X2 Day – How Good is it Really?

Hello everyone,

one million “likes” on FB is quite a milestone (hell, I wish FTR had 10k) for Wargaming – and one that Wargaming decided to celebrate by giving us x2 XP event for free. Sounds awesome, doesn’t it? But… how good it really is? Perhaps it is more like a… “Greek gift”?

Now, I don’t want to sound ungrateful – but first thing anyone has to understand is that nothing is for free, not even this event. There is a price to pay – it will draw out crowds of tamatoes just like other infamoux “x2″ or “x5″ events and that is not a good thing. But what sort of annoys me are the conditions.


In order to get this x2 bonus, you have to

- win
- be in top 10 of the 15 players

Now, let’s say we are talking about an average player, who wants to sit down and spend 2 hours at the computer, grinding his favourite tier 9 tank to FINALLY get that tier 10. Yea, that would be me. On average, one game takes cca 8 minutes, so within those 2 hours, you can play maximum of 15 battles. In reality, it will be a bit less, unless you want to play nonstop – like with other tanks, but let’s just say you want to play that one tank (for me, it’s the Centurion 7). So let’s say 14, for the sake of argument.

Out of those 14 battles, you can immediately discard one, because the bonus doesn’t apply for the first win. 13 battles then (and that’s if you count you actually win the very first battle, which you might not – so let’s say it’s 12 left). 12 battles then – now, the double XP bonus applies only to wins. Normally, let’s say you have a 50 percent winrate, but this can go wildly up and down – don’t forget it’s “x2″, where noobs can screw you up in all sorts of ways. Let’s say your short term winrate is 40 percent then (and not 20 percent or so like mine today).

So, that’s 4,8, so let’s say 5 battles you won in two hours, not counting the first win. BUT! Out of those 5 you have to be in top two thirds of the team. Normally, you could say “no big deal”, right? But… count cases where you get killed straight away, pushed by a noob and killed even if your team wins etc. – ending up in top 2/3 of the team does not come “naturally”, it’s not “easy” to achieve, it actually takes some effort, so let’s say you managed that in 3 out of those 5 battles.

So, in result, out of 14 battles you played in 2 hours, only 3 battles will award you with that XP increase. Based on your performance, the results may vary wildly and it’s not easy to say, how much more XP you actually get, but counting the same amount of XP you get from all battles on average…

Let’s say then you got 1000 XP for each battle (in real life, it’s much less, but we are talking examples and averages). 14 battles times 1000 – 14k, in case of the event it’s +3k (3 doubles), so 17k. Roughly 20 percent more XP overall.

So… the real question is, does that 20 percent extra XP outweigh the frustration from an “x2″ weekend? I am not so sure. Personally, I would prefer the “top 10″ condition to disappear. Of course, some might say “but that will encourage botting” – easy enough, replace it with “gain at least 150XP” requirement, that should stop AFKers and at least the more idiotic bots from getting anything (advanced bots are fully capable of ending in top 2/3 anyway).

125 thoughts on “X2 Day – How Good is it Really?

  1. Or make the x2 bonus account for losses and wins. That way it isn’t as frustrating when you have a useless team.

    • I’m with you on that, since its suppose to be a “Thank You” to everyone that has liked them on Facebook, it should be x2 Experience for wins and losses (ie a bonous for simply playing the game).

      I must confess I’ve been fortunate that I happen to be in an up swing today with about 60% WR, so I’m generating a lot of extra Exp. on the two tanks I’m grinding, but it could just have easily been a down swing day like I had two days ago where I could not get a win for love nor money :)

    • They did this once, it was the first time when the mission of this kind was announced and it was great. I don’t know why they changed it. And when someone has a bad MM day…

      • Oh trust me, it was bad. I played on that day and oh my goodness, the bots where everywhere. Twice within 3 games I ran into 2 bots on the other team and proceeded to farm them. I only played for a couple hours that Friday, but that was the only day they did it for wins and losses. Thank the bots for fucking us over.

        • Well, I have different feelings. My WR was normal, I didn’t see many campers/bots (at least not more than every other day) and I made 70k exp on one tank in 3-4 hours.

    • They actually had that a while ago. Needless to say it was an awesome time. This whole 2x xp for winning thing is a bit disappointing,

  2. if everyone gets 40% winrate today (thx to “event noobs”) then who’s in the winning team? ;)

        • Yea, All the noobs rush to cap :(…
          It’s sad really… 8 vs 3 and you cant get the top tier heavy to leave the flag….

