A Couple of Pics from the USA

Hello everyone,

Matthew Vargyas was kind enough to send me a couple of pictures he made of American vehicles. Check this out:

These are from US Army Basic Combat Training Museum, Fort Jackson, South Carolina


BCTM - Museum Entrance

M41A1 Walker Bulldog

BCTM - M41A1

BCTM - M41A1 Driver Port

M26 Pershing

BCTM - M26 Front

M4A3E8 “Easy Eight”


BCTM - M4A3E8 Side

Heavy tank T30 (damn, what a monster)

BCTM - T30 at 20ft

BCTM - T30 Back

BCTM - T30 From Side

BCTM - T30 Front Left

These pictures are from the Citadel (Military College in South Carolina)

USMC LTV(A)-4 (75mm howitzer)

The Citadel - LVT - 75mm

M4 Sherman, made to look like the insignia carrying tank of Creighton Abrams from World War II

The Citadel - M4 Sherman

These are from American Legion Post 112, Madison, Ohio

M60A3 Patton

Madison, OH - M60A3 From Back Left

Madison, OH - M60A3 From Front

M103 Heavy Tank in front of Euclid City Hall, Euclid, Ohio

Euclid Ohio - M103 Front

Euclid, OH - M103 Back

Euclid, OH - M103 Side

38 thoughts on “A Couple of Pics from the USA

  1. That’s not an LVT(A)-4. Not sure exactly what it is, but it’s one of the (many, many) experimental LVTs.

  2. Fort Leonard Wood also has a few Sherman’s, Pattons, and Walker Bulldogs. Went there last week, they seemed so small but they are huge.

  3. T30 would have such a disturbing appearance on the battlefield… it’s a shame murricans never deployed it to fight the Tigers.

    • it was a heavy but Wg thought oh we have found some high Tier Heavies so lets move the t30 to a tier9 td…

    • From what i remember the line used to look like this: T29 –> T32 –> T34–> T30 which as u can see doesnt really differ much. So when they found the M103 and T110E5 they made the T34 a teir 8 prem heavy and put the M103 at teir 9 heavy, and the T30 was moved to the turreted TD branch at teir 9[I assume they made it a TD cause the americains lacked high teir turreted td's. I believe i also read that the T110E4 in its current state in the game is a WG work of fiction] and the T110E5 at teir 10 heavy.

      • That’s right.

        But they could have search for something else to put on the TDs branch and make 2 tier 10 heavies like this:

        T29 > T32 > T34 > T30
        T29 > T32 > M103 > T110E5

        But then I wouldn’t have a free tier 8 premium… nah, scratch that. It’s fine as it is. T30 is a TD :P

    • Also people whined a lot about T34 (it was a damn hard grind, I didn’t went through it…just got the T34), but I heard it was much more fun to play than now. Also T30 vs Maus, E-100 and IS-7 was deemed underpowered by lots and lots of players.

  4. Why looks the back of the M103 ingame different then the one in the pictures (I mean like the M60 ?)
    Is it because it’s an later version than the one ingame?
    And if so, why can’t we have these version :(

    • it will most likely be an alternate hull option as soon as they add alternate hulls to the game

    • That’s because in the game we have the original version, M103A1, which had the back like T30 (sloped inwards, no intakes). However, the original M103 powertrain was weak as hell, so in the M103A2 they put M60′s powertrain in it.
      So if it’s’ever an alternative hull, I want better track traverse and faster engine repairs :P

    • That valentine doesn’t look like it’s in bad shape. And if you think all tanks look as good as these, check out Aberdeen proving grounds. They just paint the tank white and put it out to rust.
      The more tanks a place has, the harder and expensiver it is to keep them all in shape.

    • “Equal”?

      2012 US military budget: $682 billion.
      2012 Russian military budget: $90.7 billion.

      2013 US GDP: $16.8 trillion.
      2013 Russian GDP: $2.1 trillion.

    • The americans have a lot of “fresh air” museums as well, where the stuff just rots away.

      • Gas resources
        Russia 48,600,000,000,000 m³ (Rank No.1)
        USA 9,460,000,000,000 m³ (Rank No.5)

        Gold production
        Russia 200,000 kilograms per year (Rank No.4)
        USA 237,000 kilograms per year (Rank No.3)

        Oil production
        Russia 10,900,000 bbl/day (Rank No.1)
        USA 8,453,000 bbl/day (Rank No.3)

        Top 10 Countries with the Most Diamonds Found:
        Russia are No.1, and USA not even in the top 10. LOL.
        (Russia contributes about 22% of the world’s diamond supply.)

        …And so far and so on… The fact is: USSR have WAY WAY WAY more resources than USA, but country face looking like monkey ars.

        • As any number of (other) third-world countries could tell you, merely having some fancy natural resources in your territory amounts to jackshit by itself.

          Or to give an inverse example, Japan is one of the richest countries in the world and basically boasts diddly squat thereof.

  5. That T30 is just too badass. Awesome.
    Also, GJ Muricans for keeping those tanks in good condition.

  6. It’s nice to see a good looking M103 and T30. I usually see the rusted M103 and an old black and white pic of T30 posted before. Or I just didn’t looked enough for more pics on the internet.. Nice pics and T30 looks awesome compared to in game version