
Have questions about WoT Blitz? Overlord is collecting feedback.

- some exceptions from the 9.1 LT matchmaking: A-20 will be like T-80 (battletier 4-6), SU-26 and T-127 battletiers 3-4
- WoT Blitz betatesters will get a reward tank – Russians a Russian one, Europeans an European one and Americans an American one (all tier 5)
- in North America, WoT Blitz might launch in a few weeks, depending on the softlaunch results
- Mad Catz C.T.R.L. controller for WoT Blitz? “We have done some basic support, but it’s not yet polished.”
- Chieftain on Maus restoration:

“Near as I can tell, the goal is to get the thing to clank along using whatever motor and transmission they can find. The mantlet will certainly have to be secured.”

- Chieftain on multiturret mechanism:

“My guess is that the programmers who would be working on the multi-gun support code can also be working on other things, and they only have so many hours in the day. Compared to whatever else they’re working on, is Multi-Gun really such a priority?”

75 thoughts on “9.5.2014

  1. So basically A-20 looses its scout MM in full? Does the same go for Pnz38 Na?
    Btw, is the SU-26 correct about the battletier? Getting limited MM?

    • Welp, ever since the T10 stretch/nerf the SU-26 went from lots of fun to big pain in the ass. I’d prefer if they’d just give it a better gun, but reduced MM is still better than nothing >_>

      T-127 on the other hand kinda suprises me. Not that I’d complain, I just don’t think it suffers paritcularly more than other T3 tanks in T5 games. Then again it’s premium, so why not.

        • Talking about SU-26?
          He did point out “ever since the T10 stretch/nerf ” Sure they nerfed it, they removed the 122mm which was OP as hell especially with the gold ammo for creds. change.

      • Ever since the SU-26 got its gun depression nerfed to 0 degrees it became almost impossible for it to defend itself at close range. So giving it more slightly lower tier games where it will be mixing it with more fast lights may not be so much of a buff as a curse.
        SerB must still be suffering from serious butthurt from a SU-26 driver.

          • That would be a fine approach – until you play arty and realize that 45% of the players are too dumb to protect you, the other 45% are noobs who hate arty and make it a point not to defend it, and the other 10% would like to help, but mostly drive a T95 or something similar slow, so therefore you are on your own.
            Arty is already the branch that is the hardest to carry with, it’s the class that is most team-dependant.
            zero gundepression really sucks. You thought chinese tanks were bad?!

    • yeah and what would be the point of multi guns in wot?

      like 4 tanks can use it and iirc all of them are garbage guns

      • B1′s howitzer could actually be usefull on that tier, same goes for Churchill 1 =not useless on both of these tanks.

        Not to mention they could add different KV-4 chassis with the double turrets, plus, many tanks that could still be added…

        • They are working on it because Gaijin is working on it for Warthunder, basically Wargaming doesn’t want to be caught with their pants down, Not that it really would matter since Wargaming has a better policy when it comes to vehicles unlocked in the tech tree.

          I still think it’s utter bullshit to remove vehicles from a tech tree only allow individuals who unlocked them prior to their removal to keep them and to use them, while leaving no other means to obtain them.

          • multi-turret mechanism has been planned long before war thunder started influencing anything. has nothing to do with WT

            • WG only want it to be in the game because WT WILL HAVE IT. WG said they don’t know if they would implement it at all.

      • 4… there are a lot more then 4.

        Churchill 1
        M3 Lee
        ARL V39
        (AMX AC48)

        And thats only the ones who have guns mounted who also can engage tanks, if you include large caliber MG (who also have no problem penetrating 20-30mm armor), which is often enough for T4 or 5 vehicles the list grows a lot longer:

        nearly entire British TD tree, T28, T110E4, T110E3, T110E5, M60 and probably a few others i forgot.

  2. If War Thunder can do basic multi-turrets, WoT can too. Just give all the secondary turrets standard auto-aim.

  3. ““My guess is that the programmers who would be working on the multi-gun support code can also be working on other things, and they only have so many hours in the day. Compared to whatever else they’re working on, is Multi-Gun really such a priority?””

    which begs to the question: Gaijin with FAR FAR less resources(i’d say an order of magnitude lower at the least in income and developers) has made multiturret in mere months, on a game that is even in closed beta.

    so, ¿what are the useless WG devs wasting their fucking time on since their game has pretty much stabilized?, breaking the game even harder?

    • Fancy fancy trailer videos and giving money to Kubinka, Maus restoration…. :)

      Oh, I forgot to mention all the other videos they make xD Funny or not, money could be used for the things they themselves say “cant bother to use resources”

      • Also,
        WG trailers all use prerendered fake cinematics.
        Gaijin doesn’t need to because their game looks beautiful as it is…., hence… no money spent on shitty cinematics

        • Yeah yeah like that War Thunder trailer with all the slow-motion TOTALLY wasn’t a cinematic. No no, the game just look so good. Sure.

    • Gajin got a proper engine to do the job.
      Wargaming is stuck with shit that never should have been chosen for this game.

      • From all that I have heard BiGWorld is not really bad at all… but WG must use newer versions of it/patch it up to a newer one. That or they are not very good programmers.

        Old engine does not really bad or unsalvegable. For an example, STALKER’s X-Ray is from 2000.
        The newest version of it, used in Lost Alpha will make Gaijin programmers commit sepuku.

        • they should def scrap BigWorld instead of trying to make ugly girl a princess throwing so much money. BTW they bought this company for 10$M (bigworld) and they already spend more money on trying to fix it. just kill the fucking engine and move on. do you really want to get pawned by some indie-developer with CryEngine 3.0?

