Hello everyone,
as you know, Russian supertesters can be sometimes encountered lately on EU server, testing the roaming feature. They usually use more exotic vehicles: we’ve seen the T95E6, Grosstraktor and now the SU-76I as well. Thanks to EiKarramba (who sent me the pictures) and Opop7 (who made them), much appreciated.
Hmm, interesting. Maybe next we will see the SU-85i next. Have any Supertesters been seen on the NA Server yet?
Saw months ago, one of them was testing that roaming thing, and using the (in)famous T-44-85…
Why infamous ? It was shit and recalled for further balancing.
we’re not getting it. Period! SerB has already said this tank will be exclusive for the Russian and Chinese/SEA Servers only.
no thats the T-44-122. we’re not getting the T-44-85 because the devs abandoned it due to balancing issues and were now getting the light T-54 instead.
I want it!! I absolutely adore anything made on the Pz.III chassiss, it all just looks so cute, like the StuG. And it’s bound to be mobile too!
I hope they’ll give it away at Gamescom, because that’s where I’m going this year!!
“I hope they’ll give it away at Gamescom”
No just no
Why not? They gave away the pzII Js or whatever that was. I mean if it comes to premium shops I’ll buy it, but even better if I get it for free and you don’t get it at all >:D
Still hope that nerver happen, you dont need to try hard :*
they didn’t gave away pz2J’s, you had to buy some kind of special pre-order game package. as far as i can recall from my last gamescom visit, they didn’t even give away anything. (well except those crowdhype throwaways ofc)
Russian bastards just like showing off.
Great that you finally also got something from me and not always that i take just stuff from you :D
I don’t just WANT one, I NEED one. With it’s limited MM and somewhat effective armor it will be perfect for hunting T18s.
Damn sexy little thing.
No EU or NA supertesters, how terrible…
There is stuff (related to WG) that is way way better then being a Supertester. But it is less glamorous, it is unpaid, it is unknown and generally requires long hours… That don’t always produce results. But… once in awhile… it makes it to the end and you can say… yah… I worked on that.
I give all the Pufft!! to Supertesting.
It doesn’t mean we’ll get this tank. so don’t hope for it. Just like the Pz II J. They’ll make it exclusive for the Russian and Chinese Servers only!
Damn, The Russians and Chinese are sooo lucky. I’d buy an SU-76i
Looks like the first fight seen so far which has been carrred by a supertester…
Or is the wehicle OP then?
Tier III with Stug III armor
Keep dreaming, it’s got 50 mm armor on the lower plate and 45 mm on the sloped. It will be a tough target for t2 and some t3 but it’s butter to t4
The only supertester I saw was quite some time back playing the Obj907 and still eager to know its fate…