9.1 CT Patch Notes

Patch notes:

Changes betwen version 9.1 Public Test 1 and version 9.0

  • New Kharkiv map added.
  • Improvements and corrections added to the following maps: Arctic Region, Tundra, Komarin, Windstorm, and Northwest.
  • Appearance frequency of Ruinberg on Fire map has been decreased
  • Added new historical battles: Bryansk front (USSR 1942) and Siege of Tobruk (North Africa 1942)
  • Removed two previous historical battles: “Battle of Kursk” and “Battle of the Bulge”
  • Minor visual problems with textures and patterns in a large number of vehicles fixed.
  • Minor visual problems with textures and patterns for certain objects on maps fixed.
  • Fixed minor mistakes in the Valentine II and Pz. Kpfw 38 (t) models
  • Effects of exhaust gases for all vehicles reworked.
  • Emblem location on certain vehicles fixed.
  • Vehicle explosion effect changed.
  • Display of Marks (rings, stars, etc. depending on the nation) on guns added for damage caused.
  • Functionality of a blown-off turret “slipping” from tank hull added.
  • Collision of a blown-off tank turret with surface now depends on the surface type.
  • Five new awards introduced for SPGs: Rock Solid, For Counter-Battery Fire, Gore’s Medal, Cold-Blooded, and Stark’s Medal.
  • New awards added in Team Battles: Fire and Steel, Heavy Fire, Pyromaniac, Promising Fighter, No Man’s Land.
  • Conditions for Billotte’s Medal, Bruno’s Medal, and Tarczay’s Medal clarified.
  • The Operation Nostalgia award moved from the Commemorative Tokens category to the Special category.
  • Conditions for the Armored Fist award changed: it is now granted even if the player’s vehicle was destroyed.
  • Fixed awards condition for ‘Tactical Genius’ achievement that might not have been credited before in a case when users fulfilled the awards conditions.
  • Version of FMOD sound library updated.
  • Gunfire sounds completely reworked for testing purposes.
  • Sound effect of gun’s resonance when firing added (when firing is observed from the side of the gun).
  • Gunfire sound muting added in Sniper mode (from the turret).
  • Different tonal characteristics added to gunfire sounds, depending on the side from which gun-firing is heard (front or back of the gun, etc.).
  • Sounds of turret traverse and after-firing shell cartridge ejection added in Sniper mode or at maximum zoom of the camera to the turret.
  • For testing purposes, engine and suspension sound patterns for the U.S. M18 Hellcat and M36 Jackson tank destroyers completely reworked.
  • Reach of sound distance increased from 300m to 600m
  • Reworked tracer sounds
  • Reworked sounds of destroying vehicles according to players’ feedback
  • Online/offline status of a friend in the chat will now be displayed correctly regardless of which server the friend is using.
  • Maximum number of characters in chat messages in the Garage increased to 512.
  • In the Summary tab of the Achievements window, the clan icon and the date when the player joined the clan are now displayed.
  • Corrections and improvements affecting interface in Team Battles implemented.
  • Display of the time period for Historical Battles added.
  • Dialog windows for confirming changes in Graphics settings changed.
  • In Tank Company Battles, it is no longer possible to start a battle without a Commander.
  • Display order of parameters in the Summary tab of the Achievements window changed.
  • The Gametrix JetSeat settings section moved from the General tab to a new settings tab.
  • License agreement is now displayed after login, before loading the Garage.
  • The Dynamic FoV option added.
  • Certain settings in the Graphics tab rearranged.
  • Start time for display of tracer effects changed.
  • Crew members can be trained for skills and perks even if the vehicle is damaged.
  • Quality of basic Emblems for nations improved.
  • Certain game client crashes and hang-ups fixed.
  • “Shaking” of tracks when switching between HD vehicles in the Garage fixed.
  • Certain bugs and defects in the Graphics settings window fixed.
  • Fixed issue with excessive load on video card when game client is minimized.
  • Certain bugs during battle playback fixed.
  • Certain bugs in the missions interface fixed.
  • Issue when in certain casesricochet effect was displayed on penetrating armor fixed.
  • Vehicle burning effects optimised for better performance.
  • Fixed the bug that caused equipment mounted on a vehicle to be displayed in a random order in battles.
  • Fixed incorrect displaying of tracers (some of them might fly through a vehicle before fix implementation)
  • Fixed some issues with camera movements in the arcade mode

