Streamer Banned for Mods Use

Source: Reddit thread

Hello everyone,

last night, an American streamer Sela was banned for using illegal mods online. It can be seen here (4h 26min mark). Apparently, it was because he was using following mods:

- white tank corpses (I think that’s actually legal)
- falling trees indicator (definitely illegal)
- enemy tank reload timers (apparently illegal)

While many people got butthurt over this decision, I actually support it (if it was the way the reddit post claims it to be). Guys – keep in mind:

ANY mod that gives you an unfair advantage in the game is illegal

Even without a taxative list of banned mods, this rule applies on all the servers of World of Tanks. Russians have a comprehensive list of banned mods, while (as far as I know) EU and US servers don’t, but either way, using common sense, anyone is able to figure out that especially stuff like fallen trees detectors is fishy.

Current banned mods on both EU and US servers:

- 3d hitskins
- laser pointers
- defoliants (leaf and tree removers)
- falling tree (and destroyed object) detector
- enemy reload timers (not sure here)

Did I forget anything? Let me know please.

350 thoughts on “Streamer Banned for Mods Use

    • It’s the tree falling indicator and enemy tank reload timer that done the job.
      and yes..

      5.3: Explicit highlighting of game objects that may seem dangerous as non-hazardous (e.g., white textures on destroyed tanks).

        • But i have to say and excuse my language THAT FUCKING CUNT GOT WHAT HE DESERVED!!!!
          What a bitch telling the platoonmates “i forgot to switch it off” that indicates that he usually uses this illegal mod pack. With that bs you can turn foilage off, see where enemys are looking and their reaload, you can see fallen tree and destroyed objects on minimap. Without the modpack he would be half as good.
          But then the dickhead tried to hide them minimap with a ugly cat picture, srly what a moron he got what he deserved and i hope he will never get his account back or only after a complete wipe…

          • I agree the sucker deserve to get banned. Not so much because of illegal mods but the fact thats hes a fat fuck thinking hes better just because he roll around in OP tanks with gold ammo and toon mates.

            Im tired of these elitiskt clan player mentality now days, fuck that. I have 0 respectr for clan players and this is anothwer reason to not respect them.-

            • I don’t paint all bad players with the same brush, I should expect the same from less skilled players. Some us are just good without using crutches or trying to game stat measuring metrics.

              How about trying to not be so mad…

          • The reason he hid the mini-map with the picture was to prevent stream snipers. Cat hate much. He never said “i forgot to switch it off”. He also doesn’t use the turn off foliage mod. A modpack doesn’t make a player good, the player is what makes the player good. Please get your facts right before sperging your useless rant here.

            • What a fucking bullshit excuse, who is buying that? Twitch.TV is easily 10-15 seconds delayed, if someone were to actually look at the stream, he’d get no useful info.

              • Lol? It gives you a general idea of a team’s position and if there is arty you can easily take it out. Also how is this an excuse? I am giving you the facts, he says on stream that he does it whenever he suspects stream sniping.

                • Sure, because the maps on random battles don’t have the players go to the same position every single game. Also, arty sniping because you know roughly where it is on the minimap? Please, stop being such a fucking tool and a banned cheater apologist

                • Okay then continue on with your pubbie logic.

                  It is hilarious reading all these clueless pubs rant and have no idea what they are talking about.

            • a modpack doesn’t make a player good just like a fast car doesn’t win races. If the mod didn’t affect his play he wouldn’t use it. Also for 12$ an hour he’ll teach you how to be a “pro”.

      • If they don’t want you to see enemy reload times, then they should not give that information to the client.. is highly retarded that the server sends that information to you if you aren’t supposed to have it.

        • They don’t show that information to the client. The mod figures it out itself.

          • the mod cannot “figure it out itself”, there is no way for you to know the exact reload time, you can more or less guess it, but the mod knows the exact time, whenever you have a decent crew and modules or not, that is because the server sends the client all the information, even where the enemies at the other side of the map are aiming.

            Simply put, if they stopped sending useless information to the client, maybe even the servers could run without lag.

            • As far as I know, the reload timer mods are an ‘estimated’ reload timer. Apparently the GambitER damagepanel mod has some kind of reload timer, but it’s not perfectly accurate, because:

              - it counts from the moment the shell actually impacts you
              - it’s using a base reload value, which may be off by 1-3 seconds depending on gun/crew/modules

            • because it’s impossible to actually write a mod will all reload timers already in their DB, so they just need to pick the proper time to count down from whenever a shot is fired.

              please, provide proof that the server actually broadcasts the reload time of all tanks to all tanks.

      • The white tank corpse mod is used most often in conjunction with botting programs. It prevents the bot from mistaking a destroyed vehicle for a live one.

        • Haha this kitsunedawn guy thinks a ‘Bot Detecting Mod’ is a living organ. Hahahaha. Man, it’s programmed to see the difference, that’s the whole point. It has nothing to do with visuality xD

          Best comment of the year!

    • His ban has been reversed he is now on a 1 week holiday from the game

      However if anyone watched the Twitch TV video they will have noticed his own clan mates telling him several times that they where banned for useing some of the mods in his pack yet he chose to ignore the warnings completely to his cost

      However that didnt stop him breaking yet another rule in so much as after his ban he then logged into one of his alt accounts to carry on playing the NA server but that account was also suspended so how many more does he have

      Personally i,am happy to see WG finally doing something about cheats hopefully they will also address bots, the way they went about addressing this cheat however was wrong we should have a more detailed description of what is legal and illegal because the giudelines we have now are so out dated its a joke

      Hope WG continue to check and ban cheats and bots but i do wonder if this guy had not been so well known in the community would his ban have been reversed i think not

  1. Somewhere I read that the white corpses are illegal. I will try to find the article.

    • BS. I use mods because vanilla game bored the crap out of me. And I love my Gnomefather’s sounds. They make the game much more enjoyable.

    • Might be a reason for so many unexperienced and useless players … they don’t care about some gaming system, they don’t care about mods that might help them in the game …

      • I’m too far away from unexperienced and useless player. Got +11400 battles and counting. Although I don’t have that much time to play any games and searching for specific mods would kill my time which I use to play WoT when I can (2-3 hours per week).

        • Well I did not say that all players who does not use mods are useless, did I ? I just said that this might be a reason why there is so many of them. But the real problem is that they does not search for some hints and advices before playing. A lot of them does not know what sidescraping means … and hull down is just a Spanish village.

          • err… actually most people use side scrapping wrong, thinking that side scrapping means reverse angling, and by the looks of it, you are one of those.

            • Well, the thing I use and that I call sidescraping is well described in this video:


              If I am wrong, please explain what sidescraping means and how am I suppposed to do it.

              Most of the players just drive infront of enemy tanks in 90° angle (suspension side to enemy gun).

              “and by the looks of it, you are one of those.” … I can not figure out what do you mean by that …

              • that is not side scrapping, that is angling/reverse angling.. side scrapping is a term from before the physics, when you could get next to a tank and not allow him to move at all, when you did that the sides of both thanks started to “scrap”, making noises and sparks, this technique left enemies still and easy targets.

                later on people started using “side-scrapping” in place of “reverse angling”, and now there are tons of people using it wrong, its mostly only people from the older versions that still remember what each one of those words meant.

