Hello everyone,
so, I downloaded the latest version of the 9.0 test (the one that’s supposed to be “final”) and, well…
No, it was a disaster. Let me start by noting that in previous rounds, I had zero problems with this patch. Everything worked for me and I ran the game with the same amount of FPS on same details (high model details) as in 8.11. Garage loaded just fine, here are the two new models:
Not sure what changed, but in first 4 battles, I was able to uncover following (some gamebreaking) bugs:
- Silhouettes no longer work for me:
Here I am aiming at the guy, straight at him – nothing. Same for both sniper more and regular mode.
- INSANE loading times:
In 8.11 all maps (apart from Windstorm) load pretty fast for me. I usually start the battle 10 secs before the battle begins. In the first tests, the map (Winter Himmelsdorf) loaded for like THREE MINUTES and I ended up in the battle TWO MINUTES after it started. It was never like that before. I was like “oh well, models gotta unpack and all that shit, okay” – next battle, I started 30 seconds into the game. You can imagine how terribly gamebreaking that is, when top tank of your team is not there for first two minutes of combat for example. This is really, really bad. And I don’t have as weak a computer as SerB and Storm claim 30 percent of Russians do…
- 9.0 patch notes say “Added an option to disable the aim post-effect for Sniper Mode.” – like that green tint? How? I haven’t found a way to do that and I have post-effects in sniper mode disabled
- Centurion 7 HD model is cool, but in sniper mode, it can see its own tracks:
- T-34/85 HD tracks are modelled incorrectly – every second one is missing:
And last but not least: looking at the picture above, you might have noticed that the T-34/85 screenie looks more shitty than usual. For some reason, the battle was started with minimum details. After I left it, the hangar was just a white screen, the game said “ERROR NOT ENOUGH MEMORY” and crashed. What the actual FUCK? It worked just fine until this test round.
Sounds like this one was organized by WG EU
lel :D
Epic :D
Oh shit u nailed it nigga
awww sheeet, even Obama Care cant cover that sick burn
someone get this man a cookie!
Storm – Working as intended.
That’s SerB’s catchphrase
Storm. SerB, Cowshit, all the same to me
yeah we noticed…
At first I was like “seeing tracks is cool”
Then I realized they have protection over…wtf WG
1. Loss of FPS… RANDOM LOSS of FPS. One battle, its maximum 900p 50 fps on mah 5770 (like it was in previous tests and in 8.11), next it is 4-5 fps… totally random and on same maps even …
2. Centurion and T-34-85 bug.
3. Is it me or are the HD models less good then in test 1?
4. Load time SLIGHTLY higher.
5. Random lag as well :P . though it is test so no big deal.
In the near future… I see… programmers… working long hours.
Also whips & chains.
9.0 is shit
8.11 i had 40-60 fps max settings
9.0 test now i have 10 fps on minimum settings
what the hell WG?
Not possible.
Actually it is… I’ve got the same exact problem and i got amd a10-5800k 16gb of ram and a r9 280x
Yeah right, R9 280x and u say that u have 10 fps? PFFF!!!!
I have an GeForce GT 640, and i have 60-80 fps on medium (some settings turned off and some settings on maximum).
So there is no way that u have an R9 280x with 10 fps, haha.
probably a bug with AMD based graphics
I have an overclocked GTX 580 with 3GB of memory and I experienced a massive framerate drop. It’s not a joke, and it doesn’t seem to be an AMD thing either, as I have an Intel CPU.
so why in the nine realms do you pair a high end R9 280X with a piece of shit low end entry crap cpu like ANY AMD CPU?, SPECIALLY shitty APUs?
there’s your basic problem, go put that high end GPU with a CPU that can feed it correctly, an i5-45xx will suffice
Why the fuck would you buy amd processor? Also A10? Isn’t that APU? Buy a normal intel CPU and any GPU you want…
Running an A10 7850k OC’d to 4.1ghz and an R9 270x, running max at a steady 40+ FPS.
Your processor simply has really low single-threaded capability, and WoT is still running on a single thread. I did a lot of research before settling on the Kaveri core, as it’s single-thread is decent enough for something as backwards as WoT while future proofed for any kind of HSA benefits if they materialize. Unfortunately, the 5800k is an old die and architecture that’s barely at E8400 levels of single-threading speed.
