is look for me reach the limit for this acount is weird and this one not work wowp i try mayber later
It’s gone… and I tried rly fast!
wow sick…
from request timed out
to server temporarily not available
and you reached the code usage limit
within a minute…
It was code called “wgl_gf_qrcodelandingpage_del_015.jpg”. And yes, it was on leaked list. When i told that on Twitch chat i was Permbanned so THEY ALL KNOW THAT and want to KEEP ppl by posting USED codes.
ffs WHY CAN’T WE GET THE BONUS CODES AS TIME-LIMITED ONES???? it wouldn’t stress the server so much…
i’m get 90 times the “connection timed out”… then “too many attempts”…
timeout doesnt matter just check your gold before and afterwards, it worked with the last codes even with timeouts
Well thats sick.. if they will now send us codes from that bunch which was leaked…
its not fair :-)
I’m still trying to enter first one -.-
same here…
Thought you said ALL codes have been spent because of that leak? obviously this doesnt work.
CONFIRMED. This is one of the leaked codes and already spent codes!
too late… WoWp site gave me time out :(
No luck with this one :(
is look for me reach the limit for this acount is weird and this one not work wowp i try mayber later
It’s gone… and I tried rly fast!
wow sick…
from request timed out
to server temporarily not available
and you reached the code usage limit
within a minute…
It was code called “wgl_gf_qrcodelandingpage_del_015.jpg”. And yes, it was on leaked list. When i told that on Twitch chat i was Permbanned so THEY ALL KNOW THAT and want to KEEP ppl by posting USED codes.
ffs WHY CAN’T WE GET THE BONUS CODES AS TIME-LIMITED ONES???? it wouldn’t stress the server so much…
i’m get 90 times the “connection timed out”… then “too many attempts”…
timeout doesnt matter just check your gold before and afterwards, it worked with the last codes even with timeouts
Well thats sick.. if they will now send us codes from that bunch which was leaked…
its not fair :-)
I’m still trying to enter first one -.-
same here…
Thought you said ALL codes have been spent because of that leak? obviously this doesnt work.
CONFIRMED. This is one of the leaked codes and already spent codes!
Idiots are giving away the already worthless codes LMAO. Well done WG!
Yes… bunch of them but today (the first one) worked smooth :-)
FT7BC6VZ87 – “You have reached the code usage limit.”
No point in trying anymore
And now I get: “You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.” here on the FTR page, even though its my first comment of today…