Hello everyone,
this morning, as announced earlier, 9.0.1 hotfix was applied to the game. The hotfix officially has following content:
- Fixed significant number of the ‘crash to desktop’ or ‘client crash’ issues
- Fixed “Updating Tankers” issue that occurs when trying to create a Tank Company from Training Room
- Significantly decreased performance problems when vehicle is destroyed
- Optimised turret physics when ammo rack explodes
- Fixed red gun texture issue on destroyed IS-3s
- Fixed a rare bug that caused writing off gold in case of temporary emblem or inscription purchases
Edit: comments disabled, you can give your feedback under this post (sorry, I didn’t think I’d be making a separate feedback post earlier)
They chg. in engine_config.xml comp. to orginal 0.9.0
enableBalanceCPU set true form false
Add new line for preload explosions and set to true
its not active on NA yet. 10am GMT+1
first game i play:
Crash To Desktop
second game i play
3rd same
4th finnaly not -_-
5th CTD again
So it still doesnt work? have you tried without mods?
By the way, in case it persist and is because the bug is still there.. the bug can be prevented by simply changing graphics to standard, I crashed on released day a few times, changed it, and haven’t crash in a week.
I’m noticing Audio stuttering and lower FPS on my work laptop using an I5 3320M with the OB graphics. Didn’t happen in 9.0 I may try the triple buffer disable with it and see if that makes it any better.
I have same stuttering and FPS drop. Before micropatch I have a decent 25-40fps at Med/High. Now I use same setting and I have significant lover FPS. Tripple buffer doesnt change anything at my side. :-(
i’m using dozens of mods, literally, and had no issues with CTD (except those caused by old vehicle skins) neither before or after micropatch… actually i had no issues that this patch should fix at all
no change to FPS though :( i dont see any particular improvements when vehicles got destroyed. but, i got few FPS more by disabling triple buffer as stated in previous info
for me, the real problem is here:
“- there is a bug in 9.0 – SLI support stopped working. Developers are fixing it. Storm adds that for now, it’s better to use one graphic card and not enable both.”
i wonder how can they screw piece of technology that worls stable for over 5 years now… thats simply lame
just had the garage open only, no match.. Stug B for 40 mins no crash, had HD Tiger I open in garage only, ten mins and “bump”.. theres my desktop refreshing and no game!.. not tried ingame yet but as i seem to have no change in this issue i see no point as crashes are equally there as well as in garage , running with no mods and medium settings. i have a feeling im going to convert to WT as im quite enjoying playing a game i can finish!
I replaced all the HD models with the old normal ones. No CTD.
I see no optimization changes at all. Same crappy FPS, 10-15 less than before patch 9.0
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