Guillermo Lovato, Anti-Communist, you Intel fanboys crack me up…lol. It’s not that you like Intel that I find laughable, it’s the fact you’re a fanboy. I like Intel, but I have the FX8350 with a GTX550ti and 12GB RAM. I get 60-70 fps on max settings w/only shadows, AA, and motion blur turned off. And roughly the same on the test server.
I have an FX8350 as well, and during normal play (regardless of what videocard I am using) I get about the same as you Nom. I just replaced my 7870 with an R290 though. Haven’t tested tanks yet with the new card. And I back up what Googleuser34 said, These APUS from AMD are great multi threaders but archaic platforms such as the current WOT will not use any of the good portions of the APU.
hmmm… weird… contours work fine for me…
- 9.0 patch notes say “Added an option to disable the aim post-effect for Sniper Mode.” – like that green tint? How? I haven’t found a way to do that and I have post-effects in sniper mode disabled
It’s in the general menu, just below minimap transparency. It’s called “Enable optics effects in sniper mode”. Uncheck to disable.
To be fair, 9.0 test 1 and 2 were not okay SS, you might consider that, but many people disagree. Test 3 might be even more fucked up, I agree, but nothing in 9.0 patch were that good actually.
For me it isn’t even working … it keeps saying “incorrect email or password ” … sigh …
Use old password. The test server uses month-old data, so if you changed your password recently use the old one.
Thanks, but the password is quite old …
Anyway, trying with the OLD old old passowd, i’ve got the message that my account is suspended because of the splitting between EU and something else …
Because you are an early beta tester. Nothing you can do about it, WG copied the wrong account.
If you want to be sure to get on the next test (0.9.1) then create a 2nd account.
‘When it’s done it’s done’
I kinda like those glitched 35-85 tracks… :(
I wonder if the HD models still have camo bleed-through on the gun rifling still… or if the tier 4 Stug has camo pattern scaling issues since Test 1.
Yeah, the guns still aren’t using the correct camomasks. And the sherman track pins are still fubar. Nothing changed here.
the M4 trackpin isue is funny because T95 has the same type of tracks and the pins are modelled correctly :D
I cannot confirm any graphics glitches, or problems… but I can confirm problem with quitting the game…
Can anybody confirm that surround sound is working? It’s absent since 8.11 on my system.
Launcher says….. Second test of 9.0 :P
It is second. The first one was “historical battles test”, then came the “official” Test 1 and now the test 2.
SerB: How terrible.
Finally we will maybe get 8.12 version of the game instead of 9.0. Haha.
9.0 postponed until the devs get sober again.
- Centurion 7 HD model is cool, but in sniper mode, it can see its own tracks
cool, now they should do this for all tanks, and make the hull visible in sniper mode as well :P
seriously, until 8.10 there was a mod for this, and it looks great. i think it was abandoned in 8.11, tho :(
Hey do you have a link for this mod ? I’m quite curious to see what was the result. Do you know why it as be abandoned?
7years old rig here. game loads the same for me. About 20seconds but now i get some heavy stutter in-game on some maps. it stressed my HDD so bad i thought some automatic update was running, but it was nothing.
FUBAR patch
I dont have any problems with game nor battle loading…
What a perfect description of my felings …
About 8.11. I suddenly had to take grafics from high to medium/low, and now get the “not enough operational memory” ticket once per 10 battles, even though only 1,8 GB out of 3 is used…
Does someone know if new centurion 7/1 have better sloped ufp?
Luckly all works for me, only bug which i noticed in my game are those T-34s tracks.
For everyone experiencing significant map load/fps issues immediately after patching, download a good defrag software (e.g. defraggler) and have it analyze your drive to check that the map packages are thrown all over the place. Windows is super bad at keeping the files together (since it doesn’t matter for things like word docs).
I expect many more people to experience this issue in 9.0 since they decided to create a shared resource package that’s 1.2GB…. Sounds good in theory (saves on a lot of redundancy, reducing the size of the DL), but windows doesn’t know to keep it together, so it gets scatter all over your HDD
yeah, i can confirm that. remember in 8.11 some players complained about almost the same thing, long loading times, fps drops at the beginning of the game, like i also did, and defragging solved the problem. now, in 9.0, i have the same problems with tracks popping up in sniper mode when driving the centurion 7/1, links missing in t-34-85 tracks, but loading maps goes as normal as before, only problem is that now a message is popping up that i have to wait for other players (for like 30-60 seconds before the starting game ticker begins the countdown), so i believe their computers are still loading the map.
i use diskeeper 12 pro, and while installing or downloading something, it automatically places the blocks in their defragging friendly location. while not so smart in doing this auto thingy, in idle mode it does autodefragg and keeps my drives frags free. you could give defraggler a try, it´s a free and really good tool. or auslogics defragger, and see if your loading time improves.
