Storm talks about 9.1 Test 2


Hello everyone,

Storm is asking for Test round 2 feedback (performance, bugs etc) – he adds that the gun and Hellcat/Jackson engine sounds were returned to 9.0 standard because they were added to the test mostly to gather player feedback, there was no plan to release them in 9.1 live patch. The feedback on the gun sounds is conflicting, for the engine sounds it’s positive. Wargaming will take these opinions into account when developing the game further.

There is also a bug that changes the screen side ration, it will be fixed in the live server.

From the discussion:

- the 9.1 test sounds will be polished and they will return in one of the upcoming patches
- more tank engine sounds than Jackson and Hellcat are being recorded
- Storm states that the “moving corpses” bug was already fixed (players claim it is still there)
- engine sounds for exotic tanks will be recorded from “a similiar type of the engine”
- Storm doesn’t consider it a problem that the GPU is stressed in the new hangar more than in combat
- Chat 2.0 – “medium perspective”
- HD model mass-production system is not yet finished
- the mechanism of automatic platoon searching is not being developed yet
- the file “availablecontent.xml”, that appeared in the test client, does not mean there will be DLC, it is tied to the split of the HD and SD client
- the HB crew transfer without penalties “cannot be guaranteed for now” (SS: there was a plan for some of the tanks to act like “premiums” by being able to use crews from different tanks)
- there is little data collected from the test on the 9.1 historical battles
- reworking the decals and hit effects is not in near plans

46 thoughts on “Storm talks about 9.1 Test 2

  1. - there is little data collected from the test on the 9.1 historical battles

    Wow… I wonder why…
    Just out of curiosity, did anyone ever manage to play one on the testserver?

    • That one looked like lag.

      btw, you do know that if “invisible” tank – due to its camo factor, pushes a wrecked tank it looks the same ast that bug used to, right ?

  2. Bug: When i disable shadow, the screen aspect ratio automatic change to 1.25:1. My default ratio is 16:9, but i can’t change into this, everytime i choose this, it has no happen.

  3. ” (…) he adds that the gun and Hellcat/Jackson engine sounds were returned to 9.0 standard because they were added to the test mostly to gather player feedback, there was no plan to release them in 9.1 live patch.”

    So why did they say in ASAP that the sounds will come in 9.1, if there was no plan at all to release them in this patch?

  4. - HD model mass-production system is not yet finished

    Does this mean that there will be no new HD tanks in 9.2, too?

    • pretty much.

      Expecting 2 new models sometimes around christmas.

      5 models in 2015, and so on…

  5. - Storm doesn’t consider it a problem that the GPU is stressed in the new hangar more than in combat

    Am I the only one seeing this as MAJOR problem? thankfully, completely minimal black garage keeps my new GPU from burning/dying (old GeForce died from wot garage), so wg you can stick ur nice new garage up your gluteus maximus.

    • If ur graphic card dies from high load in wot garage, u should think about not removing/blocking the fans to make ur pc less noisy

      • please cut the crap, WoT fucked my 4870X2 some years ago

        one advice I give everyone playing WoT, enable Vsync!

        • A better advice would probably be not to use a toaster oven as a graphic card…

          Really, how much damn time do you spend in the garage for that to be an actual problem?
          And if the answer is “enough for that to be a problem” probably you should so something else except staring at the damn garage, such as…dunno…playing another tank or something else.

          • 4870 … burning is probably the best thing AMD cards do.

            IDK, my gtx770m is at 70% usage and around 65°C in garage. All maxed out.
            which is pretty good for a laptop card powerful as desktop version of GTX660Ti

            If you got less powerful card, try to enable some fps cap. No point stressing the card to get 100fps when your shitty monitor can display only 60fps.

