
- in 9.1, LT’s starting from tier 4 will have their MM spread limited
- the reason why balance issues in random battles are not solved by increasing the MM weight if that respective tank is that increasing the MM weight doesn’t make players play that vehicle any less. This can be partially observed in the HB mode.
- Q: “Was it considered to implement a mode, where there would be no bases and the battle would be won only by killing everyone?” A: “T95 GMC on one team and T71 on the other are not amused”
- damage model changes in WoT? Storm: “And who needs that?”
- apparently, Edrard’s wot-news cehicle statistics are wrong (Storm: “This is not statistics, but god knows what”)
- for now it is not known how (if) gold ammo will be rebalanced, developer opinions differ
- the 25 percent RNG is “optimal for WG playerbase” and won’t be changed
- there will not be a common server for EU and RU players (“wait for roaming”)

95 thoughts on “10.4.2014

  1. Not sure why WG insists that the purpose of nerfing something is simply to make people play it less.

  2. “…- in 9.1, LT’s starting from tier 4 will have their MM spread limited…”
    Please don’t destroy the Chaffee like you destroyed my T-50. please !

    • Chaffee will be changed like either VK28.01 or T-50-2(seeing as its a real tank VK style change is what is most likely) Chaffee nerf was announced before VK28.01 was made a Tier 6.

    • Or my ELC, or my Luchs, Or my T71, or my Type 62, or the scouts I want to buy in the future.

      Goddamnit WG, Newbies will be Newbies until they learn. Scout MM is fine. If any balancing needed to be done it was fixing some camo-ratings, where scouts are more visible than tier X mediums.
      As far as making newbies learn, all you need to do is make it clear which tanks in the game are lights, and which are classified as scouts.
      Your playerbase has been asking for this for over a year (at least as long as I have been playing)
      It isn’t that scouts are broken, it is that YOU are not making this information visible IN GAME.

      My reccommendations:

      New symbol for scout tanks in tech-tree – (circle? close to light tank sysmbol but still distinct)

      Take the videos of tank classes you already have, or make some new ones. Splice them up into 30s segments or so, detailing the roll of the tank and basic tactics / hints.
      When a player unlocks a new type of tank, (tier II med / TD / SPG, tier IV scout or heavy, make it compulsory to watch the first time (it’s only short) but make it possible to watch again (or before unlocking the tank) (by right clicking on any tank of a class and having a “watch video” option)
      To save your bandwidth and space on clients, just make it a frame with embedded youtube player/other video service.
      Doing this will inform the players, and they can then make the choice whether to go down the line or not.

      Expand your tutorial, make it actually show how spotting works, bush mechanics etc.
      As it is, it finishes off telling players to sit in bushes (camp) in medium tanks and shoot from inside them (instead of behind them). Your own tutorial is teaching new players bad tactics!
      Fix the tutorial, and then make it compulsory for players who have not done it.

      These measures ‘may’ improve the average ability of players, and frustrate them less (new players + retention = more money for you)

      • I think you’re needlessly worrying, Baldrickk. Tier eight scouts are a lot of fun. T71, which has only at most a three-tier spread, as opposed to four, is a lot of fun.

        Scouts two tiers below top are powerful and fun. Sure, you CAN have a great game in your ELC at tier nine, or in your 59-16 or equivalent, at tier ten. But chances higher that it will be a frustrating experience (what if you can only spot, but you have only scrubs on the team that aren’t able to exploit it?).

        Limiting the tier spread of scouts IMO is definitely the right way to go and will improve the enjoyment for scout players without taking anything away from it.

  3. ” in 9.1, LT’s starting from tier 4 will have their MM spread limited”

    Does this mean , that Pz38Na , M5 and others will have their MM reduced ?

  4. limiting numbers of gold shells, as in historical battles, seems a decent solution.

