
Nothing much today either. Russians are having the 9.1 tomorrow, we on Wednesday. Americans – next week IIRC.

The patchnotes don’t bring anything that much new and interesting as far as I could see (pretty much everything was tested already), the only thing that caught my eye was: “reduced the chance of getting the Ruinberg on Fire map”. Storm posted that it was him who added this.

Oh yea and they apparently fixed the bug where the tracers flew through tanks in some cases. Also, the battle loading time fix and the fix that improves performance when switching to sniper mode were implemented as well.

Anyway, the following answers are by Knopka and some developer (?) called Riot_Guy

- it will take at least 50-100 battles to get “kill rings” in 9.1
- the kill marks on the barrel are optional (can be disabled in options)
- Knopka on the new Kharkov map: “The map feels very big and there is a possibility to fight on it comfortably with every class of vehicle.” (she continues how the map offers chances for all types of warfare)

- Kharkov map will be available to vehicles of tier 4 and higher
- the sounds of first 9.1 test (“new gun sounds”) were there only for feedback gathering, which will now be analyzed
- the new “Dynamic FOV” option in settings allows the player to set minimum and maximum FOV on various zooms differently (maximal angle is set when the camera is zoomed out, the more you zoom in the narrower FOV gets)
- the premium TD camo after shot was not nerfed, only the regular vehicles were
- Knopka on Havok: “with the implementation of Havok, some processes will be working on your computer using its power, second part will work on the server. Be patient”
- test 9.1 (both rounds) confirmed improved game performance and less lags/freezes
- fragile TD’s suffering from shooting camo nerf too much? “It will be somewhat more difficult, but I think we can agree that to fire while being invisible with impunity is not very fair.”
- developers are working on the rework of textured for HD
- the sound of tank destruction (SS: the “popping”) was also reworked based on the player feedback
- Not enough content in 9.1? “In last half a year we added new game modes, new maps, new vehicles. That’s the content :)”

120 thoughts on “9.6.2014

  1. I’ve heard so many people say that the nerf to camo of TD’s (Except premiums) will be P2W…
    It IS going to make premium TD’s comparatively better, but… What premium TD is overpowered anyway? E-25 is strong, yes, but I don’t know if it’s overpowered.
    And the Su-122-44 is most likely one of the three most overpowered vehicles in the game, but it’s not it’s camo that makes it so.

    It’ll be an imbalance, but hardly P2W I belive. Then again, we’ll see and maybe I’ll be proven wrong.
    (That said, I think they should have nerfed the camo bonus for premium TD’s too, it’s fair. Damn, you can even refund a percentage of the price of premium TD’s as compensation, I don’t know).

    • SU-122 44 should have been a tier 8 norma vehicle with a BL-9S
      SU-101 sould have been tier 7/8 premium.

      More logical too. SU-122-44 -> SU-122-54.

      *Now if WG agreed to unhistorical but badass SU-130-62

    • Su122-44: OP? Yes. Very? Yes, very OP. Compared to E25 it needs some buffs. At least I found it even more OP than 122-44, especially when you can rely on camo (so any bush).

      • I belive the E25 *CAN* be more OP for good players who can use camo.
        For the common player that doesn’t understand the game, E25 is pretty crappy. You can’t YOLO with it.
        Meanwhile, Su-122-44 has trolltastic armor, Tier X TD levels of DPM, good penetration, Soviet 122Mm accuracy (So laser guided lol), and the mobility of a medium.
        I personally think it’s more OP than release Type 59.

        • I’ve played more than 800 battles in SU-122-44 and while it’s a ridiculous damage dealer, one thing that I cannot say about it is that its gun is laser pointed – while it takes a lot of time to aim, and you have to turn very often while the gun has mediocre accuracy (yes, it is not that accurate as you think), the tank is pretty much useless as a regular second line TD. Since people do not expect a rushing, fast TD in the first line, they usually get surprised. That’s the whole secret. And while I’ve got all the crew members trained in camo skill, I am almost always spotted after the first shot.

          And the question to SS: are they going to modify SU in any way?

    • su-122-44 is overpowered, and the E-25 isn’t….
      Yea, alright, sure. The E-25 is a filthy pedophile. Give me a SU-122-44 to fight against rather than an E-25 any day.

