Storm talks about Critical Performance Drops


Hello everyone,

Storm made another post about the issues, that came with 9.0. Currently, he is dealing with FPS drops and states that WG does not enough data on this issue. He states that the developers checked dozens of various configurations, reported as problematic, but couldn’t find any critical FPS drops, mentioned in reports coming from the players.

If you have critical performance drop issue, that means for example that the FPS dropped to like 10 and reducing settings doesn’t help, while before, you had nice 30-40 FPS, Storm asks that you

- make a dxdiag log
- make screenshots of game and graphics settings
- describe the problems (like “in 8.11, I had X FPS on settings Y, in 9.0 my FPS dropped to Z, reducing settings doesn’t help, it’s impossible to play”)
- upload and write this into a FTR comment under this article (or, alternatively, if you speak Russian, post it under the original article, linked above)

Storm also said that WG found a solution for the game crash issue and some of the freezes and there are also good advances in fixing the issue, where you have a noticeable freeze (lag) whenever an enemy tank gets destroyed. Developers are also working on fixing the “enableCPU” thingie (the one that spreads the load on multiple cores) on some configuration.

Storm also adds that the bug where FPS drops (game “lags”) whenever you switch to sniper mode has been confirmed, but it’s not easily fixed and in order to get rid of it, terrain render has to be fixed and that’s not something that goes fast. Developers are working on it right now.

From the discussion:

- crash fix will come relatively soon
- currently, developers are dealing only with “FPS dropped so much I can’t play at all” issues, fixing other FPS drop will come later
- Storm states that the developers cannot confirm that for some players, the FPS dropped so significantly they can’t play, although the players are talking about it a lot on the forums
- developers are also considering the option that those, who complain about this issue, have computers filled with dust and ridden with malware
- developers didn’t know about the “eternal garage update” (SS: I think that’s that) bug, it apparently happens when you try to switch clusters. Now they do.
- explosions with turret ripping off (ammo rack) will also get a fix, with strong optimization of the effect
- Storm admits that Windstorm has much longer loading time than other maps, it’s because there are many unique resources
- graphic rollback to 8.11 is impossible
- unfortunately it’s not possible to release an 8.11-level graphics client separately, that would double the testing time of patches (SS: ….because that would be SOOOOO terrible)
- sound positioning (SS: tank explodes in the distance and it sounds like it did next to you) will also be fixed
- FPS doesn’t depend on whether you are using SSD or not, but resource loading lags might
- from 9.0 on, improved render cannot be enabled on Radeon graphic cards up to 4000 series, Nvidia cards up to 8000 series and most Intel graphic cards, this is because these cards do not support the new texture format

124 thoughts on “Storm talks about Critical Performance Drops

  1. I guess in the following updates everyone who did not get “critical” performance drop, WILL get it. Of course they blame “malware” and users, not their archaic engine, poor optimization and coding.

    I have one month old, totally new rig with i7 4770K, R9 270, 16 gigs of very fast ram, all with custom cooling. My FPS dropped by HALF, but I guess since it’s not under 10, it’s not critical.

    Calling 30-40 FPS “nice” is just insulting. You need a minimum of 60 FPS to call gameplay “nice” and fluent.

      • The last time I sent those monkeys my dxdiag file they didnt even read it. IF they had, they could have seen that my display drivers were up to date. WG’s “support staff” are nothing more than script followers that have no idea what they are doing.

    • This is not a twich game like CS or COD, you dont need 40fps, let alone 60… I always go for as much eyecandy as i can handle above 25fps and im not losing any skill performance.

      If you cant play with 40fps, you wont be able to play with 60 either… if you know what i mean…

      Its easy to blame the game for being bad, but unfortunately for you, a LOT of people will detect your BS.

      • Yeah, same with me. I fully enjoy playing WoT with 27-29 fps and I’m far from calling it “unplayable”.

        • Baraba just wanted to post how good machine he has and also wanted to blame devs for him sucking in tanks, i mean HOW CAN YOU EVEN THINK OF BEING A DECENT PLAYER IF YOU CANT HAVE MINIMUM OF 60FPS. PFFFFF I ONLY GET GOOD IN 100+ FPS REGION…

          • Fail harder, trolls.

            I don’t give a damn what you think “playable” FPS is and that was not the point, but I guess you won’t be able to comprehend it even if I draw it out in watercolor.

            Having 50% of FPS gone in one update that brought only a few HD tanks and marginal graphical improvements is a very bad omen of things to come. If the abovementioned machine fails to cope with the horrid farce 9.0 patch is, what will happen when all of the tanks get HD upgrade and all of the announced physics get implemented? Do you think your slideshow FPS will stay as it is?

            • You think i’m trolling you,??? no, no no… I’m insulting your intelligence (and this actually proves my assessment of your iq)

              I heard this Nostradamus prophecies like 100x before. There were and always will be patches that will break something and fix it right after. Im playing on same details for cca 3 years now. There have been patches that droped my fps and patches that improved it. Considering how much the graphics and game has improved over 3 years i actually impressed how little i lost in performance.

              Slideshow is everything below 25fps… you cant detect it after 25fps, you are a human, not a HOUSE FLY, you cant notice changing frames with fps 25+

              Also, if you dont like this so much, you can always go to start/control panel/add-remove programs/world of tanks/uninstall/yes/finish.

              k? thx, bye.

              • Ad hominem attacks are a perfect assessment of your own state of mind and intellectual capabilities.