                You can look it up, there is still people wondering what the heck is going on, mostly beta testers :)



                • Must be an american thing. I’ve never heard “side scraping” being used in the context abovementioned. By the way, what is side “scrapping”? Could be that “side scraping” != “side scrapping”? ;) . The only way in which the abovementioned ‘tactic’ is used is against the Maus or a TD, otherwise there is no benefit of doing this, even without physics, because any half decent player would not allow himself to get caught in the open where limited movement is relevant, rather an IS-7 or T-54 next to a Maus can not be fired upon, same obvious for TDs.

                  The reason sidescraping is called sidescraping is because the enemy’s shells scrape along your side. You expose yourself in an invulnerable fashion which is the entire point of the excercise. In the olden days it was more commonly referred to as ‘Maustrick’ (which makes no sense because practically every tank can do it), somewhere along the way that became sidescraping.

                • Indeed, English is a language created by monkeys, with more exceptions than rules, so I simply cannot memorize them all, at least not in the few years since I started to learn English, but still, thank you for showing me another one of those exceptions to the rules.

                  anyway, getting back on track, that tactic could be use by anyone, since any tank could block the movement of anyone at that point, but it was usually something that low profile tanks did to bigger tanks, or tanks with great turrets did, and of course, it was a sure way to kill TDs.

                  The term you are searching for is angling and reverse angling, but not side scraping, I understand if in your ignorance you do as Romans do, but understand that your use of side scraping is wrong.

        • Just because you have a lot of battles, doesn’t make you good. Other things have to factor into that. Also, it takes at most like 5-10 minutes to get most mods and install them.

      • Chill out guys, I am sure he was referring to mods that give advantages, and was not thinking about mods that change sounds.

        I actually only ever used one mod in the past, that added extra stats to my personal record, which helped me see how I was doing in each tank, damage per battle ect. But I have never used skin mods, map mods, or even XVM, for me they are too close to unfair. Not only that, but I cannot stand the crap I get if there is an XVM player who just has to comment on my win rate, (60%) especially if things go wrong, I make a mistake of just bad RNG, last thing I need is some tosser with XVM making comments about how I could be such a noob with my win rate.

        I turned battle chat off now, wish they had given us the option a lot sooner, even so, I cant say I have any sympathy for anyone who uses mods that give an unfair advantage, and gets a ban for it. I actually hope that Sela does not get his account back.

      • I completely agree with the original poster and I think ALL mods should be banned to put everyone on an even playing field. If they did that you’d see so many “SUPPOSEDLY” good players stats plummet down showing they are only good when they have an unfair advantage.

        “they don’t care about mods that might help them in the game”

        As for this statement if the mod “Helps” you it’s more than likely it’s because it is giving you an unfair advantage thus making it a cheat, XVM included as are majority of the most popular mods.

        • Don’t you dare touch mods. If you want to look at ugly textured and unhistorical paint jobs, listen to horribad crew voices, and the lame engine/gun sounds, it’s your problem.
          Other like to have a choice.

        • Not even playing field, not even by close because the way you play is also affected by things not tied to WG mods. Like fps, latency, mouse, kayboard, screen etc. There will never be 100% equallity. How ever some mods are severe illegal and those are alreaddy defined by WG russia. Use that as guidelines. I dont believe in bannin all mods just because some idiots use them. Mod making is a huge part of wg community though, would be silly to remove it.

        • Bollocks to banning all mods. That would require WG start putting resources into functional UI. The mods I use are all about improving the information presented to the player:
          Tank carousel – ridiculous it’s not already implemented
          XVM – if I have to play with idiots with 45% win rates I want to know in advance so I don’t make the mistake of relying on them at any point
          Tank names on minimap – another feature that should have been added by WG years ago
          Icons showing if a tank has been spotted yet, and last known position on minimal – these two do give an a advantage to a player, but only by recording information that has already been presented to them. As such they are another example of stuff that WG should implement. They are only unfair at the moment because some players don’t use them.

          Mods are required in this game as long as the devs put so little effort into providing tools that player’s want. Rather than useless shit like the Personal Rating metric.

      • No the reason for useless players is because they are lazy and dont want to learn the gamig mechanics of wot. They also have bad pc wioth low fps and bad ping as well as generell bad skills in computer games. Remember all games have casual noobs, wot isnt worse. It would be silly to expect that all players would be good. Its the same in everything. Majoryt of players are bad, simple. Both irl and on internet.

      • “Only the Sith deal in absolutes.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi

        (…But that statement is an absolute. So is he a Sith or just an idiot? Hmm…)

        • The latter obviously, since aside from being paradoxical that claim is flat-out wrong.
          But then few would accuse Star Wars of mature, tenable and well thought out philosophical arguments…

      • I feel sorry for you parents for raising up a retard. You better go see a psychologist for that matter, but oops… They can’t treat retards.

    • I cant tell who uses mods…But I am sure that they should BAN most of them… Yes,WOT is not perfect… so you like it either?? Play it! You dont like it without mods??? Go and fu…go play another game! Yes..there are many games popular mainly for mods and addons… but they are not COMPETITIVE!!! No comparsion of players in MS Flight Simulator or Farming simulator… In WOT we have stats, we have competiton… we have buddies caling themselves pros and calling another players noobs.., we are shooting at each other… so if somebody can obtain more information as reload time etc it is NOT FAIR!!!! So yes..they should BAN all mods and BAN people with uses them… because MODS = CHEATS.

      • Wow…how some people can miss the goal of mods in this day and age…
        You know where CounterStrike came from? TF2? DotA and all it’s variants? DayZ? Maybe you heard of these games….guess what they all have in common, apart from competitive MP.
        Or to stay in WGland, you may have noticed reload timers, hitpoint panel and a display of the damage you dealt in hp instead of %. Wanna take a guess from where these features were originally came?

      • nice troll. u dont like mods, go play sth else urself, ‘couse they r legal so far :P

  2. I am pretty sure that even you wrote in one of your articles that “Reloading tanks on map” mods are banned … I know it because I am one of the mod pack testers and I reported it in our private chat (it was part of the mod pack) immediately after publication of the article.

  3. No modifications shall be created which, according to, bring undesirable changes to the gameplay of Games. The list includes, but is not limited to:
    5.1. Transparent textures on game objects penetrated by game armament.
    5.2. Replacement of game models with collision models.
    5.3. Explicit highlighting of game objects that may seem dangerous as non-hazardous (e.g., white
    textures on destroyed tanks).
    5.4. Any changes to auto-aim (e.g., leading targets, automatic targeting of vulnerable areas).
    5.5. Fixing for the player the position of the other players that are not visible by the rules of the game
    visibility (locking the position of the player that disappeared from sight on map by tracer flares, display of the name of an enemy player that inflicted a non-critical hit remaining out of sight, etc.).
    5.6. Fixing the destruction of destructible objects on the minimap.
    5.7. Camera which is not attached to the position of a player, a “free” camera, able to move in three
    dimensions, and the use of artillery mode for other types of vehicles.
    5.8. Using keyboard macros in game situations (e.g., automation of work of “manual fire
    extinguisher”, except for an automatic shot from a reloaded weapon).
    5.9. Indication of an aiming point of other players which is different from its visual representation
    based on the position of a standard, unmodified 3D vehicle model operated by the player.
    5.10. Full or partial automation sending a vehicle to battle, its operating and firing (use of bots)

      • The way I read “display of the name of an enemy player that inflicted a non-critical hit remaining out of sight” means most hitlog announcer mods are also banned (at least on the NA server).

      • No – it only marks the last position known which you knew by yourself, which is an information you had and it’s only on map, so you don’t actually know precisely where he was.