          Both sides are capping and you reset it a few times, if you don’t you both draw.. Either way your getting a penalty…
          No flag bonus (Your not there)… No kill all bonus (cause of the cappers on your team)…

          • it is just a Big NO from WG for almost anything :P
            Espeicaly the encounters 3 minutes max games very and if they are your first victory theeen goood luck calming after that :P

    • Players with tanks with higher winrate? Statistically, the winrate of all people comes to around 49 percent I’d say (a part of it are draws).

      • well but then ur article isnt representative, as well the majority of players cant have 40% winrate today ;)

        • Please, start thinking. The article gives an example of what can happen to a player, who is not a) driving an OP tank b) not that good.

          • cmon man there is a opportunity to go with your friends and make this platton too and it is even possible to have this “OP platton” on your side as well, its 50/50 ;)

    • 58.35% overall wr, almost unicum(blue stats) and premium account for me, i get only 824 average xp.

      • 56% overall, around 65% recent. Same, blue stats with around 3400 recent WN8: Recent average xp is over 1k constantly, independant of tanks. And that’s all battles, not only wins.
        So with pr, 1000xp/win is doable for greens and maybe even yellows.

        And I have to say, the 2/3 requirement makes sense, cause a) AFKer/botters b) it rids us of some of the tomatoes, no? The guys who make SS have 40% wr? ;)

        I’m not even playing except this evening, but still I am gratefull for the event, at least it helps a bit with crew training and makes less people play TX :D

        • 55.5 overall, 60% recent, 2k XP average today and 65% wr, played most of the day and went out afternoon, grinded a total of 100k XP, 60k on STA-1 and tracks and engine on Type 61. Also i played all the time in a platoon, aced Type 61 after like 25 battles and got a crucial contribution with it. I like this x2 xp because it makes me play as best as i can.

  3. Easy solution, just do what I do…

    1) Load XVM
    2) with low win chance games, hit back to garage button, crash, drown etc at start of game

    Problem sorted.

    No one has a problem with that, do they?

        • Because a low chance still means you can win if you try, as opposed to 100% chance of losing if you just drop out at the beginning of the battle. I’m willing to bet that many people here have many times lost games because of that one tank that could have been the clincher for the team but was afk.

        • First you deny your team a tank
          Second there are plenty of these idiots around there in wot why need mooooore???
          Thrid you hate the afkers right???why be one of those
          o! your tank is locked in the battle and if it is komarin good luck getting it before 10 minutes :P

    • I would call it a douche’s solution. Decease screw your team right? After all, it is not a team game, there are no 15 players fighting another group of 15 players. It is only you and your tank, it is all that matters, right? Douche….

    • THIS is why they need to remove the team damage ban penalty when I use to get in games with an afker and it was obvious there was no way we were going to win I use to kill these asshole afkers/bots that were on my team myself.

    • man, if you dont like your winrate that XVM mod somehow inveted by pro programer then call your friends and make a platton they will help you, wont they?? or you just dont have any friends??? pure you :(

  4. what you just did, is complained like a fricking tomatoe. your justifications for not being in the top 10 xp wise just sound like the average tomato justifying why he is on the bottom of the list all the time, because you know “it is always the others” that are at fault. never you ? you can blame others for not winning, i would grant you that, but you can NEVER blame others for your incompetence in the game. if you get one-shot in the first minute of the game you just played bad. it is not the others fault and not the enemies fault. there is NO excuse for getting shot dead in the first 2 minutes of the game. if you go somewhere and get shot dead before the 3 minutes have passed you are just a very terrible player.

    most often these things to happen either if you are a very bad player OR you are a decent player but think you are a much better player than you actually are. just because you padded your WN8 or WN7 in a hellcat or some other stat-padding tank will not make you invincible. you will see it very often, that those blue players die in the first minutes because they think they are super smart and want to try the uber-cheeky rampant run in the first minutes, get spotted first, get shot by the whole team. it is not his teams fault that he died, but of course he will claim that and blame them for not shooting what shot him. patience is one of the most important traits in WoT and if you are below 10th rank xp-wise then that is exactly what you are. worse then two thirds of your team.

    • Jordan Knight on May 1, 2014 at 3:53 pm said:

      ***** just because you padded your WN8 or WN7 in a hellcat ***
      its interesting how people seem to pull the limit of the “stat padding” tank higher and higher, first it was seal clubbing, then tier 5 with derp guns, now Hellcats are “stat padding machines” since it seems to be so ridiculously easy to play a tier 6 TD with no armor, as going against those tier8 tanks is just too easy. Please, do tell me what machines us “decent players” need to play so we don’t get delusional about our own abilities and don’t risk being ashamed by your penetrating gaze of judgement… go suck a lemon kid.