                Also, you just stated that there have been patches that degraded and improved your FPS. Why do you fail to comprehend that this is happening again, but this time it does not affect your computer?

                Please refrain from going into framerate analysis if you don’t have the necessary technical understanding of the issue. Read up somewhere on why 30 FPS, 60 FPS and 120 FPS are milestones.

                • And where did you get your proof of “this is just omen of things that will happen”??

                  And dont lecture mo on morality of my posts, you claim its “insulting” for you to play on 40 fps, please get down from your high horse.

                  Again, this is not a twich game, you are as fast as your tank allows you , you cant aim faster than your turret turns (in shooter games its as fast as you turn your mouse), you cant shoot faster than your reload lets you (if we are talking about semi automatic guns its as fast as you can click the LMB).. Please tell me again how you need 600fps for 1s turret turn, another 2-3 seconds tfor aim to shrink and 5-15 seconds for your next shell… yeah, you will miss on so much with 25 fps, a total of 0.04 seconds if you didnt fire on the exact frame you loaded your gun… sure kid, you know so much….

                  You have no advantages in tanks beyond 30 fps. Even some shooter games have their FPS locked at 30 and its just fine…

                  “A culture of competition has arisen among game enthusiasts with regard to frame rates, with players striving to obtain the highest FPS possible, due to their utility in demonstrating a system’s power and efficiency… Beyond measurement and bragging rights, such exercises do have practical bearing in some cases. A certain amount of discarded “headroom” frames are beneficial for the elimination of uneven (“choppy” or “jumpy”) output, and to prevent FPS from plummeting during the intense sequences when players need smooth feedback most”

                  So if your fps never drops below 30 and you dont have a choppy or jumpy image you are talking out of your ass.

                • I don’t play twitch games. I suffer from PSE that can be triggered by stroboscopic lights, movements and effects. Non-flashing games are usually not a problem, which is a good thing since I’ve loved video games since I was a kid. I could not play early 3D games however, due to onset of symptoms that would quickly trigger a tonic-clonic seizure. Any “jerky” movement or unstable FPS can potentially trigger it even today when I’m adult, and that’s why I only use 120Hz LCD screens and play only a limited number of games.

                  You really did not deserve this information, but since you just won’t stop blabbering, perhaps you will refrain from it now.

                • Im really sorry for your condition, but thats whole another thing.

                  You said it was unplayable – its not (for people without your condition)
                  You said its and insult – i doubt WG is trying to insult everyone with PSE
                  You never stated you need high fps because of PSE, how would ANYONE guess that.

                  Again, im sorry for your condition, but you are not a majority, the world will not bend to your liking. For 99% of playerbase, 30fps is more than fine to play WOT normally you just have no luck to be in that 99%.

              • I, more or less, agree with you, but that “you can’t detect it after 25 fps” is bullshit. Even 30 is not smooth, and anything not a a divider (?, not sure about the word) of 60 is plain terrible. You can’t notice the change sure, most people don’t. But over 30 fps (on 60hz) you don’t notice the frames changing, but the different times between frame changes. Subjectively it’s the worse around 55 fps. As you can see it’s about matching frame rate to refresh rate.
                Just for your interest (technical stuff): LCD is inherently jerky because it shows the picture constantly. Because of this I can’t watch movies on LCD, because the picture is stuttering. Plasma / CRT is the way, or use LCD with BFI/Backlight strobing, so the screen flashes, this “resets” your eyes and improve smoothness and motion-blur.
                Although you probably watch movies on 60hz screen with 3:2 motion judder, and don’t really care, but there are people who would like quality.

            • I have a crappy old toaster yet i got FPS increase (with 0 3D render). 9.0 gave me SIX TIMES MORE FPS that i had previously. If this will be the trend than i can assure you i’m supporting these updates.

              • I salute the fact they gave people with less than optimal configurations the ability to have a playable game, albeit with horrible graphics – but at the end of the day, graphic quality is really not important, FPS is the king.

                I don’t care about effects (providing they are acceptable) and usually lower the setting in all games until I get 120 FPS where Lightboost can kick in (where that is possible). However, in 9.0., there is absolutely 0 impact when I switch from autorecommended maximum graphics to minimum (improved). FPS remains absolutely the same, with some improvements in maintaining high FPS when there is a lot of effects on screen on low settings. OCing the CPU and GPU also has ZERO FPS difference.

                That is laughable and just shows they have either screw up something major, or they’ve hit the limit of the BigWorld engine.

                • No wonder you cant win more than half of your battles if you think FPS is the king for a slow game like WOT

                • Just for info if someone doesn’t know, Lightboost needs 120Hz refresh rate monitor so it can reduce motion blur of fast moving objects
                  fast moving objects
                  fast moving
                  In wot most tanks drive at speeds 20-40kmh, and they are big as a fucking buss, there is no motion blur he speaks off, but let the ignorant dig his ever so deeper ignorant hole.

                • Im sorry you see it that way, maybe you shouldn’t try to push your opinions before explaining your motives, that way you can avoid people thinking you are just another kid with amazing rig that must boast about it.

                • People just think of you as a victim, a mad person or pitty you when you disclose you have epilepsy. In example, have you not read my above disclosure, you wouldn’t be so civil in this last comment.

