Straight Outta Supertest – Kill Marks

Source: VK WotLeaks community

Hello everyone,

one of the alleged features of the upcoming 9.1 patch (well, unless they scrap it like they did with other features) are the barrel kill marks.


According to the leak (I can’t guarantee its legitimity though, so don’t take it for granted), these kill rings will not be awarded for kills or XP, but for average damage on this tank and will work something like the mastery badges, only with damage, not XP. They will be visible on the gun barrel.

One mark (ring, star etc.) will be awarded for having average damage better than 65 percent of the players on the vehicle
Two marks will be awarded for having average damage better than 85 percent of the players on the vehicle
Three marks will be awarded for having average damage better than 95 percent of the players on the vehicle

These marks can be recieved only on tier 5-10 vehicles, they are displayed on the gun. It will be possible to disable displaying them in settings. Only damage from random battles counts, the marks will not be displayed in historical battles.

91 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest – Kill Marks

  1. nice… :)
    I wonder how the soviet ones would look like…

  2. nice… does it mean the average damage you make after 9.1, or will it count the numbers before (and afterwards) the introduction?

    • It will almost certainly be overall. However, it would be much better if it was based on something like last 100 battles. And if you have less than 100 battles then you don’t get a marker.

      That way, you have some motivation to do well with any tank you have. Tanks in which you have huge amounts of battles will be difficult to change despite how well you might play currently.

    • Well, of course they won’t. How can they be displayed if nobody plays it?

      • And last I read The_Chieftain isn’t even sure if the kill mark thing was actually done IRL by troops or if it was all just a propaganda exercise, something to look nice for the cameras.

          • Camouflage is an actual thing on the ground and people can look at you in greater detail than simply “there’s a flying thing there”. I think he said something like “It would have been a giant ‘shoot me’ sign because I am dangerous”.

            The reason why aircraft can get away with that is that to kill planes, you have to *catch* them first. While tanks are comparatively easy to flank if there is a decent team of AT infantry.

        • They actually did it. There were tanks found by both: Soviets and Western Allies that got kill markings on them and no known German photographs of these tanks were ever released. Though we know that not all of the crews did it – it was more of an individual thing, just like some crews named their tanks and some didn’t.

  3. now the statpadders have more reasons to brag about, loads of damage and defeats!

  4. Yeah baby, Banned the fucking xvm statistics (win chance, Well-Not7-8) forever xD (the rests, as in base capture timer, counted damage, etc.. are awesome) >:)

    • Incoming damage counter most likely will banned too (at least: the part that shows you damage from unspotted tanks)

  5. So..will they be awarded retroactively or from that point on?

    Not saying that SS already has the answer but it’d be interesting to ask the developers.

    • Buyable by gold? Because you are not good enough to earn one of those by damage done?

      • I guess he meant you could buy them for gold, like current emblems, only if you are good enough to have them unlocked.

          • Are you referring to premium shells? And why not?
            The term “gold noob” is the funniest thing, if you are smart enough to switch to gold shells when facing a superior enemy you are at least somewhat competent.

            • But no IF you are a top tier tank in mostly low tiers facing you and you spam gold rounds all day long.. that are gold noobs…. T57 spamming gold against tier 8s and 9s….

              • Well yeah that’s a possibility. Unless you play your CW tank and don’t change out the ammo before entering the battle. Happened to me in my Pershing (world on fire), I had to shoot pure gold the entire battle :P it was tier 10 so no worries.

                • I find people whinging about gold rounds in pub games a laugh too… If your taking lots of hits from any type of shell, it doesnt matter what they are… your doing it wrong in the first place.

                • Your statement is not exactly true you know.. Take the Maus for example. It’s sole purpose is to be an unpenetrable fortress of doom and perill. To take (and bounce) the enemy fire so that the rest of the team can take out the enemy.

              • Take into the account that T57 reloads for more than 20s so he can’t predict what he will shot next. If penetration is something like 260 (cant remember) he can’t pen angled E75 or ST-I, Foch, T110E# and several other tanks reliably.

                • Angled foch vs 120mm gun of a T57? You’re just asking to be overmatched on the sides…

  6. would sure be very nice to have them….. WG dont scrap this one, it is simple to implement and a good one

  7. All this eye candy is all nice and dandy. But when will they fix, or at least better the performance of their product? So instead of declining performance per patch, a rising performance per patch.

    Having gotten used to WT over the past few day (some stuff was hard to get used to, but ey its in beta) it can use Crossfire properly! Going from 30ish to 50+ fps

    • Agree, but they cant fix the biggest problem, which is a out-of-date game engine (BigWorld).
      To me, WG have fallen into the trap that alot of successful business’s do… Instead of continuing to introduce the types of things that made them successful in the first place, they go into “defense” mode. Which means they try to copy or out-do anything they see as a threat. Which in this case is WT:GF.
      Its the reason we are getting shinny HD models and things like that instead of fixing the real problems. Another problem is expanding the business to fast (WoWp, WoWs, WoT Blitz etc etc). They have too many things going on at once and not enough good people to go around. They are taking their eye off the ball and putting in danger their cash cow .. WoT.
      They should be seriously considering migrating WoT to a better game engine, because they are starting to stretch BigWorld too far in a effort to be as pretty as WT and its going to hurt them in the long run.