      • Were you in that T-29 I took down from full health in my E-25 yesterday? He was pretty pissed off too…. :)

        • I once killed tier 8 Rhm with Pz I C both had 100% and he wasnt afk and VERY MAD! and i was like LOLZ ur dead he was like HACKER!!! REPORT!!! CHEATS!!!

            • SU-122 44 should have been a tier 8 norma vehicle with a BL-9S
              SU-101 sould have been tier 7/8 premium.
              1) Switch the shitty one into regular tree
              2) Put the OP one into the premium shop
              3) ????
              4) Profit

    • FCM 36 Pak 40 is ridiculously OP if driven by a good player. Wrecks entire teams, confirmed by myself.

  2. Remodel-wise, will the kill marks mess with game system if we add a remodel?

      • If i play and i turn off the killmarks will other players see my killmarks?

          • So: “- the kill marks on the barrel are optional (can be disabled in options)”

            is another useless option?

                • I called it when i first heard of the option. It came out of the blue and was never discussed before. Especially in the middle of major game changes, this seems petty.

                  It was discussed at one point to completely remove support for XVM and actually make it illegal. Before this they didn’t really have a way to ‘estimate’ player quality and it would have seemed like a ‘bad-guy’ blow for them.

                  With these rings, they can at least pretend they gave us a ‘similar’ system ingame.

    • Doubt it, since it’s only overlay texture, I think. So it’ll mess with it only in a way current camo or signature textures do (breaking the colour pattern).

  3. “The map feels very big and there is a possibility to fight on it comfortably with every class of vehicle.”

    Because there is no stupid ass mountains, lakes, water, etc. EACH square meter is accessable.

    • “fight on it comfortably with every class of vehicle.”
      well… I wanna see T95 on that map especially with stock setup and some dead crew/modules (driver commander engine fuel etc etc…)

      • TDs are dead … I sold my last normal TD last night. I only have left the E25. Long live to HTs and MTs.

        BTW, nerf the arty, they keep ruining my games when I am flanking.

        • Well, I havent played for some time and now I noticed that my Stug and Jagpanther are less useful. Many maps are now, after changes, much less TD friendly – ie if you want to take part in battle you must play like MT or HT cause some maps do no have sniping positions in which you are useful for team. So I also started to think about selling untarreted TD’s.

          • You are right, join the HTs and MTs armies, lets kill those arties and enjoy the game. I have not played a single arty match ever (13k matches so far) but I played some TDs for some time; and now I cannot stand them anymore, I cannot stay and sit down on the back … and in a city match, the un-torret ones, they are just a pain to drive.

            • “I never ever played any artillery, herpaderpaderp!!!11 They ruin my games!!11 Herpaderpaderp!!!”

              • Cretins believe they are being clever and amusing when they go full retard :|

                • I’m not sure if he was trying to be funny or just quoting the truth. Many players blame arty is OP or idiotic when they themselves have never even tried out high tier artillery. And I say high tier because that’s where the most arty-hating goes on. It’s kinda like a World of Tanks player saying War Thunder is stupid when he hasn’t even played the game himself. You can’t judge a book by its cover, you have to read it.

                  Of course, not all of us like writing intellectual responses to haters so they resort to “being clever and amusing”.

        • TDs are as alive as they are. Main Camo comes form bushes, not their bonus when shooting, so go figure. And if you sit right in front of a TD and he shoots, he should be spotted. They just get a little bit balanced to everyone else.

  4. the premium TD camo after shot was not nerfed, only the regular vehicles were
    “It will be somewhat more difficult, but I think we can agree that to fire while being invisible with impunity is not very fair.”

    WG logic.

      • Got my own months ago when they were for sale … it is going to be interesting how it would perform in some maps in the new version. Some people will have monster matches.

      • It’s not that OP. T25AT can do probably slightly more damage on average and speed / agility is ok as well so it can support mediums. To me it works better than JPanther or SU152 without HEATs. It’s weird that someone put TD that is fun to play, pretty capable to influence battle and earns money into the game anyway.
        Totally agree that with map changes TDs (and LTs played as scouts) are becoming … well not exactly useless, but they must support team more efficiently from the start and LTs are good at doing thinks that needs to be done fast and exploiting opportunities fast – as mediums without health.