        Comparing it to marking the position with flares (you can aim at the spot as if you saw the tank there) or showing name of who shoots at you even if he can’t be seen, these things are something a bit over that.

    • “No modifications shall be created …”

      [pretend to be stupid mode on]
      nothing about shall not be used :P

    • Ok, not arguing should or shouldn’t be bannable, but where are you getting these rules quotes from? Not seeing them.

      Did EU and/or Russia update the rules/EULA/TOS and NA didn’t?

  4. Justice I’d say. There just needs to be hard enough evidence sadly for this to happen… Listing mods is not how you do it. But using your head is, simply enough, ask yourself if it gives advantage over the average user… And I think the fine line is what WG is willing to implement later on, thus they are given run free, while those they will never implement are on the grey zone while those with true advantage.are on the red…

    I’ve always been on that side where the slightest advantage is advantage, but most of hardcore players disagree with me. Ignoring the fact that advantage is advantage.

    • Well, every mods give you some kind of advantage (not counting skins and sound mods) Because even xvm gives you advantage because you know who is a tomato and who is an überpro… So based on this, no mods are okay…

      • Well what part of giving advantage you didn’t catch up?

        Simple as it is, people tend to ignore the fact what is advantageous. I’ve myself run XVM for … 10 or so battles and it was bit cluttered, but the info given was goddamn useful in priority shooting. I felt offended about the minimap showing every last known locations, also which tank was where without having to drag the enemy list thru with mouse.

        It was advantageous to me so prefered to stay away from it after the test, even if not officially banned, to me it is too advantageous. Player stats can be fetched from API, I thus give reason to actually let it go… Let the e-peen people stay with their stats to compare, but swearing the hell out of tomatoes and win% should get you RO-ban… I hated them to my hearts content, blindly reading numbers and being all passive and bitchy, and yes there are those really quit the game/afk because of it.

        So all an all… I have bit double standard to XVM, partly I give the stats be, but it is advantageous to know whether you’re up against full tomato or latest hue of Donatello. It makes the real difference how forgiving the enemy is to your mistakes…

      • Then I guess you have to ban noobmeter, vbaddict and also the official WG website, because all those show players skills etc?

        • try to look up all 29 other players’ stats before or in battle with WG website without being a burden to the team and i give you a cookie.

          • I do that some times and I manage fine, but then again one dont need xvm to make good guesses what players are good or bad. Also does it really matter? I dont beleive xvm gives you unfair advantage at all. If you play well you whould be able to defeat any player regardles of stats. If you suck, well then you suck.

          • why all? ur top tier at X and there is only 1 more X in ur team and 2 in another? + maybe arty/scout? doable.

      • @ Pintér Nándor
        “Uberpro”, since when does stats indicate the player is really good? Stats are inflated, dont take them serious.

    • Well, in my experience using your brain gives you HUGE advantage in randoms over those average users. Damn, I’ll so get banned. :(

    • Then I guess mechanical keyboard and gaming mouse, as well as having 120 fps on all max with 15 in latency and 140hz screen also gives a advantage over 90% of the playerbase then? Because IMO it really fucking does, how ever im not sure that will make you get batter stats.

      • can we switch places then pls? i have 3-8 FPS max on lowest setting, 75Hz 1024*768 screen and 130ms ping. i’m sure you will have no disadvantage with it.

        • You dont get it, it does give you advantage as I mentioned, but it would just be silly to ban a pc system. Same with mods, you can never get 100% equal playing field regardles of people using mods or not, to a certan extent. How ever selas mods were illegal and therfore he should be banned, simple. Thats my point.

  5. My all clan members use white tank corpses and no one get ban for using it. So its illegal? :D

    • Becouse WG cant see what mods you use. Mods are all client sided so the server dont know it. But if you stream with illigal mods they can see you use them and ban you. So i guess with that mod you’re save as long as you dont upload screenshots or videos of you using it

      • Thats BS. Its not hard for them to send a List of loaded files and a hash (to identify the specific mod used) to the server when the client loads the mods from res_mods ;)

        • WG said it wasn’t reliable enough doing that, they said that when they were talking about how the bot banning stuff works.

            • Do they actually do anything? xD I’ll bet its the same companies making WoT bots that make WoW and LoL bots etc etc etc and I’m sure I hear blizzard are well known for the whole hash checking thing… considering how much I avoid their games, the fact I heard about it says a lot :P :P

      • Actually, WG can see what mods you use. They’ve stated in the past that they have a program in with their GM tools that can pool your client and detect what mods are used. They just don’t use it often.

  6. The white tank corpses is still a LEGAL mod, so feel free to use it.

    But I am concerned about, Received Damage Announcer.

    OP states that the mod is just reading the info that the client receives from the server. It has an aproximate reload time indicator as well as indication of what tank shot you. It doesn’t however show the accurate reload time, just the aprox.(unless I am mistaken) And it doesn’t show WHO shot you (player name) but only which tank.

    So, as I see it, this mod is still legal.

    • even QB and the most big russian streamers use it so i think this mod is legal

      • QB runs his WoT almost vanilla, except for XVM and minimap indicator.
        Rest of his mods are like, bat cave etc but his mod pack is very light tbh..

        • QB use mods that give unfair advantage, he use last location on minimap as well as zoom out mod, which makes him look behind corners which wouldnt be possible with vanilla zoom.

          • rofl… You can look behind corners with vanilla zoom aswel… And the minimap function is from XVM so. Still a whole diffrent ball game compared to using the mods mentioned in the post.
            And to be honest, moest decent WoT players use these same mods.

            • Zoom out the one like QB use does give you massive advantage because you would never be able to look there with vanilla zoom, because you simply cant zoom out that much. If its not a unfair competitive advantage why would he else use it?

    • Donno if that reload time can be considered illegal.I mean, it doesn’t use the exact reload time but the tank(that shot you) RoF in seconds…everyone used to the game has an aprox. idea of the time it takes a certain tank to reload…(eg:E5-@8s, Obj704-@16s, TigerI-@6s)

      • Exactly. By now I know every tank’s reload. Just yesterday I was shooting this E4 in my T30. I shot him, he shot me, but I knew I would reload about a second sooner than him and I dodged his second bullet. It’s something you pick up while playing (if you’re not braindead), just like approx armor values – “I can pen this and that but not this” etc.

      • Plus I’ve had an average reload indicator for ages but never look at it now because I have the experience to judge what I can reload faster than. I think that the issues arise if it’s the accurate crew skill & equipment modified timings. IE the difference between 100% and 0% loader.

  7. ANY mod that gives you an unfair advantage in the game is illegal

    So.. XVM is illegal? Cause that’s the mod that gives you most unfair advantage of all (I would argue that laser pointers or white death mods aren’t even close in impacting the gameplay to the XVM)

    • XVM should be banned because it decreases morale and turns you into a complete moron. “Oh good, noob team again… 30% chance to win, you’re all noobs”
      But what angers me the most are the people that think the WN8 or whatever actually means something. Last game I was in my Chi-to in a tier 8 battle and this T28 was complaining about how the enemy “hack killed him” and was calling him a noob for using gold rounds.
      When I defended the guy with the standard “gold is a smart thing to use” he went “comes from someone below 2000 efficiency”. I almost exploded, because this self-righteus smarmyness really gets me going. He called everyone a noob despite being the first dead top tier.

          • oh absolutely, but you dont know you did. I use it as a judge of how I’m performing on a game by game basis. And to evaluate different tactics when i try something different :D

      • Well it sure does mean something, but yeah, people are often idiots and their WoT skills have nothing to do with that. Anyone who used XVM for a while should know that the numbers don’t guarantee anything, unicums can die easily, tomatoes can save the day and 30% chance to win matches can be won.

