I think the developers are on vacation, so let’s see the rest of that Raptr QA. The answers are by Jbots (some PR girl) and Major_Rampage (that name I know).
- WG stopping adding new tanks to WoT? “There is no plan on when to stop at this point. We will keep introducing as many new tanks as long as it makes sense for the game.” (SS: you wish…)
- 2014 is “the year of graphic updates”
- new “fun modes” are being worked on for WoT
- “We may implement more anti cheat functionality into the game, however we will not discuss how we will do this, as it would help people look for work arounds.” (SS: ah, so there is none after all, thought so)
This one made me giggle:
Q: “И так вопрос! Что ж вы пиндосы русских так не любите?” (A question: how come you faggots don’t love the Russians?)
A: “English please! Sorry, I only read one language :)” (SS: lucky you…)
However, there are other stronk answers as well:
“Seal Clubbing is something we definitely don’t support. Seals should not be drinking alcohol, and when they dance they look like fools. We have been looking into having bouncers placed outside of dance events to stop seals from entering clubs in the first place.”
This one is interesting:
- “Certain maps in matchmaking are chosen based on tank tier if you keep seeing the same map over and over, try switching out a tank tier.”
- no plans to change premium tank configuration
- bigger maps? ” It has been a long time desire to increase the maps sizes and support larger battles especially with Historical Battles. Technically, doubling the maps sizes and increasing teams to 30v30 would quadruple the server processing requirements. We will continue to pursue this goal, however it is not slated for the 2014 timeframe.”
- no bigger platoons than 3 are planned
Personal note: please don’t use Raptr for QA, guys… it’s terrible. And as for The_Chieftain chastising me for not recognizing you and giving you proper credit – use nicknames! Major_Rampage, that I know. Chris Jung? Not so much. That leads people to believe that instead of staff that clearly has experience with games, they get their answers from random PR department people.
so did you try WT GF?
I did
MM is shit. Night battles are shit.
UI of War Thunder is dog shit and whoever made it so MUST be fired….
Rest of game is good though.
night battels?
They’re awesome in planes, really epic, but in tanks it’s a joke. You can’t see shit.
Other thing that irks me, but I CAN NOT confirm is the balance of the IS-4M vs Tiger 2 105mm and Panther 2 vs T-54
Now I am with mostly low tier tanks and saw a Jtiger only once so far.
Thing is… people… the IS-4M WILL WHIPE the floor with the Tiger 2 105mm, which is not even a real tank, just a proposed re-armament of the Tiger 2 :(.
Hell if Gaijin make D-25T accuracy historical AND its HE shells as powerful as they were…it does not have to penetrate the TIger 2 ti anihilate it.
There is no MM in GF(in live server, events battles), I asked why is the mm so broken, mod told me there is none and that it will be made properly for Open beta. So patience, it IS a closed beta after all.
I know it is. Its OBVIOUS there is no MM and they will fix it.
Still its something that hit me with a brick :P
A closed beta that you already can pay for?
Yep, that’s quite common. Load up Steam and go to Early Access – it’s pretty much the same thing, only in E.A. half of the games are unplayable.
the MM is not “broken”
the problem arises from people leaving hi tier planes in the other slots next to tanks – switch them to reserve planes or send the crew on vacation
i have no GF ;(
Poor You ;)
Look around the net. They organize key giveaways every now and then.
Happy Reunification Day – on April 30
Hmm those Raptr QAs really seem a bit off…
But the seal clubbing answer is quite funny :D
@SS: Warthunder GF event schedule is now extended:
from 00:01 to 04:00 and from 12:00 to 20:00 GMT every day.
before they bring more phantasy alien shit tanks like WT E100 for example its better they really stop adding new tanks …
What about the British lend lease line, Chinese TD’s and SPG’s Japanese Heavies, TD’s and SPG’s, the SturmTiger Line and all the other nations not yet included in the game like the Swedish tanks. I make that up to a possible 12 new lines of real tanks. You also have Czech Italian Hungarian and Israeli tanks that could be added.
They “will keep introducing as many new tanks as long as it makes sense for the game”?
It has stopped making sense quite a while ago.
Every future changes I read makes me depressive, I uninstalled the game 6 months ago but still, I don’t see them fix matchmaking before the year 2020, therefor the game never will go on my computer again.
“fix matchmaking”?
there is nothing wrong with the MM.
The matchmaker has a lot of issues, mainly that it attempts to balance tank power (and fails) while ignoring the relative amount of skill on either team. This is why almost every match ends up 15-3, 2-15, 15-4, etc. Balanced matches are a rarity, grossly unbalanced ones are common. Complicating it is the fact that so many of the tanks themselves are either over or under-powered for their tier, and the tier spread is too great. You many think it’s fine, many don’t. Regardless of how skilled you are, you cannot generally overcome a seriously mismatched game. I’ve had games with 7 and 8 kills that I still lost. This should not happen.