  5. The SU-122-44 was OP to begin with anyway, but camo is almost irrelevant to its success and it won’t make that thing any more P2W than it was. WG should just nerf that thing regardless.

    None of the other premium TD’s are OP. The FCM36P40 is debatable.

    • The E-25 is waving at you. So thats 3 out of 5?
      And the FCM 36 Pak 40 is pedophile.

    • I have seen in low tier matches, in some maps, the FCM 36 Pak 40 causing outrageous unbalances. Unless there is a good platoon in the match, in some maps, that machine is a match winner.

  6. 50-100 battles for the kill rings to show up?

    I have 28k+ battles, so those don’t exist nice…

    • They mean 50-100 battles in the specific vehicle, not overall. as in 100 battles in Hellcat, and the kill marks appear.

      • Yeah, but I would guess as I only need 20ish tanks to have them all researched that above tier 3 that would be done already….this will just be like half my tanks don’t have mastery badges as I was done with them before they came out with the badges.

        Would be cool if it was retro, but I doubt it will be.

        • What they meant is that you will need to play 50-100 battles AFTER the patch and after they introduce the kill marks. So for example you have 1k avg on your Hellcat which would be i dunno guessing 2 kill marks. You won’t have 2 kill marks after the patch immediately, but you will have to play Hellcat for another 100ish battles and have 1k dpb to get those 2 kill marks.

      • Yes its their money… But who gave them the majority of it? It is ok to call it “our” money in this context. Maybe if I had said “This is where MY money is going” then it would make a differance.

        • “It’s their money. You’re a customer not an investor.” Once you give the money to them, they give you the gold content. That’s it, you have no further control of the money.

        • Emphasis on your second sentence. The second the actual financial transaction is complete the money is legally and morally theirs, period.

          …and going by your logic all of that “our” money is actually the various governements’, seeing as how they’re the ones who created and released it in the first place…

    • You gave them hard currency, they gave you tainted electrons…. what they did after that is their business.

  7. “- Not enough content in 9.1? “In last half a year we added new game modes, new maps, new vehicles. That’s the content :)””

    who cares? i want new tanks, i’m bored of the old ones!

    • I refuse to believe that you have ground, purchased and played every single tank in the game. Instead of saying “ermahgerd, 350+ tanks is not enough”, what about you actually play the tanks?

      • well it’s not exactly like that, i have played most of the tanks in over 2 years,

        the only tanks remained are top american and arties, which i’m not very found of

        so basically i got few long grinds of tanks and arties left, and it’s boring!

        and just because i don’t have them doesn’t mean i didn’t play them / test server!

        so conclusion 350+ tanks are not enough, because of those 200+ suck!

  8. “- it will take at least 50-100 battles to get “kill rings” in 9.1″

    well i tested the amx 50 b on the test server and after the second battle i had the first kill mark o.O

    • That’s because on the test server they probably accelerated that so people see what they look like, much like they accelerate everything else on the Test Server.

      • Another configuration setting that they might to forget to change when it goes live … we’ll wait and see

  9. Quote:
    “- fragile TD’s suffering from shooting camo nerf too much? “It will be somewhat more difficult, but I think we can agree that to fire while being invisible with impunity is not very fair.””

    … did she …
    … o.o … “to fire while being invisible with impunity is not very fair.”
    … 0.o … “to fire while BEING INVISIBLE with impunity is NOT VERY FAIR.”

    … Yep dude, that’s really what she said…

    Alright ! Now then, let’s sit down and talk about SPG’s…

    • But arty hasn’t got any health, so they are balanced! duh… right?

    • “Alright ! Now then, let’s sit down and talk about SPG’s…”

      They’ve already been nerfed so hard the devs went a step backwards. Artillery around 8.6 was almost nonexistant.

      • They haven’t been nerfed too hard in 8.6. It was just the hype that started how arties are shit after 8.6. In fact they are more accurate than ever and all the arta players are slowly going back into their cancermobiles and that’s why we are starting to see them more and more lately. They finally realised that arty is as much as broken as before.