Vehicle changes:

  • Upper limit for the range of battles for Tiers IV to VII light tanks reduced.
  • Afterfire visibility factor for all tank destroyers (except Premium) aligned (mainly increased) with the factors for the same guns on other types of vehicles.
  • Damage with UBR-354KA shell fired by 76 mm L-10, L-10U, L-10S, and KT-28 guns changed from 105 to 110 (a bug with Premium shell dealing 5 points more damage than ordinary shells fixed).

VK 28.01:

  • Crossing capacity for VK 28.01 suspension on solid terrain increased by 20%.
  • Crossing capacity for VK 28.01 suspension on medium terrain increased by 18%.
  • Crossing capacity for VK 28.01 suspension on soft terrain increased by 10%.
  • Crossing capacity for VK 28.01 verstarkteketten suspension on solid terrain increased by 22%.
  • Crossing capacity for VK 28.01 verstarkteketten suspension on medium terrain increased by 20%.
  • Crossing capacity for VK 28.01 verstarkteketten suspension on soft terrain increased by 11%.
  • Maximum forward speed changed from 60 km/h to 68 km/h.

M4 Sherman:

  • Aiming time for 105 mm M4 gun changed from 2.3 sec. to 2.5 sec.
  • Reload time for 105 mm M4 gun changed from 8 sec. to 9 sec.


  • Two upper battle levels removed.


  • Crossing capacity for MT-25 suspension on solid terrain increased by 12%.
  • Crossing capacity for MT-25 suspension on medium terrain increased by 11%.
  • Crossing capacity for MT-25 suspension on soft terrain increased by 6%.
  • Crossing capacity for MT-25 reinforced suspension on solid terrain increased 14%.
  • Crossing capacity for MT-25 reinforced suspension on medium terrain increased by 12%.
  • Crossing capacity for MT-25 reinforced suspension on soft terrain increased by 6%.
  • V-16 engine (600 h.p.) replaced with V-16M engine (700 h.p.).

63 thoughts on “9.1 CT Patch Notes

    • I got it when confrontation battles were available, it is not that bad now and having a better MM is good news but the gun is bad for a Tier VI, it cannot deal with other scouts with autoloaders. I hoped they would have revised also that aspect.

    • I’m just glad that my 59-16 will be somewhat viable now…even with the best gun (which is, oddly, the base 57mm) its completely useless in terms of dealing damage at any tier over 8, unless you get a REALLY stupid enemy (112mm pen is marginal at best in T9/T10 games for the vast majority of tanks you’ll see). Add in the fact that compared to T9 and T10 mediums its blind (380m view range with the top turret, and binocs only work when you’re not moving, compared to most every tank at T10 having a 400m view range) and you become pretty useless unless you want to just about suiscout early for spots, pray you don’t get nuked, and then pray you can find a spot far enough forward that you’re the only one spotting…having the battletiers nerfed a bit will make the tank massively more viable, along with all the other T4-6 scouts.

      • Lol i played very aggresively with my 59 16 using the 76 mm autoloader and i had lots of fun in it trolling heavies artys and tds from behind… People playing tier x just dont expect that a tier 6 light can deal 500 dmg to them

        I tried to avoid mediums at all costs, they are all agile enough to retaliate

  1. -Afterfire visibility factor for all tank destroyers (except Premium) aligned (mainly increased) with the factors for the same guns on other types of vehicles.

    So, some of TD got camo buffed? And they promised they remove td camo class bonus after shooting.

    • It means the camo will drop in relation to the size of the gun as what happens with all other tank so TD’s camo will drop when they fire. it is a nerf

    • logic…
      visibility factor increased means that you are more visible (it would be called invisibility or camo factor if it was making vehicles less visible ;) )

    • Basically, it means that the almighty flash & cloud of dust & smoke a huge TD cannon would kick up now is removing that Romulan cloaking device they had in the past after firing…but only on regular TDs (the premiums get to keep their cloak, because people paid money for them instead of earning them…works for my D.Max ;) ).

