APC or something I think that didn’t lead anywere.
That Chieftain prototype does look pretty damn sexy.
Also had no idea the TOG was so fucking HUGE, it’s twice the height of him.