Sounds in 9.1

Hello everyone,

you’ve read about it, but you haven’t heard it – the 9.1 test new gun sounds. Unless you watched some other video. Or played the test. Nevermind. Anyway, MisterCroo made a video with these sounds – also, pay attention to the engine exhaust smoke (new!) and the explosions.



How do you like them?

130 thoughts on “Sounds in 9.1

    • Same here, the new sounds are great, but the explosions look like they are from a late 90′s game.

      • My first impression exactly.

        But then I remembered a recent battle where I was engaging multiple targets and left one of them at very low HP, convinced I had destroyed him… but he carried on shooting and it was disastrous. So, granted, those explosions look almost silly, but perhaps as a starker reminder of “okay, this puppy is definitely out” in the heat of the engagement, it might actually help with the gameplay.

  1. I actually quite like the new sounds. It’s not perfect – ie. gun sounds for some vehicles are too similar (I presume it’s the same sample reused), but most of the time i find it enjoyable and realistic.
    Don’t like the new explosions that much, they appear to be a bit grainy and low budget, like it’s a smaller effect “scaled up”. IMHO they are a step in the right direction but should be worked more on.

    • It is maybe an improvement compared to 9.0 in term of reverb and spacialisation. However I sincerly hope that they are going to implement other sounds during next phasis of the test because for instance downloading 7GB for that is definetely not worth it. If they don’t improve the number of sound samples they are using at the moment. It will be a terrible patch. 9.0.5 if you want but definetely not 9.1…

  2. A Pale and very bad sound imitation of WT, it doesn’t work here in WoT sorry….
    in WoT fantasy land arcade i like the Boom Sounds really.

    PS and the explosions are way too Hollywood, so Historical sounds and Bollywood explosions on the other hand? like you wrote SS, they don’t know what they are doing….

    • I think its not them, but you haveing no f*cking clue what you want… Its their game not your’s and if they want to add realistic, recorded gun sounds, so it be. They are very nice and are a step forward. Yes ofc they could add maybe a biger variety of them but dont forget its just a damn test server!!!11 All of this can change. They wont add 400 different gunsounds on a test server becouse its just about the idea – players will overall like it so maybe they’ll add more of them. And plz stop that damn crying about “omg to much hollywood…nah to much realistic…omg noplz crapsoundz marioexplosionmeeehh…whereiz my 248fps on my i7/titan mymomboughtme…lolwargamingnoobssuckers”

      • The only thing going for WOT compare to WT is that it is arcade fun. There is no way it can ever compete with WT over realism due to the WOT Arty system which is a complete fake. I agree they should put back the Hollywood sound.

        • If so, all you idiots should stop complaining about a fucked up spotting system, invisible td’s, red outlines, arty, MM, overpowered and from the ass taken fake vehicles like e100 waffle pwner and other such, zero dmg hits, motorbike scouts, deathstars and jpze100 and other shit…. cuz its just an arcade game and it should not be realistic, nor historical… Nice thinking, but you think wrong.

          • I don’t mind the other ‘arcade’ things but Arty, the stupid Arty system is broken which allows idiots to kill far better skills players.

            • Every dog has his day, man.

              Even in the weakest tank, one could possibly ammo rack the best player in the world, and one-shot him.

              Such is life.

  3. I love it actually. Sounds robust and gives a solid feel of actually firing a tank barrel. I am sure people who don’t/won’t like it will go with the gnomefather mod anyway so it’s fine if WG let these sounds stay as default. But that’s just my 2 cents.

      • I personally don’t like Gnomefather because it feels too over-the-top and frankly just too damn loud with sound overload from every direction.

        • I have a similar opinion. It’s too showy, and as he even has stated himself, it’s not meant to be a “realism” mod. It’s meant to join with a mod called “Historical Realism”.

          This makes it not feel as fitting as it could in the game.

          I’ll admit, I rather like the engine sounds, they’re nice, but for the guns, I prefer the new sounds, as they seem closer to the real deal. Which I like out of my game sounds for weaponry.