        Only once did I call the game lost before it started – the enemy had a platoon of 3 unicum E-25s on top tier and I was well aware of what a single E-25 is capable of, let alone three of them. We kicked their asses hard.

      • I write those stuff even if I dont use ´xvm because im guessing, and according to statistics about 75-80% of the teams in random consits of sub 40-45% WR players anyways. Often im the only one in my team that has over 52% WR and that is out of 15 players. Do I need xvm to guess majority of players are sub 1000 avr dmg players in tier 8 heavys? Well no….not in that case. Nowdays xvm doesnt give you any information noobmeter or your imagination cant give you. Thats why i dont mind xvm in randoms.

        If you play random battles there are too many factors affecting the outcome, and if you dont like “random battles” then play in platoon or in company or in team battles.

    • Yeah that’s BS. I hope he gets his account reset. Dread to think that he might have made money from ads and stuff on his stream :S

    • That’s awesome! Where can I get it? /joke

      It’s mods like this that makes my friend laugh when he derps people in the face with KV-2 a full 3 seconds or so early.
      He has the full Bia, rammer, vents, premium consumable setup going and I’ve seen him get called a cheater more than once

      • Well, I dont see how thats related to cheating at all….must be noob idiots thinking hes a cheapter. How ever sela was cheating for sure and we have visual evidence of it….I have 6 skill crew and still people yell noob, dont know why thoug :/.

  8. There is only two solutions: 1.) allow all mods OR
    2.) close the code and disable all mods

    I mean, if those mods exist and if people using it – i want to use those mods too. All of it…

      • 3. where is your self respect? If you’re playing the game just to win 100% of the time then I think the point is lost…

        • if your not playing to win 100% of the time then you are a terrible player.

            • fun is always to be had. but if your not playing to win 100% of the time then you are a terrible player.

              • Okay so im terribe just because I play to have fun, make damage and earn xp and credits? Hmm. We all play for different reasons, winning is just a bonus according to myself. Specially if you play alone in random battles, one would know by now. If all would play to win 100% people like sela and his little clan would dominate alot less for sure because they would get more resistance.

    • The soultions is not that. Simple make a list of allowed mods and illegal mods, easy. Those who use illegal mods get banned. This isnt a big problem, most players of this game are casuals and hardly know what a minimap is.

    • @ merinns
      Really, who would you use those mods? Alot of players use no mods or very few despite there are many mods out there. Mods wont make you better player I admit, but some mods are just too much regarding unfair advantage, which are the ones sela used.

  9. So WG can only see if you’re cheating when you post a screenshot or video from your client?

    I have just seen it and gives a massive advantage, just like the foliage removal mod.

    • There is a great foliage removal mod called Tundra. You can enable or disable foliage with one click on F2 key… Also, that mod contains option to see outlines of enemy tanks all the time – its grey when tank is behind house, hill etc., otherwise its red, as usual.

      • And that mod will get you banned for using it. Foliage removals are illegal, and yes, WG can see what mods you have installed, so if you get caught up in one of the random sweeps they do to find botters and cheaters, kiss your account good bye.

  10. Pingback: Streamer baneado por usar mods - Wot y Leaks

  11. Yeah, he definitely deserved getting banned for using an illegal mod pack. It probably means, that probably -G- uses illegal mod packs.. >.>

    • you would not be able to beat a single -G- member using vanilla client only.

      • …and their daddies would come and beat your daddy up if you did, right?
        How VERY mature and not in the least inanely butthurt.

      • How do you know that? Just because they have better and inflated stats? In general EU players are alot better on online gaming than US players. I remember when there was a bf3 bigwar USA vs NA, USA got crushed like hell despite having the ping advantage and I expect the same to happen in wot. Fuck you and G members :).

  12. I would just ban all in-battle mods. Yes it might make some people unhappy but if you think about it, every single mod gives you some advantage. Every mod provides you with extra information abut what is happening, thus it gives you an advantage, thus it is unfair. P.S.: I dont use any mods, and I still manage pretty well. I have rather low ratings in most recent battles becuase I was playing T6 company.

    • You ban all mods you punish the majority for the acts of the minority, and the minority will still find ways to cheat. So the only people affected are the ones you are not targetting.

      • Agree, most mods are okay and dont give unfair advantage. The mods sela used does give that to a much larget extent than for example HD minimap and gun sounds, and other “soft mods”.

      • so if more people will cheat this will make them legal because they will be the majority?

        such stronk logyk.

        • Nope, not more legal. Point is, these mods are illegal its simple, you use them you violate eula and can be banned. Not much more to discuss, right? Crosshair and gun sounds and HD minimap and other shít are not even close to these mods giving unfair advantage, thats why they are still legal.

  13. whahaha that bigshot got what he deserved, 3800+ wn8 and still needs to cheat pfff maybe thats the reason he got those stats :P
    hes banned for using that mod that let you see on the mini map where the enemy is moving, and on his stream hes hidding his mini map :P

  14. Any mod that uses battle data to display information is an ‘unfair advantage’ only if it isn’t freely/publicly available; otherwise, people not using the mods are simply playing handicapped. ;-)

    Any mod that gives an information bonus by recording from your interface (but not the game world, such as destruction detection) should be allowed. Otherwise too much of the game is a memory test as opposed to fighting skills and tactics, and that’s boring.

    The only mod I use is Locastan’s HD minimap (last lit location + tank name + render box), which is allowed for the moment it seems.

  15. Holy fuck: sela is one of the best player’s I’ve seen, one of the best streamers, and also the maker of a very popular modpack….

    I noticed that EmbryonicJourney (higest WN8 EU) also got a ban last night, although luckily it was only a 7 day ban.

    • FYI, EJ is at 12th place in WN 8 in europe , Luciquell have 1k more in WN8 and are number 1.

    • He should have been perma-banned if he was using cheat packs like these.

      All of a sudden these super unicums don’t seen that shit hot. Mods that tell you exactly where the enemy are before even being spotted, mods that tell you exactly how long an enemy has to reload, mods that show you where enemies are pointing their guns…. even a monkey could do well with such things.

      • I can promise you this isn’t the case. You can have your opinion about what he should get for using those mods, but sela is one of the best players on the NA server with or without those mods’ help.

        • You cant promise a shit since stats specially if the player use gold ammo, play OP tanks and platoons alot and statpad dont mean a shit. He is prolly good I admit that but not close to the best player. I dont think there are any best players in wot, they are simply good at different stuff, not to mention different tanks. Theres no single factor that will determine how good a player is.

          If sela would use no OP tanks, no gold ammo and no illegal mods playing solo hes stats wouldnt be better than any other solo above average player. I can bet on that.

          Personly looking at some of his vids hes not amazing, its just the fact that he wins alot and make decent damage because of reasons mentioned above. In terms of tank movement, angling, positioning, aiming etc, im not really expressed. QB is prolly a better player than sela I would say because he has a strong mind, even if QB suffer from the same sickness like many of these streamers do.

          With selas 100+ ping and 30 fps I would out reflexed and out penned him in any given situation shown in the video I believe. And I believe many other EU solo players would do so, believe it or not. I dont call it skills to load gold ammo and pen a sloped turret of a reversing tank on a slope. That shot would never pen if he would use AP for example. And this is important in terms of balance. He would also play different not having these illegal mods.

