Thanks to Jose T. for this one – check this stuff out, this is probably the most hilarious theft of WoT material I have ever seen. Here’s a FB page of “Tank Storm” – presumably some mobile tank game. The logo on the page itself… I think I’ve seen that before…
But wait, it gets better. The uppermost page status:
Uhhhhh Hydra? Shield? I think I’ve seen that before somewhere… and the game trailer?
Post by Tank Storm.
Yea, I think I’ve seen that before as well. The “tank” multiple tank statuses, that’s some weird shit is well (is that the World of Tanks Luchs model?)
Post by Tank Storm.
I have a strange feeling that the “authors” of this game can expect a visit of black SerB’s helicopters call from WG legal department very soon…
Hydra? Alliance called shield? Hahahahahaha You never fail to make me look like a fool laughing around my workmates :D
Copy cats have no shame at all. This is some fucking hilarious stuff xD
Looks like some kind of scam fb group. I bet there isn’t any game, just this group … farming likes…
For african kids?
Probably just to wank over.
newest post on their FB got more copying =)
Yeah, u’re right alright, it’s copy-paste. I’ve seen that girl before in that meme in bed with SerB.
lmao the colossal guns they photoshopped in…
Win for free – as opposed to winning it at the cash register for money?
Good thing they didn’t forget to delete the WoT logo…. the awful cicle effect doesn’t help hide anything about that corrible copyaste
While we’re on the topic of games taking, uh, inspiration from World of Tanks, even though it’s nowhere near as “Inspired” by WoT as Tank Storm obviously is, are you going to give Armoured Warfare a try when it goes to beta? Do you think it’s a good thing for WoT that games like Armoured Warfare are showing up now that WoT has shown that there is indeed a huge market there?
I am pretty sure as of now my computer can’t run it.
How can competition be a bad thing?
Good name for the game!
But i saw it before…
Ummm when a porn version??? World of Tantricsex or some similar… every blockbuster needs a porn version!!!! hahaha.
Check that girls und panzer shit, I’m sure a group of freak fanboys made some cartoon porn about a child being molested by a tank cannon. Rule 34 brah.
I wonder what genre of game it would be…..
An action game…
…a graphic novel…
…or just another driving/flight simulator
Anyway, even if there might be GuP hentai where the girls fetisch with tanks (I haven’t seen any of that), most seems to deal with relationships between the girls.
And still, that’s GuP doujinshi territory, not a real porn game.
Check out the upper left side of the first picture, they censored it with black space ;D
Isnt it some personal project of Storm? :D
I just invented a new word!
verb \ˈplā-jə-ˌrīz also -jē-ə-\
: to use the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own words or ideas
Feel free to use it all you want, but please ensure you give me credit if you do.
Thanks :)
It says the most popular tank game in 2014, and tons of players, yet will start on May 14. How did this became the most popular if I didn’t heard of this game until today, and tons of players when it didn’t start yet, or no beta? And I don’t see this on app store, did I missed something here.. look at the photoshopped picture of WOT. This is the support page of the game from the IOS store :)
Wow, wholesale theft of CGI sequences. WG are going to sue this guys into the grave…