  5. - in 9.1, LT’s starting from tier 4 will have their MM spread limited

    I’m both happy and sad abut it.
    It will definitely make it easier for new players and we will see fewer useless-kamikazee-scouts.
    On the other hand I have kept Chinese M5A1 Stuart just for these tier 7 and 8 battles, just for the fun of being in extreme battle conditions (and if I fail no one complains as I’m not expected to do much in the first place).

    • I kept Luchs for basically the same purpose, not to mention for crazy stunts and drifting :D

    • We don’t know how much the spread will be limited, but even if they get normal MM you can always Platoon. I often take my Ke-Ho into tier 7-8 platoons because it’s a pretty damned good scout.

      • That’s true … but “troll platoons” often get flamed and then flamed even more when someone, even skilled player, make a mistake.

        Also I don’t platoon that very often and in fact I prize my in-game accomplishments as they are result of mostly solo random play.

        Just a wild thought though …. what if “tier spread limited” means that tier 4 lights will see ONLY tier 6,7 and 8 battles? Trolling at it’s finest :P

        • It’s actually ridiculous how WELL i do with my PZIC in tier 10 battles. For whatever reason, i end up in top 5 xp between scouting and drive-by shooting Leopards and arty.

  6. - in 9.1, LT’s starting from tier 4 will have their MM spread limited

    Wait, what? Does that mean that scouts’ MM goes out of the window? My Leopard, Cougar, FailPanther are very happy. But on the other hand Yank T71 will be even more brutal. And is it a hint at possible introduction of ‘murrican Light Branch in 9.1?

  7. “- the 25 percent RNG is “optimal for WG playerbase” and won’t be changed”
    ergo, WoT is tailored for retards

    • How hard is it to understand that RNG is actually needed for the game to be interesting. If you lower it too much every engagement is decided before it even begins.

      • The number of times that somewhat uninterested player had a great match due to more or less randomness and not skill and then bought a premium tank or gold are what WG is saying about “perfect for our player base”. Even the player numbers 15vs15 pretty much minimizes any effect one player can have on the battle and maximises the opourtunities to have a great battle even with minimal skill.

        You can be sure that 44% player has as about as many great stories in WoT as your biggest unicum player.

        • …in no small part because he’s too ignorant of the game to be able to tell which ones were actually meritorous.

          He also has bottom-dredging metrics instead of unicum ones, which ought to tell you something about what actually matters in the grand scheme of things.

      • Ofc it’s needed to keep the retards interested in playing. RNG is only meant to give the retards a chance against the good players, as obviously good players make less mistakes, giving the game less opportunities to compensate these msitakes with a good roll of the RNG.
        I would have no problem if the engagements were decided before theyr even began, as most of the time they’d be in my favour. But alas, I guess good players are way outnumbered.

  8. “in 9.1, LT’s starting from tier 4 will have their MM spread limited”

    Holy crap…I might even enjoy playing light tanks again when this happen.

  9. “in 9.1, LT’s starting from tier 4 will have their MM spread limited”

    So instead of fixing the problems light tanks have they introduce yet another crutch..

    Give them +30 m viewrange and they have a use.

    • view ranges are fine.
      It’s that scouts get spotted even further away that is the problem, they should get some of the camo they lost back in 8.6 back.

  10. I stopped playing WoT (although not completely) days ago, started playing again an old ship-and-airplane simulator game that I loved to play, and guess what? I’m feeling much better without WG’s shit.

    One wise advice; leave that fucking crap game named WoT, guys. It’s doomed to be damned.

      • … *sigh* You, again? You’re sounding like a fan, troll.

        Go fuck somebody else.

        • Right back at ya. At the very least you should at least pretend to have a legit case by posting something more detailed than stale, generic “ermahgerd WG sux” bullshit.

        • So what? I am a fan! Fuck you and your retarded attitude that if you no longer find something fun so shouldn’t anyone else. I like this game, and your opinion matters to me as much as a dog turd on the street.
          And how do you use “you’re a fan” as an insult?
          Sigh… you sound like a fan of old ships-and-planes simulator games, you troll.

