- Storm states that the announced accuracy adjustment does not mean that the “old” accuracy that got changed practically a year ago will return
- the sniper mode FPS drop fix in 9.1 will work with both the old and new render
- developers considered in medium or long term perspective adding new content for tier 10
- Storm confirms that the nerfs, originally announced for 9.1, will come
- Storm on rebalance of vehicles: “There will be a lot of various rebalances. Not just TDs.”
Well, at least the nerfs will come eventually.
We need an EU pre-tree premium like the Chi-Nu Kai this year! SO-76? KW30? AMX Strv74?
Working on that. Patience.
SS, really, I think if SerB just listens a little bit to what you have to say, the could save the game from falling apart with all their weird ideas.
I don’t think the game is falling apart, its a matter of perspective. As SS said, have patience.
- Storm on rebalance of vehicles: “There will be a lot of various rebalances. Not just TDs.”
Takes them WAY too long to realise which tanks needs buff/nerf.
took me 10 battles to get my first win ever in M103 to finaly unlock the second gun…they need to buff the players :)
Apart from me, because I need to be nerfed ASAP :D
they need to implement league ranking system as default ..as it is in CS:GO
Have fun with cheaters in CS:GO
Scums are using alt accounts to boost their main acc .
I love the fix of sniper zoom in fps drop, I was affected by it for at least 9 months and it was sometimes very uncomfortable…..
- Storm states that the announced accuracy adjustment does not mean that the “old” accuracy that got changed practically a year ago will return
accuracy was too low – WG buffed it
now is accuracy too high?
You know how it is. It’s never right.
Imo accuracy is better now. Pre 8.6 guns felt inaccurate even for an arcade game like WoT if you compare how rl tanks were precise.
- developers considered in medium or long term perspective adding new content for tier 10
whats does it mean?
“Medium or long term” – basically means “not right now, someday perhaps”
2015 – 2022
Like it’s done when it’s done…
“- Storm states that the announced accuracy adjustment does not mean that the “old” accuracy that got changed practically a year ago will return”
Are there really people who want this? I like how the accuracy is now, but at times it is rather stupid. Shoot on the move with IS-3? flush hit. Half-way aim the shot? lol, edge of aim circle.
It’s a bit too fluxuating and unreliable at times. Of course, I don’t play stuff like the E-50 or high tier TD’s, so I don’t know what it’s like to have .32 or better accuracy.
You should, man. E-50 feels damn good with it’s 0.3. I played my SU-152 and then switched to E-50. It always amazes me how the aiming circle just keeps shrinking and shrinking with such accurate guns.
If RNG wants to fuck you in the ass without lube, it will.
Source: I have an Ausf. M
Same goes with artillery in close range battle. It’s better to shoot right after you have turned face front against opponent coming at you rather than wait and aim sometime before firing. Might be also that bad players are given high coeffiecients for “aiming” so they can spin like crazy with their arty and always hit without aiming in close range.
I agree. The current accuracy setup allows snap shot shooting more than most players know. I have no issue doing a snapshot in most any tank and hitting 50% of the time. So reducing the accuracy model is going to put the brakes on that.
So many things need to be fixed in this game. Better and bigger maps to increase the options for attack and defense. Fix the spotting and render range mechanics. Add even the smallest amount of skills into the MM equations (big one here) just to keep the game balance to a 60%-40% statistical chance to win range. Bottling, team killer, and AFK bans for repeat offenders. Etc…….
- Storm states that the announced accuracy adjustment does not mean that the “old” accuracy that got changed practically a year ago will return
Why? I do understand some tanks became snipers eventhough they weren’t supposed(KV-1ASS) but it’s still way better than pre 8.6. I simply can’t understand WG and their way of dealing with things. For example lots of people complain about prem ammo, about arties, about TDs and they barely do something about it or it takes them lot of time to do it, but on the other hand you have this accuracy thing. How many whining/complaining about it have they seen? People liked the better accuracy. It was a good change so why the hell change it if no one complains about it?! Tanks in WoT are inaccurate enough even for an arcade game. Tanks irl were pinpoint accurate and in the game you can miss a tank at less than 100m. If anything improved accuracy was a good thing. Stop fixing things that are not broken WG ffs.
They want us to spend more credits in ammo :-)
As WG said about nerfing tanks, if a vehicle is popular, it means it needs a nerf. People like accuracy and dont complain – SUMTHN’ WRNG THEY NO COMPLAN WII MAST NERF AIMENG !!11!1oneone!
Dunno if you are being serious or sarcastic but those two are completely different matter. And not only that but your claim doesn’t stand. KV-Ass and Hellcat are really popular and i see people complaining about them all the time. Just because they like something doesn’t mean it’s not right.