What WG thinks of a balanced battle is when player skills determines the winner. I must say i have no problem with it. If you’re angry about “why should i play so hard when those noobs in my team will make me lose anyway”. You can’t blame them for being noobs. You might not realized but you might be a noob before.
How can you comment on a game that you’ve not played for 6 months ?
The game is a completely different beast now to what it was then.
I was out for some months as well (November 2013), returned just to test the HB in 9.0.
As the “Historical” battles are a joke (the only historical relation is the title), I also tried a few random games. In fact, even though I follow FTR and read most of the news, the game itself did not feel any different to state when i left. Ofc. I had too few battles to go into detail, but saying the WoT is a different beast now seems to be an exaggeration.
“Certain maps in matchmaking are chosen based on tank tier if you keep seeing the same map over and over, try switching out a tank tier.”
My first battle in S-51. I get Himmelsdorf. Stronk MM ftw!
Well the FV304 feels just okay in Himmelsdorf, so you can’t contribute shit MM to SPGs.
FV 304 DOMINATES on Himmelsdorf, especially if you get a crowd on the hill and your team can hold them. You can drop shells on the idiots all day from 4 squares away and they can’t do a damn thing about it. Hilarious.
You deserve it for coward clicking.
May the Gods alwalys give you Himmelsdorf in your retarded onehand faggot machines. CUNT
What kind of idiot would put the fire command on a key combination where you need both hands for??
Some people like to suffer. And forget it’s just a game.
Your creative ways of justifying for being onehand cunts are at least somewhat funny. I appreciate the effort. Now pls go die.
I tend to notice people like telling other people to “go die” very frequently for some really fucking petty reasons.
“You play something I dislike in a video game so you deserve to die” sounds like just as solid of logic as “You believe in a different god/set of gods/ a god in the first place so you deserve to die” or “you are from a different country so you deserve to go die”
You can hate artillery players all you wish but reserve “go die” for people who actually deserve it, like people who actually try to enforce the prior lines of logic.
Can i use e50 crew without penalties in pz4 for historical battles or it’s not implemented yet?
Pretty sure there are no plans to implement that. The only “benefit” of HB is that you can drive non-fully upgraded tonks and use modules you may not have researched yet
No, they actually want to do that, but only for the low-tier tanks. This to promote their usage more.
“Certain maps in matchmaking are chosen based on tank tier if you keep seeing the same map over and over, try switching out a tank tier.”
And they say this only now… for Christ sake I was already wondering if I am cursed or smth
It’s more likely referencing the fact that lower tiers have a limited number of maps to choose from compared to (for example)tier 4+
Ah for fucks sake, they mean the Widepark map, which is restricted to only tiers 4-6
Also province, lowest tiers (1-3) only
First off, thanks for digging through this … “interesting information”, SS, much appreciated.
The one piece that was actually interesting, if it’s true:
- “Certain maps in matchmaking are chosen based on tank tier if you keep seeing the same map over and over, try switching out a tank tier.”
So, is it actually confirmed, is this true?
I don’t believe it. Other than the maps reserved for low tiers (Province, Ensk, etc.) I’ve never noticed a correlation between tier and maps. I do notice that some maps (Himmelsdorf, Ruinberg, “winter” Himmelsdorf, and Ruinberg “on fire”) seem to pop up annoyingly often in the rotation, about twice as often as the other maps.
Ensk isn’t restricted to low tiers only, I got as far as a couple of tier 8 tanks so far, but they get Ensk too
Almost everything answered here is complete and utter shit. Don’t believe a single word coming from those PR clueless circus monkeys.
Happy Reunification Day – on April 30
Is that a shape of dinging penis?
Q: “И так вопрос! Что ж вы пиндосы
русских так не любите?”
That one is hilarious :D
Amerikosy pa ruskii vobshe ne bum bum :D
By the way, “пиндос” is not related to “faggot”. It’s a mildly derogatory term for westerners, specifically Americans, similar to: chink, jap or siemka.
The word is pindos. Apparently it has the connotation that Americans are small, swarthy, and cowardly. I find that ironic in the extreme, coming from a country that seems determined to be known for being bullies more than anything else. I could easily say some uncomplimentary things about the Russians I’ve met, but I prefer not to generalize.
The word itself has no special meaning in itself, but I assure you that nobody associates Americans with “small”.
Not according to the Russian Wikipedia. The word was originally a derogatory term for Greeks years ago.
Did you translate the article using a translation tool or is Russian your first language? Mine happens to be and I disagree with you. The word fell out of use for decades before being reinvented again with a different meaning. The way I’ve heard it being used in conversations did not imply the connotations you mentioned.
lol this made my day
““Seal Clubbing is something we definitely don’t support. Seals should not be drinking alcohol, and when they dance they look like fools. We have been looking into having bouncers placed outside of dance events to stop seals from entering clubs in the first place.””
Yep. A finse sense of irony, there. :-)