Hello everyone,
it’s probably not widely known, but SEA (how the hell is that server called now? SEA? ASIA? WG East? WG Asia?) has this running program, where various authors make drawings/paintings of Japanese tanks and someone (WG “expert” or whatnot) makes a write-up of that tank’s specific history. That alone is not interesting, but the drawings are pretty. Check this out (by clicking on the tank name, you’ll get to the original article with tank description):
Very tank, much cat, so leaves, wow!
These are the ones that have been already published. Want to follow the portal to see, whether there are any more? This is the category to follow.
drawing level asian? :P
I didn’t like them. They look like …. hmm how can i say? They look like “very amateur” drawings…
What the hell does that even mean.
i think he has no idea what he is talking about! an amateur opinion!
Amateur? What the hell do you know about art and drawings? They got the fucking proportions correct and that alone is a feat to admire, I like to see you do the same, the colouring is also well done. Some pictures really capture the motions and movements I mean really, troll harder.
Yeah! The chi-he and chi-ha paintings may be a bit off here and there (especially chi-ha’s tracks), but the rest of them are perfect, especially the chi-nu.
WTF, amateur? Do you know one of authors “Genbun”, aka Motofumi Kobayashi, is one of the most famous military manga artist in Japan?
If this is already amateur, what is proffesional then for awesomeness??!!
You’re that kind of guy who would look at a Hjertén and go like “What is this amateur shit?”. You can’t even tell the difference between Monet and Manet. Rembrandt is all brown to you.
Yes, im trolling a bit.
This guy maybe one of those DeviantTards who draws blinding sparklefurries and shitty scene OCs and Flouresent-bathed anthros then posted it all over internets.
And always brag about hoe awesome he is, and cry-a-river when critiqued.
I like the drawings, but the atmosphere of Imperial Japanese is quite cringe worthy.
You have to strip out the history. Then it’s fine.
Thats Japanese for you. Always looking behind with rose-tinted glasses.
Many people over here do the same thing when they celebrate the Russian or German forces in WWII.
Even the Americans had skeletons in their closets.
The Japanese are actually right up there with the Nazis making literally *everyone* else, the notably callous and brutal Soviets included, look pretty damn decent in comparision actually. The absolutely batshit insane doctrines the ultranationalists imposed on the military had a lot to do with that. The manga author Shigeru Mizuki – who served as buck private in the ass-end of nowhere on Rabaul and only dodged death in a particularly absurd suicide attack due to getting his arm blown off in an air raid – has succintly described those as “contempt for life”.
Imperial Japanese is the failpoint, but then again they don’t teach about NanKing or Burma Thai railway or Hellfire pass at Japanese schools do they? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanking_Massacre
I liked the dogs and cats, but quickly ran out of enjoyment seeing the surrender flags and knowing something about history…
I love the chi-ni one <3
chi-ni (with the english pronunciation) means in hungarian pretty, in a cute way :)
think they look cool,
love the Chi-Ni one with cats and a akita dog
Cats, dogs and tanks. Add flowers too.
Always a winning combinations.
The nitpicker in me objects to the little birds though. I’ve seen enough of cats to have no illusions about the relationship between *those*.
Dat Chi-Nu Kai pic
Possible Japanese Tank Destroyer?
Chi-Nu Kai already in-game. Premium tank, tier 5.
Nooo you fool.
They mean the Chi Nu Kai picture and the tank destroyer in the background!
No no, he meant that on the painting of Chi-Nu there’s a casemate tank destroyer in the background.
I spotted that too…looks like a casemate design using a Chi-Nu hull. Interesting…possibly a tier 5 Japanese TD?
Thats a Ho-Ri Tank destroyer built on a Chi-Ri hull ( check the 37mm gun on the frontal plate )
It’s design looks like a Jagdtiger:
A retarded carboard jagdtiger. Still, I can’t wait for it to be in-game!
More like a Su100Y to me.
