25 thoughts on “New Ranzar Video

    • I wish it can at least get a Rate-of-fire buff
      Its DPM is bad even when its top tier and facing lights! T18 with its 75mm, shoots faster and aim faster!!!
      its a accuracy is better than the t18, but at battle tiers 4-6 ?
      Now it usually sees tier 5-6 more often than my Hetzer ….

      • 9 rof + 110 dmg…
        that makes duck’s gun imo worse than B1′s gun
        DPM comparable to tier 2…

    • It does not need a buff in anthining other than MM. And becaouse WG are tring to “rebalance scout roles, AMX will get normal tier 4 MM someday.

  1. I thought the AMX 40 was going to communicate with arty, instead something completely random happens.

    • The day the loltraktor stood still
      Plan 40 from outer space
      Close encounters of the MS-1 kind
      Invasion of the T18 snatchers

  2. How do I get a cartoon idea to RanZar ?

    I have looked at RanZar.com but my Russian only goes so far as Vodka, and then gets worse after consuming the said Vodka.

    Any one know ?