It’s probably system-related to you. Everything fine for me. Try to defrag too and report if it helps.
Terrible test version !
T-34-85 causes horrible fps drops to me and thouse tracks are buged like shit.
Tiger I’s tracks sparkle like a night reflector
I’ll probably stick with the old models. Only 150gb hdd (3rd world), and it looks silly to have brand new tenks among old bricks..
I understand you aren’t happy, but complaining that a test release has bugs is overreacting. Good that you reported them at least.
This my friends is why we have the test server, so this kind of shit won’t be on the live server.
now all we need is for people to actually start reporting bugs instead of just checking out big tanks they dont have and whining about bugs in blogs…
So, I’m posting a list of that failed to work correctly;
-HD models,
-New lighting renderer,
-Volumetric firing effects,
-Updated 3D models, and so on.
Basically, with this patch, this fucking piece of shit game started sucking on its’ own even harder than before.
Good thing I’m preparing to leave WoT and Wargaming for good, with a “fabulous” forum thread.
Downloaded and tested:
- Silhouettes no longer work for me:
Didn’t experience this at all?
- INSANE loading times:
No issues at all, everything loaded fine
- Centurion 7 HD model is cool, but in sniper mode, it can see its own tracks:
- T-34/85 HD tracks are modelled incorrectly – every second one is missing:
Yep, both issues present
And last but not least: looking at the picture above, you might have noticed that the T-34/85 screenie looks more shitty than usual. For some reason, the battle was started with minimum details. After I left it, the hangar was just a white screen, the game said “ERROR NOT ENOUGH MEMORY” and crashed. What the actual FUCK? It worked just fine until this test round.
Haven’t noticed anything like that, ran as smooth as previous tests. Really enjoyed Centurion, because it moves great.
Probably because you have a computer two or more grades above mine :)
You should have a category or something with your specs available somewhere so people can compare. Btw, I have a bit above-average setup, but no gaming beast (I intentionally didn’t go for i7 and took i5 instead, for example)
In the past, tank outlines missing has been due to graphics card settings in Windows. Usually AA forced on by the graphics driver. May be you got an updated driver pushed through at the same time, does 8.11 work ok?
Not enough memory error back, nice to see an old bug make a return.
I see that performace wise, some players have the same amount of FPS, some actually experience drops (more or less massive). I have i5 750 OC’d to 3.6 GHz and MSI GTX 460 HAWK and while the live server is perfectly smooth with like 40+ FPS on medium/high (my FPS are dropping one bigger patch after another, though), test server is stuttering like hell.
For instance, on Windstorm I had 20-30 FPS at the western base when looking towards the city (and I found interesting graphics glitch http://imgur.com/3wgJ2nh,rjOdSxw,P4EZa54,wFCMrYd,wISOCPR,jaWfz5C look at tracks). Another problem is camera panning which causes very annoying stuttering (FPS drops?). Another stuttering comes when switching between arcade and sniper mode. For instance, I’m in arcade mode with solid 40 FPS, switching to sniper, small delay, switching back, delay again. FPS goes from 40 to like 25 for a second and then returns back to normal during these delays, but it’s very, very annoying.
The funny thing is, lowering my settings increases FPS, but stuttering when panning still occurs. And after four battles, everything goes black, fan starts to roar and “NVIDIA Driver crashed and has recovered”. If this thing goes live, I have no idea how will I be able to play. I have my live client on SSD so I believe that it may smooth some things out, but I don’t expect miracles.
Keywords (TL;DR): FPS drops, stuttering, lags, driver crash and shit :-)
(and I found interesting graphics glitch http://imgur.com/3wgJ2nh,rjOdSxw,P4EZa54,wFCMrYd,wISOCPR,jaWfz5C look at tracks).
I see nothing out of order? Independent suspension?
Look at the tracks getting white. It kind of “sticks” on it, even at places where the tracks are not touching ground (last screen, me and Tortoise too). And it doesn’t do that anywhere else so I don’t believe they are testing that mud/snow/whatever sticking on tracks feature yet :-).