Straight Outta Supertest: Turrets

Source: VK Wotleaks community

Hello everyone,

as you probably know, the new Stronkhold mode is coming. A part of it are NPC defensive buildings – turrets, controlled by bots, that protect your base from enemy assault. The turrets will allegedly be constructed as buildings in Stronkhold mode. They are allegedly going to appear as team members, so in the end, a team can have 16 or 17 players in the team like that.

This is an E-100 turret, with 10k hitpoints, allegedly it’s possible there will be other tank turrets used this way as well.


48 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: Turrets

        • That’s gonna be awesome. Imagine the amount of credits and exp for dealing 10k dmg <3

          • Yeah…. I bet a lot of newbies will just rush the enemy base in hopes of dealing some easy damage….

            • Just scout the turret and let the artys do the job… imagine the spotting damage! ;)

              • How long will the assaults last though? It might take too long to knock them out. Also taking 3 or 4 arties into such a game basically means that you will be insta rushed by the defenders

    • Well not only panther turrets whole variety of tanks were used for this think like IS IS3 pz2 3 4 ect… Also E100 technically existed but only as a suspension.

  1. is it actually named “stronkhold”? cause if not, it just starting to bothers me when you call it like that SS :D ( I know, such a big deal )

  2. isnt 10K HP not a bit much? I mean you run out of shells if you kill one.

    I would like to see btw that only the defending party would get this kinda turrets because otherways it would be unfair to the defending party because they are getting overwhelmed at once

    • Earning a shitton of exp and credits for dealing 10k dmg in an arty is certainly fun^^

    • You have to remember that the E100 turret will probably be used in tier 10 matches, and in tier 5-7 maybe say an ARL turret with around 3k HP.

  3. what a load of crap, hope it will not come to Random Battles.

    WG devs, stfu, stop programming and be beautiful!

    • You can turn off certain game modes under the settings. It will probably be easy to turn off.

  4. So… these turrets will be placed on the map during battle? Will it be possible to designate a place on a map where it should stand? Or it will be placed in WG-predefined locations? Or random? Or how….?

  5. 2 spg, ap shells and it’s not so op anymore -.- … and i think this turret will be single one on map , others will be much weaker.

  6. stronKhold?? we got enough stronK grammar in game.
    please don’t torture my eyes here on FTR, too…

  7. Instead of all the bullshit additions that nobody wants and in fact causes gameplay issues, wouldn’t it be nice if WG simply stuck to refining the core gameplay that got us all hooked in the first place and added a tank or two occassionally?

    Wouldn’t it?

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