        • Only broken arties are broken, not all arties are broken.

          the french tier 10 arty? Yes, it is broken. ( as are most (semi)turreted arties )
          Semi turreted arties had an unfair advantage by losing very little in the last round of nerfs compared to other arties ( except the SU-26 which is a piece of shit only able to pubstomp lower tier targets while almost completely unable to play a decent game on it’s own tier if most vehicles are it’s own tier or higher.)

          most non-turreted arties are pieces of shit that have less impact on a battle than most deep red tier 4 scouts.. Of course the tier 10 arties are all strangely playable as if WG wanted people to spend free exp to get tier 10 arties. ( of course the british arty and the french one are the most awful, though I hate the french one the most by far, autoloaders have always have a balance issue, as seen in E-sports. )

    • Having 2 or 3 time the life points of your opponent is not fair as well, but still I have to pierce 5 or 6 times a KV1s armor with my StuG to kill it, while in reality one single penetration would be enough to render the vehicle inoperative. That’s why vehicles like StuGs or Marders were so successful in WW2.

      They are definitely killing the TDs forever.

  10. There is one aspect regarding the test servers that concern me, that environment is great to get good feed back and find issues; if the final patch version that is released to that environment does not exactly aligned to the one applied on to the live/production environment, is this undermining the whole purpose of a test environment?

    Any changes, regardless how small they are, they are a risk. Everyone agreed that the test version for 9.0 was great in relation to performance, and when it went live, it was a disaster.. If they modified the sound in the test environment, and it is not deployed to live, then also it should have been undone in the test environment.

    • No it wasn’t great. The fact is that the 9.0 test version was actually flawed in that somebody had messed with the shadows quality and reduced it, obviously leading to a big performance boost. The difference in performance between 9.0 test and 9.0 live came from the fact that they put shadows quality back to normal.

      • When I am driving light tanks and engaging arty, the story is different, I kinda feel the arty is a sort of TD: I am approaching the arty lets say in a 45 degree angle, good speed (40km or more), the arty is traversing and hit me in the face … is that TD mode or what?

  11. “It will be somewhat more difficult, but I think we can agree that to fire while being invisible with impunity is not very fair.”

    Hahahahaha, because those tanks have great armor…. Heh… poor Marders or Nashorns. The problem is with X tier TD with insane alpha, but biggest victims will be low and midlevel TD’s that needed camo to stay alive. About Marder was said always that camo is his armor… Oh WG…

    Btw I wonder what they do now with SPG which is much more unfair from that point of view… lol

    • Arty is far too accurate and they tend to destroy a non-camping HT/MT flanking player. It just happens to me all the time, I engage in a brutal contest with another MT player, and then suddenly from nowhere a lad sitting down in the back of the map, watching a 2D map, kills me with very limited skills whatsoever, it just does not make any sense.

      • Sorry, you’re either incompetent or lying. Arty cannot reliably hit a moving target anylonger. Even tracking the target is far from a given (when really it was the one big problem with arty pre-nerf, the permatracking you in the open while you’re trying to get to cover, leading to you dying to the subsequent shots from the remaining 5+ arties aiming at you).
        The arty situation is pretty much fixed now, there are rarely more than 2 per team, and their influence is limited to hitting stationary targets.
        And please don’t bother showing me the one replay where arty managed to land a hit on your light tank fullspeed, we all know it’s anecdotical evidence at best.

          • I have never see so much crap in one post as i saw in Jukelo’s post. Jesus breh. Stop taking too much of your medicine.

            • Medjed i wonder how many times you played arties to be so sure they are the “cancer”…
              Just answer this ok? :)

  12. “It will be somewhat more difficult, but I think we can agree that to fire while being invisible with impunity is not very fair.”
    You’re fucking right it isn’t fair. You know what else shoots “while being invisible with impunity”? You have one guess. ONE. Something that pisses people MUCH, MUCH more off than invisible Hellcats and Börsigs. You have one guess.

    • OMG…all the Arty whine. If you think it is still OP and a total no brainer to play, then grind one branch of them to the top…I promise you a bigger challenge to your skills than you think.