      • brynky’s right on the money.

        I’ve seen the terms stat padding and seal clubbing climbing higher and higher on the tiers. They used to mean experienced players coming down to tiers 1-3 and pawning the noobies or using mostly clearly OP tanks over and over. Now they even refer to playing on tier 5 or anything below your top tier tanks. So in their twisted mind if I own tier 8 tanks and I suck in them I should just contiue playing in them because going below tier 8 is seal clubbing. So yeah we should sell all tier 5-6 tanks, the most profitable of all and stick only to 8-10.

        So much logic and common sense in this community. I was once accused by some guy of being a noob because I botched the game at the end and lost. Clearly my fault. Anyway, after the game I checked his stats. 3k matches played had a tier 7-8 tank and 1k games played in the T1 Cunningham. If that’s not a clear cut case of seal clubbing and stat padding I don’t know what is.
        I admit i have 760 games in the Kv-1S but I have 8k games and I only used it often when I was in a clan. They literally demanded it.

      • hellcat is OP and that’s why you see people who have a bad win rate in higher tier tanks just play the hellcat over and over again. and yes it is very easy to play a hell cat. noobs are campers anyways so it fits the bad players playstyle. dmg per game + win rate in your tier 9s is probably the best indicator for a good player, because you wont padd (WR) it in like tier 10s in tier 10 TCs or CW

  5. I think this is a clear case of feeling entitled for you, SS.

    The game hasnt changed, the number of idiots plaing the game might have, but they are evenly distributed between both teams.

    Some days you have winning streaks and some days you have losing streaks and confirmation bias makes you pay greater attention to losing streaks during events like this.

    Reality remains the same: this is a bonus XP you get for doing ABSOLUTELY nothing different from what you do playing normally. It doesnt matter if average to below average player gets 3k bonus out of it and better players walk away with 20-40k. Play the game as you would and enjoy the bonus.

    And at a risk of losing this fine gaming audience, I think top 10 rule is fantastic. It makes all the shitty player not get any xp, which in inderect way motivating them to play better. Same as that rule for giveaway tank: some tomato can’t play well enough to consistently get into top 10? Well, no tank for him because he havent really earned it now, have he?

    Feeling of entitlement people have nowadays is quite something else.

    • Entitled? I am just comparing pro’s and con’s on an example. Personally, I wouldn’t mind this event not happening at all.

      • Well, that’s exactly the point.

        Why not? Do you believe that all the morons that flood to the game join your team only? It’s not the stretch of logic and math to figure out that if you are having 20% win day, then someone somewhere is having an 80% win day. For every person losing, there is another person winning.

        So, is your complaint is that you are losing more games during special events than normally? If that is true, you desire is to remove the event, despite that someone somewhere is having 80% win day and is quite happy?

        Again, entitlement. People believe that the world revolves around them, so if some event is making their life harder, fuck the other players playing, fix this for me now? How is that an acceptable logic in a multiplayer game?

        Now, your opinion is yours, and by gods, express it on your blog as much as you can, but it doesn’t paint your opinions in the pretty colors when all we can hear is “Me, me, me! I should feel better about the game that 10 million players have tried, their opinion is irrelevant”

        Just pointing out the flaws in your logic and hopefully getting this community to understand that a single person is irrelevant in the multiplayer game. Whatever experience he is having with it is his individual problem and not everyone elses who is playing the game.

        Same as your posts about FPS. I had no decrease in FPS and in some cases, the game runs better for me in 9.0. But because I am not having issues, I am not the part of vocal minority if you will, that is on the forums screaming for 9.0 to be trashed, the game sucks etc. Perhaps a very large number of people don’t have any issues at all, while some large number of people do.

        Community matters as a whole, not a singular player, no matter how shitty it is to be that player.

        • despite our disagreement in the Musem post, I have to fully agree with you here. I mean, why the fuck do you whine about something that is just a BONUS?? and the argument about “it will bring attention of tomatoes blablabla.” Thats the most utter bullshit rumour there is about WoT. That on the x5 events there are worse players. Bad players are always in the game, same as the good ones. And you really forget about what Daemonik describes in his comment – the distribution of “tomatoes” is really equal to both teams and lets face it – if suddenly all the red players would disappear and all there would left was yellow to unicum, the yellow or green ones wouldnt really stand a chance.

          Any better player (whom are majority on FTR id say) would always find a platoon for such an event and then its almost impossible to have below 50 percent WR. So according to your audience, the post is completely irrelevant. I for one managed to grind 20k xp in like 12 games on my 50 120, which is terrible tank btw. So the fact that you suck doesnt really mean everybody does :)

          Btw that argument about getting into top 10 of your team is just hilarious :D Even a trained monkey can do that and if you die so early you cant get there, its nobody else than yours fault.