Mockup was vastly different than this drawing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Experimental_Type_5_gun_tank_Ho-Ri_mock-up_scale_model_01.jpg
The SEA server is now officially known as the ASIA server fyi
And nobody uses ASIA, SEA is still what everyone calls it.
Its officially called ASIA server now (all-caps optional), which initially make some of Aussie and NZ players unhappy.
they don’t like it they can make their own server :P
Very charming drawings, I like them more than the original WG arts.
Such noobs…that Chi Nu-Kai from the image isn’t made of silver…they wasted their time…
Its not silver you fool, its steel. Ever seen steel straight from the factory? Its got a bright grey colour before they paint them factory standard paint and later painted over again by whomever.
A swing and a miss.
Tenno, you have no idea of what I’m talking about, right?….here you go:
…and it came back, it was a boomerang!
That artist ‘Genbun’ has a weird palette, but the others have stronk vehicle detail. The last one is probably my favourite, showcases the vehicle best.
I like the second picture(Chi-ha) it displays the true warrior spirit.
With the Chi-Ni picture, as you can see on the left of the picture with two british troops surrendering. They will probably be sliced to bits :P Tenno heika Banzai!!!!
Lol I thought they were Chinese until I saw the guy on the left in a turban…
Since when did the Chinese use Brodie helmets? Turbans might actually have made some appereances due to the sizeable Muslim minority in China…
Chinese used those helmets from the british whom lend leased them.
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SEA is South East Asia, smart ass mode off.
Thank god, no hentai porn with tanks (with word Japanese or asian, you are not sure :D), by the way good job.
As a Chinese,I will never forgive Japs for what they have done.
One day,i’ll take revenge on Japs.
Sure, call back once you’ve learned to make like Moses and part the sea.
Meh I am Chinese, I hate it for what they did do, but i respect their culture. What you want to hate is their imperialism, any scum that thought in the japanese army and allowed the slaughter of millions, HIRIOHITO, and the americans who let people who were responsible (Japanese) for Unit 731 (Japanese biological experimentation on Chinese) unpunished for their crimes for their research. Though what really bugs me about this is that the Japanese still have yet to formally apologise to the Chinese, and that is now what us modern day chinese should strive for with the Japanese, is to make the japanese apologise for their ancestors crimes which they just swept under the carpet. To me what the Japanese have done, which is no apologise, is dishonourable.
Yeah, they did the same with the Koreans and some Russians. I think korea is still waiting for a formal apology from the japanese government for unit 731 + other occupation crimes till this day.
Probably the reason why asia is against the rising sun flag for WOWS
please take a look at this first
Of course I’m not going to say that we’ve apologized to every single issue you’ve asked for,but still, China and Korea are still claiming that we haven’t apologized to any of them.
and for these few years ,it really pisses us off.
Ok now i’m confused. Many sources are telling me that Japan never apologised, now wikipedia is say they did? I trust both sources but I have no idea who to believe…
They have yet to apologize for certain atrocities such as comfort women, and the Japanese government’s stance on her imperial past is not “apologetic” enough (like Germany’s for example). The Japanese don’t consider the Nanjing massacre a massacre, and argues that the comfort women were their voluntarily; which is the source of so much anger from China, Korea and Taiwan. Visiting the Shrine is not helping either.
How do you expect people to accept your apologies if you’re not sincere? Look at your history textbooks, look at your official stance on these subjects; now compare it to Germany, the sincerity is not there. So don’t tell us that you’re pissed off someone is still ranting about you having said “sorry”, action speaks louder than words.
Such Shiba… much Inu…
They’re cherry blossoms, not leaves. I can understand that the Japanese are proud of their past glory, but as a Chinese (Taiwanese), I feel that some components of the drawings are quite tasteless. Nice pictures overall.
SEA is still correct, because it stands for “South-East ‘n’ Asia”.
A sadly story:when they were moving,suddenly some 59s crushed them from the hill. ———WOT