This info comes from Nushuk’s thread on EU forums – thank you, Nushuk (9.1 pictures by US player Burok)
Hello everyone,
as might or might not remember, in 9.0, Panzer III got screwed up. Specifically, the L/60 top turret mantlet lost its spaced armor part. More on that here. It seems that in 9.1, this issue was again fixed.
This is the top configuration of Panzer III in 9.0:
And this is the top configuration in 9.1 (notice the missing camo on turret – that’s a bug):
Armor comparison (50mm L/60, top turret) – this is the 9.0:
And 9.1:
That’s actually not all. Stock turret was renamed from Panzer III Ausf.F to Panzer III Ausf.J and can now mount the 50mm L/60 gun. And the model size got changed too a bit, the hull and suspension are now slightly smaller:
…and hopefuly some day they actually make the L/60 competitive :D
You mean like in WT where it has more than 80mm penetration at 100m with 50L60.
Yeah like WT where I killed IS with it :D
You mean like WT everyone shooting HE shells and ammo racks exploding everywhere? Or crew’s being knocked out all the time?
HE dont work there very well for low caliber.
Lol last game some pz IV c shot 5 meters in front of me and my crew just died (played BT-7). Other time i killed 7 tanks in a row oneshooting them, i took about 30 shells (no effect). And wheres the logic?
Don’t play AB or RB
It’s just AB. Works fine with RB.
He is an idiot anyway.
Complaining that his BT-7 got one-shot-killed, lol… how stupid one can be? He played this game for 10 minutes or what? BT-7 has probably the worst armor in an entire game. It gets one-shot-killed all the time. That’s not a WoT where tanks got health bars. In WT if you have no armor = you die.
bt7 is made of paper, expect being oneshot in it if something big hits.
of course the pz4c has a DERP, that thing will rip through your paper BT7 like nothing,m specially with HEAT.
why are you bitching?
WT AP spam typical, HE is pretty underused, except KV-2 and other derp users, yeah.
That is because other than the 122 and 152 gun it is lousy. Although AA tanks use it effectively in low tier.
you’re talking crap.
no one shoots HE except for KV2, and SU152 guys
Unfortunately I’ve stopped having fun in WT already. But yeah, the most fun I’ve had in that game was during cbt with the pz3M, farming clueless T-34 and KV drivers in 6v6 games.
Me too. I was having great fun at mid tier-II but now tier III is just frustrating. Too many random death. The occasional moments of achievements and killstreaks are nice but holy fucking cow it’s grating the rest of the time. ESPECIALLY with teams of chickens whose skull seems to have been caved in.
Still have good games in the EU server. No idea what you mean.
Another of these noobs that see “random deaths” everywhere… jesus… WoT players should pass an IQ test before playing WT.
Well,WG could just change it’s AP pen to be identical to that of the Japanese 47mm gun with 81 pen.
There is one more issue in the Pz III in 9.0, The tracks disappear at a distance of about 100m (when looking at other Pz IIIs and not from sniper mode)
Yeah i have this issue too, i have so many screenshots of it.
lol yea i’m the same..
me too
Look at the last gif. The data in the top left corner looks strangely similar to what tank viewer displays about the tank. Except it doesn’t work with new garage and new tanks.
As far as I know tank viewer has been abandoned though. Was it some other tank viewing application used? Or is there a way to modify tank viewer to display more recent tanks and garages?
A reply to another post on this blog:
Faqqet on May 25, 2014 at 10:50 am said:
There’s a new version of tank viewer that can open view HD models
Tested and working. Tank viewer is back! YES!
Still needs the schurzen to properly represent a late-model Panzer III.