        • Actually, all the morons DO flood these events and no, there is no even distribution of extra morons vs extra good players. What happens is that people who have essentially quit the game because of the grind, almost all of them tomato-tier, come back and mindlessly grind their doubles because performance doesn’t matter on such an event. A bad player’s WR will usually not get much worse because more bad people join, since it is already scraping the barrel of what is s tatistically possible: For him it’s just all extra doubles.

          While it is true that everyone gets bad teams, the problem is that it becomes much much harder to carry games as a good player in these situations: When people normally complain about terrible MM, what they really have is 1 very good player, 2-3 green ones and 1-2 yellows among the reds. On events, most teams really will be approaching 14 tomatoes and you can’t carry that unless you stick to very strong tanks and get lucky that your team does something. It’s the same reason why summer is a terrible time to solo WoT because everyone who doesn’t normally play will show up for the numerous events and now don’t have to worry about work or school for several weeks.

        • Actually, all the morons DO flood these events and no, there is no even distribution of extra morons vs extra good players. What happens is that people who have essentially quit the game because of the grind, almost all of them tomato-tier, come back and mindlessly grind their doubles because performance doesn’t matter on such an event. A bad player’s WR will usually not get much worse because more bad people join, since it is already scraping the barrel of what is statistically possible: For him it’s just all extra doubles.

          While it is true that everyone gets bad teams, the problem is that it becomes much much harder to carry games as a good player in these situations: When people normally complain about terrible MM, what they really have is 1 very good player, 2-3 green ones and 1-2 yellows among the reds. On events, most teams really will be approaching 14 tomatoes and you can’t carry that unless you stick to very strong tanks and get lucky that your team does something. It’s the same reason why summer is a terrible time to solo WoT because everyone who doesn’t normally play will show up for the numerous events and now don’t have to worry about work or school for several weeks.

  6. It’s really frustrating, decided to grind my SU-100, averaging ~2k damage per battle, trying to make the team win every single time. Yet nothing helps today, slightly more than 40% wr. Most of the times the team just vaporizes, nothing you can do about it. I just wonder if the ppl are that bad, how the hell can they even enjoy the game…

    • Described my last 3 days. Only I’m more like 2.5-3k dmg per battle. Doesn’t seem to help either.

      • If you Really average 2k battle in a tier 6 you are a super-unicum. And a harc-core camper on top. I wouldn’t even believe you if you said 1.5k (even if that’s possible for a blue with gold spamm and food I guess).

        So, you are a super-unicum, and win 40%? Sry, could you plz show those 2k dpg?

  7. Correct me if I am wrong, but this seems to be yet another example where skill-based MM would make for a better game

  8. Man I’m just sayin but you make yourself sound really bad at the game. 40% short term winrate? “Getting in the top 10 is hard so you only do it 3 out of 5 times”?

    You make yourself sound like an orange level player going by xvm :x

    • To get my brand new T2 light after being away for most of the month, I had the same criteria, but with wins adding up instead of giving x2 xp.

      In the 150 odd battles where we won, I was bottom 5 maybe twice.
      I was in top 3 at least 69 times as evidenced by the top-3 mission counter (though I didn’t look at it at the end)

      I’m by no means a great player.
      I think SS is just catering to the n00bs a bit much here.

  9. Well, I wanted to argue about botting but you had a good solution :P
    But, if we disregard that, I still have to say, nobody is required to play this game and, if you look at it more closely, you are not getting scamed, they just gave you an opportunity to gain more, and you will gain more xp, but the end number you will get will depend on your skill and the retardedness lvl around you.
    It’s still a win-win situation, because there is no rigging, there ARE more tomatoes and idiots (they are not the same, one type is at least trying to play, the other is just behaving like morons, might have a whole rainbow, don’t care, you can still be an idiot). But with more “bad” players around, both your and the enemy team should have the same share in the problems and fruits of that set up.
    p.s. Keep the good work, I like reading your posts SS :)


  10. The best thing about this kind of 2x is that bots need not apply. All those zero damage shoot in the air guys on both team get nothing.

    As far the w/l predictions in XVM, they are way off of late. Though WIN8 in general is a better formula than WIN7 because it is harder to pad for the unwashed masses, It rewards camping and doing lots of damage more than kills. In general that will result in wins, but 5 100 hp tanks running around and still shooting is not reducing the enemies fire power and in a lot of cases will result in an unnecessary loss. Since winning is secondary to damage doing, a lot of blue players will just keep shooting tanks to get their damage numbers up and WIN8 up instead of defending the base which results in many games teams grasping defeat from the jaws of victory.