                  Been dealing with that my whole life and it’s annoying so I don’t bring it up, but you just continued with ad hominem attacks and formed conclusions about me (1) that I’m a kid with a rich daddy 2) I’m a bad player) without knowing anything so I had to stop it.

                  Through the above, you have displayed actions of a horrible human. However this is a typical internet behaviour, I’m sure in real life you are not such an asshole. ;)

                  I still firmly hold that you need 30 FPS minimum, 60 FPS optimum for the graphics in video games to be fluent. Not everyone is the same, and the fact I can play high FPS for hours and need to move away from low FPS games very quickly is sufficient evidence that the brain is not easily fooled.

                  I agree that WoT does not need more than 30 FPS to be perfectly playable. I’m still not convinced they will be able to maintain the 60 I need, and that makes me annoyed.

                • Dude, im a horrible human on internet because most others are whining assholes and your post looked exactly like one. Why would i look at you like a victim, this is 21st century, if people treat you like a victim they are not very “modern” or “smart”.

                  Im sure if you dwell in advanced tweaking of the game and compromising with details, you will easily pull 60fps for years to come with that rig. I bet if you explained your problem to support that they would go out of their way to help you increase performance of your game.

                  I played on 5-12 fps when i only had my old laptop, and i played for a year like that, after i switched to my new rig (3 y ago) i eradicated all my skill issues with low fps, thats why i couldnt believe you need 60fps to play normally.

                  TBH if i were you i would be more annoyed by flashing in sniper mod than lower fps. You can increase your fps, but you cant disable flashing in sniper mode and if i understood you correctly, flashing will trigger PSE…. Dont ever play PZ-IC

                • And again, Paaranoja, I agree with the “fps != skill” part, but you are misunderstanding the thing. You see, for us who would like to get quality image too for whatever reasons, it’s not the only important thing that said picture is enjoyable. Example: Let’s take your favorite movie: Do you watch it in 480p? If yes accept it that we watch it in 1080p, because we like the better picture, even if the movie would be great without it. If you do, it’s the same thing, you chose a higher quality format, which requires more space and power to play, just because it’s better. Just like 120 fps on BFI/backlight strobing/Lightboost whatever is better than 119. And no, no fast objects is definitely not an excuse.

                • And i agree, but this discussion started because OP stated it was unplayable (before anyone knew he is suffering from PSE), and if we look at it from “playable” POV, it certainly is.

                  As for quality of the picture, i completely agree… however, that was never the issue here and tbh, you want quality picture if you are watching movies, but quality in a video game will always be behind performance, playability, fun…

    • Baraba, you are a huge-ass victim of marketing. Your slavery to marketing BS would be actually amusing if it wasn’t so sad. I hope you grow up one day. That is, if you are a child (which I hope you are). If you are a grown person.. well, then it is, as I said, just sad..

              • Baraba just don’t feed the trolls
                50-60 fps in 2014 is the standard for all systems, in wot having more fps is not has need has in the typical shooter, but makes the game smother, if i wanted 30 fps i would play xbox 360.

                In 9.0 test 1 i had 50-70 depending on the map, with the same settings in 9.0 i have 20-40, something went wrong in test 2 and 3

            • well i checked and theres no player named Baraba on NA server..

              however it would be nice if you actually gave your stats, but i doubt youll do that

              and you know what, screw you, i play at 18 fps sometimes when theres a lot of explosions going on and i sure dont see a drop on my performance, in fact by minimum game standards you can only begin to see screen tearing at less than 18 fps, considering the human eye cannot detect improvements beyond the scope of a 24 frames per second movie, i call bs the statement that fps = skill

    • hahahahaha :D Mate, i played with 15 fps before 8.5, after that i played with around 20 – 30 fps, ( don’t know what happened ) and now after patch, i am happy to see around 10 – 15 fps.
      30 – 40 fps is godlike to me :) so quit bitching.

      • Yep same with me. I’m currently playing with 25 average FPS, if I’m lucky i can get 40 on some maps but everytime I go into sniper mode it drops to 15 FPS. Not to mention how my performance dropped because of stuttering and FPS drops. I’ll format my PC and see if that helps.

    • Have you tried disabling HyperThreading? (4670k, 265x, 16gb – no probs, maybe 1-5 fps less than before)

      • Slideshow is everything below 25fps… you cant detect it after 25fps, you are a human, not a HOUSE FLY, you cant notice changing frames with fps 25+
        What an utter shit. I do however agree that everything above 30+ is enough to play, but there is a difference between 30 and 60 and it’s obvious difference.
        Just compare 30 vs 60 and see for yourself.

    • I would suggest checking your turbo boost settings. If the game isn’t loading up the cores enough they might drop back into power saving speed and your frame rate tanks.

      For everyone else, 60 fps is what you _should_ be getting on a system that meets or beats recommended requirements. This game is playable on less, but it’s definitely not as nice to play. ‘Unplayable’ is certainly the wrong word, but the Internet is full of hyperbole.

    • Still waiting for this dxdiag, just to check if you’re telling the truth or you just play on 10 years old laptop ^^

        • BTW your awesome, ppl with super rigs should get 55+ ATLEAST, but no.
          Nope Nope NOPE i am running it all maxed out AT 40 – 50 FPS
          and even sometimes 30… 30 FUCKING FPS…
          I can run BF4 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better…
          So whatever this Retard is saying, fuck that bullshit..
          “30 FPS is acceptable” NO, NO, NO, NO.
          Just because your computer is even a bigger toaster than the Pz.slf.IVc doesn’t I shouldn’t enjoy my rig…

    • Might vary depending on which version of windows you have, but Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt

      Type “dxdiag” into the box that appears and you’ll get the log.