  4. Sound are mostly awesome. They just need to add more variety or character to them. Also sniper-mode sounds are too muffled and lose the nice sharpness that the arcade sounds have. The explosions look cheap and too static. I think they are going in the right direction, but need more work on it.

  5. Sounds are really nice, but those explosions, are we watching somekind of morning cartoon or what? They would be somewhat understandable to ammoracking but that every disabled tank to “blowup” with big gasoline explosion? Why WG, why to go to hollywood route for explosion (everything explode like 20liters of gasoline instead of explossive) when you sametime trying to go away from hollywood in gunsounds?

    • The hellkitty starts to sound like it should — all good. Lame hollywood explosions; tanks detonating with half-assed huge mushroom clouds like mininukes…. that doesn’t work.

      • Agreed, did you notice the sound of the engine starting ? I really appreciate that kind of detail.

    • That’s actually about spot on. Since it’s in 3rd person you got the engine and track noises as close as I’ve heard so far.

      As trivia, from inside it either sounds like a vacuum cleaner with a bad motor (driver’s compartment) or it sounds like a washing machine with a slightly imbalanced load during the spin cycle (from TC.gunner’s position).

    • Tracks sound crappy, comparing to sounds of German tanks in WT.
      However, I have no clue how Hellcat’s tracks sounded in real life… if they were recorded from actual Hellcat – I’m not driving Hellcat in WoT again :D

      Engine sounds good thou.. :)

      • Completely different track design. Of course it’ll sound different.
        And yes. I know very well what a M-18 sounds like.

  6. I like it, maybe the sounds doesn’t have the hollywood kablowie, but i’m okay with that, i’d rather have the real sounds.
    Smoke looks fine too.
    Explosions are fine too, they’ll probably be refined for end product.
    So far so good imo, now we just need a buckload of hd models.

  7. Don’t like the new sounds. Sounds like a “poof-poof” even the biggest calibers. Yesterday I was shocked how silent can be 152mm 43kg shell, fired in velocity of 900m/s from Object 268.

    And the explosions? LOL! It looks like many 2D sprites from deep of the 90′s.

    Sorry, it is really a circus, please check the War Thunder sounds, fires and explosions.

    • If you don’t like the real thing, get a sound mod.
      Imo that is how it should be, real as default, and then people who wants kabloom can get sound mods.

      And the explosions probably ain’t the finished product, i too think they look cheap. But this is test1, as in test, they’re testing things. If the feedback is good, they’ll probably refine it.

      • Fusk i think YOU will need to use a mod because the majority of ruskies dislike these new gun sounds. And in case you dont know, WG doesnt give two shits about your and my opinion. To them RU community matters and has power of changing something. And again right now, they dont like them.

    • … one more important thing – RECORDED shooting and REAL shooting are two very different things when comes to intensity of the sound. Every single recording system is pushing the first phase of the amplitude (the big “BOOM”) down to safe the electronics.

      Because of that the RECORDED shooting never sounds so intensive like the REAL shooting.

      Everyone, who ever shot from any gun and then hear the recorded version of itself, know that big difference.

      And what we hear here is the “softer” = recorded version.

      But, gyus, this is NOT real sound of shooting, it really sounds more, very more intensive. You can trust me, I was in army service…

      • Compared to todays WoT sounds these new sound files are a big improvement. So I’m quite thrilled about this coming into the live version.

        But If I were a betting man I would wager that WG intentionally didnt go for the loud boom that tank guns make when you would actually stand next to it when it fired. WG had plenty time, years even, to think about how they wanted to implement improved sounds files into the game. There had to be a point where WG researched themselves into how to record sounds, which sounds they wanted, and interviewed the associated experts. And at some points, it was no doubt decided to perhaps put a softened version of tank gun sounds in the game.

        This is a 12+ game arcade game after all. No need to have the entire living room scared under the table because they think an actual tank is standing outside.

          • But those “poof-poof” are lot closer to real one than what old hollywood style long monotonic “bbbbbbooooooooooooommmmmm” are. Atleast thay are trying to add that sharp boom at start.