  11. I love these events..This is a rare opportunity to fck up my WR .. so far so good – 10 battles/10 defeats.. I will totally stop playing during these events and holidays.

  12. idk, for me the scenario would be more like 14 games, -1 daily, -5 defeats(or less when platooned, more when unlucky), and not being top ten, sorry but that really requires a performance of bot level.

  13. I had a great x2 exp I got 40k of exp grinded for my obj 268 . Only need the credits now :)

  14. I have been around 50% in the last month.

    Today at 30% so far in 40 battles. With top tier heavies camping behind arty.

    • This ^^

      55-65% in the last weeks/month(s) – today 0%..yes..0%…not a single victory at all.

    • 54% overall win ratio. Played 43 battles yesterday, won 28 (that’s 65,1% wr). Your argument is invalid.

      No, I didn’t play OP tanks only. Two battles with Hellcat, others with anything between FV304, Chi Nu Kai and E 50M. And a ton of other tanks I’ve got in my garage and enjoy playing.

  15. SS, I am sorry, but this is just plain old fashioned nonsense. Your numbers make no sense all round. For starters, expected WR is 49% if you want to use it for a general prediction. If you want to look at your own situation, you got a personal WR (PWR). Noobmeter tells me you got a 53% PWR. Let’s say that boils down to 50% if you just play a few games, which quite frankly, is slightly unlikely as most people seem to be wiling to sit down and ‘grind’ on days like this. So your assumption of ‘just’ two hours appears to be off as well. But, let’s get back to that 50%, after all, we are talking about you. You get to play 2 hours. The average duration of a game is roughly 10 minutes. That gives us 12 games. At a 50% expected WR, that means 6 wins. 5 of those are possible x2 games. Provided you use your brain, and that 53% PWR of yours certainly suggests you do, there is absolutely NO reason to assume you are going to fall out of the top ten in a T9 tank. Especially not in a Centurion 7/1. So I would say it is fair to assume you are going to manage a top ten score in all of your games. If I look at your average xp in the past 7 days, that is a solid 670. Let’s round that up for the sake of easy maths. 700xp x 5 gives us a 3500xp bonus. For simply playing the game.

    Now, with just a few games, actual results may vary wildly. Due to more very special people online, that variation may be even bigger than normal. However, that variation may also be in your advantage. After all, they may be on the other team as well, or evenly spread over both teams, allowing your superior skills and insight to come to the fore.

    • Some tanks, however, are unfortunate when “roflstomp” win occurs.

      Yes I am talking about Bishop, T28 (stock for some added insult to injury).
      What about +2 tier games? (T-28 against KV-1S, being the only tier 4 in game, apart from arty)
      Might take arties in city maps into account aswell.

      So some arguments are rather tank dependent than anything else…
      (mind you I had games in T-28 where enemy KV-1, KV-1S, T-150 and 3 other tanks did 0 dmg and I racked over 1500 dmg killing 2 tiers 6 almost singlehandedly with its almighty ZiS 85 dmg OP sweetness)

      Just saying skill is not everything when win occurs.

      • P.S. it was pleasant event to grind top turret in newly bought Lorr-arty when roughly every 3rd game amounted to 2500xp and 30-50k income
        not so much in the T28 though

        managed to grind 25k in Lorraine, 10k in Bishop and only 1-2k in T28 and ST-1 (also stock, thought I could grind the invincible turret atleast, gave up very fast)

  16. its a holiday in some countries, for relax not grind. Others are working, also no time to grind. X2 for all battles is good only if you decide to play a LOT at the given day. based on ss logic, which i find true, you need lots of battles, always performing on top. if you are having one of those days, after 10 consequent losses being top xp but still lost, simply ragequit. with x5 you win once, even with 500xp you get 2,5k thats correct, you can move onto another tank. those who bash ss for being a selfish noob, remember that he is talking instead of the majority of the playerbase, under 50% who are not unicum all-master radley medal all battle ,carryharder , betterthanqb super uber godlike pros, driving kv1s with gold BUT average joes in stock tanks against +tier

    • 2 heavies in a shitty tank waiting to have xp and be sold. Wg could have given more, could have given less. Its the same like having a millionare father who gives you a candystick for your birthday, and rides off in his bentley.

  17. Well, people were complaining that the missions and actions increase the number of bots and AFKers. So logically, people are complaining now that a protection is implemented (because that’s what reward for Top10 only is).

