Next tier 10 discount on US server is the Object 430 – and the “free” mission premium tank is Matilda IV. Not sure about Europe, haven’t checked really.
Next tier 10 discount on US server is the Object 430 – and the “free” mission premium tank is Matilda IV. Not sure about Europe, haven’t checked really.
Is this for June? Or halfway through May?
Halfway through May
Event Calendar is not showing halfway through May part
Finally an on-track that doesn’t promote cancerous gameplay.
So these premium tank missions are now a common thing? To be honest that kinda… sucks.
By the way being awake at 10AM when you don’t actually have to is something I can’t really understand :D
Common for NA server; we of course don’t get them on EU.
These are the top of the tree missions.
The horrendous 430 line? and the result is a shitty matilda? lol no!!!
How is this line bad? Pancakes are running the show right now
Pancakes ? ahahaha briliant !
Actually I think they’re more like Frying Pans; Frying Pans Of DOOM!
430 line is great WTF you talking about?
416 is amazing and 430 II is semi good….430 itself has more camo than a batchat
This mission are for players that are already grinding some path. Try to unlock tier X with new account … almost impossible in 2 weeks. Maybe if you buy 2 tier 8 premium tanks, and convert free exp with gold… but is it worth Matilda ? ;p
getting the tier X tank is not the point.
the missions work regardless of what tier you’re on – just get the required xp on any eligible tanks, and you get the reward. get 250k in a t-34, and you’ll get the matilda just the same as people running the top tiers.
so 100k each nation for IS-6, 75k each nation for SP, and now what…50k xp in each nation for Matilda? only tier I allowed probably
Who said that you have to make all the missions? Personaly I just play… missions are done mostly “by accident”.
Yeah, I’m really hoping they don’t have some ridiculous XP requirement… Not that I’d be surprised. (200k on each tree!)
Matilda is for on the track mission.
Which we dont get on EU server.
During WTF E100 top of tree special, US had dicker max as gift for on the tracks mission.
We had nothing. So dont worry, we have to do nothing, just grind…
i hope it will not be the same on eu.. just bought ob 430 II:(
then you should be happy – 30% credit boost in your shiny new tank.
Just sold my Matilda – tired of the 76mm bounces… guess I could sell it again.
the NA server is getting premium vehicles every month so no wonder there… our retarded branch in Paris is just made of douchebags
Please let it be the Object 430 on EU aswell! I’m 15k XP away from it :)
I also hope the 430 is next ToT.
I have the 430 II, and am 26K towards the 430 grind of 260K. 240K to grind in 2+ weeks with a 30% credit bonus will be quite nice and not too hard.
Have 762 Avg XP on the 430 II, 15 games a day on it on that avg from now until May 31 = 228K xp. + 26K currently = 254K. + some fxp if I am a few K away and can’t be f’ed to grind anymore and POOF. Obj 430 in my garage.
Matilda IV, way to punish the winners wargaming
punish? Matilda IV is a carrying machine.
Boo whoo! WG gives us a free premium tank that I can sell and garage slot that I don’t like and in order to get it I have to CHOOSE to play some tanks for two weeks that cost less to buy and will be earning me between 50% and 30% bonus credits on every game and I will also get 2 free equipments and 10 each of regular and gold fire extinguishers, regular and gold repair kits, regular and gold health packs!! This is so terrible!!
For the European servers next on Track, doesnt it show up in your garage on the “Upcoming Missions” tab – just to the right of the Current missions tabs? The event is usually posted there 3 days before it goes live – at least on the NA servers. I am sure either you didnt know this or had not thought to look there yet – or the EU server garage is different in this regard.
The Matilda IV is a beast of a crew trainer. With its limited MM and 76mm gun it can brutalize when it is in a tier 5 match and in a tier 6 match can do some amazing deadly things to tanks that dismiss its very high rate of fire. I am sure that seasoned players will give it respect. Technically I am certain that it is a beast because newer players that populate the low/mid tiers become its victim because they have not owned one or faced one. And 12 seconds later are dead.
It is probably suited to players who do not mind slower heavily armored tanks like I do. For the run and gun COD types… this is probably not the gamestyle you will be comfortable in.
Buff the Matilda’s premium ammo to like 124 pen :D