      Edit: Damm you google….

  2. quote: ” developers are also considering the option that those, who complain about this issue, have computers filled with dust and ridden with malware”

    strange that these computers get “infected” with malware and dust exactly the day major patches roll out

    • …which implies that WoT is a sort of malware. :)

      Actually, after 0.9.0 it behaves so. Good point.

    • But it’s even more strange, that I’ve seen numerous cases, when players reinstall their PC from zero and voila – FPS is back, everything loads like charm.
      So many of these FPS drop cases can be connected with somehow conflicting PC settings/configurations or stuff which didn’t came up earlierer because of some other unknown reason.

      • It only works on fresh PCs? Then it’s a malware. Case closed.
        Oh… and Russian bias. :)

    • FFS someone give WG a damn shitty PC or laptop to test the decreased framerate issue. Because those are the people with bad FPS.

      Of course you wont notice FPS loss on a rig with 4770k and a Titan GPU. Wheras PC’s that barely struggled with at 35-40FPS even on standard graphics, are the most likely to have FPS loss.

      • Wrong. I recently upgraded to a GTX 770 (and overclocked it). In 8.11, I could run WoT at 60 fps at max settings *consistently*. In 9.0, I could barely run most maps at about 40 fps and there were seemingly completely random points where it dropped to 10 fps or lower for periods of up to about 20 seconds.

        In case you missed it, that’s an overclocked GTX 770. I tried removing the OC, and it made no difference.

        I have been forced to play on Standard graphics to avoid that issue.

        • @bjshnog:

          GTX770 alone tells us nothing without resolution and CPU. And we all know how CPU limited WoT is by now.

          Btw my GTX570 makes around 45 avg FPS on Full HD all settings maxed out running with an 3770K @4 GHz and plenty of RAM.

  3. My PC is 5y old [E8200 2.5ghz;4Gb RAM;560Ti 2Gb] – I played at LOW before (to have ~30fps) and need to play at LOW now to have same ~30fps.
    Change to STANDARD graphics eliminated crash to desktop.

    I could be called “happy customer” :D

  4. I play in laptop core i5 4200m, vga gt750m, in 8.11 same settings, i have average 5x fps, (5x~8x) except winstorm (~4x, never goes to 5x)
    in 9.0, all map i play never goes to 5x, i try to reduce the graphics but it didn’t improve so much, in windstorm, fps is <35 fps, can't play, plz optimize the game before adding HD model, i don't care and want hd model, sd really nice for me.
    huge fps drop when in sniper (2x), huge fps drop when another player in map die!!!

    dx log:
    my settings:

  5. I have same FPS and load as before.
    But now when I spot a HD tank on the enemy team or even a friendly HD tank is in draw range, the game stutters and freezes for 2-8 seconds…

    And after that FPS is again same :(

  6. from 9.0 on, improved render cannot be
    enabled on Radeon graphic cards up to 4000
    series, Nvidia cards up to 8000 series and
    most Intel graphic cards, this is because
    these cards do not support the new texture

    do they suppose is a rich oligarch so they can spend hundreds of dollars/euros, just to play on improved graphics? (because in 8.11 Interestingly Everything Worked Fine – and 9.0 textures are just the same, but need a nasa computer)

    so wg should get this shit together, and think in KEEPING players, not just GETTING new ones all the time.

    • Those cards are over 6 years old. If you are playing on computer from 2006, I think it’s time to get a new computer. Even a 400€ computer will run WoT just fine.

    • Dude…
      Those are from 2007/2008
      A used/ Hell even new 5xxx or 2xx (nvidia) card is several dozen dollars.

      And where did you get the thousands of dollars from???!?
      Not even Metro, Crysis 3 nor even BF4 requires that. Not even damned unoptimized shit CoD Ghosts requires that much…

      • I tested 0.9 on my old rig from 2008 with 4870 HD, 8 GB RAM and OCed C2D E8400 on 3.6 GHz on the 0.9 update.

        It’s stil a great computer that runs 0.9 just fine in full HD with reasonable setings, even if now on the standard render :)

        So apart from odd fails on (very strong) new computers, the game is not as demanding as it seems.

        • Hell it has problems on my 5770 i5 750 4 GB PC :P
          Not with FPS, but with freezing when loading a new HD model tanks. Then FPS is fine :P

          I was just telling him that his problem is easy to solve.

      • Strange – as I wrote above, I tested 0.9 on HD4870 and the Improved render option is greyed out now.

  7. Asking for dxdiag logs shows just HOW MUCH they don’t have a clue what the f*** is wrong with their BS software. Then blame it on the users, of course. That’s the right thing to do. Worked fine for most of them until & including 8.11, but then when 9.0 came out, all of a sudden all of those machines were hacked, infected by malware and collected tons of dust. FFS Wargaming, get a WORKING QA department and stop posting bullshit like this. The only malware users have on their computer currently is World of Bugs!