  2. A German Tank is buffed more than the Russian Tank?


    • Terrain passability, lower is better:


      Broken terrain passability 1.6
      Medium terrain passability 0.8
      Hardened ground passability 0.7

      VK 28.01:
      Broken terrain passability 1.9
      Medium terrain passability 1
      Hardened ground passability 0.9

    • Don’t worry Comrade! Soon the disgusting and useless Tigers will be nerfed!
      Obviously because they are too OP.
      We’ll only need to buff some bad Soviet tanks in the game (because they were the best irl), for example the poor 1S! He can’t OS a Maus!! That’s not possible!!

    • The VK2801 has been nerfed more times than any other tank in the game so 1 buff doesn’t even balance the scales.

    • Me too XD, and time to buy back vk28. btw: poor pz38na, he still fight in tier8 battle when a20 leave it

      • Poor Pz 38 NA?! I watched my friend take an Indien Panzer down to 10% health before “help” arrived and finished it off.

        • Think THAT’S bad? I watched a friend of mine troll a T32 in his partly-upgraded Panzer 38nA on Ruinberg back in patch 7.5 (BEFORE gold ammo for credits was implemented), and ended up killing it!

    • lolnope, Gnomefather’s FTW …

      also, this is so much fail …
      “Removed two previous historical battles: “Battle of Kursk” and “Battle of the Bulge” … a tank game that makes a bigass fuss about having a new mode: “Historical” Battles …. removes 2 of the best known tank battles in history ….

      • The problem with Kursk is all the scrubs that wanted to drive Tigers and SU-152s. I made a point in NOT cueing up in mine for Kursk for that reason, but even in the SU-85 or Churchill III, I just couldn’t get into a game.

        The Battle of the Bulge was just horrendously imbalanced too, but NOT in favor of the Germans, since the Germans could only win if the team worked together (and usually, they didn’t). All the Americans had to do was either zerg rush the Germans or dogpile the cap and they won every time.

        Having lower-tiered historical battles will open it up to more people and thus hopefully shorten the wait time (though I do question their logic of having T-34s and KV-1s going up against Panzer IIIs with 37 mm guns and Panzer IVs with 75 mm snub-nosed howitzers – it’s historical, but hopelessly imbalanced – a better option, imo, would have been the Battle of Arras in France, 1940)

        • Oh, and in case anybody wonders why I say some of the battles in France back in 1940 would be more balanced? Well, here’s some of my logic to support this:

          None of the tanks involved are higher than tier 4. On the French side, the highest tier vehicles are the Char B1 and the SAu-40, while the Germans have the StuG III B at tier 4 (representing a StuG III A in this case). Most of the tanks involved, however, are tier 3 (such as the D2, Renault UE 57, Panzer IIIA and Panzer IVA). This makes it more accessible to more people.

          In addition there’s very few tanks involved at the time of the campaign that could be considered imbalanced with their historical equipment (except, perhaps, for the Matilda II, which the Germans could only KO with the 88 mm flak gun at the time).

  3. oh well :(
    I was so excited about the engine sounds and only 2 tanks gets it…

  4. “A-20: Two upper battle levels removed.” – it wont be an uber-tank but that will help a bit

    • In 9.0, Tier 4 scouts faced up to tier 8 tanks.
      It is being reduced to a max of tier 7 in this patch.
      Is A-20 getting a max of tier 6 or of tier 7 like the rest?

      • A-20 is going to get a tier 6 cap.
        Its basically going to be like the T-80… only with less armor.

      • A-20 will be a special case and is losing it’s top 2 battle tiers, so it’s maximum battle tier is now 6, just like the rest of the tier 4 tanks (except scouts).

  5. U wot WG, Siege of Tobruk took place in 1941…
    And still no Pz.III changes, we’ll have them running around with 70mm frontal armour on 1941 Tobruk, yay!
    Probably doesn’t matter much, as almost nobody is playing HB.