      To quote again: “Somehow every tank seems OP until I play it…”

      • Locastan your mods are awesome and you are an awesome guy, but don’t go there :D Just don’t. I’m pretty sure all the people who complains about arties have tried playing it at least once in their career(myself included) and they just confirmed what other “artahaterz” were saying. It’s cancerous class and it’s retarded and broken as hell. Not one TD can be compared to arty in terms of broken mechanics.

        • When you shoot at a stationary target, fully aimed and you MUST pray for the RNGod to land that projectile at least NEAR the target… then yeah… it’s a broken mechanic. As you said it.

        • Just wondering Med, but have you ever spent nearly five minutes watching two very good players you’re platooning with consistently fail to hit two-three enemy tanks you’re spotting for them over the crest of a hill? I have only recently, and more generally listening to their cursing whenever they decide to torture themselves by playing arty has taught me a fair bit about what SPGs can and cannot do.

    • Nothing is more annoying than the invisible Hellcat, not even the arty, since arty shoots once every 30 s, unless they are a high-tier French stuff, while Hellcat shoots once every 3 seconds, dealing more damage than the arty.

  13. -reduced the chance of getting the Ruinberg on Fire map

    now if only we could get:
    reduced the chance of getting the Himmelsdorf and Winter Himmelsdorf implemented

        • I know this might come as shock but not everyone has the same likes/dislikes. I have over 120 tanks and don’t like either Himmeldorf for ANY of them. I hate Himmelsdorf so much that I refuse to use a repair kit or fire extinguisher on that map in hopes that I get killed faster so I can get on a better map, I even thank whoever killed me on that map every time in general chat before going to my garage. Himmelsdorf is the ONLY map I hate in the game and now I get it twice as often due to some idiot that thought we needed 2 versions of it.

          • I am with you man, I get to see that map too many times; another example of how little the think re enhancements; obviously some manager has an agenda of adding certain number of maps every year. Then some genius comes along with the idea of taking an existing map and adding some snow or fire, therefore we have a new map for that patch, in this way they develop new maps much cheaper. Great, if you do so, do it for all the suitable maps in the game in that patch.

            It is not a developer’s issue, it is a manager problem; they should be able to foreseen these issues when dealing with these sort of easy/cheap enhancements and features.

            • Himmelsdorf is good map, but it’s not true it’s good for every class. Arty is useless(which is a good thing actually) unless the enemy team is stupid enough to sit at few of those spots where arty can actually hit. Also i hate playing TDs(specially turretless and poorly armored TDs) on Himmelsdorf. It’s ok for mediums and heavies though.

              • ” It’s ok for mediums and heavies though.”

                Just like almost every single map now. They’re killing any other classes with their revamped maps.

  14. It is interesting that none is talking re the scouts, and I think we are going to see a lot of people surprise after version 9.1

    I have both the VK 28.01 and MT25. The VK2801 is a quite capable machine that can do a lot of damage in good hands, in many ways it is a sort of MT. The MT25′s new engine, that little fellow is going to be a rocket; it is just going to so much fun running this tank. The only issue with this soviet light tank is the gun, for a tier 6 tank, 90 HP alpha dmg is joke; just try to kill a tier 10 arty with that gun. It should at least have better ROF.

    But I am not sure regarding the MM ‘nerfing’; the view range is a problem with some tier 9 and definitively it is in tier 10 matches. My poor Chaffee is lighting so easily by those monsters. But it is great to get assisted dmg in those high tier matches; if you manage to keep alive though ;)

    I just hope that WG is not coming back in two patches and nerfing the scouts … lets see.

  15. - developers are working on the rework of textured for HD
    Developers should first rework the texture of tier 9 and 10 tanks to HD, instead of random tanks. Then next is tier 7 and 8, and so on.

    – fragile TD’s suffering from shooting camo nerf too much? “It will be somewhat more difficult, but I think we can agree that to fire while being invisible with impunity is not very fair.”
    Then how adding about a visible gun firing effect from where the enemy gun fire but the enemy tank is still invisible or before the enemy tank is detected. (Every tank class, not just TD)

    • Then how adding about a visible gun firing effect from where the enemy gun fire but the enemy tank is still invisible or before the enemy tank is detected. (Every tank class, not just TD)

      There is such a thing. It’s called shell tracers.

