Russian Deputy Minister got stuck in a Tank…


Thanks to Tutmary (RU LJ) for this one :)

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in charge of defense industry, Dmitryi Rogozin, got today, during a photo shooting session, stuck in a T-90A tank, where he tried to fit on the seat of the driver. The driver’s hatch proved to be too tight for his corpulent body.

According to the news, the soldiers actually in order to get him out had to remove a part of the ammo rack, then they had to move the turret because the barrel was preventing Rogozin from getting out and they also got one of the technicians inside the vehicle to “push the Russian politician from the bottom up”. According to the eyewitnesses, Rogozin swore on the spot never to attempt to get inside that tank again… :D



47 thoughts on “Russian Deputy Minister got stuck in a Tank…

  1. Now he knows how crampy russian tanks really are. Imagine what would happen in the T-54s if he got stuck in T-90.

      • i have been in a is3, sherman and stuart. is3 was very cramped compared to the others, but i could fit in the drivers position fairly well despite being relatively tall (186)

        • From what I’ve read in full combat load Stuarts were *very* cramped actually. Five men plus all those MGs plus lots and lots of ammo in what was ultimately a rather small fighting compartement didn’t make for much elbow room…

    • Thats a problem forever, even if russians had nice charts about crew-workspace from WWII. The early autoloader of the T-64 could catch the gunner and cause nasty (even fatal!) injuries … In the pre-89 Hungarian Peoples Army the shortest and thinest recruits were chosen for tank-men, just for sure :)

      • Arm eating autoloader is a myth.
        T-72 driver has same amount of space compared to Chieftain.

        • Its not. Even on modern tanks like the Leopard2 the breech can snap off your hand if you stick your hand in for too long after loading the shell. Just like the power-rammer on the early russian tanks you to be quick.

          • Which is hardly a fault of machinery, as there is a recoil guard and safety procedure to follow…

            On autoloading tanks that is however next to impossible, it is very hard to stick a hand into breach as at loading angle it has multiple shields that prevent you from doing so. What you can do is to have your hand in a path of recoiling gun, which is a stupidity of highest order, considering there are multiple recoil shields.

            • I got the impression early-model T-64s kind of forgot about little things like safety rails or whatchamacallem around the mechanisms. In all fairness this oversight was rectified later – the Red Army may not be famous for excessive concern over the well-being of its soldiery, but even they weren’t about to keep losing trained personnel to such easily corrected problems.

  2. That pig of Rogozin should have remained stuck in that hatch… then had the ammo rack get shot & cooked!

    I would pity the tank, though….

  3. In other news, a Russian tank hatch engineer was shot today and his family moved to Siberia.

    • Nah, SerB would just nerf the tank and get free without any help. :P
      But of course, since it is a Russian tank, he would buff it back again.

  4. What a fat fuck. Judging by his red looking face he’s also an alcoholic sack of shit lol!

    • Oh yeah, his face is red, not because he’s likely been baking in the sun for however long it takes to remove a part of the ammo rack and he’s embarrassed for getting stuck in the tank in the first place –causing his face to blush… but because he’s an alcoholic. All the sense has been made here today, boys and girls. :P

    • Knowing he is Russian, his face is red cause he did NOT drink any alcohol for the time he was in the tank. The amount of alcohol in his blood begun to lower, and his organism tried to protect itself from too low alcohol level.

  5. Ruski tanks have always been uncomfortable fatigue machines.

    Where as Nato and US tanks crews were rated at 16 hours of prolonged duty Russians were 2-3 before cramps and fatigue set in heavily.

  6. Gives some perspective on how cramped the russians have always made their tanks.
    I’m 1.87 metres tall and weigh in at a very ungraceful 100 kg, yet I popped in and out of Leopard 1 hatches like it was nobodys business back in my service days. Even went out of the bottom emergency hatch once, thought that was very much a squeeze.:P

  7. They should of lubed him up like a stock pig and shish kebab’ed is lard arse till he popped out like a cork in a bottle.
    Chubby checker pocket lining tubby mother fcker

  8. Well, could be worse. Could be like The_Chieftain and being SUPER TALL AND SKINNY. I mean he mentioned it a few times in his videos and his stories of being a tall guy volunteering to be a tanker was often heard in meet and greets.

  9. Could be worse, he could be stuck in a bathtub (that actually happened to one of the US’ Presidents, Taft iirc)

  10. If the expressions in the photos are to go by he at least seems to be taking his slightly absurd predicament in good humor. :/