            • You know, if CCP can do that than WG should be…. Wait.. you know what.. forget what i tried to say. XD

    • Comparing ground forces to WoT, I would say the devs were busy making a good game with a tech tree that isnt utter shit.

      Also, balance in ground forces is the biggest crap ever taken by someone. T-46 vs Tigers…

    • Gaigin’s multiturret mechanis hasn’t been made in months. They just put their “automatic gunners” from planes to work. WG is probably waiting to borrow it from WoWs.

  4. - Chieftain on multiturret mechanism:

    “My guess is that the programmers who would be working on the multi-gun support code can also be working on other things, and they only have so many hours in the day. Compared to whatever else they’re working on, is Multi-Gun really such a priority?”

    Really? How does WoWs work then exactly?

    • WoWs got a different engine than WoT and its written from ground up to support mechanics they want. It’s by far easier to achieve effects this way than by modifying garbage someone wrote years ago.

  5. “Near as I can tell, the goal is to get the thing to clank along using whatever motor and transmission they can find.”

    - That’s certainly NOT the way how restoration of unique vehicles should be done. There’s just one Maus in an entire world… really hope they won’t fuck it up too much….

    • Why you care if it will have replica engine?
      They could mount turbine engine, for all I care.
      I want to see it fly!
      At 22kmph :D

      • Replica engine is different from putting in a modern engine.

        A replica engine would be fine. Modern engine is not something you want to do. Plus the engine is a small issue for the Maus.

            • and it will break after a few starts…
              seriously, the 1000+ BHP HEMI is not the stuff that lasts long while running, especially with all those superchargers or turbos… even when the car is 100 times lighter than Maus… (that’s why most 1000+ BHP Barracudas and Chargers rarely run on their own… they go just form one stupid straight drag strip to another, only for their owners to compensate for their balls IMHO…)

              for Maus, some engine used on railway locomotive might be enough… or even that might not be necessary, because it has electric transmission, which means that if you plug it directly to an electric network, the electric engines will propel it nonetheless… so you need something without that much torgue, because all you need is engine that will power the electric generator at constant speed…

  6. Will the t-50 face tier 8? or will it also only see tier tier 6, like in the future, like the A-20?
    remember the t50 is slower than some mediums in its own tier.

    • T-50 is slower than some mediums in it’s tier…
      Pz 3 with top engine, stock turret and fuel vs a stock engine T-50? In other cases, train the damn driver. T-50 will face tier 7s at max from 9.1 on, if the system get’s approved.

  7. The newest version of the Xbox version now has the lite version of the new physics ( MGs bouncing over bumps, Oil cans jangling on the rear) and weather( night battles, rain, snow.) basically what will Soon be in the PC.

      • That is just a simple issue either check the air flow( Dust, objects on top, small enclosure) or run a defrag on the game to see if its not just cluttered with files.

          • Is that CrapBox that shitty? The first one has serious HDD issues, this one has overheating problems?

    • I found T-80 awesome with it’s short reload and good mobility (it goes just 45, but it goes 45 uphill and while turning too), it was a really painless grind, I’m glad I didn’t free XP to T-34

    • Well, I find it worth it. Because A-20 and T-80 have the same gun. T-80 is like the mediocre brother of the A-20 which has other roles it is better at.

  8. “Near as I can tell, the goal is to get the thing to clank along using whatever motor and transmission they can find. The mantlet will certainly have to be secured.”

    Soooo restoring means “pimping” in russia… and Yuri doesn’t know why german museums doesn’t respect them at all. LOL

    “My guess is that the programmers who would be working on the multi-gun support code can also be working on other things, and they only have so many hours in the day. Compared to whatever else they’re working on, is Multi-Gun really such a priority?”

    Yeah… Screw diversity and focus on HD and such eyecandies!
    Really Chieftain, please don’t be a SerB!

    • I’ll take proper physics, more HD models, more game modes and client-side physics over having a slightly less shit M3 Lee and Churchill mkI any day.

      Seriously, multi-gun on WoT would truly benefit 2-3 tanks right now. And you can try to argue that “herp derp, maus and E100 have a second gun!!!”, but a short 75mm in tierX is worthless. It’s worthless in tier6, it’s worthless in tierX.

      • What if… bear with me… if you shoot with the large gun, make a hole in the enemy tank and if you shoot with the little gun to the same hole it would also damage the enemy?

        I know this sounds sci-fi to WoT (“dynamic armor value on non-fixed field”), but we would get a “more realistic” yet “still balanced” game and every tank would benefit from it!

        • What if … bear with me… if you shoot the small gun at a building you can shoot the building away with it (75 mm guns can one-shot a section of a house) and then with the big gun shoot at the enemy tank.

          Also with the small gun you can damage the enemy tanks tracks (if it fires fast enough you could permatrack em while your main gun reloads) and/or if the enemy armor is thin enough you can pen it and I dunno hurt em.

          Like if you are driving an E-100 and you blast a batchat with the 15 cm but it rolls low and the batchat has like sub 100 hp left, if you pull the trigger on the 75 mm gun bam dead batchat no waiting 16+ seconds for your 15 cm to reload to kill a sub 100hp target with a 1K+ credit shell.

  9. SU-26 in battle tier 3-4? F-YEAH! I use the stock gun on it, and its very UP against tier 5 tanks (gold ammo is useless) If it sees only max tier 4, the sealclubbing can continue! ,)

  10. “”- WoT Blitz betatesters will get a reward tank – Russians a Russian one, Europeans an European one and Americans an American one (all tier 5)””

    Looks like I got a new baby – M4A2E4

  11. WHAT?! Just A-20?

    Pz38nA needs to have a tier IV-VI matchmaking too! It cannot cope up with proper scout tanks in terms of speed and mobility and it can’t even cope up with a Covenanter in firepower! Geez, the Russian bias…