            • Did you anytime heard shooting from a gun? From big tank cannon like 125mm 2A46? I bet you do not… Otherwise you cannot write bullshit like that.

              So – be learned: in REAL the tank cannon do a HUGE “BOOOOOOOOOOM”, the “poof-poof” is a recording distortion.

              Turn off youtube and go (presonally!) to some military show.

              • Yeah, go to a military show and see how they’re FIRING BLANKS. Blanks =/= live ammo, learn the difference boy.

                • #facepalm

                  Man, do not know what military shows you visited (from your nick I hope you are a Pole, so maximum what you visited is the funny show at Warsaw milirary museum), but visit ground forces section of MAKS or every year military show at Kubinka and you will enjoy full-caliber shooting at shooting ranges.

                  … or maybe not. And dream on your dream about “how sound the real shooting tank”. Boy.


                • Well, if you went to some live ammo shooting YOU WOULDN’T TALK THIS BULLSHIT.

                  “I was in army service”, my arse…

                • “Chimaera”, Imperial II – class ISD, pvt 1st class (ret.), toilet cleaning operations. Oh, wait…

                  Tell me moar about your dream you had today…

                • Well, you gave me an idea – I’ll show the video from this article to my dad (he was a tank/tank company commander at one point during his military career), I’ll see what he thinks about this.

                  gj kid, your not entirely useless.

                • These sounds doesn’t have the intensity of a real tank shooting. You could feel the force of a tank shooting on your skin if you stand right behind it. The forces are that big. They don’t really sound like they do in this patch. And yes, I have heard real tanks fire, in fact, I fired many shots myself when I served on the Leopard 1 A5NO

              • I have no idea what your point in all this is…


                Seriously, the sounds are better, sound more real…a digital sound will never sound on a PC as good as the real deal…we all know this, but why make a fuss about it?

                Seriously, calm your tits and just leave.

                • Another “virtual warrior baby”, love all of them…

                  Use what you want, use this shitty sounds, use Justin Bieber’s music instead of shooting, hope you will enjoy that.

                  But, please, dont say bullshit like “THIS IS REAL” when you dont know what the real is.

              • Well, only heard livefiring from 120mm (5mm short of your magical 125mm sorry) cannon but at least that sound lot closer to those poof-poofs than hollywood boom. It really is loud, intence, sharp, short (!) BOom with comparable quiet and also short om part at end. Contrast to that hollywood long monotonic slowly silencing bbbooooooooommm.

                And btw, those military shows use blanks most of the time (there is lot smaller safety zone requirements and other safety limitations are less severe) so they don’t sound nowhere close to live round (tho propably those hollywood booms where recorded originally from blankfiring with tons of added extra echos to make it sound “better”, so maybe that why people insist that everything need to sound like that?) .

              • Again, I still don’t get your point…

                No one is saying this is more real than real life…no one is saying THIS is exactly the sound a cannon makes…

                And I’ve heard cannons before, I’ve been to firing ranges before, I was very fond of my grandfather’s vintage .22 LR

                What I don’t get is your hostility….
                What are you mad about?

                • Yes, many people says here that THIS is a real and because of that these sounds are better. I am wondering they are wrong, nothing more.

                  Let everybody use what he want, I will use the old sounds.

                • Well, I never say that those new sounds are real, just that they are closer to real one that those old ones where? They might be bit less loud than old ones but you can cure that by just incresing theyr volume ingame. It’s just that I think that “form” (can’t think any better word for that) of those new sound is lot better than old.

            • Plop why you want realism in a game that is not even advertised as being REALISTIC?

              • Well, it’s game about playing tanks (right?) so why that game can’t sound like you are playing with tanks then?

                • And here comes variety again. Ok lets accept this poof-poof crap for the tiny guns. Alright.

                  But why the big guns have to sound the same? WG recorded 2-3 shitty BB gun sounds and uses them for every cannon in the game. I really wonder what was the budget of all this. jessh lol!