        • it was done many times over the history. The most recent example is a mod for Skyrim that basically ports an entire, very old, game onto a new, modern, engine. And this was done by amateurs in their free time. From upcoming AAA titles that did the same we’ll have Homeworld HD Remastered edition to be released by Gearbox.

          So feel free to apply this:
          “Don’t write somethingyou have no idea about”
          to yourself.

        • Eve Online do it, and it give great graphic. Game start in 2003 and still have really amazing graphic

  8. (well, unless they scrap it like they did with other features)

    They scrapped the new sounds or smoke effects?
    That’s the only “new” thing I remember from the patch notes…
    All the rest was just cleaning the shit after 9.0 fail.

    • nope in world of warplanes you get these marks for your overall kills in the plane and not for average damage;)

      • The kill marking, which are derived from the mastery badges, work on a principle that WoWp created. IIRC, the mastery badges also came to be from WoWp ideas/codes.

        In-game missions are also something that came from WoWp codes.

  9. Finally, but I expecting for permanent kill mark to see in the garade. Like for Germany’s kill mark, one strip for 1000 kills, two strip for 2000 kills and etc. for individual tanks. Kill mark is permanent in real life, just like the Sturer Emil or Pz.Sfl. V that has 22 kill marks.

    • Maybe problem is that for pure quantity of kills is possible to use bot (like for thousands of battles to be intop of wg rating few patches ago).
      And use bot to get that marks with averge damage is kind of impossible.

    • stop giving them these stupid ideas. To promotes nothing more than grinders and bots.

      System with average damage is by FAR better even if it’s still flawed (people playing scouts will be f**** once again).

  10. Stripes look alright. Stars and hatches look absolutely awful. I would hate to be forced to put that crap on my vehicles.

  11. Hi Silent, while WG gonna implement this features (hopefully), will you do an article regarding about kill marks? how many kind are they beside stripes?

  12. Noob markings – who cares about 65% and 85%? That just tells us, that your better than a bot. And 95% also isnt anything special

    • yeah, anyone competent will have 3 stripes on almost all his tanks, but its better than not having them, I like something to show my e-peen. Gonna be interesting to see how hard to get these marks will be on M60 :P

      • ummm are you guys seriously trying to suggest that 65% of players are bots and then being in the top 5% of players means you still suck? such arrogance

        • Mmhmm. :) Them is t3h suppa-unicorns! They kvow bestest of all! If you are a normal, mediocre player (wr 48/49), it means that you are the scum of the earth and should be banned from the game.

          Well, not all of them, but many. But let them have their power fantasy. ;)

          • 55% winrate with current EU playerbase is nothing hard….
            Edit: under 50% with more then 5k battles is clear mark of some serious issue of player… Mostly #play4fun mentality

            • “55% winrate with current EU playerbase is nothing hard” – You had F in maths, didn’t you? For each player that got 55% WR there’s two other with 47.5% WR. What you just said makes exactly no sense at all.

              • There so much bad players with 49% and below that is very easy to be the one with 55%+…. That’s all. Player base is full of 30k battles noobs wit 48% win rate and wn8 around 900… Its easy to capitalize in this meta

                • Then i bet you are a 80-90% WR player with 5000 WN8? Because “it’s easy to capitalize in this meta” :)

                • That would be hard :-D get real man… With almost no effort I’m below purple with 60 win rate, almost solopubing… Once u realize that all you need to be an unicorn is penetrate six time per game… It is easy, not saying anything about unicums quality, but everything about player base…
                  Hope it makes a sense..

          • ” you are a normal, mediocre player (wr 48/49),” – normal medicore player is 49/50/51. 48% is a poor player.

  13. Well, the sad thing is my Centurion 7/1 will have a lot of stripes, but if people watch my winrate, they’ll laugh their balls of, it’s unfair!

  14. It would be better IMO to do markings for the max number of kills you got in a given tank.

      • +1
        I know a guy with 46% W/L rate who got very lucky and won a match with 7 kills which is something matching a guy with 58% W/L rate I know.

  15. You know almost every day someone from WOT says some change/feature is coming. Then within a day or two they say the exact opposite, so I guess this means the gun barrels and wheels will be hot pink soon.

    What I really want to know is what’s up with the updating and syncing of my gold and free xp? This has happened to me 3 times today?

    Is Serb B stealing my gold so he can buy a new tank?

  16. “One mark…”
    “Two marks…”
    “Three marks…”

    How will that work with the German system, as depicted in the picture above? Will that be in pairs of three?

  17. What about giving rings with “most kills in this tank”? And what about enabling this to ALL tiers? (my 10 kill 1800 battle almost all badged MS-1 needs bigger E-peen)

    PS: Yes, i used to pick up girls with my MS-1. No success till this day tho.

  18. So I think that Soviet Russia will get that one symbol on their flag (forgot the name of it)… or will it get the same stars as China (like France and Britain)?