  6. License agreement is now displayed after login, before loading the Garage.
    A-20:Two upper battle levels removed.
    The Gametrix JetSeat settings section moved from the General tab to a new settings tab.
    What is gametrix jetseat thingy?
    Upper limit for the range of battles for Tiers IV to VII light tanks reduced.
    Will it be A20 4-6 , rest of tier 4 4-7 , tier 5 without Chaf 6-8 , tier 6 7-9 , tier 7 8-10?

    • Giving the A-20 tier 4-6 matchmaking says it’s on par with the Panzer III as a tank but is a worse scout than the Luchs, the Panzer 38NA, and the Chinese M5A1 Stuart. I agree with that. Is it worse than the American M5 Stuart? I’m not sure, but it’s definitely a far worse passive scout.

      The big thing I question is the T-50. If the A-20 is considered bad enough in tier 7 and tier 8 battles to get its matchmaking adjusted, how can they let the T-50 continue to see tier 7 tanks? In its post-nerf state, it is by far the worst of the tier 4 scouts.

    • “License agreement is now displayed after login, before loading the Garage.

      Don’t worry, it will not reduce frame rate ..by much.

  7. Wait if they increased the suspension on terrain than wouldn’t that be a nerf?
    Sorry can somebody explain to me how this works? I don;t see how it is a buff…

  8. Effects of exhaust gases for all vehicles reworked.

    Anyone got a vid of this? I’ve been wanting then to change the exhaust smoke for a while, hopefully they did it right…

  9. Hope they did an awesome job at reworking sound, fixing bugs and reworking effects. Hope they didn’t bloat the game some more.

  10. Less of Ruinberg on fire . Thank god it seamed like I was getting that map every other game.

  11. my fat scout really needed a movement buff, finally a good move by wg
    the light tier-restriction is also nice :D time to buy luchs back, old tier3 friend..

    • No, SS said that it will not come in 9.1 because WG wants to remake patchnotes or something like that…but i didnt get one thing. And it is the other vehicles balance- if they said that they will not balance any tank until they remake patchnotes system, so why did the buffed some tanks ? Maybe it was that “Important”.. but SerBs lovely KVASS still need a nerf or at least to be deleted from the game!

  12. While I am glad to see my MT get a mild buff; I am quite choked that the TDs did not get near the nerf they’ve needed since i started playing months ago; and in particular how the Hellkat didnt get its desperately needed Nerf. Guess that’s what happens when all the lackluster players whine too much. I also note a lack of commenting regarding fixing the broken matchmaker.

    Here’s hoping 9.2 treats us better.

    • I agree, I was really looking forward to that Hellcat nerf too :(

      I didn’t see much regarding FPS improvements… only performance increase I saw was on fire effects…

  13. “Crew members can be trained for skills and perks even if the vehicle is damaged.”

    – I don’t get it, anyone cares to explain this?

    • So if your vehicle is in the garage but damaged (as in just came out of a battle where it took damage or even died, and you didn’t repair it for some reason) then you can still pick your crew skills… Very minor thing here.

  14. Five new awards introduced for SPGs: Rock Solid, For Counter-Battery Fire, Gore’s Medal, Cold-Blooded, and Stark’s Medal.

    Finally, medals for artys :)

  15. thanks for the list, lots of good things especially no arty nerf YAY
    and isnt the name of the map kharkov instead of kharkiv?

  16. “Appearance frequency of Ruinberg on Fire map has been decreased” thank God for that. Altough i like Ruinberg map i hate the Ruinberg on Fire variant.

  17. Fixed the bug that caused equipment mounted on a vehicle to be displayed in a random order in battles.

    F***, yeah WG! Took only couple of years to fix it. I even cannot count those lost battles because of pressing “4″ on my keybard didn’t give me the option to repair something but reloaded my ammo to gold rounds. So, instead of getting to hell out of open field and shooting back, I was still tracked and got another forced reload to unnecesary ammo.
    Hope, it will be really fixed.