  18. Bought myself a new tank to take advantage of the x2 xp. First 10 games always in with +2 tier tanks so my stock tank literally couldn’t do anything (unless I started being a gold spamming n00b).

    Out of those 10 I won 2. So when I had ot rely on my team mates to carry me for a change, they failed.

    Total waste of time. Should have known better than to try and actually make use of a special WG was putting on. I usually avoid weekends like the plague just for this reason, and today has been no different.

    This bonus should have applied for win or lose but then that would mean it was actually useful and not just a big PR stunt.

    • 1. Hardly can belive it… What tank you played? Freshly bought tanks usually get prefferencial MM.

      2. It’s not goldnoob when you got no chance whatsoever to pen the guy with regular rounds. It’s tactical thinking.

      3. As I wrote earlier, I’m a 54% wr player. Yesterday out of 43 battles I won 65%. You can win on faildays.

      • the prefferential MM is a lie, when I was paying attention atleast 5 of the first 10 games were against +2 tier in the last 3 cases
        now I am not calling “liars”, just pointing that “prefferential” gets explained differently, might mean “slightly better chance to be top tier” and the RNG is to blame (dunno really)

        if I had to guess, I would say that it is the “slightly” version which was placed as placebo argument to calm the masses

        • Preferential MM generally means a +1 tier ceiling limit as opposed to the regular +2. Some Prem tanks have it (eg FCM 50t) and some don’t (eg Lowe). You must have bought a prem tank that doesn’t come with preferential MM. There is a list somewhere of the pref MM tanks.

          • Sorry, it might have been misleading but this discussion was about “first 10 battles in new tank get easier MM (not)”.

  19. defintely dont agree. I made 37 battles with a winrate of 67,6% (my average is 55%).
    And almost every battle top 10
    Good event :)

  20. Had a 60% win rate today, 31 battles, played M3 Stuart and T54 repetitively.

    So subtract the 2 first wins = 29 battles where it could have counted.

    60% of 29 battles = 18 battles where I won.

    I was playing well today, don’t remember any wins where I wasn’t at least top 10, but let’s call it 15 out of the 18.

    So I got the bonus in about half my battles played. KA-Ching!

    Put about 20K extra XP on the T54 and moved M3 Stuart from 90% – 100% primary skill. I’m happy.

  21. 70% WR in my amx 120 , only 15 k exp from 70 at day start left.
    For weaker player, who struggles to have 50% WR its crappy event.
    For me it’s awesome stuff.

  22. Nah, I grinded 20.000 in my T-54 in 2 hours. I almost won all battles and got double experience in all of them. Okay, I may had unicum stats today so that is not average, but I guess it all comes down to whether or not you can carry your teams. I certainly did.

  23. I don’t know about the other guys, but I got a 90+% win ratio, all of them in the top 10 players range…. I see the influx of tommaotes, mostly in platoons of fail, but somehow I managed to stay above the 50% win ratio… Today’s example : 25 battles and 4 losses so it is possible, but you need a bit of dedication in the match, not say, oh well let’s get that double and then you get hammered by the ones that actually want to win.

  24. Not getting much out of the event myself so far, but I can recognize that I’m playing like crap, much below average today. Hope that changes in the course of the evening – I neeeeeed that XP :(

  25. 2x event, so for average 150xp per battle retard winning by cap with 100 base xp is still a gain.

  26. SS, playing WoT during special events is just ASKING for shitty teams.

  27. You are bad at math silent, but those conditions are pretty shitty… Should be x2 for all battles.
    I dont mind the top 10 thing because it excludes bots and bad players from the x2. The bad players will hopefully learn to take each battle serious instead of just throwing himself out and hoping 5 people do worse…

  28. it’s worth it if you play all day and yo got 2 platoon mates to help you out!

    for 2 hours, not really! all u get is frustration!

  29. Had about four hours fun today, grinding a couple of tanks…
    I won’t consider myself a “good” player, but 26 games, WR 61% is way above my average. And there was only one won battle where I wasn’t in the top ten…

    Apart from that: Indeed, nothing WG does is “free”. Though I must say that for grinding, I personally, much prefer a “2x whole day for best 10″ event a lot more to the “x3/x5 once, everyone” schemes. Here the single “bad” 250XP x1 (<10 best players) win is way better compensated by two 1000 XPx2 (=4000XP) and one 1500XPx2 (=3000XP, overall 7250XP) wins compared to a 250XPx5 (=1250XP) plus 3500XP from "normal win" XP =4750XP.
    Of course also this is only an anecdote, but these represent my personal anecdote from today with the Pz. Sfl. V.