I noticed that after 8.6, the number of one-sided battles (where one side rapes the other for 15-4 15-2 etc) increased substantially. Its obvious, that some changes in 8.6 causes this. There where two big changes in 8.6, the big arty nerf, and the global accuracy dispersion buff. Probably the second one causes the lots of roflstomps, and WG want to do something about it.
well the thing is acc is semi fine
but the RNG in some tanks is over ++ to them such as kv1s kv2 with 0.6 and can snipe tanks in full speed on the move and stuff which makes no sence(for some reason russian guns are flavoured by RNG pretty light in acc section(and some other too))
My bro had an RNG shot with KV-2 (90% crew no vents) in Malinovka – his shot goes through a small window and oneshotted a 100% HP enemy KV-2 (you can watch this in Woras’ RNG vid, dont remember wich one)
No, they said popularity was an indication that it may need a nerf. Even then they don’t act on that, the kv1s is a good example.
- Storm confirms that the nerfs, originally announced for 9.1, will come
I suppose the temptation to nerf those German tanks was too stronk for WG to resist
Soooo… does that mean old arty accuracy will be returning too?
Arty has enough accuracy already … they need a nerf ;)
That’s exactly what he said.
Its global change which means it will effect every tank in game, arty alike.
Running into more and more Cyber Tank bots on the Russian server.
I wish I had a key for that…It is the only reason I would return to WoT atm…
I thought the “nerfs” have to be tested? How can the douce say they will come? Unless of course it is just what they want to do and “testing” not required. I am pretty sure the general TD nerd will be enough for the Hellcat. General TD nerd and individual Hellcat nerds (if the stay as announced) will make the tank a camper that can go 73 kph but never will.
Good point, generally I dont agree with any neft or/and buffs, I think WT should do the homework before a new tank is released, it is not fair for the players to spend days to get a tank so it gets nerfed in the next patch, it is ridiculous.
So you would rather choose imbalanced tank over balanced gameplay? Well luckily majority of people think otherwise and hopefully WG will please them and not someone who can’t stand that his favourite tank is getting nerfed. I own for example both KV-1ASS and Hellcat and despite how fun they are to play i support their nerf because they surely deserve it. I for instance choose balanced game over imbalanced but fun to play tank. You also don’t support nerf of waffentrager e100 i assume?
I play 50% of my matches in scouts so I enjoy the ‘unbalance’ challenge. The game has unbalances all over the place and that is good, what is the point of having tanks that are exactly the same. Anyway that was not my point, the issue here is why WT creates tanks with such unbalances in first place, once is done, carry on and deal with it.
Because whoEVER would let a product that wasn’t utterly perfect and finished, nevermind now in a rather unpredictable and fluctuating context, out into the wild? Or take steps to correct any flaws that turn up, instead of pigheadedly sticking to his guns?
You fail elementary management forever.
The game has unbalances all over the place and that is good, **what is the point of having tanks that are exactly the same**.
You missed the whole point. No sense to discuss further.
Dunno to whom that was adressed or what the fuck it actually means because not everyone here can read smartass english, but i kind of sense it could be adressed to me because your top of the dick skin itches if you pass on and don’t write something where i’m included. My apology in advance if i’m wrong. If only you could play as good as you can shit talk.
LoL! ‘I can not comprehend your meaning so I will assume your statement is an attack upon my self’.
Settle down Jed; he was retorting the statement above his own which suggested that imbalances should be left to persist in order to create variety. Follow the line to the reply button next time…
Paranoid little peep ain’t cha :p
Maybe if he wouldn’t write in douchebag english that can be understood only by native speakers i would give a fuck about it. And since he was my long time fan who couldn’t miss any of my posts i assumed he might be refering to my post. I did however issued my apology if i’m wrong however which later turned out to be the case.
NO, nerfs are necessary. But as I said, the general TD nerf will have huge impact on spotting and reduce the possibility to play aggressive with TDs, so the hellcat. What will happen with the nerfs we saw, in addition, the hellcat will be another TD camping the bush near a rock somewhere shooting you from the off. Why even bother and take a forward spot, get a first shot off and relocate, when you now need 25% longer to even get to speed, not to speak about max speed on non-street terrain ever? You just won’t. Nerfing, yes. But butchering the tank to bring it “in line” with the shit that nobody wants to play on T6? No, thank you. Then rather buff other tanks. But it is easier that way, I’m sure.
No. The general TD nerf will have no effect on anything except for players who have no idea how the spotting system works. You will still be able to stay invisible while firing as long as you dont park yourself right behind the bush. I dont quite understand how camo after firing affects the aggressiveness either. When youre being aggressive with a TD, you fully expect to be spotted after you fire anyway.
Agree with the rest, though…
accuracy nerf? LOL, this is the most retarded idea for a long time!
as there were any really accurate guns in the game…
the most annoying thing in WoT is to miss fully aimed shots!
why the fuck they always nerf the good tanks?? better way would be to buff the weak tanks, this would be much more satisfying for all players!
Great more nerfs, more screwing with accuracy!
I think WOT needs to remove everything above tier 1 and start over, as they can’t get their act together at all.
Of course they aren’t going to refund your credits or XP if they do!