    • yay, found another asshole who’s raging at WG because of those bugs
      and thinking that fixing bugs is as easy as breathing

  8. - currently, developers are dealing only with “FPS dropped so much I can’t play at all” issues, fixing other FPS drop will come later

    Change 3D render to lowest. Enjoy cubic tanks and the 230 FPS. :) (honestly this option alone gave me 30 FPS while i had mostly 5-6 before the patch)

    - unfortunately it’s not possible to release an 8.11-level graphics client separately, that would double the testing time of patches (SS: ….because that would be SOOOOO terrible)

    BS! Test the new client, script it to old one, release the 2 clients. If problems on old client start to come up then hotfix it. This takes almost the same amount of resources and time!

    - developers didn’t know about the “eternal garage update” (SS: I think that’s that) bug, it apparently happens when you try to switch clusters. Now they do.

    I have a somewhat similar bug. I call it “eternal back to garage button clicked”. I hope they will fix it soon because it’s annoying as hell to wait for 1 minute after i clicked that damn button!!!

  9. I have got stuttering in the random battles no matter how many FPS (20-55), however in the team battles are FPS 40-95 and NO stuttering at all.

    I demand 9.1 client without HD models.

  10. TBH it’s been fine, but I did have my first game crash last night, once it crashed out I couldn’t rejoin the game until the battle had finished.

  11. - graphic rollback to 8.11 is impossible

    When he reached the New World, Cortez burned his ships. As a result his men were well motivated. – Captain Ramius

    New Frontiers 9.0 – every time I hear this I think of this quote. So is Storm saying posting the logs here instead of WG tech support?? Is WG tech support not functioning?

  12. I experience FPS drop as well, but not critical (sometimes it’s even over 30, while I used to have 40-55). However, the camera movement is jerky and no graphical setting changes influence it (hard to say as every map is different, but nothing I noticed).

    But switching off the multicore (via the .xml file) increased my FPS by about 5. But the biggest impact had my fiddling with nVidia control panel. I removed all “controlled by application” options and set everything to max values (16AA, 32CSAA etc, 4 frames reading ahead etc.) Surpisingly enough, my FPS went up only little bit (few FPS), but… the camera movement is no longer jerky, everything is somehow smoother and nicer and I stopped experiencing short but sudden FPS drops. Overall the game looks much nicer. I have GF 560 Ti and AMD 1090T CPU, 8GB RAM. However, a friend of mine has same VGA (the only difference is the vendor, he has Gainward, I have Gigabyte) and this did not help him but his control panel is missing some options (like something with shaders).

    From all of this I guess that WG can’t make efficient use of hardware resources. I guess that nVidia is quite common VGA and they should optimize the game for both major VGA brands.

    Currently at work, I’ll post my dxdiag later.

    Note: if you adjust VGA settings, don’t forget to optimize it for worldoftanks.exe and not the launcher which I was offered by the control panel by default.

      • I know, it was for simplification. It should run WoT on different core that the system where all the drivers run. Anyway it seems it a) doesnt help, b) even hurts game performance so whatever it is, it’s not working properly. At least for big part of playerbase..

  13. I dont have DXdiag logs at hand, but my settings are the same for 9.0 as they ware for 8.11.

    Problems in my case occur when an tank explosion sound is triggered. Sudden stutter and slight loss of FPS, but the game recovers after that. Other issue i have is battle loading time. Rarely i get into the game while the countdown is still going. Most of the time 15 -20 sec after the game began, and sometimes even after 1 minute (windstorm between 1 minute and 2 minutes always).

    I noticed in my Task manager that after a while of playing the game eats up RAM. before 9.0 it would usually use 800Mb of ram up to 900 at times. Now when i start the game 800Mb, and after a few games up to 1.3Gb and more. That affects FPS a great deal.

    IMHO most of their problems could be most likely traced back to multi-core support they implemented in this patch.

    My FPS used to be 40-50 before. Now in the first 30 minutes it is same. With time it gets as low as 15-19. I usually restart the game after 2 hrs to get it back to normal.

    Just a few specs of my computer:
    CPU: Intel dual core 2.3
    RAM: 2Gb
    GPU: N-vidia 9500gt 1Gb

  14. Getting pretty bad FPS to, And my computer is not filled with “Malware and dust”
    My rig: ASUS Radeon R9 290 OC – 4GB GDDR5, Intel Core i5-4670K Haswell, Kingston HyperX Beast DDR3-1600 DC 8GB.
    So yeah…
    And i am running 30-60 FPS.
    Edit: not cuz its bad but, fucking 30 FPS in F2P MMO….

      • NO i shouldn’t, if you go ahead an make a game of ANY type i should could run at 60 frames+
        WITHOUT 2 fucking titans running water cooled…


    8.11 – graphics settings to maximum, avg fps around 40, with 50-60 on open maps and about 35 on city maps, sometimes drops to 30 but never below that

    9.0 – autodetect put settings to maximum again, but it was unplayable, 20-25 fps. with current settings i have 30-35 fps avg, city maps drop to 25, open field maps can reach 60, no drop in sniper screen (but actually increase), often drops for about 10fps for 2-3 secs when shooting or some vehicle gets destroyed

    i7 965 3.2GHz
    12GB RAM
    2x GTX660 SLI

    • “specs:
      i7 965 3.2GHz
      12GB RAM
      2x GTX660 SLI”

      Good :)

      With this rig, such game should run 120+ FPS I guess. I recommend you to adjust your nVidia control panel, more precisely, take all “controlled by application” options away and put your own values which suits you best (I guess the top config in your case).

      • Adjusting Nvidia control panel settings won’t help when the issue is the crap Big World game engine that can’t even use modern hardware.