    On the other hand, just like you SS, I don't really care much anyways. If I like to play I play, and I can grow as frustrated on some weekends/event days as on some weekday's evenings. Today I had some time and will to play, and was happy to unlock the Panther 2's Schmalturm, and "eliteing" my Chi-To and VK 30.01P plus another couple of thousand assorted XP ;)

  30. I actually don’t get the feeling, people are playing any better on weekdays. on weekends “normal” players just set themselves on auto-anger.

    edit: FYI, in WoWp there is a mission going on during may, where you can win 2(!) yet unreleased(!) tier 6 planes. until now the highest premium planes were tier 5. now THIS is a shitty-people-magnet!

  31. being in top 10 by exp is really easy….you just need to use at least one brain cell….last 5 by exp are probably bots or complete morons who are playing simply because of x2 exp special and failing miserably to get it…oh the irony

  32. for me the 1 of may is a day not of celebration but of rage against socialist and communist’s that keep on ruining business around the world.

  33. I would be happy even if they only gave top 5 winners the 2x xp. I played 57 Battles today mostly soloing, my winrate is 66.7%, and I think there was only two games out of those 30 wins that I did not receive 2x, because I ranked badly.

    It’s a good thing that only top 10 gets the 2x, as they are the one that actually win the game. Usually there is 4 person in the team that does 0 damage, and bots, they don’t deserve the 2x.

  34. I did quite a bit more than 20%, but may have just been luck

    10 games in my A-43
    6 Wins – including the first 2x
    All 5 of them counted at 2x for a total of 2759 extra XP (Standard Account)

    I would have 4597 XP without the event, so worth about 60% bonus for me

  35. I think the top10 xp earners events are going on for a while now, so I don’t mind, but I hoped that they also gave x2 to top 10 losing team. I played 2 games before going to work on NA server, and there’s an afk or 2 on each battle which could help a lot on close battle specially if they are the top tiers or mid tiers of that battle. You are quite happy to see a close 7:7 or 10:10 score then you realized that those who are camping at the base are actually afk and not just campers. Gave me a bad mood going to work, should have waited after work.

    • that’s actually a great idea: Instead of giving 2x for the top 10 players of the winning team, give 2x for the top 5 players of both teams! That would be awesome, and I would not feel so bad about the bad teams.

  36. Improvements on the math…

    Going with 14 games in 2 hours. A bad player will still win 45%, so that’s 6.3 wins and 7.7 losses. Discount the first win, so you will get 5.3 wins with double XP. Let’s say the odds of being in the top-10 are 10/14 (assume one AFKer), so you’ll get extra double in 3.78 wins, usual double XP in 1 game, undoubled XP in 1.52 wins, along with loser XP in 7.7 games.

    You get more XP in wins than losses, say 50% more, although I’d have to check to get a better estimate. Plus, as you’ve made the top 10 in this scenario, you’re probably getting more than 50% more XP than a loss. Say 300 in a loss and 500 in a win (~tier 5, no premium account).

    This gives:
    1000 XP in your normal x2 win
    3780 XP in your 3.78 extra x2 wins (vs 1890 undoubled)
    760 XP in your bad wins (would actually be less, since you sucked in those games)
    2310 XP in your losses

    5960 XP vs 7850 XP

    So the average extra XP for a bad player will be around 31% in 14 matches in this event.

    I know you can’t win fractional parts of games, but I don’t think it makes any more sense to use pessimistic numbers such as 40%.

  37. Hm. I always just play the game, look at the results screen and go “Hey, I completed another mission. Cool”, instead of overthinking them.

    Because when I start to play solely to complete missions, much rage will be had.

  38. We it isn’t being correctly applied. I have just had a game where I won and came 9th in xp earned but no x2 bonus was applied.

  39. Well while it may not live up to the hype for the average player or tanks which perform badly on average but above average players grinding decent tanks is fine. I’m also grinding the Centurion 9 today and I’ve got 25k so far with little stress. Sure a premium account helps and bad wins are annoying but they also help you think about why you came so low in the team and how not to make the same mistake again.

  40. I think all the “top 10 of 15″ requirements should be changed to “top 12 of 15.” It’s easy to have an OK game and still end up 11th, especially in artillery due to losing half your damage XP to spotting XP for other players.

    I view the “top 10″ rule as a rule for preventing people from going AFK and hoping for a win or survival towards a mission. Top 12 would still prevent that, without causing the frustration of losing out due to being 11th by 3XP. Maybe that could still be abused by rushing for some quick damage and dying in the first minute, though.