                • @ anonymoususer

                  One must remember, that the new sounds are a test. So which is better, to have maybe 10 sounds to test, or a full library of sounds for each individual cannon (and sometimes 2 for each).

                  One is cheaper, and is more viable for testing, and the other is more for fully funded implementation. (if a company/person is financially sound)

                  Bro, do you even test? :P

      • WT sounds kind of similar to these new WoT sounds, but they sound way better. Something like WoT should sound. The sounds are realistic(no big boooom) but every cannon has it’s own sound and not like in WoT where 90mm on Hellcat sounds just like 183mm on FV only a bit louder and slightly more echo.

  8. A year ago I bought a new laptop and I could play WoT with quite high setting settings with all the effects on. After some “optimization” of the game made by WG – not anymore. I expect this “improvements” will make it even worse. What I would like to see is real optimization.
    I must say, that in WT:GF I do have pretty 50-60 fps withvisual impression much better than in WoT.

  9. i pleyed it hole evening yestrday i rly like it..sounds are great reminds of gnome’s if i can say even better in some cases..explosions need work on..but to have a game runs smooth that is most important..what good are the explosions HD models if everything twitches and sttuters..anyway sounds need to be sharper in sniper mode but i like the way they are my opinion that is..

  10. Strange. On my PC, the sounds of 9.1 sound much more “flat” than in this video, even though I have an Soundblaster X-Fi sound-card and Logitech THX 2.1 speakers.

    • Omg, I just changed the ingame sound settings of WoT (like in this video) and also tweaked the Win7 sound settings of the X-Fi card (added much more bass) and the gun sounds are MUCH better now, even better than in 9.0.

      Thanks for the video, SS.

  11. The sounds are not bad but I think there is room for improvement. I had to turn up the volume to enjoy the sounds. Now I can understand that a T71 gun does “pOOffffffff” but why the Lowe and T34 guns also do (pretty much the same) “pOOOffffffffffff” I can’t.
    Overall, the sounds are too deep and feel very muffled. I miss some more mid and high frequency pronounciation. Why can’t it sound like this:

    • Because in that video they are firing blanks? The pressure generated from blanks are lot lower than firing real round so sound is lot more “booooooooom” (long dull monotonic boom that progressively get silent) while live ammo generate bigger pressure and it also release that pressure (=sound) lot shorter timeframe, so it sound more like “BOoom” (sharp and loud at beginnning and comparable silent after boom). Also in video those two louder booms after main one are echoes to first one, as you see there is rising ridge in front of “shooting” area to bounce that sound back.

  12. Much improved sounds most certainly a step in the correct direction…but they need further development mainly in the area of range/variety of sounds.

  13. ˙lıɐɟ ǝɔıu lol˙˙˙˙ploƃ ƃuıɯɯɐds sǝɥ˙˙˙oslɐ
    ˙ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ ǝq llɐ ʇou˙˙˙ʞuɐʇ oʇ ʞuɐʇ ɯoɹɟ ʎɹɐʌ pʎǝɥʇ ɥsıʍ ʇsnɾ ı ‘pooƃ ʎʇʇǝɹd ǝɹɐ punos ǝɥʇ

  14. I really like these new sounds compared to what we have live. I hope they will be implemented. 100~ mm guns sounds just awful on live.

  15. Seriously people, what do you like so much about these new sounds? Yeah, the new engine sounds for the Hellcat and the Jackson are really good, i can agree on that. But the new gun sounds…. those are just crap. “Very nice”, “awesome”, “big improvement”, what the hell are you talkin about? These sounds are even worse than the old ones. It’s pretty much generated from 2 samples they have recorded. They are trying to make them slightly different, but that’s just messing with the pitch and adding distorsion, all the guns sound the same, and they do sound like something out of a cartoon. And to the ones talking about realism, and no need for fancy movie-effect styled sounds…. have you guys ever heard a tank firing a 75mm gun? And an other one firing a 105mm or a 120mm maybe? The real thing. No? I guess that’s why you don’t realize that they should sound nothing like each other. Talk about realism when you have 1st hand experience, otherwise, just leave it. No need to make yourself a clown.