      • nah i even adjusted nVidia settings in Inspector, played a lot with various SLI setup, nothing helps :(

        the worst part is, that i am able to play BF4 on ultra without any issues, but i am unable to run 4 years old game (i mean WoT here…) properly :(

  16. Good to read that they are looking into it.

    Though I miss one thing in this all: constant 100% gpu load in garage.
    I remember 8.6 (or some patches ago) brought this kinda bug in as well (due to lighting system change?)

    I would really like an answer to this issue, cause I dont like my hardware being constantly unnecessarily stressed up to Furmark levels.

  17. well regarding FPS drop : I had around 40 fps (mostly 37-38 or +40 depending on the map ) that on 8.11 and the test server with setings configured on Max : textures light efects shadows ,medium on terain ,flora (threes bushes and stuff ) post procesing and water efects the rest were low or off (anti analising was on ) and when 9.0 came out well. …it droped below 20-25 laggin when i tryed to chance on sniper mode …well at least it didnt crash… i reduced graphical setings to minimum posible and i got around 35 fps.. well yeah i am a bit unhappy about 9,0 …my setup is :
    Amd radeon R7 260X (graphic card )
    4GB Ram memory
    Amd athlon II X2 240

  18. Sorry for bad English skill.
    WoT was fine before 8.11. However, everything is gone after 9.0 update.

    My 8.11 Graphics Setting was

    Graphics : Improved
    Terrain Quality : Maximum
    other options were Low, Off or Checkbox Uncheck.

    FPS was 56~69 also there is NO FPS drop(Freeze) issue when I switch arcade mode to sniper.

    After update 9.0, I can’t set my usual setting because of sudden FPS drop, Freezing issue and Ping lag, game crashing and GPU full load issue.

    So I changed my setting as Screenshot. my FPS is 25~46. game crashing isn’t appear.(Graphics:Standard) however, FPS drop, Freezing and Ping lag is still appear.

    dxdiag.txt and screenshots of settings can be download by address below.

    “CPU E6400″
    “3GB RAM”
    “GTS 250″

  19. For camparison, since alot good PC here have worse FPS… WTF?

    CPU: Intel i5 3570k
    RAM: 8GB DDR3-1600Mhz
    GPU: NVidia GTX670 2GB

    Settings all maxed out !

    At least 40 FPS, but mostly perfect stable 60 FPS, due VSync.
    Without VSync and activated VirtuMVP up to 100 FPS !

  20. The thing that baffles me is the fact that i played on the 9.0 test server and had perfect 50-60 fps on 1920*1080 all maxed out. Then the first day the patch came out and i didn’t feel a difference regarding lag,freezes,fps and such.But the second day since the patch came out,like bloody magic,everything went terrible wrong.I had lag when switching to sniper,my fps dropped to like 25-30ish,the movement was jerky and i had crashes to desktop like it was a common option of the game.I guess i had contracted a severe mallware in the night after the patch…

  21. My PC: (CPU-Z Validate)

    - 8.11:
    + Resolution: 1920*1080.
    + Settings game: HIGH.
    + FPS: 30~40, it’s good and smooth.

    - 9.0:
    + Resolution: 1920*1080.
    + Settings game: MEDIUM.
    + FPS: 30~35, not good not smooth and drop FPS (<10) when tank destroyed with arty mod.

    Sorry for my bad English.

  22. ok, I will be a little bit harsh….
    I don’t know much about Storm, but he seems to be arrogant, as well as other members of the developing team.
    I would like to ask him, why should I pay real money to play a game, and suddenly some wise guy tells me that my computer has dust and malware? One day before the 9.0 patch, all these computers running smoothly wot were not infected by malware? Is this a professional reaction to a terrible update? Mistakes are understandable but arrogance is unacceptable, at least by me.
    In addition, why should I spend real money to get a tank and one day I realise that it has been nerfed?
    Will you return some money for every FPS drop or for every nerfing you do? Of course not.
    I have bought some premium shop stuff before, I was ready to buy paypal package of 15K gold, but I am totally disappointed by your attitude.
    An average player/customer

  23. Getting 40-60 fps on average graphics settings with improved renderer and 100% 3D (some settings are high, some are low/off like lighting, shadows etc.).

    1680×1050, C2D 8300 @ 3.2Ghz, GF650Ti Boost 2GB, RAM 4GB DDR2-800, Plextor SSD, Win7 x64

  24. - developers are also considering the option that those, who complain about this issue, have computers filled with dust and ridden with malware

    GTFO you cocky ingrates , i clean my pc every fucking week for dust , running a good damn antivirus and scanning also every week , defrag my HDD also every week and i still get a huge fps drop even tho my rig can play fucking BF4 on ultra with 70+ fps .

  25. DxDiag:

    In 8.11, I had 25-35 FPS on settings:
    - 1920×1080
    - Full-screen mode
    - Antialiasing off
    - Vert sync off
    - Graphics improved
    - Everything off / low, except for Terrain Quality & Draw Distance at max

    In 9.0 my FPS dropped to 12-25, reducing settings doesn’t help. Current settings are similar:
    - 3D Render Resolution on 100% (lower setting makes everything blurry, pixelated)
    - Terrain Quality reduced from Maximum to High

  26. guys, am I the only one who finds the new lightning really weird ?
    Its okay in garage (probably due to multiple light sources) however in battle the tanks look so weird.
    Like made of rubber or plastic. Its really strange. No shading, reflections…
    It looked awesome in 8.11 however.