  16. Can’t say I feel sorry for the guy.

    Although him dumbfounded looking at the screen while blocking everything with cats was pretty hilarious.

  17. quote: ANY mod that gives you an unfair advantage in the game is “illegal”

    and here where the problem lies, don’t the reload timers give advantage? yes they do, but wait! WG has their own version
    same goes for HP bars with exact HP left over tanks
    every mod out there, “illegal” or not, gives the user a slight advantage over his opponent
    that’s the fucking reason for using it in the 1st place – it’s called “quality of life”

    WG should completely stop this “illegal” mods bullshit and completely disable 3rd party mod usage, implement in-game support for allowed mods – either everyone plays with the exact same mods or don’t ban people for using them

      • quote: See: “unfair”.”

        oh right .. WG defines what’s unfair and what’s not .. COME ON!
        you play to win and you use every tool at your disposal to get on top

        in every sport there are customized implements, tailored specifically to fit the user because it gives him a slight advatage
        from golf clubs to shoes, gloves, and what-not

        even in the so called “e-sports” people use their own keyboards, mice and headsets

        • We’re discussing cheese, stop blabbering about oranges.

          More to the point, good luck claiming something that’s part of the default GUI as “unfair advantage”.

          • NOW is part of the GUI, they weren’t a while back, and people complained
            until WG made it standard in the default GUI

            even tank names on the minimap has come into discussion, WG intends to implement that into standard GUI also

            oh, PS:
            I don’t even use WG’s default reload timer because it’s absolute shit

              • yeah, and you avoid the issue
                I love when WG makes their own rules but blissfully “forget” to tell everyone about them

                • Dude, I don’t even *remember* anymore when the HP bars didn’t have straight numbers as an option…
                  So hey. Default UI.

              • But if OTM and reload timers had been dismissed a simply cheating, which many considered they were then we wouldn’t have them in the game.

                The question is, where is the line between very useful and unfair advantage?

                • An obvious one seems to be whether it gives you information that no amount of educated guessing will glean from the interface.

    • if there is such a list of disallowed mods, it should be very clearly visible, in game, in launcher
      not in some obscure corner of the forums, forums that not all WoT player even browse once in their entire WoT career

      • you forgot to add to the last sentence: “… where they can find mods also. right below the list where the “illegal mods” are listed.”

    • Not saying the destroyed object indicator is fair.
      But you could say that even a tank skin simply giving it a nice camo would be advantage to you in battle …. because it looks nicer so you are more happy and relaxed looking at nice tanks and as an effect you play better.
      It is of course an unfair advantage because many other players play without said camo pattern skin and can not benefit from it. [/sarcasm]

      The word ANY makes the whole rule like a contract with an evil Genie. He can screw you over at whim if he fancies to.

  18. That’s funny. Most of these guys in the “top” clans do use these types of mods to help them get ahead. Idk if it’s been said he is in the -G- clan. Also he gets very butt hurt if he loses and blames the maps repeatedly if it happens… Lol.

    • problem is if sela was using no mods he would have still been able to pub stomb. those mods don’t do a lot in making you a higher skilled player. like someone else said you just have to think less. it is still all up to you.

      • Except he can’t pub stomp solo. His platoon of goons got butthurt when I faced them twice in a row one night because the map was imbalanced and he kept crying about it in chat. In fact every -G- player I’ve faced has whined and cried in chat.

        So anyways how is the fallen foliage mod not an extreme advantage? Seeing where someone is when you would otherwise not be able to see them via game mechanics is very over powering. If he is so “1337″ then why does he need these mods?

        • he doesn’t need them. ” In fact every -G- player I’ve faced has whined and cried in chat. ”
          “Except he can’t pub stomp solo. His platoon of goons”

          does not change the fact you are in no way better then me or any member of -G-. you should listen to them “whining” you might actually learn something about reality.

          • Its proven that very few of these “good” clan players cant and would not dominate if they would play:

            1. Solo
            2. No gold ammo
            3. No illegal mods
            4. No OP tanks.

            I have seen many solo clan players in EU server from “good” clans playing mediocre when they were alone and also beeing complemetly crushed playin in platoon. So no, these clan players would NOT be able to dominate like they do if they would play without these 4 stuff mentioned above.

            A easy way to determine that is looking at their specific tank performance and those tanks they hopefully used while they were playing solo. Tells alot about their actual performance.

            Hami himself has 80% WR on many tenk but the average dmg he makes is about 1/2 of what would be consideres as good for a solo player. Sane?

  19. Funny thing is that the best players (like luciqueii or NaVi_Straik) play without mods. I think that all these mods just make you think less.

    • Well, most of the good players(unicorns) CAN use their brain for most of these thing, but are rather lazy and then use the mods for all that. I use a lot of mods(although not like these Sela got banned for), but when i am on Test server i don’t use any mod at all and still can play on the same level. I think lots of mods are simply installed because of dull looking vanilla version.

  20. I like all the tomatoes who come out of the wood work accusing every decent player of hacking as soon as a single player is caught doing wrong.

    Mind you I know Sela is known to troll pubbies, which i admire (after 17k games/3 years playing i despise stupid players too)

    However with my stats representing a “Good” player I find the need to stand against the unwashed masses in saying how it is equally ignorant to demonize the minority of a society based on one individuals actions. Especially if that one individual is known to cause unrest among your(Pubbie/tomato) ranks.

    TL;DR FiteMeIRL bruh Do you even lift?

  21. Using obviously illegal mods, got caught, got banned.

    Tough shit.

    We do not need the “official list” to know that a mod that pings the map everytime a tree or a box gets run over is illegal.

    He also has no right to complain, or ask for leniency, because “he forgot” to remove for streaming… proving he had a reasonable idea that these mods are unfair and illegal.

    Twat gone.

    • Sela deserve to get smacked irl because of hes elitist mentality and illegal playstyle. Also forgot, he surely forgot to lose weight.

  22. Geez and i bother to remember how many shells auto-loader used, and count in mind time for tanks reload.
    Like: “Can i shoot twice before e100 reloads.” with this mods i would have more time for looking on mini map and make better plans not thinking so much on engagements.
    And best thing all you get is “Gold noob.” – ofc 110e3 cant pen jpzt e 100 from front on ap…. right? -.-….
    And “Polish…XXX,ZZZ,YYY” when they bounce off me….

    ps: I’m asking for unlimited ignore list! Keep poking serb with this please.
    I don’t want to ignore all. Just racists, pure haters , and people who thinks pinging 40 times is good idea.

    • ^ This.
      Although i think i heard there is an unlimited iggy list mod way back in 2012. The only question is: is it bannable? :)

  23. Holy fuck, they banned sela?

    This is going to be a shit-storm…

    The fact is, some of these mods were pretty much added to the hit-list after banning sela.

    Talk about bullshit.

    Reminds me of when they banned zardnaar.

  24. clear advantages? with how bad 90% of the entire player base is they can use all the advantages they can get. this is part of the reason why i never really cared about mods. it only helps your average player be more aware. talking realistically here. i can stomp your average player everyday who are using full mods when i am only using vanilla client and i am sure many people who are in world of tanks tourneys would agree with me.

    • dude you can cry as much as you want he was caught cheating and he deserves a perma ban.
      there is a big differince between a mod that tells you how long a enemy tank needs to reload (cuz an experienced player knows it without it) and a mod that tells you from the start of the game where the enemy players are going!