          Go fuck somebody else.

    • +1 ,WOT is confirmed biased (kv-1s OP with 8- gun depression on 122 , historicaly maximum will be -2)

      • Even this 8-year old simulation game gives me something that WoT has stopped to give long time ago; FUN :D

      • You do know that:
        1. the KV-1S is getting nerfed within the next 2 patches
        2. The KV-1S is overrated and\
        3. One could easily make the case that the M18 is the overall better vehicle.

        • 1) That’s what they said two patches ago, and two patches before that. I wouldn’t be surprised if they delay it yet again. The closest I’ve seen to it getting ‘nerfed’ so far is it getting saddled with the stock gun for historical battles, but that does nothing to affect randoms. The sole reason it hasn’t been nerfed yet, it seems, is because SerB threw a temper tantrum the last time they discussed nerfing the KV-1S with any sort of seriousness; he’ll do anything to protect his favorite tank.

          2) The overall performance of the KV-1S, statistically-speaking, suggests otherwise.

          3) I’ll agree that the M18 is more annoying/a greater threat if you’re higher tier, but the moment a Hellcat gets spotted, if your team is even halfway competent he’s usually dead in seconds, not so with a KV-1S, which allegedly lacks armor but can be even bouncier than the KV-1 a tier before it.

      • *blank look*
        Want to discuss the Long 88 on the Tiger or the 10,5 cm’s (IRL never even converted to AFV use) on the next tier? Such German biaz!!11!

        • IDK if you noticed; both EU and RU forum’s are filled with “x tank is OP” threads, so the developers won’t give a shit for it…

          KV-1S and it’s bloody 122mm is safe… For now. Besides, Sergei “Big Troll” Burkatovsky wants to keep KV-1S’ 122mm gun on it.

          • Making fun of idiots in such threads played a part in my getting permabanned. Now I just drop by the mods section every now and then.

            Anyway, GJ missing the point.

      • Among those fantasy tanks and lies, the KV-1S is the least of this game’s problems.
        T28/T95, T28Pt, Chaffee with Bulldog turret and so on…

      • WoT confirmed biased, Tiger has long 88 when in reality it only had the short one.

        • Funny thing, look at T6 at the VK3601, it was there always. Its basically a Tiger with L56. The only difference was 20mm less side armor and fake turrets.

          There was no reason not to replace this paper tank not with the Tiger, but no WG insisted that it would be op (while the VK3601 was even more op, becaues of the fantasy turrets and medium like agility+ medium MM) and has to paired against the IS(2).

  11. - for now it is not known how (if) gold ammo will be rebalanced, developer opinions differ
    Limit, just like in HB battles and voila.

  12. 25% RNG is bullshit, it actively counters any skill, because even if you know your gun and enemy armor layout in and out, you never know if that shot will go in and for how much.

    • Yet amazingly we still get ~40% GWR fruits & veggies on one hand and 60%+ wizards on the other.

      Must be hacking the Matrix.

    • So you would rather have your shot go in 100% of the time and do exactly the damage it says in the tin?

      How boring the matches would be… So you go up against a specific tank, you know it has a certain amount of hit points. You can calculate exactly how many shots you need, and knowing his gun and your hitpoints, you know how many shots you can take…

      The game would become very stale.

    • Well RNG gives a chance for bad players, see it as a way to make sure noobs are not getting obliterated by decent or good players. Though not like RNG doenst like fucking me in the arse as well…

      • Erm, noobs ARE getting obliterated by better players. All the time.
        That’s kind of where the stat differences between players come *from*.

  13. - for now it is not known how (if) gold ammo will be rebalanced, developer opinions differ

    Keep the penetration but turn the damage dealt to half of what a normal ammo round would do. That way, you get penetration at the expense of damage. Also, buff the price when bought with credits so that it would become almost impossible even with premium account to keep shooting only gold ammo.