    Is this how it’s supposed to work or should I just play with my drivers a bit ? (nvidia gpu)

  27. Radeon HD 2GB 6950 with 16GB corsair ram and my fps is the same as 8.11, albeit I had to drop graphics down a bit to medium.
    Currently running at 60-65fps on open maps, 50-55 on city maps.

    My problem is the micro freezes and yesterday morning 4 consecutive CTD’s in the same battle.

    Looking forward to them changing the god awful destroyed tank noise!

    • oh hey, i’m not the only one :D, except…i’m using the highest setting possible on standard graphics
      and i suppose you don’t have any crash problems :P

  28. My average FPS droped for like 20 and changing graphic settings lower doesent make any difference at all. There are so many more demanding games that runs better than WoT. They should have bought some normal engine at the start and try to not screw up wherever there is a smallest chance of screwing.

  29. “- FPS doesn’t depend on whether you are using SSD or not, but resource loading lags might”

    Indeed. I have just had the luxury of playing a few hours of WoT on a friends monster PC, 9.0, graphics near maxed, 60 FPS constant on vsync modded up with Gnomefathers guns and engines, and there was absolutely no resource loading lags from the first time gun firing, tanks being destroyed etc thanks to the game running off his SSD. My 2TB HDD loves to stutter hard for the first 2-3 matches of the day thanks to resource load. SSD is essential for stutter-less gameplay.

  30. I have some real test here, I hope you SS see my post, cause i was testing with one replay in 8.11 and I did some bench with fraps to see wish IA catalyst worked better, now I have real proves using the same settings and tested with benchmarks.

    I lost 8-9 fps on average, my minimun fps drops like 20 fps, my maximun fps drop 10 fps, so I really have an performance impact in my gameplay, I play with a mix of high and medium settings. The tested map was ruinberg on fire, same replay and both datas added.

    2014-03-23 10:38:22 – WorldOfTanks 8.11 13.9 no catalyst ia (this is what I use)
    Frames: 18471 – Time: 390861ms – Avg: 47.257 – Min: 32 – Max: 59

    2014-04-23 09:13:31 – worldoftanks 9.0
    Frames: 15094 – Time: 386274ms – Avg: 39.076 – Min: 13 – Max: 49

  31. “from 9.0 on, improved render cannot be enabled on Radeon graphic cards up to 4000 series, Nvidia cards up to 8000 series and most Intel graphic cards, this is because these cards do not support the new texture format” – Those two series support SM4.0 which is more than enough to run a game based on an obsolete DX9 rendered (SM2.0/3.0). WG developers are just a whole bunch of lazy incompetent idiots.

  32. Just helping my friend. Here is the link for the dxdiag log and screenshots of his battle and settings.
    His graphic settings before 0.9 update has been standard graphic with minimum settings but maintaining average 30~40fps. Now after the update, the fps has dropped to average 5~15fps and during arty mode, has been reduced to average 1~5fps.

    Here is the link:

  33. When i chose Automatic performance, it shows me maximal performance… so i guess that playing on medium with fps drops to 10-15 when someone is spotted isn’t “working as intended”.. RIGHT?

    CPU: i5 2500 (4x 3,3 GHz)
    RAM: 4GB
    VGA: GeForce GTX 560
    Win 7
    Before patch i played on Maximal performance with stable 40-50 fps… now its like drowned in honey with drops and drops keep coming even with medium settings!
    SO WHAT THE FUCK!!! Those new HD models looks like toys from toystore.. think about it. Any other improvements (understand steps to make things worse) i didint even realise… just DROPS! CRASHES AND UGLY TANKS!

  34. In 8.11 I got 50+ FPS consistently. Now I get 20-30 with plenty of spikes down into the teens. It’s all over the place and makes the game jerky and uncomfortable to play. The funny thing is, I can lower settings all the way to minimum and my FPS doesn’t show noticeable improvement. It’s like the game just refuses to utilize my entire CPU and GPU.



  35. “currently, developers are dealing only with “FPS dropped so much I can’t play at all” issues, fixing other FPS drop will come later”

    That statement says enough of how much BS they are selling us.

    Also calling everything above 10 FPS non-critical for gameing is just sad.

    There is so much BS coming from WG lately, that i will move to WTGF ASAP even if the game wouldn’t be as good as anticipated.

  36. setting and dxdiag in link
    In 8.11 patch my avg FPS was 45+ on max everything( moton was off)
    in 9.0 u can see in videos, now ill try to explain problem:
    when u start game and on open fields u have fps just like on videos , but if u are in town area the fps is 50+. This is crazy, so if u want good fps move mouse to look at ground and it is good, funny thing is if u use sniper view fps is 50+regardless on view range

  37. We are no-fee-testers for WG developers who`s heads are full of malware and dust.

  38. Guys…I can play well even with 8-15 FPS (it was before 8.4, now its somewhere around 3-the funniest thing is it doesnt depend on graphic settings)…..but making a game with sh*tty graphic that runs even less smoothly than such game as BF4…cmon WG.

  39. Well, it can’t all be bad.
    My laptop was giving me 20~40 fps (depends on the map and I never bothered to gather statistics on that), on mostly minimum settings…. it is a core2Duo P8700 with a nvidia G102m graphics chip.
    With this update, I actually noticed a slight increase towards the ~30~50 fps, still mostly on minimum graphical settings.
    Looks good enough, for me.