            • it is a problem if a static garage is stressing your GPU more than the game.
              it means you cant program properly and should go back to basics if you cant do any thing about it,
              same as getting the same stress on GPU when you minimise the game in garage
              if MS did this when you went to desk top they would be a laughing stock ( OK more than they already are )or Imagine a screen saver that fried you GPU,

              Sort your dam game and don’t say it isn’t a problem,
              If your customers are saying its a problem , It’s a dam problem. Fix it.

              yet they will tweak tank models all day long, patch after patch to get them just right, and balance tanks that don’t need any and leave tanks that are just plain broken.

              • Exactly my thoughts how the hell is it normal that my GPU gets 98 % Usage when i am not even in that game ??? Hell even if i am in battle I dont have such usage. Is it so difficult for those monkeys to limit FPS while in hangar? As far as i know from programming limiting fpsis matter of one line. of code.

                • you can cap fps with a 3rd party utility.

                  GPU stress in garage is there because it look 10 time better in garage.
                  There is about 5 or more light sources in garage, all of them casting shadows etc.
                  In battle, there is always 1 light source, on every map.

                  GPU doesnt care if something is static or moving. (eg. garage or battle.)
                  GPU is rendering it anyway. Yes, there should be fps cap in garage, but thats another story.

                  Im just saying that it is absolutely normal that the garage stresses GPU more. – more lights, more shadows, practically same amount of objects per screen, thats more calculations = more stress to gpu.

            • You seriously think the 770m is as powerful as a 660ti? 770m has about the same power as a stock 560. You might wanna read som benchmarks……

              • The point wasn’t about the power of the GPU but rather that people seem to like staring at their garage screens more than it takes a normal person to select a new tank and get back into battle.

                Indeed, it SHOULDN’T stress your GPU more but it does, I understand that…it just isn’t a problem all that much as the time spent in the garage should be quite small, unless you’re some kind of drooling idiot being impressed at how kewl a tank looks while you spin it around.
                In which case I recommend making a printscreen of the damn thing and looking at that all day long instead of whining that zomg the garage is stressing my microwave oven…oh…pardon me…video card. Really!

  6. Imo they should just scrape the Historical battles all in all and focus on other things. Let’s be honest. HB is a failure and it will remain as a failure until they completely rework it to be actually fun to play. It’s just a waste of resources and time.

    • They need to remake the matchmaking system.

      My ideawould be like teambattles, with forced and varying battletiers in all slots and a chat window to discuss with everyone and ability to lock slots that you don’t manage to fill. ( and with the same ”YOLO” matchmaking teambattles has if it can’t match within 4 minutes and 30 seconds )

  7. Hey, if anybody feels like catching a break from this steaming pos game, feel free to add me on WT; ik heet Just4lolz

    • how far ?
      You do know that its absolutely regular effect when invisible TD moves wrecked tank …

    • I dont get it.
      The solution to fix performance of something is to remove it ? :D :D :D

      I can make a MOD for you.
      WoT will run smooth, 300fps on ultra details on any PC that is 15 years old..
      Only one thing… I will turn off rendering, your screen will be black all the time.
      Do you want it ?

      • Non sequitur…Should all rendering be disabled, then frames rendered per second can not possibly equal 300.

  8. “- the 9.1 test sounds will be polished and they will return in one of the upcoming patches”
    “were returned to 9.0 standard because they were added to the test mostly to gather player feedback, there was no plan to release them in 9.1 live patch.”

    So why the fuck is it in ASAP 9.1 video ??
    Oh, does it mean “We will remove this feature as soon as possible?”

    • All feature additions, removals, and modifications are
      ‘tested’ on the ‘test server’ in order to allow players to provide feedback and to ‘test’ the functionality of the alteration before implementing onto the live server. This provides the developer an opportunity to dismiss or refine an alteration before implementation.

      I don’t understand how you could misunderstand the purpose of the process…

      • oh, okay then, I thought “ASAP videos” are kind of trailers for next patch :D

  9. - Chat 2.0 – “medium perspective”

    What a fucking crock of shit. There is absolutely no excuse that the game got past closed beta with the POS chat system it has. Games released a decade earlier had a more robust chat system. It’s embarrassing.