  25. we need official statement of banned mod, not the policy for dev but for players who use

    this is quite confusing and I didn’t even notice more banned mod than the 5 rules (laser, trees/bush remover, 3D hitmarker etc)

  26. So is it confirmed that he is perma banned or temporarly for some time? From what i saw on that stream highlight it’s permanent. Also, doubt appealing will help him. Just remember that EU botter and his outcome with EU support.

  27. First of all please remember that it was WG who actually allowed us see enemy reload time or where is he aiming. Was it intentional or not I do not care, punishing people who pays you for using information you broadcast is just stupid. Punishing people who pays you without clear and visible rules is criminal offence in most civilised countries.

    Second, shooting enemy before he shoots you or outrunning him in faster tank gives advantage in very similar way as some mods mentioned above. Even “Gun sights of the tank” gives big advantage in my opinion. The whole point of this game is to get advantage over your enemy, by outmanoeuvring or by using a computer to memorize and prompt all reload times. Prefer to do it old fashion and slow way? No prob unless you do not moan about your own choices ;)

    And for some people with slow computers trees/foliage removal mod is the only way to play. Oh it is banned? How banned is it?

    • Really dude its all about common sense and if you read the forums you see what mods gives clearly unfair advantage over others. Take my example of mods, only using 3 ones, do they give unfair advantage over others, well no:

      1: recieved damage, how does that give unfair advantage over others except telling me how much fire I have taken?
      2. HD minimap, well same as regular minimap but with better gui and tank hull direction etc, hardly any unfair advantage. I dont see more or less than vanilla users do.
      3. Scope shawod removal, well only in sniper mode do I don see that annoying black shadow. But I dont see more tanks just because of that. One can argue that you can see tanks in a wider field view but in that case those tanks will shop up on your minimap as well so you dont really see anything “more” than vanilla users.

      How ever these mods do give unfair advantage:

      1. White tenks = makes dead tenk appear white and thus making those in terms of cover for enemy much worse.
      2. Fallen trees and destrojed objects = makes you see those things on minimap which you in normal cases wouldnt even in LOS or on the minimap. Theres no possible way to calculate it or guesstimate it unless you use that mod.
      3. Enemy reload times = shows when enemy has reloaded, well one can guess that if you have seen the tank fire, but in other cases its impossible. Now this mod can see if the tank or not is reloaded even before you enter a battle with him. Unfair yes.

      • Face it, the chink was using heavily illegal mods, now he is banned like hes USA ass should have been from the beginning.

  28. Fuck sela, hes a cheater kid using gold ammo, illegal mods, OP tanks and play in clan. I bet I would 1v1 him easily. Im glad the slate eye got banned. Why do these cunts think its okay to use illegal mods that gives huge advantage over others? I only use recieved damage, HD minimap and scope shadow removal, thats it. All other mods than those should be illegal and banned. Like zoom in and xoom out mod and last soptted tenks on minimap.

    Sela if you read this, ahaha fuck you OP illegal cheater. Im waiting for ur cunt ass when u get unbanned.

    • based on,

      received damage announcer is illegal too. so you use OP cheater mods too and likely still suck.

      “Fixing for the player the position of the other players that are not visible by the rules of the game visibility (locking the position of the player that disappeared from sight on map by tracer flares, display of the name of an enemy player that inflicted a non-critical hit remaining out of sight, etc.).”

      • You dont get it, there are many recieved damage indicators, the one I use only shows the damage I have tanken, not information about who made the damage. Silly cunt. Whats wrong showing I have taken 3 hits for 1000 in the following way:

        - Hit 1 300
        - Hit 2 500
        - Hit 3 200

        Pls explain how this is illegal by any standards?

      • Also I dont live in fucking NA ur little cunt, do suck selas dick and dont come here. Go fuck you. Pls tell me ur gamer tag and i will see ur stats little whitey.

    • your an idiot. mods will never make you a better player. sela is still the better player.

      • True to some extent. While they maybe dont make you a better player, unfair advantage is still unfair and also illegal. Sela used illegal mods so he deserve 0 respect, simple as that.

  29. LOL to all you people that think mods make you better . u all been using mods and now you bitching about cheat? if you that good without mods then y u still avg player ?
    Get to his level then talk kids

    • Not ppl better but game better for ppl. Cheat is a strong word, how do u know if its cheat or not? On which forum? EU?NA?SEA? Do you rly think its up to u to decide? Most player base simply do not read forums, heaving fun with computer game usually means avoid forums. U can get insult there, forget about useful info or clear and official rules.

      I am not defending cheaters. In fact it is not possible to defend cheaters here, as there is no rules to decide who is cheater and whos not. Remember Pomfrit?

      If it does not give u any advantage, why do u use it? ;) I know.. u like it (and thats your advantage). Legal? According to what? Common sense? Whos common sense? ;)

      • My mods does give me advantage but its more of a placebo effect because I have tourette syndrom. The same reason I play worse if I have damage done indicatior because it stresses me and make me do misstakes. So yeah my case is special. Im not sure my mods give me any competitive advnatages over other though. If I wanted competitive advantages there would be many more and effectrive mods to use though.

        • Tourettes? Well, THAT explains a lot. However, you still suck at trolling (the key to being a good troll is that, in the ideal scenario, the other party involved doesn’t KNOW that they’re being trolled)

    • I dont think he is good? He use OP tanks, play in platoon, use gold ammo and heavily illegal mods. I hate the fucking fat chink face seeing on twitch. Now he is banned little cunt, now he can go do some noodles.

  30. And ONLY way to get banned for illegal mods is using them on live stream. That’s like sending ticket reporting himself to support. Darwin clapping in his grave for that retard.

    • The kid is not really that smart. If he would, there wouldnt be any reason using gold ammo and illegal mod. He has the typical elitist mentality though he was smart enohgh using mods on stream. Well he got banned and im glad for it. Sends out the message to ppl using similar illegal mods.

      • Lol no it doesn’t. And fact that you are too dumb to google for mods and play too bad to afford gold amo doesn’t make every1 else who can “kid”. WoT sucks cuz of skilless ppl like you, playing with their feet. It’s terryfing that “elitist” is a negativism for you.

        • You are wrong. As I have said many times before I dont use gold ammo because I feel its unfair and fuck up the balance. Imo most guns with regular ammo can pen tanks frontally while hitting weakspots. Also im poor? You call 42 milion credits poor? I have prem account and I earn 10000-15000 credits even on loss, so I guess I dont play so bad?

          Mods, I use mods but only those that clearly dont give any unfair illegal advantages. I dont see what elitist mentaly is good for. Also playing randoms, noobs and skilless people are needed to make game balanced. If all people would be equal good there would be massice campfests and draws and people would complain that they win less and stop playing. So noobs are needed in randoms believe it or not.

          Also look my stats, they are decent beein 100% solo player that never platoons, use gold ammo or OP tanks. Enough said pussy.

          Gold ammo and illegal mods are the worst violators in WOT, that do give people massive unfair advantage due to their lack of skill.

          • I understand and praise your heroic approach but what do you do when you you face tank you cant pene even from back or weak point and you are only two tanks left in the battle?
            Also, for most ppl discussion have much better quality without insults. Ofc do as you wish, I am not preaching, just stating obvious fact.

            • What you do when you cant pen tanks despite aiming for weakspots? Well you back off and accept your loss. Thats how the game is meant to work, your not able to pen all tanks in the game anyways. Playing high tier medium, heavy or tds theres no need for gold ammo because regular ammo is good enough to pen all tank frontally if hitting weakspots (tds and heavys) and also sides and rear (mediums). In tier 9-10 mediums can pen all tanks frontally if hitting weakspots, yes even the t54 with its second gun with 218mm pen.