    What I do get is, on the first battle I play, it takes forever to load the map so that, when I enter the battle, the countdown is just reaching the last seconds. I then get a “lag” for about 15 seconds. I press the keys and sound works accordingly, I pan the mouse and the graphics render, but the tank doesn’t move until it does (~15 secs later) and I’ve bumped into a few team-mates. [guys, if I ever bump you at the start, sorry!]
    I am using xvm… maybe that interferes, somehow… meh, not enough to bother too much about it.

  40. It is hard to distinguish between WG problems and problems on one’s computer. I had a frame rate problem and it turned out I had a (known, but obscure) problem with a font program tying up 25% or more of my cpu. When I eliminated the program (entirely unnecessary) my frame rate improved immensely. One problem is I had to go to the resource monitor in the performance tab of my task manager to find the offending program.

  41. Here is mine get this: DxDiag:

    Graphics settings 8.11: Improved Render – High Textures, Low Terrain, Medium LOD, Medium Draw Distance, FXAA, Extra Effects Medium, Everything else off or minimum. Resolution at 1980p x 1080p. FPS 20-45

    Graphic Settings 9.0: Standard Render – Maximum Textures, Low Terrain, High LOD, Medium Draw Distance, 4x AA, Extra Effects Maximum, Everything else off or minimum. Resolution 1980p x 1080p. FPS 25-70

    Massive drop in graphic settings to regain what I had previous to 9.0, otherwise its like watching a slideshow on my previous settings, VERY poorly optimised.

  42. - developers are also considering the option that those, who complain about this issue, have computers filled with dust and ridden with malware
    I guess 9.0 patch was so powerful that it all of a sudden infected PCs with malware and filled them with dust because how else you can explain that it worked fine in 8.11 and now it doesn’t.

    Storm also adds that the bug where FPS drops (game “lags”) whenever you switch to sniper mode has been confirmed, but it’s not easily fixed and in order to get rid of it, terrain render has to be fixed and that’s not something that goes fast. Developers are working on it right now.
    Not easily fixed by fucking people who made the game, but some random polish guy made it long time ago

    Yea, it’s so hard to fix. No fucking wonder why it takes them 2 years to implement stuff and why they postpone things every now and then.

  43. DxDiag –
    Worth to add that dxdiag isnt seeing my GeForce 755GT (M version)
    I used to have Max settings (picked max from the options) and had 50-70 fps
    Now i have 30-40 on max settings, lowering details isnt helping.

    I have clean installed Windows 8.1 with only needed drivers. Not a single malware possible to have. WG Devs i get that you are mad, because you overestimated your programming skills, but dolan plx

  44. “Storm also adds that the bug where FPS drops (game “lags”) whenever you switch to sniper mode has been confirmed, but it’s not easily fixed and in order to get rid of it, terrain render has to be fixed and that’s not something that goes fast. Developers are working on it right now.”

    Lel, i managed to fix this issue by using a mod (someone recommended it on ftr btw as well)…sooo – it couldn’t be that hard to fix it.

    Still, that doesn’t stop the game from being unplayable at the moment – i get massive fps drops whenever more than one HD tank is present in my FOV, no matter how far, then there are the microfreezes whenever a tank gets destroyed and yet again it doesn’t matter if it happens on the other end of the map.

    Anyway, yeah, if the fridays patch doesn’t help, i will try to get chargeback on what i can and be on my way…fuck WG.

  45. Here are the files:

    Used to play on almost max (without AA, motion Blur and medium shadows) on 8.11 with 60-80 FPS, sometimes more. I get 30-60 now, with drops below 25 sometimes. Playing with quality settings made no result. System is: i7 4770K, ATI 6850, Win 8.1.

  46. Honestly, at 1st, when looking at problems on FPS drops I just thought, hmm, maybe WG did really something wrong so “old” PC’s are having problem or they tried too high settings on improved render just to see the new HD. Don’t get me wrong, this is what I thought at first… Well, my new system is not affected by this until yesterday. My game runs at 60-75fps normally, 50+ on bad fps and 80+ for good fps. Settings are all maxed, enabled track effects, improved render but disabled vsync and dynamic changes. My system is i7-4770k runs at 3.8Ghz on turbo boost (didn’t used the OC profile for power saving and knew this was enough for this game), 16gb ram at 1600mhz, gtx780 running at 1080p resolution.

    Playing yesterday and all good and normal until middle of the game that I realized that fps dropped below 50, then seconds later below 40 and went as low as 20fps, I said to myself wtf is happening, I quickly opened my temperature and load monitor for CPU and GPU just to make sure, CPU running at 3.8Ghz with around 50-53C temp, GPU at 72C temp and around 60-80% load, everything looks normal on that and just regular numbers on daily basis but now fps avg at 20-30. I used to play on old system with 20-30avg fps and it’s playable, but this time, too much graphics stuttering, even though it show 20-30fps, I knew it looks like 8-12fps because I experienced that before on my old system.

    Just happened once and on that game only but geesh, now I’m really convinced that 9.0 is a disastrous one. If WG suggests to lower my settings, well shame on them and instead of blaming on our hardware which is most are way over to their recommended specs, maybe they really need to optimized 1st their game

  47. ”developers are also considering the option that those, who complain about this issue, have computers filled with dust and ridden with malware”
    good excuse for incompetent WG programmers.