    • If you nerf the damage to half,
      1: unhistorical,
      2: no reason to use gold,
      3: buffing the price and nerfing the damage is idiocy.
      4: WG are never going to do this.
      5: I carry only 5-10 gold and hardly shoot it, if this were to happen, what’s the point of gold?
      6: nerfing the damage to half is still stupid.

        • Damage value is not historical, but a HEAT shell having half the damage of an AP round isnt.

  14. LOL can you imagine RU and EU together? AHHH the thinking of it makes my mind melt. Think of a fucking blob of russian players charging forward not giving two shits about whether they’d lose hit points, just overwhelm everything in its path. Especially players in IS-3′s and IS-8′s… oh wait they already do that on EU (brain dead retards) :P

  15. I dont understand ppl who want limited mm for light tanks. I personally enjoy doing bunchload of spotting damage and spamming gold shells in the back of the jp100 w/ a peashooters, rather introduce bigger maps and increase draw/spotting distance if you want to buff light tanks.

    • I think they just need to touch on some exceptionally poor spotting tanks. The Pz38(t) nA does not a Stuart make. From tier 5 on, I think they’re mostly fine, but maybe the Germans could stand a balancing pass. The French, the Chinese that I have (up to 59-16), both feel fine. I haven’t played the Russians a lot in the last year and I don’t have Chaffee, so maybe people who play them have their complaints.

    • Frankly the tier 4 lights could use limited MM, not just because they’re a player’s first experience of scout MM as it is, but because the tier 4 lights are borderline useless in tier 8 and some tier 7 games, where often the higher-tiered medium tanks are better scouts. Typically the issue with tier 4 light tanks is their view range, which makes passive scouting much more difficult, and forces a player into the more advanced active scouting role, before they’re even ready for it.

  16. “- Q: ‘Was it considered to implement a mode, where there would be no bases and the battle would be won only by killing everyone?” A: “T95 GMC on one team and T71 on the other are not amused’”


    • i dont see the problem, the moment t71 gets the t95 back is over.

      i also had a similar battle today, my b2 vs a t-50, but i was to scary and he decided to suicide.

  17. Why not just make every tank line good in what they are?
    so make scouts go fast spot good be annoying mediums for flanking heavys for front line TD’s cover Heavys
    and arty just be arty

    and you may nerf the damage on my G.W. Panther if you buff its aim
    make it do 50% dmg and let it hit more then 1 out of 5 max aimed on HUGE KV-4 that isnt moving on open field tracked shoot and ofc miss or close or whatever and when i hit its almost dead or its a crit hit-_- fix that stop the nerf just buff one aspect on every tank and no more nerf…

  18. It’s not so hard to fix light tanks, just nerf the tier 4+ scouts a bit (HP in particular) and give them normal MM, so they are like an extra stealthy and fast but weak medium, with a more useful gun than at present. Scouts are so useless at tier 9&10 because all tanks have good view range, and mediums can outclass them at everything except very rare active scouting.

    Incidentally, fixing the MM would finally let the B-C 25t be classed correctly as an LT (perhaps without any statistical changes).

    • Except that the BatChat was historically considered a medium tank.

      I agree on your other points though.

      • There was a proposed 35t variant with extra armour which I thought was considered the medium version but I guess I misremember. WoT classifications aren’t strictly historical anyway, I suppose.

  19. About light tanks: nothing is a better example then the M18 Hellcat (A TD) and the Type 64 (A Light tank)

    Irl the type64 was more or less a modernized Hellcat. But, because in the game it’s a Light Tank, it misses the Camofactor-while-shooting, and it gets scout MM, so it plays against Tier 10. In-game about every other stat then speed is much worse too (but lets say its cuz of being a prem). And it doesnt have the rediculous gunmantle the hellcat has.
    What does this prove? Dunno..Hellcat is totally OP, Light Tanks are all nerfed to death in a very unrealistic way, TD’s have unrealistically high camo, TD’s have unrealistic camo-while-shooting, etcetc.

    I think WG just dont care much…