    • if WG wants to know how the REAL Sounds sounds, they should join the Army and stop developing this game as they clearly ruin it from patch to patch.

  16. I quite like them, but its depending on the tank… a Löwe with its 105mm sounds allright with these pews, but a FV215b 183 or Jg. Pz. E 100 needs a big KAPOW.

    • exactly my thoughts yes for small guns like 76,90mm etc. guns ithe gun sounds are great but for Arty big Tds etc. they are kinda lame

  17. Can anyone show how the larger caliber guns sounds like(maybe 12,8 130 152 155s)…..the same sound on Hellcat is alright(and possibly ok for most under 90mm gun), but the same on Lowe,T34 and KV-4…. sounds like a silencer is being used….

  18. New sounds are great, much more realistic and the sound of guns firing in the distance seems much better.

    I only hope WG don’t listen to the Russian whiners as they usually do and back down to the old sounds. The new ones are 100% better. Smoke also looks fine and explosions look fine.

  19. Explosions are a bit flat but ok.

    Sounds are ok, but a bit too “wet” or “damp” especiellay when near the player. It needs more treble, some metallic reverb to it. Right now it sounds as if they are all firing inside a tissue box. Distant shots sounded fine, but the close ones are a bit muted. Add some metallic reverb.

  20. Ew what the hell?

    The new sounds sucks!

    I don’t even like WarThunder, but goodness, at least they know how to make good gun sounds! The new sounds for wot are abominable. WG should go with Hollywood-ish.

      • we do not have the right to give our opinion ?

        in that case, leave this website !

        if realistic sounds are bad when we include them in a game (game isn’t the reality !), why should we keep them ?

  21. The sounds seem to be like what a tank gun firing sounds like *inside* the tank, hence the muffled sound and the mechanical clank at the end.

    Methinks that would be fine for one’s own tank in sniper mode, but not for other tanks or in third person view.

    A 120mm tank gun definitely sounds different in real life, i’ve been present during Leopard 2 live shootings.

    • clearly you can’t respond to Real sounds arguments by pointing to a record of that sound, clearly you don’t know shit, hearing that recorded sound it not the reality of being there and actually hearing that, it does not capture the essence of the shock waves and other elements, you have to fake it to make it in a vid game.

      it’s like those pathetic Electronic Piano’s, yea true recording of grand piano right? it’s like talking to a blind man about seeing

    • LOL….they sound exactly the same :DDDD I bet myself they just recycled those old sounds and introduced them as the “new” developed sounds :D BT-7 and T-95 sounds are different, but Lowe, Type 59 and Hellcat sounds exactly the same as eachother and exactly the same as these new sounds. Great finding bro :D

        • Yes, that’s why they decided to scrape them and leave the old sounds or something like that.

          • Yeah, they made completely new sounds, those which we know today. But I have to admit, though these new sounds sound like the old ones from the test, they’ve added more punch to the new ones, imo. They sound darker and mellower.

  22. the gun sounds are ok, but there is way too much reverb after the shot. this sounds really silly the way it is now!

  23. I can’t say about the others, but honestly I didn’t like the gun sound that they are trying to implement in 9.1.

    It sounds more like a giant slingshot or an airgun….. or more likely a catapult (Remember AoE?)

    Tank destruction sounds are O.K. but the gun sounds are really really bad.

    Have seen videos of real tanks firing and it doesn’t even remotely sound like that.

    If they do decide to go ahead with it then I will have to use a mod.

    Thumbs Down for this one

  24. The tank gun sounds are quite realistic, as I have heard a M36 fire blanks so that I can say, I agree with others about the explosions, but what can you do if you’re playing on a Potato?

  25. i think the sounds are ok now, no need for a global change. with a huge gun you want to hear a great bang, now its a bb gun. also the explosions are looking nice but not really appropriate. a disabled tank wouldnt burst up in nuclear explosions.