              Thing is you ruin balance, no fucking way whould a medium or any tank with decent AP pen be able to pen my upper plate on my tiger II while angled. That is effective armor even tier 8-9 TDs ding if hitting. So yes its safe to say gold ammo totaly ruin balance of the game, same with illegal mods shown in the video.

              • Its also safe to say:
                - uniqum players totally ruins the game balance. I know it is available and legal for uniqums to use their skills, but they should not use experience advantage, because it totally ruins the game for average players majority, who prefer just to have a bit of fun, pretending to drive a tank, and do not want freak out in a nolife style
                - Having a good day totally ruins the game balance. If you are having a good day, say 5 wins in a row for starters, press alt+F4, do not use good day advantage because its ruin a game balance!
                - Players who swears, insults, team damages us because we do not helped them in suicide ride etc. totally ruins the game balance (Get civilized guys! Its worth it)
                - etc. etc.
                OK no more sarcasm ;) just wanted to make a point that there are many points of view for a game balance. The most “reliable” is WOT’s point of view because they have as much data about this as the rest of us together (still far away from perfect).

                • @ matka
                  You are right, thats why I made a post on the official forums to make unicums not able to platoon in randoms (this is a true story).

  31. Pingback: [MMORPG]World of Tanks by Hellsfury - Page 239 - TribalWar Forums

  32. White corpse mod should be illegal because it gives the user an advantage when shooting at tanks hiding behind corpses. Dead tank and live tank parts look similar (especially from distance), but pure white crap and live tank parts definitely DON’T.

  33. just an update, and sorry to rain on the schadenfraude: sela’s ban FOR USING MODS has been overturned; he’s no banned for 1 week for using an alt account.

    so those of you saying ‘cheat’: shove it up your arse, looks like WG doesn’t agree with you.

    • pitchfork and torch… check.
      flight ticket to Minsk… check.
      anybody wanna join me?

      • WTF using illegal mods = permaban period! We all saw him using them! Now he gets away with it???? I might as well get these mods myself now if WG doesent give a fuck! Nice message WG is getting out use illegal mods and get you ban overturned… BULLSHIT.
        Packing my bags:
        pitchfork and torch… check.
        flight ticket to Minsk… check.

    • Lol, sucker did cheat because mods he used are illegal simple. If they treat sela different because hes a streamer whore I hope WG NA staff needs a warning and become reported themselves.

  34. In my views. Sela is a decent player who used mods. I don’t really care if he uses mod or not.

    But his mistake is making it publicly known. Thus maybe some mod-hating-grungy-player who hates selas decides to report to WG on the basis of ‘illegal mod use’.

    I don’t freaking care if you use variant of mods in WoT, no need to shout it out publicly on the nets just for pathetic justification and show-offing.

    Its like 3 year old kids bantering about how good their father is….

    @TT3az= from your posts, you really somewhat possess an innate grudge towards him… my untrustworthy guts tell me that you MAYBE started this mess… as a revenge.

    • Well to be honest I reported sela after seeing some of his videos, just like I have reported QB and jingles to WG after watching their videos. But im not sure it was because of that because jingles and QG who use mods I think are illegal, are still not banned. Dont know.

      Im also not sure a EU player can report a NA player..????


  35. Its absolutely correct of WG to ban this dude, he is a cheater that is all he is.

    The falling tree mod is one thing, but reload symbols on enemy tanks showing when they are reloading, it nothing but a cheat. Even a retard should be able to see that.

    Ball all cheaters.

  36. I only recently noticed by watching replays that some of them use a zoom in mod in sniper mode.
    Is that legal? Seems easier to hit weakspots with such a mod. But I haven’t found anything about it..

    • Zoom in mod makes it easier to hit weakspots, but so does the 8.11 fov that was introduced. Im not sure you will hit more though because zoom in doesnt make gun more accurate.

      • True it does nothing at all for accuracy at all.

        In a replay I saw this IS-3 in a hull down position. There’s a hatch above the gun on the turret that’s a weak spot. A Centurion 7/1 combating him. That Cent was so far so normal zoom couldn’t really see that spot until he zoomed in to max. and then it was clear as sitting right in front of him. RNG on his side and all shots went where he aimed and blew up the IS-3 from about 400m away.

        And that’s legal? if it is I’m very tempted to get it.

        • I think zoom in mod should be illegal and also zoom out mod. Not sure it if will make you better player though. Looking at people hit ratios I dont see zoom in mod as a problem, because people generaly suck at aiming in wot.

  37. and there he sits, the fatso, wondering what to do with his life now.

    And nothing of value was lost.

  38. Pls cry more about gold ammo TT3Az WG will do it only for you princess so you can be happy but last time l checked they didnt give a f… about your opinion .

    • Kinda glaringly obvious that one ain’t legit by any stretch of imagination, and this is the first time I’m hearing about it too.

    • yeah upset that people like you need to cheat.
      if there is one thing i hate its cheaters, they destroy every game for people that like to play the game like it shoud be ;-)
      and dont come here to tell us you didnt cheat cuz you did! having a mod(cheat) that let you see from the start of the game were people are going is cheating, and the fact your a streamer, where people look up to makes it even more worse.

    • Listen here kim jong, im EU player and im also banned from the official forums. So so cant really come here expecting I will act “proper”. I doubt you are the real “sela” because if he would come here he would get bashed so hard and hes role as a clan member and streamer would be over.

      • no he won’t be. he’s one of the best players in the game, and you complaining about cheaters is funny considering your steam account linked has a VAC ban on record…

        • and I just connected the dots, pretty certain you’re banned on WotLabs too lol

        • I cheated in CS yes but that was a long time ago. I only write thru steam because I dont wanna get facebook or any other account. But in wot im legit everybody knows that.

        • I dont get why people say hes the best player. I watched his videos, hes movement with tanks, positioning, engling, aiming etc isnt really that good. With 30 fps and 100 ping thats not ideal I got to say that. I many of his vids where he play random he dont even get alot of xp and damage despite playing with clans and use gold ammo. Sorry but I dont see anything I get impressed about, hardly any quality brawling or any fast shots penning enemy tanks. The way he leads the shots at long range is a joke. Sorry but there are plenty of EU probably playing better than him in randoms and prolly in 1v1 as well. As I see it, he dont have the reflexes needed or the situational awareness or “aiming skill” to be able to perform good. Most games are point and click ones, rarely alot of brawling like QB shows in his videos. In terms of good players, I would say QB is better and QB isnt even the best one in the EU community.

        • Great publicity in a negative way, just like I get publicity on these forums, but in a negative manner. Ur a fucking cheater using illegal mods, thats it, and your videos are mediocre. You dont show anything a above average playing in EU community doesnt. Your only strenght is your cheaper mods, nothing else. Sorry but this is EU; we have higher standards to what is considered as “good”. You will have no respect in EU community dude, eben the owner of this blog agrees that is is good u were banned, and you dont fuck with him.

          Now gtfo, you wont gain any respect here. And please show my posts in your twitch stream so all your fans can see how “liked” you are here in EU. Youre a joke.

          • Also in your streams your rude as fuck as well as your goons, complaining about arty players having less skill etc. Amature bullshit. Fuck you and your friends.

        • Get a fucking new PC while you had it, your pathetic wot runs at 30 fps. I have EU on my side, who do you have? You made misstake comming here on this blog with ur little stewie friend. Fuck G clan you are nothing in my eyes.