      • The problem with tracers is that they don’t always show up. Sometimes you see them, sometimes you don’t. I think what bodlat meant was to add the smoke particle effect wherever the enemy fired from.

        I think this’d be nice, as it’d still be somewhat difficult to see where tanks are firing from behind bushes, but you’d have a general idea at their position instead of just being completely invisible. Also, it’d be difficult to tell exactly where the enemy tank was unless you were paying attention to the exact spot where the gun shot from, as the smoke effects are now blown away by a wind effect (as of 9.0 IIRC)

        • Then how adding about a visible gun firing effect from where the enemy gun fire but the enemy tank is still invisible or before the enemy tank is detected. (Every tank class, not just TD)

          +1 to that

          • I like the idea, but problem is that the tracer effects got changed due to cheaters tracking them with mods, this could be even worse…

  16. On people complaining about Premiums suddenly being P2W:

    Remember that time they changed the Super Pershing and what a shitstorm that was?

  17. - fragile TD’s suffering from shooting camo nerf too much? “It will be somewhat more difficult, but I think we can agree that to fire while being invisible with impunity is not very fair.”

    The reason it wasn’t fair was because the distances were too short… like .. oh wait.. Artillery! Some day when WG pulls their heads out of their behinds on map sizes and give us respectable distances to cover greater than a good hunting rifle can achieve, Arty and TD’s will have a much harder time hitting and leading a target the distances they had to in real combat.

    The amount of arty and TD hate complaints will die almost overnight.

  18. “It will be somewhat more difficult, but I think we can agree that to fire while being invisible with impunity is not very fair.”

    Oh, OK, fine, I wasn’t aware that my Stug, FlatPz IV, SU-85… or basically ANY mid tier TD should be seen every time it fires.
    So I guess I should take them in a town and brawl with them, like every tomato in the WTF E-100 does?!?

    RIP TDs. From now on they shall be completely unplayable, except for the blatantly OP ones, that are breaking the game (Rhm B, WTF E-100)

    • Learn to play and learn how the spotting/camo system works. Primary camo is never from the tank itself unless you sit out in the open.

        • did you guys pay any attention to the testing feedback? the spotting range is increased by a measly 10 metres, it wont break TD play at all, just forces you to be that little bit more carefu

  19. - the kill marks on the barrel are optional (can be disabled in options)
    It kind of loses its purpose if people can disable it. I wonder why they haven’t gave us an option to disable tank inscriptions so we don’t have to watch stalin stronk inscriptions on tanks(not that i actually ever saw any) :P

    - fragile TD’s suffering from shooting camo nerf too much? “It will be somewhat more difficult, but I think we can agree that to fire while being invisible with impunity is not very fair.”
    Instead of nerfing the whole class as per se they should just nerf those “uber invisible” TDs such as Borsig or Hellcat. If one football player commited a foul you don’t give the yellow card to the whole team. Fragile TDs that were bad enough before such as Sturer Emil will suffer even more and Borsig will still be invisible 99% of the time if the player driving it knows what he’s doing.

    - Not enough content in 9.1? “In last half a year we added new game modes, new maps, new vehicles. That’s the content :)”
    Game modeS(historical battles) were really successful so far *sarcasm*

  20. I still cant understand why some people are so butthurt about TD after-fire camo getting nerfed.

    1) any decent player doesnt fire while the bush is transparent. if he does fire, he instinctively pull back after the shot anyway.

    2) have you actually looked at the differences in camo factor pre and post nerf? we are not talking about hunderds of meters. its more like 10-20 meters actually.

    tl:dr version: unless youre a clueless tomato, youre not going to get affected by it very much.

    and for the record, i play TDs a lot. mostly the ones that rely on camo instead of armour.

  21. Hmmm, I have a question. Since the requirement for the kill marks is “50-100 battles”, does it include the battles u had before the patch?

  22. Would we now see TD’s in first line? I already drive mine JGdPz and WTE-100 in first line :), it’s funniest than waiting in the bush ;), everyone’s pull back when see me :).
    One Q please, is there any mode that show you WG PR in the game, like XVM???