  26. The new engines sounds for Hellcat are spot on. I love them. But the gun sounds are plain terrible. No variation at all between them. And hearing the same crap BB like gun every round for almost every gun, is freaking Guantanamo CIA style torture with sound!!

    Since when people care about realistic crap sound in WoT? is WoT realistic? is it even advertised as REALISTIC? huh?

    Wow i guess you people live in a cave and only watch the news. Because hey! movies use enhanced modified big boom action hollywood sounds. Do you hate every movie too? starting from action flicks like Rambo, Red Scorpion to Terminator, Ironman, Heat etc?

    Gnomefather sound mod is 10times better than what WG did. Proof enough that WG has probably hired the garbage man to record sound for them and he’s paid with a salary of $100/month for such a shitty job. Anyway we dont decide shit.

    It’s the RU community opinion that matters.


      wg implements realinstic sounds


      Because reality is unrealistic and average person is a retard.


      • WOT tanks has HP while WT has damage models instead so having that sound effect in WT makes more sense than WOT.

        • So let’s switch gun sounds – mp40 from first cod should sound like e-11 from star wars and vice versa. Makes sense when you apply that sort of shitty logic.

  27. I hear these kinds of sounds in Warthunder tanks all the time infact gnomefather actually ‘borrowed’ the 122 cannon sound from warthunder.

    • Um actually last i checked, warthunder took from gnomefathers, because he as not putting any money up to anyone to use this

  28. The gun sounds are all the same and way too muffled, if they want to simulate what it sounds like inside the tank then make the sounds muffled when in sniper mode but not in 3rd person mode. Personally I would prefer the more Hollywood sounds since this game isn’t a simulator in the 1st place.

    On a side note I see you have the infamous Bacon Camo on your Lowe, you should be well hidden if you fight in the meat department of a grocery store :)

  29. It looks like all the WT fanbots have come out of the woodwork once again.

  30. Pros:

    -more realistic sounds
    -gun sounds in the distance(you can hear them much farther now)
    -Hellcat’s/Jackson’s engine sounds are great
    -turret traverse sounds in sniper mode
    -shell ejecting sound in sniper mode
    -Hellcat’s/Jackson’s track sounds in sniper mode


    -same sound for all guns
    -turret traverse sound should be heard from 3rd person too not only in sniper mode
    -track clanking sound should be heard from 3rd person camera too
    -shell ejecting sound needs more volume(barely audible)

    As for the explosions, they look silly. Way too big and overexagarated. And the quality is shitty. Looks like from some old 2000′s game with shitty sprite. Since they are trying to copy a lot of shit from WT they should check out their explosions and copy that.

    • As for engine exhaust, imo it’s kind of too ?bubbly? It doesn’t feel like a tank’s exhaust. Smoke is thin and white instead of thick high volume black smoke when the tank hits high rpm.

        • Well it depends on that too, also on the engine condition etc. but atm every engine exhaust the same smoke.

          • As much as i have noticed russian disel engines in game produce black smoke while german and american engines which are mainly gasoline produce gray smoke.

  31. The new sounds seem kind of flat to me, I want more BOOM! Also the arty shells should make a whistling sound like in Gnomefather’s mod.

  32. People were complaining about this?! They sounds great! I love how they linger.

  33. I don’t know why, but my sounds on test server are “different”, more hollow and without reverberation. They doesn’t sounds that nice, like in video. I don’t know why, i have downloaded full new Test version of client. It’s necessary to change some configuration in client?

  34. Interesting how they went away from hollywood gun sounds but made the explosions look like a cheap hollywood film…

  35. Why do CANNONS with a muzzle brake sound identical to cannons without muzzle brake?
    Cannons with Bore-Evacuators have a different sound, in the test server they all sound identical :/ why?

  36. That’s the lamest sound I’ve heard in a long time. A tank firing in real life has some serious ompf in it, as in you feel the shockwave in your body. Secondly the explosions were just silly, like something out of DOOM.

  37. Gun sounds: HUGE letdown for a high caliber gun. Would work great for low-medium caliber though.
    Exhaust: Good.
    Explosions: Very good.