  39. Banning Sela was by far the most stupid thing by WG to date. Forget the mods. Unlike 99% of WoT players, Sela uses his brain. I cant think of anything more unfair than that. Maybe bots are more unfair, and hurts the gameplay as a whole, especially for the team that has the bots. But WG doesnt wanna get rid of bots. Get rid of Sela first. It is more important.
    And for all the haters here, you wouldnt beat any of G members even if they had one of their hands chopped off, regardless of the mods you use.
    Bad move.

    • Not unfair, he use illegal mods and should be banned because of that. He use brain lol, bad argument there are players playing better than him with no illegal mods and they use the brain as much pr even more.

      You really think there are no players here that would be better than those in G clan? I have watched sela I dont think hes that good, QB is prolly better in terms of tank movements, engling and aiming etc. Which is important when you play solo.

      • None of those mods were on the NA ban list at the time he was using them.

        Imagine getting your drivers license revoked because while you were on the road a sudden law change happened that changed the maximum speed to 30km/h. You’re driving at 60km/h so you’re breaking the law.

        Banning mods is fine, but you need to actually make sure everyone knows what’s banned and what isn’t.

        Also, comparing QuickieBaby to Sela is the most hilariously stupid thing I’ve ever heard…

  40. TT3Az you the only one here bitching all day like Sela or WG or even all this people here give a fuck about your opinion.

  41. if you that good then show us stream u shit skills and prove us you good but thats smth u wont do cuz you lil ass is bad at wot

    • Comming from US, you write pretty bad english. Why would I stream, im not a entertainer. But feel free to check my stats, my name is t3azz in wot. I got nothing to hide because I play clean unlike sela and his – G -ays. Thing is i dont think sela plays really good and alot of people in the EU community would agree with that. You can expect us to be impressed just because he has 3000 wn.

      Also talking about “skill” what skill does actually sela have? Positioning bad, tenk movement bad, aiming bad, reflex bad. What does sela really have except abusing gold ammo, platooning, OP tanks and illegal mods? Several of his vids showing that he is getting killed in noob situations and making little damage despite all these advantages. Not sure if im suppose to be impressed.

      • Abusing gold ammo? He does better than you in his E100 firing HE only. On the other hand, Straik, which is good btw, abuses a lot more of gold ammo and you dont see a problem with that. And Straik also makes a lot of mistakes, despite of the fact that he plays in the ru server, against the worst and most coward players ever. I laughed so hard when two 100% IS7s were scared to death of rushing Straik in his centurion 7/1. It is so easy to get good stats this way.

  42. Wait a second…

    “Explicit highlighting of game objects that may seem dangerous as non-hazardous (e.g., white textures on destroyed tanks).”

    That’s against the rules? So the smoke billowing up from a destroyed tank is illegal?? Crap…I am so banned. How do I shut it off?!?! Quick! Someone make a mod that makes a dead tank look exactly like a live one so we don’t all get banned for being able to distinguish between dead tanks and alive tanks!!

  43. How was he a cheater when those mods aint banned and dont affect his skills at all …. meh tired of this peace EU baddies

    • a mod doenst need to be banned to be a cheater ;-)
      every mod banned or not that gives you a clear profit is called cheating, and seeing where the enemy players are going from the start of the battle is cheating, and now another question did they used those mods also during cw? you fanboy’s said he uses his brain? no he didnt, he was cheating and did it on his stream so everybody coud see it.

    • FFS how many more times?

      The EULA ( that everyone agrees to when they play ) states you are not allowed to use mods like that, although they don’t mention them by name. The reason for this is so idiots can’t say ” but that mod isn’t on the ban list” A mod can be named anything and pretty soon you will get people renaming mods so they aren’t on the ban list, even though there is no difference.

  44. he deserve to be is that with the direction and trees falling time of reloaded gun..really..he fkn deserves to be permaban

    • Totally agree, most mods only show information that one can calculate and guess. How ever falling trees and enemy reload and even turret direction. These things nobody can know because they cant simply see that shit or even guess or calculate it, unless beeing so fucking close and in that case you wouldnt need those mods.

      Nothing against mods, but these mods he used were clearly illegal and totally fucking unfair in all possible ways. And he also knew it juding by his comments from his streams. I dont undwerstand why he should just get a slap on the wrist and 5 days ban just because hes a streamer and a “good” player. If it would be a 45% wr siema tard using these mods people would prolly be less forgiving which shows the double standards the community has.

  45. Hehe I see sela_NA is on EU servers playing if i see u in my team im gonna make the team tk u. Even better I 1v1 u in tier 8 heavy, no gold ammo.

  46. I went back to Vanilla, actually only used Jimbo’s and wanted to try going back.
    The difference isn’t big, but I like it more, playiong the way it was created…

  47. I doubt it will be a perma ban.

    I think a temporary ban is deserved, but a perma ban should be just if they clearly stated which Mods or at least which mods features should be bannable.

    • He got a 7 day ban he says. Cus he cried to support cus the mod he used is not banned it the EULA specifically. Nor did he get a warning. He was banned by a mod watching the stream.. or so he says.

      But now he is streaming again on his EU account. With the warpack mod installed. The idiot. Cus Warpack is not in the EULA. This guy is a genius.

  48. I just contacted support as I am having certain concerns towards a small group of players on ESL. Here’s the answer:

    “(…)Thank you for reporting this issue to our Support team. We appreciate your concerns and interest in helping us moderate and maintain a better community.

    Please, check this article as it explains the usage of cheats and illegal mods:

    At the moment there is no list or policy against mods, such thing is being discussed. For now, players should not use mods that are considered to give unfair advantages over the other players.

    Thank you for your understanding.


    Make your own judgment LOL!

  49. in addition to above, I have extracted the following:

    - “4.06. Using bots, clickers, macros, keyboard and mouse recorders, or any other similar methods to accumulate credits and experience without the participation or with passive participation of the player within the battle.”

    - “4.08 Any conduct that is considered by Wargaming staff as disruptive to the gaming experience of others can be sanctioned in accordance to rule 1.04. This conduct includes and is not limited to: malicious and/or intentional in-game harassment, intentional exploitation of in-game mechanics or any action that intentionally goes against or abuses the game design. The application of game restrictions will always be done to protect a positive and fun gaming environment and will be applied after careful investigation and internal deliberation.”

    - “1.04. may suspend, terminate, modify, or delete accounts at any time for any reason or for no reason, with or without notice to the owner of the account. Accounts terminated by for any type of abuse, including without limitation a violation of these rules or the EULA, will not be reactivated for any reason. For purposes of explanation and not limitation, most account suspensions, terminations and/or deletions are the result of violations of these rules, the End-User License Agreement (EULA), or other policy. Players may cancel any account registered to themselves at any time by following the instructions on the Website. may stop offering and/or supporting any service at any time.”


    - “9.2.: If you are in material breach with the Game Rules, then we may, at our reasonable discretion depending on the seriousness of the breach take some or all of the following actions:


    3. suspend or terminate your Account as provided in the Terms of Service.
    If the breach is your first breach, if it is not flagrant, if it is capable of cure, and if the circumstances allow us to do so, then we shall give you 14 (fourteen) calendar days prior written notice of the impending Account closure to give you the opportunity to cure the breach during such time period. If we suspend your Account, then during the period of that suspension you will not be able to access your Account or use any of the Services. If we close your Account, then you will never be able to access your Account and we may also prohibit you from accessing or using the Services in future.”