  41. Victory (great game 2k exp on x2)
    Defeat (704 exp)
    Defeat (560 exp)
    Defeat (672 exp)
    Defeat (448 exp)
    Victory(shity got 700 exp in total)
    3x defeats

    And I’m 1600 WN8 player (last 3k games on 2000 WN8) so I’m at least decent.

    I am one step from uninstalling this game.

    • man, take a rest and go out with your friends, next time when you log in game it might be the time when you will be winning and you will be happy and thats the reson why you play this game, isnt it? being happy is the goal of living ;)

  42. I’m happy with my results.

    41/55 games won all with the M46 avg xp 1371 (With prem) 5000 wn8 avg also.

  43. I bought premium account and grinded like 100k XP on tortoise to finnaly get the DeathStar. Can’t complain :)

  44. You guys have it easy. ASIA/SEA has the conditions of win, top 5 by damage and top 10 by assist (spotting only). At least they got rid of the must survive condition too.

  45. How good is it?


    grinded 100k on the Wt auf Pz. IV in 45 or so battles, 78% win rate and 2.5k avg wn8.

    Can’t say no to that ;)

  46. 65 battles today with a 70% w/r. Played nothing but my T29, pulling out the 60k XP I needed for the T32.. Everyone’s grinding their tier 9s…. So I saw almost nothing but tier 9 in my T29…. Still managed to do well in them though.

  47. -Win a battle

    -Be in the Top 5 in your team for most damage dealt in battle
    -Be in the Top 5 in your team for most assist damage in battle

    -Must survive the battle

    Asia wins.

  48. You’ve provided no real justification for the ideas that, for a good player, winning and and being in the top 10 are not reasonable and easily achievable goals for a majority of battles. In fact, it should be clear to anybody that they are, and most good players will achieve this fairly frequently. It’s of course well known that [i]every[/i] player, no matter how good, will experience both losses and wins where due to bad luck he’s in the bottom five. But pub matches are a statistical game and must be looked at that way. You don’t make a player play one battle and judge his skill from that: you look at his win rate over many battles.

    Your complaint here really appears to be the labeling: you read “x2″ and wanted this to be “I’m going to earn double the XP I would normally earn.” Would you be happier if it were labelled instead “XP bonus day”?

    Personally, since I tend to correctly analyze any mission from a statistical point of view, I look at missions such as this one and assume I”ll be earning somewhere around x1.5 XP.

    There’s an even bigger problem in your post, however. You appear to make an implicit claim that somehow having more bad players (“tomatoes”) in the game is bad for you. In fact, if you are a not-bad player, you should do [i]better[/i], not worse, under such conditions. Anything that affects the level of skill on your team will, statistically, affect the enemy team 7% more (because they have 15 randomly picked players, and your team has only 14 randomly picked players). More bad players on the enemy team means that you should be able to affect the battle a bit more, and thus your win rate should increase slightly.

    If more bad players does not increase your win rate, the problem is that you’re not playing well. (If you are an otherwise good player, this could be because you are incorrectly using strategies that depend on having good players on your team.)

    I really hate to see this utterly wrong “bad players hurt me” attitude. When bad players see good players blaming their poor performance on external factors, that encourages these bad players to do the same, rather than encouraging them to learn to play.

  49. Meh….being in the top 10 should be quite easy. Get 1, max 2 hits in a given game and you’re in, since on average 4-5 teammates (I use that term loosely) will be ’0 damage people’. Now getting a win, that is quite a different thing.

    Since you were talking about the Cent 7/1, last night I finished that grind. Took me 6 games of 2,000 dmg and 2 kills on average to get…..1 (ONE) win.

  50. Some days are good and some are bad, but generaly SS is right. On special events like this more “casual” players join battles and you can see it on minimap in first minute. I think at least two battles I participated yesterday got into my personal “top 10 of most retarded gameplays”. Sometimes even platoon of 3 good players can’t decide the outcome of battle, especialy with two of them in artilery. It is just game and losing is part of it.
    I personaly can’t complain about yesterday, because while 55,84% WR is below my avarage, it is not that bad for 43 battles with arty (I’m grinding my bat-arty as many others) and I’m thankfull for 20k extra XP I got for the event.

  51. the “be in the top 10″ stuff is very annoyng indeed, and is a proof that wg can’t develop a real anti-bot sistem;
    best focus on HD tanks, ruimberg on fire, on cold, with butterflyes, mess up with half community FPS..
    yes, this is what we need.

  52. Complaining about getting something for free? Move to Australia, you’d fit in well there.

    This was a great event–with prem, I now have a fully upgraded T49 and Hellcat and finished my grinds on the Panther and the Tiger.